Respiratory System

Effective cough medicine for adults. Most people, pharmacy, expectorant drugs

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Coughing - this is one of the major signs of the common cold, which brings a lot of problems. Coughing brings a lot of inconvenience, not only the patient but also to all those around him. To remove this unpleasant symptom, and completely get rid of the disease, you need to find an effective means of properly.

Cough medications to children and adults should choose a therapist or a pediatrician, who carry out a survey and find out the exact cause of the symptoms. But if you visit the doctor does not work, and the need to cure the cough, then pick up the medicine you need, taking into account what kind of cough: dry and wet.

The content of the article:

  • 1 The causes of cough in adults
  • 2 Types of drugs for cough
  • 3 How to choose a drug from cough
  • 4 Top 10 funds from the pharmacy cough for adults
    • 4.1 Falimint
    • 4.2 Stoptussin
    • 4.3 libeksin
    • 4.4 Stodal
    • 4.5 Mukaltin
    • 4.6 bronholitin
    • 4.7 Bromhexinum
    • 4.8 Ambroxol
    • 4.9 ambrobene
    • 4.10 doctor MOM
  • 5 Traditional recipes
  • 6 Video of cough medicine

The causes of cough in adults

Coughing - this is the main symptom of the disease that hit the respiratory organs and especially the lungs. Although it happens that he appears and for other reasons.

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There are several diseases that can cause coughing:

  1. Allergy. Due to the presence of the allergen in the body is immunopathological process, which causes coughing.
  2. Flu.
  3. Cold.
  4. Whooping cough. This acute bacterial infection transmitted by airborne droplets, which is primarily manifested in the form of spasmodic cough.
  5. Pharyngitis. It is an inflammation of a chronic nature, which is localized in the throat, it affects the mucous membrane, sinking into its deepest layers.
  6. Tonsillitis.Effective remedies for cough for adults. Most people, pharmacy drugs
  7. Pleurisy. This inflammation affecting serous membranes that cover the lungs and form the pleural cavity.

Chemical plants; people who do not comply with the safety rules and do not wear respiratory protection from chemicals, suffer from a cough. Harmful if inhaled irritate and cause coughing.

Effective remedies for cough adults have an effect precisely on the cough center, and the other on the contrary effect on the bronchial mucosa, fast and easy by eliminating the main symptom. Correctly cough need to fight according to the situation with the use of certain drugs.

Types of drugs for cough

Effective remedies for cough in adults and children can be divided into several main groups.Effective remedies for cough for adults. Most people, pharmacy drugs

These are described in the table below:

drugs group Features
Agents that block the cough center of the medulla oblongata Their structure may contain drugs, such as codeine or Ethylmorphine. Given the fact that these drugs can depress the respiratory center, they are often dangerous to use, today they are almost never used. Therefore, this group is better to choose products without drugs.
bronchodilators Excellent relieves spasms with tense muscles of the respiratory system, help to expand the lumen of the respiratory tract in. In this group, there are drugs that can also be attributed to other groups having a similar effect. This group includes: isoprenaline, Bronholitin.
Mucolytic These drugs help reduce the viscosity of sputum, making it liquid and well separated, so it can be easily cough, the amount is not increased. This group includes: ACC, Mukaltin.
with expectorant effect means These medications help to facilitate and speed up the clearing of the bronchial tubes are assembled in secret. In this group there Ambroksol bromhexine.
Funds to reduce inflammation of the respiratory system These drugs suppress the inflammation, making possible to remove the cause which provoked cough.
Combination products Their composition is present more than one active component, through which the drug acts on different links. Often they complement or reinforce each other's action.

Effective remedies for cough for adults. Most people, pharmacy drugsPick up the drug is better to trust the therapist, who will be able to pinpoint the cause, provoking cough, and find the best solution to fix the problem. If you choose the wrong medicine, even the strongest of them can not help, but will only aggravate the disease.

