Common Symptoms

Dehydration. Symptoms in adults with diarrhea, taking diuretics, alcoholism. Causes, consequences, treatment at home

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Dehydration is called a pathological medical condition associated with a decrease in the liquid level below the physiological norm. When loss of more than 6% of the total amount of water begin painful disorder. Symptoms of dehydration in adults can not be ignored, as this condition can pose a serious threat to health.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Body's need for water
  • 2 Causes of dehydration in adults
  • 3 signs of dehydration
  • 4 The degree of dehydration
  • 5 Consequences that threaten the patient's life
  • 6 diagnosis of dehydration
  • 7 dehydration treatment
  • 8 Folk remedies
  • 9 Dehydration in expectant mothers
  • 10 Video of dehydration, its symptoms and how to troubleshoot

Body's need for water

Water is a primary human need. At the moment, scientists are not able to find a universal formula for the calculation of the amount of fluid that should be consumed per day.

It is of great importance:

  • natural zone;
  • season;
  • the level and intensity of physical activity;
  • psychological state;

But on average, can live without water no more than 3-7 days.

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Dehydration is deadly in any weather. The widespread opinion that the lack of fluid is a threat only in hot climates, is erroneous.

Causes of dehydration in adults

Dehydration symptoms in adults which can manifest themselves in different ways, most likely to occur for the following reasons:

  • intense sweating (due to physical exertion, high temperatures, excessive agitation);
  • increased urine;
  • insufficient amount of fluid consumed;
  • severe vomiting or diarrhea.
Dehydration in adults. Causes, symptoms and treatment at home

In addition, there are some less obvious factors that lead to this condition:

Breast-feeding Along with the milk is transferred to a child and a considerable amount of liquid, which lowers the overall level of hydration of the female organism. In this case, a clear sign of dehydration is a problem with the amount of milk produced.
medicines Many drugs are among the side effects tend to increase the amount of urine, leading to dehydration risk. The most common example - drugs designed to stabilize blood pressure.
Pregnancy Increased pressure on all systems of the body associated with pregnancy, causes the growth of fluid needs. Also, its influence has morning sickness and vomiting.
Herbs and natural food supplements Even if it is written on the packaging that the additive is composed entirely of natural ingredients, there is no guarantee that its use does not lead to dehydration. For example, dandelion, parsley and other herbs to increase urine output, causing dehydration.
Alcohol The morning hangover is not the most serious consequence of receiving liquor. Alcohol has a diuretic effect, and also delays certain percentage of fluid in the body, leading to lower levels of hydration. An additional problem is that alcohol reduces the ability to feel the signs of dehydration.
Diabetes One of the most frequently lead to dehydration diseases, especially dangerous for those who do not know about the presence of diabetes.
Menstruation The level of hydration of the female body depends largely on the level of estrogen and progesterone in the blood. The amount of blood released during menstruation can significantly reduce the level of the liquid.

signs of dehydration

The main sign of the beginning of dehydration is thirst and dry mouth, but experts warn of that the body does not always respond to the thirst for lack of fluids, especially if there are problems health.

Dehydration in adults. Causes, symptoms and treatment at home

Therefore, you should pay attention to the less obvious signs of dehydration:

  1. Lack of sweating during exercise. During an intense workout, sweating is normal. Insufficient amount of sweat indicates dehydration. In this case, it is recommended to increase the amount of drinking water for 1-2 cups.
  2. Excessive hunger. For the hungry and thirsty in the brain responds the same department, and not always the person correctly interprets its signals. Quite possibly, the body lacks is water and no food.
  3. weight gain, despite a healthy diet. If a man leads a healthy lifestyle and eat right, count calories, but continues to recover, we can talk about the absence of adequate fluid intake.
  4. Shiny, but dehydrated skin. Sometimes a person can not determine exactly what type include the skin. If it feels dry, but continues to shine, it is likely to go about dehydration.
  5. The appearance of halitosis. This phenomenon may be a variety of reasons, but it often arises from the reduction of the amount of saliva produced. You can fix this by increasing the rate of fluid daily.
  6. Change the color and transparency of the urine. Normally, it can be different shades, but it must be transparent and light. When the darkening or unhealthy colors is recommended to hand over analyzes.

The degree of dehydration

Dehydration symptoms in adults which can not be ignored, is calculated according to body weight, can pose serious risks to the human body.

In medical practice, the most widely used classification of the following:

  • mild: loss of 3% water;
  • average degree: loss of 6% of water;
  • severe degree: 9% loss of water;
  • critical degree: loss of 10% or more.
Dehydration in adults. Causes, symptoms and treatment at home
The figure are the main symptoms of dehydration in adults.

