Respiratory System

Drops of nasal congestion for children, from the common cold to the child. Instructions, price, reviews

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Drops from nasal congestion (for children), experts recommend the following symptoms:

  • respiratory illness (nasal congestion);
  • nose and throat infections;
  • inflammation of the ear;
  • fever, shortness of breath accompanies;
  • allergic rhinitis.

The purpose of these drugs - relieve breathing from the nose to bring the accumulated slime, to destroy harmful bacteria, to minimize the swelling and inflammation of the mucous membrane.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Nasal drops for children: what they are
  • 2 Vasoconstrictor nose drops for children
    • 2.1 Vasodilators nose drops for children
    • 2.2 Oil nose drops for children
    • 2.3 Thinning nasal drops for children
  • 3 Nasal drops for children under one year: a review of drugs
    • 3.1 Drops "DlyaNos" for children: guide
    • 3.2 "Nazol Baby"
    • 3.3 "Nazivin"
  • 4 Drops from the common cold for over a year old children: a review of drugs
    • 4.1 "Otrivin" - nose drops for children
    • 4.2 "Grippferon"
    • 4.3 "Akvamaris"
  • 5 Nasal drops for children over 6 years
    • 5.1 "Vibrocil": nose drops for children
    • 5.2 "Pinosol"
    • 5.3 "Snoop"
  • insta story viewer
  • 6 What needs nasal drops to children at green snot
  • 7 Nose drops with an antibiotic for children: how to use
    • 7.1 "Polydex": nose drops for children
    • 7.2 Drops in "Izofra" nose for kids
  • 8 Complex nose drops for children: Instructions for use
    • 8.1 "Sialor" for children (nasal drops): Instructions
    • 8.2 Protargolum for children (nasal drops): Instructions
  • 9 Cheap nose drops for children: a list
  • 10 Videos of droplets of nasal congestion

Nasal drops for children: what they are

Such medications drugs are divided into several types.

Drops for children from nasal congestion, runny nose child. Guide price


  • combined;
  • drops with an antibiotic;
  • antiviral;
  • moisturizers;
  • oil droplets (plant-based);
  • thinning;
  • vasoconstrictor.

Vasoconstrictor nose drops for children

Drops for children from nasal congestion with vasoconstrictor effects are appointed at the initial stages of the common coldWhen clear has copious mucus. Such preparations do not remove the causes of congestion and minimize swelling due to vasoconstriction.

Vasodilators nose drops for children

These drops are designed to restore the inflamed mucous membrane of the nose. For vasoconstriction bill withdrawn swelling of the nasal passages.

Oil nose drops for children

The oil droplets have a prolonged action, ie. E. absorbed in the nasal mucosa for a longer period. The preparation does not dry out and envelops the sinuses. Appointed with thick mucus.

Thinning nasal drops for children

Liquefy thick mucus by reducing its viscosity. Children under one year is recommended to bury the nose drops based on sea water, they help bring thick snot in a liquid consistency.

Nasal drops for children under one year: a review of drugs

Nasal discharge may have a different character, but to eliminate the symptoms is recommended special medicines, which are designed for children under the age of 1 year.

Drops "DlyaNos" for children: guide

Drops from nasal congestion (for children) facilitate rapid recovery of the mucosa due to narrowing of blood vessels, to minimize swelling. Do not cause excitatory effect.

Drops for children from nasal congestion, runny nose child. Guide price

Before instillation purified by mucus and nose drops administered volumetric pipette. After each use, the vial was sealed, and the pipette was washed with running water.

Children up to the year recommended the introduction of 2 drops in the morning and in the evening (between instillation of 10 - 12 h.). Buried up to 4 days.

With an overdose of the drug, observed symptoms: sleep disturbance, shortness of breath, dizziness and nausea.

Side effects from the drug were found, but in rare cases, appears dryness or irritation of the nasal passages.

The drug should not be used with personal intolerance to some components. With forethought is used for patients with diabetes and heart disease. Do not use for children under 3 months.

"Nazol Baby"

Drops have a vasoconstrictor effect, as soon as possible to minimize swelling. Drops are used in various types of rhinitis (not only virus but also allergic).

Drops for children from nasal congestion, runny nose child. Guide price
Nazol Baby

infants are introduced drop by drop. The interval between the burying 7 hours.

Rare side effects can occur as a lacrimation, itching or burning sensation in the nose.

With forethought taking the drug in diabetes. Prohibited use of the drug in the personal intolerance its components.