How to choose a drug from cough

Choosing an effective remedy for cough for adults, be sure to follow a few basic guidelines:

  1. It is worth remembering that pick up cold preparations only need taking into account what the person coughing. In no case can not be at a dry cough to take medicine with an expectorant effect and thinning phlegm. But in the case of a productive process can not take medications that suppress the cough.
  2. We should not forget about the undesirable effects that may occur while taking a particular drug. Making a decision on which of the drugs is better to stop, to choose the best one that no serious complications, and a list of undesirable manifestations minimized.Effective remedies for cough for adults. Most people, pharmacy drugs
  3. We should not forget about contraindications, before you start taking any medication you should carefully read the instructions and be sure to be paid to the point that you can drink it, and under what concomitant diseases.
  4. You should not judge the quality of medicines at cost. If the drug is cheap - it does not mean that he is bad. Practice shows that in recent years have increasingly good effect provide cheap domestic medicine. Import tools are expensive, and if you look, in the structure contain the same components as the domestic product, so why pay more.
  5. Medicines need to choose a reputable manufacturer, which is time-tested.

In no case, engage in self, even if someone said that a particular drug is effective. Each person has individual characteristics of the organism and if one suitable means, else it can only cause harm.

Top 10 funds from the pharmacy cough for adults

Today in the pharmacy you can find a huge variety of products that help to effectively deal with any kind of cough. They are produced in the form of syrup, tablets, juices, broths from natural or synthetic substances. They differ in the degree of efficiency and cost. Feedback from patients and doctors are considered the best medicine.


The medicine has a local anesthetic, analgesic and antiseptic effect, is used in inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, in which there is a strong cough and sore throat. Pharmacists release means in the form of pills, as its main constituent is atsetilaminonitropropoksibenzol.

Dragees do not need to drink, and only dissolve. They need to be kept in the mouth until completely dissolved, without chewing. Take 1-2 tablets up to 5 times per day, but not more than 10 tablets per day. The course lasts as long as the symptoms are completely gone.Effective remedies for cough for adults. Most people, pharmacy drugs

It is not recommended to take the drug to women during gestation baby, lactation, children under 18 years of age and those who have a particular intolerance to the drug components. Price from 215 rubles.


Effective remedy for cough adults Stoptussin on responses to patients considered to be one of the best. It has a complex action: mucolytic expectorant and antitussive.

The main component of the drug which is available in tablet form is buramirat. It helps to quickly ease the cough, and the second component - guaifenesin helps to reduce the viscosity of mucus and helps it to quickly withdraw from the respiratory system.Effective remedies for cough for adults. Most people, pharmacy drugs

The manual describes that use the medication you need for dry exhausting cough, which is caused by the development of infectious and inflammatory diseases, and struck the respiratory system.

Tablets drink, chewing, drinking water. Dosage selected on the basis of patient body weight, if 1/2 tablet weight of 50 kg, if up to 70, then 1 tablet, and 1.5 of the tablet.

It is not recommended to use this drug in the treatment of cough people with special sensitivity, pregnant and nursing mothers, children under 12 years. Price from 110 rubles.


This cough medicine manufactured in tablet form. The main component is prenoxdiazine hydrochloride. This drug has good antitussive effect.

To him it is not addictive and does not inhibit the process of respiration. In addition, he has bronchodilation and a local anesthetic effect, thanks to which is possible to block the peripheral units of reflex cough.

The instructions to the drug indicated that the average adult dose of 1 tablet to 4 times a day, in individual cases, the therapist may recommend taking 2 tablets. Children by half a tablet three times a day. Tablet not chew and swallow with water.Effective remedies for cough for adults. Most people, pharmacy drugs

It is not recommended to take the drug for people with special sensitivity to the componentsIf abundant secretion is formed in the path of breath, intolerance to galactose. Price from 340 rubles.


This homeopathic preparation effective against cough. It is composed of several components present. This is mainly vegetable ingredients such as Antimonium tartaricum, Drosera and a host of others, which together give a good result in the treatment of cough.

