
Treatment of acne on the face of adults. Diet, medication and traditional recipes skin treatment for acne

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Often the appearance of acne faced by adolescents. Unfortunately, adults are not immune from this trouble.

To get rid of various rashes on the face, it is necessary to find out why they are there, because sometimes it can be a symptom of the disease.

The content of the article:

  • 1 The causes of acne in adults
    • 1.1 Unbalanced malnutrition
    • 1.2 hormone imbalance
    • 1.3 Heredity
    • 1.4 Infectious diseases
    • 1.5 Stress is part of the nervous surge
    • 1.6 excessive cleanliness
    • 1.7 immunocompromised
  • 2 Stage of acne in adults
  • 3 Terms of facial skin care
  • 4 Diet for rashes on the face
  • 5 Drug treatment of acne on the face in adults
  • 6 Folk remedies for acne on the face
    • 6.1 Mask for acne
    • 6.2 Balms, lotions and creams
    • 6.3 herbal pickings
  • 7 Cabin therapies
    • 7.1 Cryotherapy
    • 7.2 Laser therapy
    • 7.3 peeling of the skin
  • 8 Prevention of age-related facial inflammation

The causes of acne in adults

The most common causes of acne on the face of adult experts call:

  • Irrational, unbalanced diet or regular food products harmful to the body;
  • Hormone imbalance;
  • insta story viewer
  • Genetic predisposition to acne and skin diseases;
  • SARS;
  • Regular nervous tension and stress;
  • Gastrointestinal disease, diabetes, nasopharynx, kidney or liver;
  • Use of substandard cosmetics (hygiene);
  • The weakening of the immune system and overall health.

Acne on the face of adults. Therapeutic diet, medication and popular recipes to get rid of acneIn order to clear your skin and restore her health, you need to understand why there are rashes, Look at the problem from the inside.

Unbalanced malnutrition

It is scientifically proven that the particular sebum are directly dependent on the amount and the nature of power.

Therefore, individuals prone to acne, first of all, before you treat the body with all sorts of medication, you should pay attention to diet.

Eating in this case, small portions, but more often. Of their diet is necessary to completely eliminate sugary and fatty meals as well as alcoholic beverages and spices.Acne on the face of adults. Therapeutic diet, medication and popular recipes to get rid of acne

Nutritionists recommend eating:

  • black bread;
  • vinaigrettes with raw and cooked vegetables;
  • boiled meat;
  • fish;
  • in small quantities - dairy and vegetable soups;
  • buckwheat;
  • dairy products;
  • prunes.

Welcome and carrying out so-called "hungry" or fasting daysFor example vegetable, fruit or dairy.

hormone imbalance

Endocrinologists believe that often the cause of acne becomes a hormone imbalance, which in adults is the result of disorders of the endocrine system.Acne on the face of adults. Therapeutic diet, medication and popular recipes to get rid of acne

In this case, to test should be tested for the following hormones:

  • testosterone;
  • dehydroepiandrosterone;
  • dihydrotestosterone.


The presence of acne in adults is often the cause at the genetic level, those. hereditary.

Reduce and smooth out the unpleasant heredity help special treatment, good nutrition, a careful skin care.

Infectious diseases

The causes of acne are and infectious diseases, in other words - reduced immunity of the body.Acne on the face of adults. Therapeutic diet, medication and popular recipes to get rid of acne

In this case, there is a need for compulsory medical treatment as vitamin complexes, drugs to enhance immunity, special ointments.

Sometimes there is a need, even in the use of antibiotics for topical application. It also helps to rub the skin with boric acid and a decoction of chamomile.

Stress is part of the nervous surge

Stress is the cause of acne, harms the internal systems of the body, causing a hormonal imbalance, undermining the immune system.

Presence of gastrointestinal disease, diabetes, nasopharynx, kidney and liver disrupts organismDo not allow the useful substances absorbed properly.

They also cause a negative reaction of the skin in the form of acne, acne and acne scars. This cause requires recourse to the required specialist depending on the disease.Acne on the face of adults. Therapeutic diet, medication and popular recipes to get rid of acne

excessive cleanliness

Often the cause of acne on the face of adults can become excessive cleanliness. So many products for skin care with frequent application can cause irritation and acne.

For example, the frequent use of soap means not clean the skin, but rather clog pores. Some tools are harmful to the skin balance, which leads to the destruction of her good bacteria and multiply pathogenic flora.


The weakening of the immune system and leads to multiply in the body of infections and pathogensThat has a negative impact on the face, in the form of acne.

This cause requires reference to the immunologist doctor.

Stage of acne in adults

Skin that is struck by acne can not fully perform its intended function. Often, acne causes quite unpleasant sensationsItching and pain even from accidental contact.