Babies with birth designate "Nazivin" 0.01% with inflammatory respiratory (sinusitis, acute rhinitis, swelling of mucosal).

Drops for children from nasal congestion, runny nose child. Guide price

The medication is injected into the purified mucus from the sinuses volumetric pipette. The recommended dose dropwise. With 2 months. increase the dosage: 2 drops into each nostril, the interval between the burying is not more than 6 hours. Can be addictive, it is forbidden to use the drug for more than 5 days.

Occasionally may cause irritation in the nose and cause sneezing.

The use of drugs is prohibited, if the child has personal intolerance of its components. With care taken in diabetes.

Drops from the common cold for over a year old children: a review of drugs

For children, the prescribed more powerful drugs, which can not cause harm to children's body.

"Otrivin" - nose drops for children

Drug action drops directed to the narrowing of blood vessels, thereby minimizing the swelling respiratory. It is indicated for: viral infection, rhinitis and sinusitis, otitis media.

Drops for children from nasal congestion, runny nose child. Guide price
Otrivin Baby

Buried in the purified mucus from the sinuses 2 drops, instillation of time between less than 6 hours. Medication use no more than 6 days (not to be addictive).

Occasionally medication provokes dry throat, headache, itching of the nose.

It is forbidden to instill in renal failure, liver disease or heart disease, diabetes.


Indicated for all forms of the common cold and acute respiratory infections, it does not dry the nasal mucosa. It has anti-inflammatory, antiviral and immunomodulatory effects.

Drops for children from nasal congestion, runny nose child. Guide price

Administered 2 drops in prepurified nose, the interval between the burying 10 hours. Do not use the drug for more than 6 days.

Occasionally medication provokes an allergic rash.

Drops are contraindicated for children with intolerance to the components of personal preparation, for any allergic diseases.


The medicament is made on the basis of sea water. It promotes normalization of the nasal mucosa and rapid liquefaction of mucus. It destroys harmful bacteria.

Drops for children from nasal congestion, runny nose child. Guide price

Administered 2 drops, instillation interval between 6 hours.

Occasionally drops can provoke an allergic reaction.

You may not use the medication to children under one year, while personal intolerance to components.

Nasal drops for children over 6 years

In the pre-primary age should give preference to the corresponding nose drops to not use the funds for the kids at a higher level.

"Vibrocil": nose drops for children

Drops from nasal congestion (for children) to instantly minimize the swelling, restore the nasal mucosa.

Drops for children from nasal congestion, runny nose child. Guide price

Inject 2 drops in a pre-cleaned nose, morning and evening. Not addictive, used 10 - 14 days.

Sometimes there is a headache, insomnia, nausea.

Do not use the medication for heart disease, personal intolerance, diabetes.


Drops for children from nasal congestion, runny nose child. Guide price

Appointed under any form of rhinitis and chronic rhinitis.

Administered 2 drops, the interval between the burying 7 hours. Do not use the medication more than a week.

Occasionally itching in the nose, increased swelling of the mucous, an allergic rash.

Do not use for children under a year, while personal intolerance to components.


Promptly relieves congestion, moisturizes the mucous membrane. The medicament exerts momentary.

Drops for children from nasal congestion, runny nose child. Guide price
Snoop - drops of nasal congestion for children

Children are allowed to use the medicament of 0.1% solution, the interval between the burying 8 hours. Do not use more than a week.

Sometimes it may appear dry or irritated nose, sneezing triggers, in rare cases, swelling of the mucous membrane.

Not recommended for use in chronic rhinitis, cardiac diseases, personalized intolerance components.

What needs nasal drops to children at green snot

Runny green color indicates a bacterial disease of the respiratory system, which is the causative agent of pathogenic cocci. Professionals do not recommend the use of vasoconstrictive drops, t. To. The green snot have a thick consistency.

In such cases, treatment is aimed at combating infectious agent and dilution of green snot. In such respiratory diseases using washing nasal drops through seawater.

Types of drops of nasal congestion (for children) at green snot:

  • antiseptics are used to complete the washing of the nasal sinuses;
  • Drops with antibiotics aimed at the destruction of harmful bacteria;
  • based on seawater.

Nose drops with an antibiotic for children: how to use

To combat the green snot most commonly prescribed antibiotics, but these tools must be properly taken not to harm the child's body.

