Nervous System

Folk remedies for insomnia, a simple and effective method for women, men, elderly

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Folk remedies considered a good alternative to traditional treatment for symptoms of various diseases. They are used in digestive system diseases, blood vessels and heart. However, such drugs for insomnia are most often used as drugs with sedative action can not be taken for a long time because of the increased risk of side effects.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Causes of
  • 2 possible diseases
  • 3 When to see a doctor
  • 4 Traditional methods of treatment
    • 4.1 Bath with essential oils
    • 4.2 A mixture of peppermint and lemon balm
    • 4.3 Chamomile tea
    • 4.4 Milk and honey
    • 4.5 Alcohol tincture of sleep-grass
    • 4.6 valerian root
    • 4.7 healing pumpkin
    • 4.8 Alcohol decoction of dill
    • 4.9 seeds of nettles
    • 4.10 Infusion of hop cones
    • 4.11 Orange peel and raisins
    • 4.12 milk decoction
    • 4.13 The medicine of Leonurus
    • 4.14 lemon infusion
  • 5 possible complications
  • 6 Video of hypnotics

Causes of

Insomnia is a condition in which a person suffers from a lack of normal night's sleep, because they can not sleep, and when trying to sleep his sleep shallow and overly sensitive.

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It should be noted that individual symptoms of insomnia are not considered as a cause for the establishment of such a diagnosis.

Usually patients present symptoms for a long period. There are many reasons that can trigger sleep disorders.

The most common are the following:

  1. Constant overeating just before bedtime, provoking discomfort in the stomach and inability to relax. When this body is not able to relax, as is forced to work, digesting food entered.
  2. Adherence to a strict diet or starvation. Just as overeating, it is harmful to health calorie deficit. Very often women are losing weight after a few days of the new diet compliance notice that sleep deteriorated. This is due to shortage of food. The body can not relax and tune in to the night's rest, because not getting the food necessary for the normal functioning of internal organs.
  3. Violation of the conditions necessary for normal sleep. Uncomfortable bed, loud noises or uncomfortable room temperature may cause sleep disorders.
  4. Drinking coffee in large quantities, provoking an overabundance of caffeine in the blood, and the intense work of the heart. In this case, the patient is constantly talking about heart palpitations and anxiety interferes with normal sleep.Folk remedies for insomnia, a simple and effective method for women, men
  5. Taking medicines that stimulate brain activity. Like there is not so often, but it can cause a disorder.
  6. The use of drugs that disrupt the central nervous system.
  7. Frequent stress, mental fatigue, not allowing the brain to relax at night.
  8. Change of biological rhythms in the body, provoking insomnia at night and daytime sleepiness.
  9. Anxiety and fear. This reason is considered to be a frequent precipitating factor. Some patients are afraid of nightmares, while others are worried for other reasons, but as a result of disturbed sleep.
  10. Being in an unfamiliar and uncomfortable situation, for example, in a strange house. For many of the surrounding objects are important, so they are not able to relax in contact with a different atmosphere, which leads to insomnia.
  11. Professional activities related to work at night.
  12. Work related to the intense mental work when the brain is constantly loaded and relaxation periods are reduced, which leads to violations.
  13. Advanced age of the patient. It is noted that older people are much more likely to suffer from insomnia. In most cases this is due to the presence of several chronic diseases.
  14. Reception of diuretic medications in the evening. Typically, such drugs prescribed for the reception in the morning or afternoon, but in some cases, once is not enough, you want to use before bedtime.

Such factors are natural and can lead to chronic insomnia in patients of different age and sex. However, they can easily be eliminated, which is not the disorder, which is the result of an illness.

possible diseases

Folk remedies for insomnia help to cope with varying degrees of violations. But doctors recommend to identify the exact cause. In many cases, environmental factors and personal problems are not causing the problem. The condition can be associated with the internal organs and systems diseases.

Diseases of the nervous system, e.g., psychosis, neurosis or depression. In this case, insomnia can be a constant companion of the patient. He finds it difficult to sleep, and sleep becomes ragged and shallow. As the progression of a disease state of the patient is compounded, there are complications in the heart and digestive system related to lack of sleep regularly.Folk remedies for insomnia, a simple and effective method for women, men

Diseases of the digestive system can also cause the disorder. Gastritis, peptic ulcer disease and intestinal inflammation accompanied by pain, flatulence and bloating, which will certainly reflect in the night dream. At the same discomfort accompanies the patient is not constant, while he does not notice the deterioration of sleep.