Through the use of a dry cough medication moves quickly in the wet. Stodal has on the bronchodilator and expectorant action. It is thanks Brion, sputum viscosity and its dissolution is significantly reduced, and as a result of breathing paths gradually cleared.Effective remedies for cough for adults. Most people, pharmacy drugs

Syrup can be given to children and adults. Babies recommended to take 5 ml every 8 hours. If required, the dose for children may be increased up to 5 times a day, but it is only intended for a pediatrician. Adults need to take medication at a dose of 15 ml at intervals of 8 hours, but sometimes the therapist may recommend to increase the dosage up to five times a day.

It is not recommended to take the drug in patients with:

  • fructosuria;
  • glucose-galactose malabsorption.

Price from 200 rubles.


This is a popular means having mukaliticheskim effect, which has long been widely used in the treatment of cough. The drug can easily handle a bunch of mucus, diluting it and excreted from the body.

Effective with pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma. This drug inhibits the cough gently, reducing the number of attacks, emollient, anti-inflammatory and protective action. The active component of the drug is an extract of marshmallow, manufactured in tablet form.

Take recommended 2 pcs. before meals over 4 h. The course of treatment is not less than 7 days. Allowed to give medicine to children from the first year. This drug is only one contraindication: special intolerance to the components included in its composition. The price of 25 rubles.


This drug presented as a sweet syrup and contains in its structure two main components immediately glaucine ephedrine hydrochloride and hydrobromide. It is thanks to this combination formulation has antitussive and bronchodilator effects.Effective remedies for cough for adults. Most people, pharmacy drugs

Glaucine hydrochloride suppresses cough center, but without depressing the respiratory function and provokes dependence to the drug, and afedrin helps to expand the bronchi, stimulates respiration, removes swelling from bronchial mucosa.

It is recommended to take the drug for inflammation of the respiratory system.

Medicine to take adults and adolescents from 10 years to 2 scoops to 4 times a day. Children from 3 to 10 years is recommended to take 1 measuring spoon three times a day.

In bronholitin large number of contraindications, including pregnancy, lactation, glaucoma, insomnia, hyperthyroidism and other. Price from 80 rubles.


Available in tablet form. Each of the tablets contains the main component - bromhexine hydrochloride.

Effective means of cough adult Bromhexine has expectorant action, reduces the viscosity of sputum, outputs it effectively from the body. Effect after the start of the application can be seen in a couple of days. This drug has shown good results in the treatment of inflammation of the bronchi, lungs and trachea.

Adults and undergrowth to 14 years is recommended to take 1-2 tablets up to 4 times a day, children from 6 years half tablet three times in 3 to 5 years on the fourth part also three times a day.Effective remedies for cough for adults. Most people, pharmacy drugs

But we must remember that this drug has a wide range of contraindications: Kidney problems, stomach and intestines, nurturing baby and breastfeeding, a special sensitivity to the children up to 3 years. The price of 70 rubles.


This formulation is in tablet form and syrup. The main component - ambroxol hydrochloride. Medicine fine liquefies phlegm and reduces its viscosity, stimulates the production of surfactant, resulting in a rate of bronchopulmonary secretion. This tool greatly helps in diseases where there is difficulty diverting sputum.

The instructions given to the drug:

  • Adults and adolescents from 12 years to take medication at a dose of 30 mg 3 times a day;
  • from 5 to 12 years and 30 mg twice;
  • 2 to 5 and 22.5 mg of 2 times;
  • Children up to 2 years at 15 mg BID.Effective remedies for cough for adults. Most people, pharmacy drugs

Children under 5 years of drug prescribed in the form of sweet syrup. Ambroxol is contraindicated in pregnant women and patients with extreme sensitivity to the main component. Price from 50 rubles.


Effective remedy for cough is recommended to adults as a tablet and syrup for children. The main component of ambroxol hydrochloride. The drug has mucolytic and expectorant action, liquefies mucus and improves expectoration.