Symptoms of mild dehydration:

  • appearance of thirst sensation;
  • increase the viscosity of saliva;
  • general lethargy, weakness;
  • reduction or complete absence of the desire to eat food;
  • a sharp decrease in the amount of urine.

If you do not pay attention to these signs, they are complemented by headaches, aches in the joints, heartburn, discomfort in the stomach, dark urine, constipation, deterioration of the skin.

When water loss is increased to 6%, the symptoms manifest themselves more clearly, and already have a small life-threatening. Affected by the respiratory and cardiovascular system: at rest may appear shortness of breath, increased heart rate. Micturition may be absent to 12 hours, the body temperature begins to rise.

Dehydration in adults. Causes, symptoms and treatment at home

Signs of severe dehydration (9%):

  • nausea and repeated vomiting;
  • very high dry skin (if you squeeze it with your fingers, it slowly recovers its normal position);
  • dry eyes, no tears;
  • impaired consciousness, delirium.

When the water loss reaches 10% and the parameter reaches a critical level, there is a critical failure of organs and life support systems. Liquid becomes insufficient to maintain a full perfusion process. If you do not take urgent measures, the patient may fall into a coma and can be fatal.

Consequences that threaten the patient's life

Dehydration, symptoms in adults who require referral to a specialist, leads to deterioration of providing bodies with fluid. When prolonged dehydration body compensates shortage of liquid due to internal reserves. cells in the body begin to experience stress.

Payment fluid deficiency is due to being in the intracellular and extracellular fluid space, and to a lesser extent - due to blood.

Therefore, only in the later stages can detect thickening of the blood on the test results. When the turn comes to the most important digestive organs: the liver, intestine, stomach, they begin feeding distress signals as pain. This is due to the fact that cells lacking fluid to remove waste.

Dehydration in adults. Causes, symptoms and treatment at home

Dehydration can result in the following complications:

  1. Swelling of the brain. In some cases, a lack of fluid leads to the fact that the body is trying to convey more water into brain cells. This causes swelling and cell death.
  2. Heatstroke. Usually a complication associated with dehydration caused by the temperature regime in excess of normal, and physical activity. This condition left unchecked, leads up to a lethal outcome.
  3. Convulsions. For the transfer of electrical signals between cells respond electrolytes. Dehydration often leads to an imbalance of electrolytes, causing uncontrolled human muscle contraction.
  4. kidney failure. This problem results in a pressure drop and a reduction in blood volume. The kidneys are able to perform their function only when maintaining a certain pressure in the vessels. If it falls below the minimum, urine stops producing, kidney failure develops.
  5. Hypovolemic shock. Caused by water loss, decreased blood volume in the body can lead to hypovolemic shock - a very dangerous condition.

Progressive dehydration, which leads to a decrease in the level of intracellular fluid is fraught with low immunity and as a consequence, the development of a number of immunodeficient states. Among them can be distinguished lupus, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease.

Dehydration in adults. Causes, symptoms and treatment at home

In addition, the lack of sufficient amounts of fluid accelerates aging of the skin and all body tissues. Even slight dehydration adversely affects the brain, impairs concentration and learning leads to distraction, forgetfulness and reduce the perception of information.

As an example, the deterioration of results in solving mathematical examples in mind, text editing, and even orienteering map. Hormonal changes can lead to cancer in the redistribution of water in the body.

In addition, critical dehydration can cause the following health problems:

  • high blood pressure;
  • diabetes;
  • allergy and asthma;
  • appearance of overweight, obesity development;
  • rheumatism and arthritis;
  • neurological disease;
  • gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer.

These diseases result in regular use of drugs, but even within their dehydration easier when the payment. Attention to health and timely treatment to the doctor will help to avoid such serious consequences for the organism.

diagnosis of dehydration

When you see these signs of dehydration should consult a doctor, a gastroenterologist. He inspects, examines the history and the patient's complaints. To clarify the diagnosis shall complete blood analysis, feces and urine. These studies can accurately identify the cause of the problem and prescribe the right kind of therapy.

dehydration treatment

Dehydration symptoms in adults which can manifest themselves in different ways, can be treated outside the hospital, if not reached the severe stage.

it is recommended to get rid of dehydration:

  1. Drink plenty of fluid. It is best suited for this ordinary clean water, juices, drinks with glucose drinks with added sugar and electrolytes. Be careful to drink small sips, for this you can use a straw.
  2. Ensure the best possible rest, bed rest in a cool, relatively humid environment with good ventilation.
  3. If the problem is associated with overheating - provide relief from hyperthermia. To do this, you need to save people from unnecessary and tight clothes, make forehead damp cool cloth, periodically sprinkle water cool temperature. It is important not to overdo it, so that these actions did not lead to supercooling. Vasoconstriction slow recovery process, and can cause other health problems.
  4. During exercise, you can use the special drinks, isotonic, which reduces the loss of not only liquid but also essential trace elements in sweat.
  5. After consulting with the doctor, you can use drugs aimed at rehydration, "touring", "Regidron", "Orasan" and others.

