Infectious Diseases

Staphylococcus aureus. Symptoms in adults, a photo of the skin, mouth, nose, throat, intestines, eyes, stool. Treatment of folk remedies, bacteriophages, antibiotics. How is

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Staphylococcus aureus is a type of common microorganisms that cause the most dangerous and severe diseases in adults and children. Basically the bacterium enters the body by means of airborne and contact paths.

Regardless of the severity of your symptoms, the treatment should be carried out in a timely manner, thereby reducing the risk of possible complications.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is Staphylococcus aureus
  • 2 Forms of Staph Infection
  • 3 Reasons for development, ways of transmission
  • 4 Diseases caused by staphylococci
  • 5 Who are predisposed to infection?
  • 6 symptoms of staph
  • 7 Diagnostics
  • 8 treatment with antibiotics
  • 9 Surgical therapies
  • 10 The use of bacteriophages
  • 11 Use of vitamin and mineral preparations
  • 12 immunomodulators
  • 13 How to treat Staphylococcus folk remedies: recipes regimen
  • 14 Videos about Staphylococcus aureus

What is Staphylococcus aureus

Staphylococcus aureus is a microorganism spherical form, which refers to aerobic bacteria - type single-celled organisms, which are necessary for the existence of culture medium, including the free circulation of oxygen.

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Staphylococcus can cause a variety of disease from a simple rash to the most severe pathological manifestations, including staphylococcal septicemia. Based on the World Health Organization statistics, carriers such as Staphylococcus organisms are over 20% of the total population.Staphylococcus aureus. Symptoms in adults, treatment of folk remedies, bacteriophages, antibiotics

The bacterium enters the subspecies opportunistic pathogens and insignificant amount observed in every individual. In the presence of contributing factors, Staphylococcus begins its active reproduction, causing a weakening of the immune system.

The special features include Staphylococcus aureus:

  • resistance to all of the antiseptic;
  • a long life by boiling or freezing;
  • the absence of tumors in the form of spores;
  • undemanding to the environment and a neutral pH-balance;
  • lack of immunity to reinfection.

Despite a thorough study of the impact of pathogen staphylococcus infection is still one of the most severe pathologies in terms of selecting the right method therapy. This is due to the presence of resistant to many antibiotic drugs - especially neglecting patient dosing recommendations, reception time and duration of treatment.

Forms of Staph Infection

In modern medical practice under the definition of a staph infection common name implies diseases and painful symptoms caused by staphylococcus.

Staphylococcus aureus (symptoms in adults and children are always related by occurrence type) on the basis of high resistance to external stimuli, ranked first among inflammatory diseases with simultaneous purulent manifestations. Therefore, the pathogen can cause various inflammatory processes in any organ or tissue.

Apart from the most dangerous Staphylococcus aureus experts distinguish two separate types: epidermal and saprophytic. Each type has a plurality of different subspecies (strain) that differ based on the existence and propagation of aggressiveness.Staphylococcus aureus. Symptoms in adults, treatment of folk remedies, bacteriophages, antibiotics

In practice isolated generalized and localized forms of microbial contamination. Additionally, staphylococcal infection is divided into primary and secondary types, and based on the manifestations - acute, chronic or long-lasting.

Reasons for development, ways of transmission

The main factors of infection and the development of staphylococcal infections include damage to the skin and mucous membranes of humans as well as the use of the infected food.

Secondary development of reasons:

  • receiving antibiotic or hormone preparations;
  • the presence of stressful situations and non-compliance with a full sleep mode;
  • incorrect nutritional standards;
  • hypo- or vitamin deficiency;
  • infectious diseases;
  • goiter;
  • the absence of rules of personal hygiene.

The level of negative impact depends on the immune system and the bacterial strain. Thus, the stronger the immune system, the less complications and sequelae can cause bacterial structures.

There are many different ways of infection, due to which, any kind of staph It is able to get inside the human body and do not appear until the formation favorable flora.

The most common way of infection:

  1. Airborne. A permanent stay of the person in places of significant concentrations of people significantly increases the risk of infection, which is especially characteristic of the season of respiratory disease. It is not necessary to have physical contact with the sick person - enough to be in the same room.
  2. Airborne dust. Staphylococci and other pathological bacteria can infect a person with the help of a home or the street dust, which contain a sufficient number of microscopic particles - from the pollen of flowers to wool animals.
  3. Contact-household. In this case, the infection occurs with the use of common personal care products, tableware and wearable clothes. The risk of infection is contact-household increases, if present on human skin cuts or injuries.
  4. Medical. Contact aureus in humans occurs with a total contact with contaminated medical instruments or surgical interventions.Staphylococcus aureus. Symptoms in adults, treatment of folk remedies, bacteriophages, antibiotics
  5. Alimentary or fecal-oral. Characterized by the use of unwashed hands of food or non-observance of rules of personal hygiene.

Upon infection, the bacteria begin to actively proliferate and produce toxins that negative impact on the health and general condition of the person, which leads to the emergence of various diseases.

By the primary sites of infection often include the skin, respiratory tract or gastrointestinal tract. Infection of other organs, including the joints and bones is a secondary process, caused by various diseases.