Moreover, acne on the skin hard to act not only on the patient, but also on others, thus creating a mental stress.Acne on the face of adults. Therapeutic diet, medication and popular recipes to get rid of acne

Medical workers are 4 stage acne:

  1. The number of comedones is limited. At this stage of the treatment of acne on the face of adults conducted independently. Sometimes it is enough to carry out a thorough skin care with the help of special tools. For example, the alcohol solution, which includes salicylic acid or batter containing sulfur;
  2. The number of acne increases. The skin at sites of inflammation becomes red or blue;
  3. From a large pile of comedones are formed scarsAnd the skin becomes blue - a pinkish hue. In this step, dermatologists usually prescribed course of antibiotics and hormonal preparations;
  4. Treatment lasts long enough. As a rule, prescribers to lift immunity. Scars and scars formed at this stage are removed only by means of a laser beam.

Terms of facial skin care

The skin will look well-groomed only when a thorough clean it up as products of gas exchange, sweat and applied to the skin of the face make-up clogs the pores, preventing the skin to breathe actively.

Acne on the face of adults. Therapeutic diet, medication and popular recipes to get rid of acne
Treatment of acne on the face in adults requires an individual approach, depending on the cause of the rash.

As a result, it appears the inflammatory processes in the form of blackheads and pimples.

Important to remember! All cosmetic procedures should be used correctly and in accordance with the seasons, as only in this case they will bring tangible benefits.

Skin needs:

  • Regular cleaning;
  • The full hydration and nutrition necessary materials;
  • Protection against irritants.

Cleaning the skin it should be carried out in the morning and at night.

On the morning of the skin is cleaned using the mineral water without gas or tonic having a tonic effect.

Then, a layer of a day cream, which must maintain during the day the water balance of the skin, while protecting it from irritants.

Note! Morning procedure is best performed in the period from 7 to 8 hours. It is connected with the biorhythms.

facial skin care before going to bed consists of a cleansing and nutrition. After a thorough cleaning of the skin to apply a night cream. Surplus it removed about one hour with a cotton swab or cosmetic wipes.Acne on the face of adults. Therapeutic diet, medication and popular recipes to get rid of acne

On the nose, chin and forehead stands out the most sebum, which is why these areas should be cleared first.

It is important to care for face to protect it from excessive drying using a moisturizer, preventing the occurrence of cracks on the surface of the skin that can cause inflammation of acne.

Necessarily it is necessary to protect the skin and from its excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays using sunscreens.

Diet for rashes on the face

Treatment of acne on the face of adults is impossible without a properly sized diet as a diet with rashes on the face of considerable importance.

Such patients nutritionists recommend limiting intake of foods containing carbohydrates, especially sweets, which include:

  • chocolate;
  • candies;
  • cakes;
  • cakes;
  • jam;
  • honey.

Acne on the face of adults. Therapeutic diet, medication and popular recipes to get rid of acneAt the same time you need to enter into the diet:

  • sea ​​fish;
  • dietary meat;
  • fruits;
  • nuts;
  • vegetables;
  • cereals (except cereal semolina and millet);
  • dairy products;
  • bran.

Nutritionists recommend drinking green tea and mineral water. They participate in the leaching of toxins from the body.

Note! It is necessary to minimize the use of fried foods due to the presence of carcinogens in it.

Food is best cooked in a double boiler or multivarka to save the trace elements in the products and the necessary skin of vitamins A, C, E. Salads from vegetables to fill the best olive oil.

It is also recommended to observe the principles of a separate food.Acne on the face of adults. Therapeutic diet, medication and popular recipes to get rid of acne

To normalize the digestive system is recommended to drink in the morning fresh carrot juice and jam his salads made from carrot cake, dressed with olive oil.

Be careful! In combination with nicotine, contained in carrots vitamin A forms poison, so smoking should be more cautious.

Drug treatment of acne on the face in adults

Drug treatment of acne in the initial stage is to use a substance serving as keratolitov. This may be salicylic acid, tretinoin, resorcinol, potassium hydroxyquinoline.

Cimetidine reduce fat separation, benzoyl peroxide, vitamin A acid

Be careful! Prolonged treatment with salicylic acid can have side effects that are manifested by tinnitus, dizziness, epigastric pain, nausea.Acne on the face of adults. Therapeutic diet, medication and popular recipes to get rid of acne

Treatment of acne on the face in the adult advanced stage necessarily includes a course of antibiotics, which should have a strong antibacterial effect:

Group antibiotics in the treatment of acne on the face in adults drug Name
tetracycline "Doxycycline", "Medomitsin", "Vibramitsin".
macrolide "Erythromycin", "Vilprafen".

In severe (grade 3) acne, and also for acne that is refractory to other drug therapy, administered "Rokkautan".

Its action is based on the activation of epidermal cells update.

Important to remember! This product has a number of significant contraindications, so it can assign only dermatologists and doctors who are aware of the risk of "Rokkautana" certain categories of patients, mostly pregnant women.Acne on the face of adults. Therapeutic diet, medication and popular recipes to get rid of acne

Recently, stable therapeutic effect in patients achieved at application of azelaic acid preparations such as' skinoren ".