Shows the reception of acute and chronic forms of diseases affecting the respiratory ways that are accompanied by impaired formation and sputum. 6 and take 12 years recommended by 1/2 to 3 times per day with 15 mg calculation. Adult dosage - 1 tablet three times a day.Effective remedies for cough for adults. Most people, pharmacy drugs

Children under 2 years of prescription drugs in the form of syrup for half measuring cup twice a day. From 2 to 6 years for half of the measuring cup three times. Ambrobene not recommended to receive pregnant in the first trimester and people with sensitivity to the main component. The price for a tablet of 150 rubles., And syrup from 115 rubles.

doctor MOM

This drug has long been widely used in the fight against cough. Due to the fact that it consists of only herbal ingredients, it has a complex effect on the bronchi, fast prints sputum and removes one of the main causes of cough - inflammation.

Pharmacists produce it in the form of lozenges, syrup or phyto-ointment. Means recommended to take, if the patient revealed a chronic or acute inflammation that affected the way of breathing, accompanied by a dry cough. The drug is in the form of lozenges adults need to take 1 every 2 hours, putting under the tongue and wait for complete dissolution.Effective remedies for cough for adults. Most people, pharmacy drugs

The day allowed to take no more than 10 lozenges. The course of 14-21 days. The medicine should not be given to children under 18 years of age, breastfeeding women and hatched baby.

Traditional recipes

Stern of pharmaceutical preparations, especially if there are contraindications to their use, you can use the recipes of traditional medicine.

The house can use the funds in the form of:

  • compresses on the back or chest;
  • inhalation;
  • rinse;
  • take tinctures, decoctions, and mixtures of herbs.

To immediately remove exhausting cough, you can use these recipes:

  1. Fir oil. Take the butter and blame the fat in equal amounts, mix well and rub the chest. After well bundle up in woolen shawl or a scarf and go to bed. Excellent help with bronchitis, with a strong cough that does not go to sleep at night. Already after the first procedure will be noticeably decreased as the cough, and improved health. Suffice it to 5 treatments and a cough can be forgotten.
  2. Honey, lemon and ginger. Take a cup, put it in a bag of green tea, a pinch of grated ginger root, lemon wedge and 1 hour. l. honey. Pour all the boiling water, let stand for 5 minutes and drink hot. Take this decoction can be healing every 2 hours in small sips. After 6 cups cough subsides. This decoction can be drunk at the first symptoms of a cold.Effective remedies for cough for adults. Most people, pharmacy drugs

There are other recipes that have long been used in the treatment of colds and coughs.

Particular attention should be paid to this recipe:

  1. Bow mixed with honey and sugar. You need to peel the onions, grate to get 1 st. Mix with a portion of sugar, boiled for a few minutes, add 2 tbsp. l. honey. Children can take for 1 hour. l., and adults in 1 tbsp. l. every 60 minutes. Within two days after the start of the reception you'll notice that the cough did not so intense and the number of attacks decreased significantly.
  2. Eggs, honey, butter and milk. It needs raw egg, 1 tbsp. l. vodka, honey, butter, milk and pre-melted, for 1 hour. l. soda. All the ingredients are joined together, mix thoroughly and drink on an empty stomach. Most often, this means the first use of gives the result, but if not, it is possible to carry out the procedure again.
  3. Honey and mustard. Mixed together with 50 g butter and foods, add 1 h. l. dry mustard. Stir and take means for 1 hour. l. before eating. Two days later, you can forget about coughing.
  4. Radish, rubbed with honey. This tool is suitable for the treatment of cough in adults and children. In addition, the children take it with great pleasure. To prepare the syrup need to take 1 radish, grate, mix with honey and leave it for a couple of hours. After the syrup will appear, which you need to take 1 hour. l. child and 1 tbsp adults every two hours. You can add to the syrup juice of carrots, which will allow the mucosa to recover faster after coughing. If bees have an allergic reaction to the product, the sugar can be used. Take cough syrup until will not work.

Effective cough remedy required to help adults and children only if it is properly matched. It is also important to follow the dosage, which establishes a therapist or pediatrician. Traditional medicine will help in the event that for whatever reason you can not get to the doctor, and the drug has a lot of contraindications.

Registration of the article: Mila Friedan

Video of cough medicine

Effective remedies for cough:

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