Diseases caused by staphylococci

Staphylococcus aureus (symptoms in adults often causes serious diseases) is able to destroy a significant part of human organic tissues. Since the presence of infection is characterized by a variety of ways to enter the body, there are hundreds of different pathologies.

The spectrum of abnormalities, causes painful bacterium:

  • skin diseases - furuncles, carbuncles or abscesses;
  • diseases of the respiratory tract - purulent tonsillitis, pneumonia, otitis media;
  • diseases of the central nervous system - cerebral thrombosis, abscesses;
  • infections of the genitourinary system - urethritis, cystitis;
  • diseases of bone and articular surfaces - suppurative arthritis type myositis;
  • bacterial endocarditis;
    Staphylococcus aureus. Symptoms in adults, treatment of folk remedies, bacteriophages, antibiotics
    The symptoms of Staphylococcus aureus in adults depends on the body which got infected!
  • toxic shock.

Depending on the affected places, the disease may differ materially. In addition to the dislocation, pathological manifestations related to the overall immune status and activity of bacteria.

Who are predisposed to infection?

First of all, at-risk individuals susceptible to infection by Staphylococcus aureus should include people with weakened immune systems, regardless of the primary reasons.

At risk also includes:

  • the elderly, especially those who suffer from rheumatism, diabetes or chronic eczema;
  • pregnant women and new mothers, which is due to decreased immunity;
  • patients who have had a direct transplantation of organs;
  • persons taking corticosteroids on a regular basis;
  • cancer patients and HIV.

According to official statistics, more than 30% of staph infections were identified among workers in the field of medicine and food.

symptoms of staph

Staphylococcus aureus is different clinical manifestations, which often depend on the place of direct defeat pathogens. It is also a major factor in the development of symptoms in children and adults is a weakened immune system. For example, if a patient is detected harmless furuncle, then the other, with a weak immune system manifested abscess.

General symptoms characteristic of patients with Staphylococcus aureus:

  • fever, chills;Staphylococcus aureus. Symptoms in adults, treatment of folk remedies, bacteriophages, antibiotics
  • presence of hyperemia or pyoderma;
  • general fatigue and malaise, fast fatigability;
  • lack of appetite, abdominal pain, and nausea;
  • difficulty breathing, including shortness of breath or cough;
  • change of voice;
  • insomnia and frequent headaches;
  • low blood pressure;

Depending on the injury and the weakness of the immune system, and others may be added to the list of common symptoms clinical signs, which in some cases explain the presence of pathological processes more specific form.


Before the start of detection of the disease, the physician conducts a full examination of the patient, including a detailed medical history. Further differential methods of diagnosing S. aureus produce similar with streptococcal lesions.

Common methods of detection include:

  1. Sowing biological material. It makes it possible to accurately identify the main causative agent of disease, and if possible to determine the antibiotic drug that can eliminate it.Staphylococcus aureus. Symptoms in adults, treatment of folk remedies, bacteriophages, antibiotics
  2. Latex agglutination. Method for detecting specific pathogenic strains proliferating in the human body.
  3. Standard research on coagulase activity in vitro. If after 4 hours the result is negative, repeat testing is appointed.
  4. General urine, feces and blood. It allows to determine the level of erythrocyte sedimentation rate, leukocytosis, and protein and total number of leukocytes in the blood.

With the development of diseases affecting the skin, is used for the agglutination reaction test Vidal, through which is possible to determine the overall level of antibodies.

Also, to determine the most appropriate method of treatment is often carried out a special test for the presence of conjunctivitis, which is taken swab of the lower eyelid.

treatment with antibiotics

Staphylococcus aureus (symptoms in adults always require timely detection) are treated in accordance with the two basic rules - strengthening the immune system and antibiotics. If the infection occurs along with other diseases, are issued an additional group of drugs.

Because the bacterium is highly resistant to the majority of drugs, the rate of antibacterial treatment should be administered in accordance with the diagnostic identification of the main strain exciter.Staphylococcus aureus. Symptoms in adults, treatment of folk remedies, bacteriophages, antibiotics

For the treatment of staphylococcus often used the following antibiotics:

name of product Description and effects
amoxicillin Suppresses the spread of infection, removes negative effect on the organs and tissues of the body. Blocks the formation of a main component of bacterial cell walls - peptidoglycan.
Baneotsin Available as an ointment, which comprises two antibiotic drug - Neomycin and Bacitracin. It is used for the treatment of pathological complications of the skin
Kloksatsiplin It stops the spread of bacteria by blocking the membrane surface structures klutochnyh
mupirocin Supplied as ointments used in bacterial foci on the inner surface of integument. Main components - Bactroban and supirotsin
Oksatsiplin It does not allow bacteria to share cells, which makes it possible to eliminate the development of the pathological process. It can be administered intravenously or preroralno
cefazolin Eliminates synthesis of the main components of cell walls, exerting a damaging effect on Staphylococcus
cephalothin Under the influence of the drug, due to violation cell division occurs blocking dissemination of infectious diseases
Staphylococcus aureus. Symptoms in adults, treatment of folk remedies, bacteriophages, antibiotics

Complete treatment of staphylococcal bacteria requires the precision of the time of reception and the recommended dosage for each individual patient. Any medication should be discussed with your doctor.