In severe dehydration should seek medical advice immediately.

Dehydration in adults. Causes, symptoms and treatment at home

A visit to a specialist can not be postponed for the following symptoms:

  • absence of urination for 12 hours;
  • prolonged diarrhea;
  • temperature rise to 39 ° C;
  • nausea and vomiting stable for 12 hours;
  • severe abdominal pain;
  • dizziness, headaches, loss of consciousness;
  • seizures;
  • breathing problems.

In severe and critical stages it is necessary to use of rehydration salt solutions.

When their oral administration does not give a positive effect due to lethargy, persistent vomiting or shock produced administration through a nasogastric tube, or by intravenous infusions. This type of therapy is maintained for 1-2 days before until the patient begins taking dosage solutions alone.

Folk remedies

Effective is the use of home solutions, whose properties are similar to the pharmacy:

  1. The glass of warm water to dissolve for 1 h. l. sugar and salt.
  2. In 500 ml of water to dissolve the 2 tbsp. l. sugar and ¼ tsp salts with baking soda.
  3. Dissolve in 1 liter of water 1 tbsp. l. salts thereof, and separately in the same amount of water - 1 tbsp. l. Sahara. These solutions are received alternately at intervals of 10 minutes.

Complete solutions to be taken in the same way as the pharmacy. You can alternate them with tea, fruit juices and the usual clean drinking water. beverage temperature should be about 22C for a quick and healthy digestion. solution prepared independently stored in the refrigerator for 2 days, so large stocks is not recommended.

Useful when symptoms of dehydration is not only enough to drink, but also to follow the rules of healthy eating. It is important to eat vegetables, fruits and berries. They effectively make up for the liquid deficiency of vitamins and minerals. For example, a simple marrow consists of water by 85%, but this contains potassium, zinc, magnesium, folic acid, and vitamins A, C and K.

The use of squash with mild dehydration improves metabolism, stabilizes blood sugar levels and improves heart function. Containing more water cucumbers are rich in fiber and beneficial to the digestive enzymes. Also useful cabbage, tomatoes, radishes, spinach and celery

When the liquid level is below normal recommended to use watermelons, any citrus fruit (in the absence of allergy) and juices from them, apples, plums, and berries any. Good help from dehydration whole milk, which in its composition is close to the electrolyte.

Dehydration in adults. Causes, symptoms and treatment at home

Dehydration symptoms in adults can be reduced by a conventional chicken broth rich in nutrients. The most useful Soup white meat, since it is close to pH alkaline. To 1 liter of broth should take no more than 2 hours. l. salt.

If you notice symptoms of dehydration is not recommended to drink abuse high tannins (tea, coffee), as well as herbal infusions, which often occur negative effects.

Dehydration in expectant mothers

Dehydration during pregnancy can lead to the following consequences:

  • premature birth;
  • neural tube defects;
  • congenital defects of the fetus;
  • oligohydramnios.

The body of a pregnant woman uses a liquid in large quantities, and vomiting, which they may encounter, dehydration problem becomes even more likely. In addition to the major signs of dehydration, pregnant women may face in the morning swelling of eyes, the swelling of the ankles and other body parts. This often leads to complications of carrying a child.

To prevent this situation, you need to increase your daily water intake to 8-12 glasses.

It is possible to add a small pinch of edible salt to increase absorption. In the presence of indigestion it is not recommended to drink during meals and between meals. Women experiencing morning sickness, it is recommended to drink more in those moments when the nausea recedes.

If nausea and vomiting are not allowed to maintain normal fluid levels in the body, you should consult with a specialist. When pregnancy is recommended to avoid drinks containing large amounts of caffeine, including energy. In addition to the normal non-carbonated water, you can drink fruit juices, milk, broths.

Dehydration in adults. Causes, symptoms and treatment at home

caution is advised to exercise in any activities that are associated with overheating or significant physical exertion. The growth and development of the fetus is largely dependent on sufficient water. This is the most important in the early stages of pregnancy, so doctors recommend to increase the amount of water consumed, starting from the first week.

Symptoms of dehydration in adults can not be ignored, since advanced cases can cause serious complications and bring to death. With time revealed mild dehydration can easily cope at home with the help of an adequate fluid intake.

Video of dehydration, its symptoms and how to troubleshoot

Home test for dehydration:

Symptoms of a lack of fluid in the body:

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