"Polydex": nose drops for children

Drops for children from nasal congestion, runny nose child. Guide price

Medicament composition includes 2 types of antibiotics (neometsin and polymyxin), which have a strong antiinflammatory action.


  • slime green or yellow color;
  • sinusitis or sinusitis;
  • inflammation of the respiratory system more than 10 days;
  • prolonged cold, at which drops with vasoconstrictor activity do not help.

The purified sinuses introduced dropwise, the interval between the burying 6 - 7 h. Apply no more than a week.

Occasionally there is an allergic rash, dry nose, sneezing provoking.

Drops are not recommended for children under 3 years old, with renal disease, with the personal components of the drug intolerance.

Drops in "Izofra" nose for kids

Antibacterial drops contain an antibiotic frametsitin, which reduces the multiplication of viruses, destroys bacteria. Medication practically not absorbed into the bloodstream.


  • nasal mucosa defeat microbes;
  • chronic rhinitis and sinusitis;
  • any kind of congestion.

The purified sinuses instilled dropwise, the interval between the burying 6 hours. Apply no more than a week.

Occasionally there is an allergic rash, irritation of the nasal mucosa.

Not recommended for children under burying year, personal intolerance to components of kidney disease.

Complex nose drops for children: Instructions for use

Often, for the treatment of rhinitis doctor prescribes complex drops - they are made in a pharmacy with a prescription.

"Sialor" for children (nasal drops): Instructions

The composition of the medicament includes silver proteinate, which has a disinfecting effect (in the colds season), removes inflammation.

Drops for children from nasal congestion, runny nose child. Guide price

Before using the drug are prepared independently.

  1. Open and solvent poured into the vial.
  2. The tablet is added to the solvent.
  3. Thoroughly agitate the contents until the tablet is completely dissolved.
  4. Drops are dark brown.
  5. The storage period shall not exceed 1 month. in the fridge.


  1. Drops "Sialor" of congestion can be administered to children from the first days of life. Before dropping into the nose is recommended to do a test for sensitivity. To do this, a small amount of the drug dropped on soft areas of the skin of the child (eg: elbow bend), if not rash, can be used.
  2. Pre-clean the nose.
  3. Administered 3 drops instillation interval between 6 hours.
  4. Infants should enter dropwise.
  5. Medication is not used for more than 7 days.

Side effects have not. Occasionally there is a slight irritation in the nose provokes sneezing.

Protargolum for children (nasal drops): Instructions

The composition includes silver proteinate medicament. Due to this drop have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. Drops are not available in the free market, ie. To. Have a small shelf life. They are cooked to order in pharmacies.

Purpose: rhinitis, otitis media, pharyngitis.

Application: children under one year is introduced dropwise, the dosage is increased to 2 drops over the year (solution concentration is less than 5%), the interval between the burying of 8 - 10 hours. It is forbidden to use the drops more than 8 days.

Occasionally may occur: headache, drowsiness, nausea, irritation of the nose, weakness.

Cheap nose drops for children: a list

For children, you can choose inexpensive drops, which effectively cope with nasal congestion.

Title Short description of the preparation Approximate cost
Sanorin Temporarily eliminate congestion and dried mucous. Do not use more than 5 days. There are no contraindications for the use of babies From 130 rubles.
naftizin Contribute to a narrowing of blood vessels and minimize the swelling of the nasal mucosa. Administered 1 drop break between instillation 6 h. Do not use more than 7 days. With forethought used in children under one year From 40 rubles.
Akvalor It contains sea water solution. Drops fit babies. Reduce inflammation of the nasal sinuses From 130 rubles.
galazolin Relieve nasal congestion and minimizes swelling. For children are assigned a drop of 0.5%. Administered 2 drops, the interval between the burying 7 hours. Do not use more than 7 days From 50 rubles.
xylometazoline Minimize the swelling of the nasal mucosa. It prohibited the use of children under 5 years. Buried 2 drops, the interval between the burying 7 hours. From 70 rubles.
Salin Minimize the swelling of the mucous and relieve inflammation. Inject 2 drops 3 times a day From 110 rubles.
Vibrocil The peculiarity of such drops - prolonged use without addiction (10 days). From 210 rubles.

Prescribe medication should be specialists, depending on the type of rhinitis.

Drops of nasal congestion for children should be selected taking into account the child's age and problem solving. It is best to consult a specialist for a competent treatment.

Videos of droplets of nasal congestion

Video review of drops of nasal congestion for children and adults:

Good drops for children from years:

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