In milder forms of infectious lesions, antibiotics are not assigned.

Surgical therapies

Surgical treatment of staphylococcal infection is used in case of purulent growths on the skin that do not respond to standard therapeutic methods.

The main objective of surgical intervention - an autopsy purulent capsule and ensure effective drainage of inflammatory and purulent fluid. After dissection, spot processed by antibiotic drugs and drained. Widely used proteolytic enzymes that break down pus accumulation that allows you to speed up the regenerative processes in the wound.

With the full elimination of boils, carbuncles and abscesses applied surgery, thus avoiding future recurrences and complications of the immune system.

The use of bacteriophages

Staphylococcal bacteriophages are used extensively during prophylaxis or combined therapy aimed at eliminating staph. Phages are bacterial viruses effectively eliminate strains of many species of cocci. This is by far the best alternative to antibiotic drugs, which often have a number of similar phenomena.Staphylococcus aureus. Symptoms in adults, treatment of folk remedies, bacteriophages, antibiotics

When complications or severe cases, specialized bacteriophages are used in conjunction with antibiotics, to achieve maximum effectiveness in the treatment of disease. Their use is also possible in the processing of fresh wounds or growths.

If staphylococcal infection is accompanied by feverish state and the general intoxication of the organism, the use of bacteriophages is prohibited without prior consultation with a specialist.

In all other cases, phages - the safest drug for treatment and prevention. The standard course of therapy - from 1 week to a month.

Use of vitamin and mineral preparations

For one of the possible reasons for reducing the level of immunity and subsequent recurrences of the disease include lack of useful minerals and vitamins in the human body. Based on that, the use of vitamin and mineral preparator effectively influences the good outcome of the disease.

Experts recommend to pay special attention to the use of such funds and bioactive vitamin supplements in the off-season beriberi.


In addition to the use of vitamin and mineral complexes, effective to use special immunomodulators, which reduce the time to restore the patient's immune system

The most popular include:

  1. autohemotransfusion - the introduction into the muscles of the patient's own blood. The method is most effective in the treatment and elimination of complications boils.Staphylococcus aureus. Symptoms in adults, treatment of folk remedies, bacteriophages, antibiotics
  2. The introduction of a special antitoxic serum or plasma against staphylococcus.
  3. Immunostimulants on the basis of plant origin. Allow to normalize the internal metabolism, providing a soothing and stress effects on humans. The most popular drugs of this type are tincture of ginseng, echinacea and Schisandra. Also, always keep immunostimulants can be found in the form of tablets.
  4. synthetic immunomodulators and penitsipliny with a pronounced effect on the immune system.

The positive outlook of treatment for the most part depends on the site of infection, the degree of disease and correctly chosen method of treatment of staphylococcal infections.

With minor lesions of the mucous membranes and skin, it is almost always the forecast is positive, thus completely eliminating any possible recurrence. Spread of infection to the internal organs in the majority of cases are fatal.

How to treat Staphylococcus folk remedies: recipes regimen

Staphylococcus aureus (symptoms in adults often leads to death) can be cured with traditional medicine as an independent therapeutic method. However, experts strongly recommend the use of an integrated approach to the use of immunomodulators.

Methods of alternative medicine, in most cases based on the use of herbal infusions and decoctions, which have effective anti-bacterial action.

Popular traditional treatments of Staphylococcus aureus:

  1. The dried St. John's wort. Tincture of St. John's Wort has anti-inflammatory and tonic effect. For application need in 250 ml of boiling water to make 2 hours. l dried plant, cover with cheesecloth and let stand for about 25-30 minutes. Taken in the morning on an empty stomach.Staphylococcus aureus. Symptoms in adults, treatment of folk remedies, bacteriophages, antibiotics
  2. Chamomile. Broth from chamomile has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties effective in fighting infection. To use recommended pour 3 hours. l plants in 250 ml of boiling water and brew for 5 min. Then strain broth and consumed in the form of heat. Such beverage may also be used as a washing or rinsing.
  3. Black currant. The fruits of black currant are popular antibiotic agent and effectively help in various cocci. For therapeutic effect to be taken clean berries 1 glass in 250-300 ml postprandial.
  4. Apricot. With the development of purulent and inflammatory growths on the skin provides effective relief of fresh apricot pulp. Using involves overlaying apricot "mashed" 2 times a day - morning and evening.

When Staphylococcus aureus is strictly forbidden to use any of the methods of treatment, which underlies heat treatment - Active hot tubs, saunas or baths has a negative effect on the treatment and relief of disease.

Staphylococcus aureus, especially in the later stages of a serious illness, often leading to death in adults and children. Timely identification of the main symptoms of infection and accurate diagnosis of strains will help to build the most effective method of treatment that will eliminate the complications and relapses.

Registration of the article: Mila Friedan

Videos about Staphylococcus aureus

Symptoms and treatment of Staphylococcus aureus:

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