Treatment of acne on the face of the chronic stage in adults should be comprehensive and necessarily carried out under the supervision of a physician.

Folk remedies for acne on the face

There are several traditional treatments for acne in adults on the face:

  • Mask based on natural ingredients (clay, grass, berries, fruits, vegetables, dairy products);
  • balsams, creams and lotions on the basis of natural components;
  • improvement of the body by means of ingestion of infusions and decoctions of herbs.

Mask for acne

Masks from natural components easily prepared at home, they have a cleansing and anti-inflammatory properties, and improve the complexion.

Acne on the face of adults. Therapeutic diet, medication and popular recipes to get rid of acne

Naturopaths against acne on the face of the mask is recommended:

  • blue clay;
  • eggs;
  • "Hercules";
  • lemon;
  • honey;
  • green tea;
  • potatoes.

Green tea has a cleansing and soothing effect on the skin, Removes dark spots. And the egg comprises a large number of enzymes, vitamins and minerals that promote nutrition and healing skin.

To prepare the green tea mix mask fine fraction (1 tbsp. l.), mayonnaise (2 tbsp. l.) and egg yolk. The mask is applied for 15 minutes, then rinsed with warm water.

Balms, lotions and creams

Balms based on natural components of lotions and creams, unlike masks have a rapid effectThey treat extensive skin lesions quickly eliminate inflammation, reduce rashes.Acne on the face of adults. Therapeutic diet, medication and popular recipes to get rid of acne

Widespread cucumber lotion, which is made from vodka and cucumber (1-1.5 cucumber rubbed on a fine grater to a glass of vodka, insist 10 days). Wipe the skin lotion is necessary in the morning and evening.

herbal pickings

Herbal (infusions and decoctions) operate within, increases resistance to microbes and viruses.

Experts recommend decoctions and infusions of nettle, dandelion and burdock. Dandelion decoction is good at pustular rash.

To prepare take 1 tbsp. l. dandelion root in a glass of water, boiled for 15 minutes. Take 1/3 cup before dinner.Acne on the face of adults. Therapeutic diet, medication and popular recipes to get rid of acne

folk remedies Treatment is most effective in combination with drug treatment of acne.

Cabin therapies

Use salon therapies for the treatment of acne on the face of adults is possible in two cases:

  • comedones unit;
  • together with the intake of drugs.

The methods include:

  • darsonvalization;
  • cryotherapy;
  • laser therapy;
  • professional facial cleansing;
  • massage.

Acne on the face of adults. Therapeutic diet, medication and popular recipes to get rid of acneDarsonvalization is an electrotherapy method to eliminate acne exposure to high voltage AC and pulsed high-frequency current.

Darsonvalization by two methods: contact and contactless.

When applying this method, it is important to remember that he has the ability to accelerate the growth of hair.


Cryotherapy affects skin by low temperatures. It normalizes the sebaceous and sweat glands, t. E. It is an improvement of the skin structure.

In this procedure there are contraindicationsWhich relate mainly to the presence in patients of several diseases: cancer, mental health, heart, and elevated body temperature and herpes.Acne on the face of adults. Therapeutic diet, medication and popular recipes to get rid of acne

Laser therapy

The good effect of treatment of acne laser therapy provides, in particular one of its destinations - biorevitalization.

Biorevitalization is no injection laser procedureIn which the cold laser together with the hyaluronic acid promotes inhibition of inflammation in the skin.

peeling of the skin

Professional cleaning of the face with pimples on his face is usually carried out in two ways: mechanical cleaning and chemical peeling.

The first method is rather painful. Moreover, acne can reappear very soon. When mechanical cleaning cosmetologists often use salt procedure.

The action of a chemical peel based on actives chemicals.

Acne on the face of adults. Therapeutic diet, medication and popular recipes to get rid of acne

Important to remember! If

in the treatment of acne doctor he was appointed "Roaccutane" "Tretinoin", "Adapalene" before the chemical peeling is necessary to consult a dermatologist.

Prevention of age-related facial inflammation

That on the face with age is not an inflammation, experts advise to follow some basic rules, which are:

  • in the morning and evening cleansing of the skin;
  • mandatory removal of makeup before going to bed;
  • the right choice of cosmetic products, thus it is necessary to be guided not only by age but also the type of skin;
  • that during exacerbations in the skin is not necessary to apply cosmetic products;
  • in nutrition.

When there is insufficient skin care comes indiscriminate allocation of subcutaneous fat, which contributes to the appearance of sebaceous plugs - comedones black or dark brown in color.Acne on the face of adults. Therapeutic diet, medication and popular recipes to get rid of acne

Next is their enlargement and inflammation. As a result, formed and acne.

It is important to remember related to health care with regular care for the skin. Then unpleasant phenomena'll never be bothered on the skin!

In this video you will learn about the treatment of acne on the face of adults:

This video introduces you to the causes of acne in adults:

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