Violations by mechevydelitelnoy system, manifested in the form of urethritis, cystitis and other conditions. In this sleep disorder often associated with pain in the projection of organs and frequent urination.

In men, the cause of insomnia may be prostatitis, prostate adenoma. In this case it several times during the night waking up to visit the restroom, which disrupts sleep and makes a permanent disorder.

Heart disease - the most common cause of sleep disorders in elderly patients. Heart pain, shortness of breath at rest and tachycardia provokes disorder.

The patient can not take a comfortable position, constantly waking up, irritated. Hypertensive heart disease is also considered a common precipitating factor. It was at night, with severe disease patients there is a critical increase in performance.

Peripheral nervous system diseases, e.g., neuritis, neuralgia and other pathologies are predisposing factor. Neurological pain are considered the most serious and difficult cropped, so the deterioration of people at night.

Violations by the spine and joints. Sciatica, low back pain and arthritis can provoke severe pain, particularly in advanced stages. Attempts to sleep futile as exacerbation of pain with every movement causes a person to wake up constantly. As a result, the dream becomes shallow.

Diseases of the nose and throat, provoking violation of breathing during sleep. A similar condition is observed in chronic tonsillitis, and sinusitis and rhinitis of various origins. human sleep is constantly interrupted due to respiratory failure. These patients usually suffer from snoring during sleep.

Mental disorders characterized by sleepwalking. In this case, the person is in the intermediate state, he did not sleep and did not awake, which strongly violates the work of the brain. This reason is less common, since at the first signs of this disease patient is prescribed medicines, which interfere with the appearance of symptoms.Folk remedies for insomnia, a simple and effective method for women, men

brain injury, accompanied by a concussion. Patient after injury for several weeks can normalize your sleep, which is associated with damage to the units responsible for the night's rest.

When to see a doctor

If the patient can not sleep for several days, but after that dream is normalized, access to a doctor is required. But with regular manifestation of the disorder need to visit a specialist. Usually, you need to visit a therapist who will listen to complaints and appoint an additional diagnosis.

Usually requires consultation neurologist, psychiatrist. When signs of any disease need help gynecologist, rheumatologist, cardiologist or a psychologist, depending on the specific symptoms. The detection of violations should not ignore the diagnosis. Removing the cause will allow normalize sleep.

Traditional methods of treatment

Folk remedies for insomnia permitted when the condition is not associated with severe disease requiring medical treatment. The method involves the use of herbs and other natural products, allowing no harm to health to fix the problem.

Bath with essential oils

Patients with intermittent insomnia are allowed to take a bath with essential oils. Such a method makes it possible to normalize sleep and eliminate the emotional stress. There are several oils that are suitable for the struggle with the disorder.Folk remedies for insomnia, a simple and effective method for women, men

Oil proportions
Lavender It is mixed with 5 ml of apricot kernel oil and lavender oil droplets 10
Mint In 10 ml of almond oil required 12 drops peppermint oil
Spruce The 5-7 ml grape seed oil to add 6-7 drops of oil of spruce

After mixing the base oil and ether was added to the bath composition. The water should be warm, it is necessary to take a bath before going to bed for 20 minutes. Repeat 3 times permitted in the week before the normalization of sleep.

It is important to remember that essential oils are often provoke an allergic reaction, therefore, recommended to exclude this possibility.

A mixture of peppermint and lemon balm

These herbs are considered the best for relaxation and eliminate insomnia. Based on them, you can prepare an infusion to be consumed before bedtime. This will require separate 3 grams of each herb, pour 500 ml of boiled water, 30 min.

Thereafter, the composition should be filtered and take 200 mL for 30-40 minutes before sleep. Repeat daily for 2 weeks. Allowed to add to the infusion of a little honey, which will strengthen its action.

Chamomile tea

insomnia treatment is almost always accompanied by the use of medicinal camomile. At the pharmacy you can buy this herb, packaged in single-use sachets. Bedtime should fill in 300 ml of boiling water 1 sachet, for 20 min.Folk remedies for insomnia, a simple and effective method for women, men

Take this tea you need every night for 2 weeks. Permitted to add a little honey or sugar. At an allergy to the plant is not necessary to use this method. He did not help to cope with insomnia running, but mild disorder is quite able to correct the situation.

Milk and honey

The most common and easiest way to normalization of sleep. Before going to bed should take a glass of warm milk, to which can be added for 1 hour. l. honey.

Such a drink is considered a good sedative. This method may use, if necessary, it is not harmful to health, it is not addictive. The only contraindication to be lactose intolerant.

Alcohol tincture of sleep-grass

This herb is considered to be very effective and has a stronger effect than mint, lemon balm and other herbs.

On the basis of herbs should prepare alcohol tincture:

  1. Separate the 10 fresh and large flowers.
  2. Place in a container made of glass.
  3. Add 500 ml of vodka.
  4. Leave on for 10 days to draw.

Finished medicine to filter and take 2 hours. l. at bedtime for 20 min. Repeat the procedure at least 10 consecutive days. If necessary, the course is permitted to extend to 2-3 weeks. After that you need to take a break. If the disorder is not associated with severe mental disorders, this rate is sufficient to normalize sleep.

valerian root

Folk remedies for insomnia have a mild impact, they can be used over a long period. Tincture based on rhizomes of valerian is considered an effective cure for the disorder.Folk remedies for insomnia, a simple and effective method for women, men

It is necessary to grind dry rhizome and separate 20 g, raw pour 100 ml of alcohol or vodka, with a view to leave the infusion for 2 weeks. After that should be filtered composition and take 30 drops before bedtime for 14 days. Store the tincture better in a dark and cool place.

In severe hypotension and exacerbation of peptic ulcer recipe is not being used.

healing pumpkin

Not everyone knows that a decoction on the basis of pumpkin pulp has a strong relaxing and soothing effect. It is possible to prepare pulp of 250 and 1 liter of water. After boiling, the composition must boil 5 minutes, then cool and filter.

Existing medication taken with 125 ml of 1 hour before bedtime. The method is absolutely safe, so experts recommend to use it throughout the season, when the pumpkin is available. After one week of regular reception means of the dose can be increased to 250 ml per 1 times.

Alcohol decoction of dill

Folk remedies prepared using wine, vodka or spirit have better efficiency and saving of insomnia. To obtain decoction of dill seeds necessary to take 60 g of dry raw pour 500 ml "Kagor".

Boil composition after boiling for at least 3 minutes, left to cool and filtered. Ready means to take before bedtime 50 ml for 10-14 days. Such a tool is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, and patients with acute digestive tract diseases.

seeds of nettles

Broth-based nettle seeds with honey is considered to be a good preventive and therapeutic agent for sleep disorders. It is necessary to prepare 300 ml of water and 20 g of seed, simmer for 10 minutes, leave for 2 hours for infusion.Folk remedies for insomnia, a simple and effective method for women, men

For 1 time necessary to use the whole amount of funds previously adding 5 ml of liquid natural honey. Repeat the treatment for at least 10 consecutive days. It should be noted that the nettle has a pronounced hemostatic properties by stimulating glueing red blood cells, so the method should not be used in patients who suffer from thrombosis and increased blood clotting.

Infusion of hop cones

Water infusion based on the hop cones is considered a good remedy for mild sleep disorders. Cooking must be from dry and pre-shredded cones in the amount of '60

Raw materials must pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave for 2 hours for infusion, filter. Before going to bed the patient must take 200 mL infusion. Repeat treatment 2 consecutive weeks. It is important before starting the course exclude the possibility of allergic reactions to the main ingredient of the composition.

Orange peel and raisins

Infusion of 30 g of orange peel, and 10 g raisins helps the patient to sleep and does not cause side reactions. The ingredients must be filled with 300 ml of boiling water and left for the purpose of infusion at 2 hour.

Finished medicine filtered and taken before bedtime. Substances contained in the orange peel, can adversely affect the gastric mucosa, so the treatment should be continued for no longer than 10 days. If no effect using a different recipe.

milk decoction

Natural low-fat milk in combination with sage has quite a pronounced effect on the patient, helping him to relax and fall asleep quickly. It is necessary to bring to 300 ml of boiling milk, previously adding a 3 g dry milled sage.

Folk remedies for insomnia, a simple and effective method for women, men
Salvia itself is considered a proven folk remedy for insomnia, so no need to have a brew with milk!

After boiling the mixture immediately remove from heat and leave for 30 minutes to infuse. The filtered composition to take before bedtime. Permitted to add a little honey or sugar. Repeat the procedure 2 consecutive weeks. Usually this time is enough to produce a therapeutic result.

The medicine of Leonurus

Folk remedies for insomnia often involve the use of alcohol-based tincture of Leonurus. However, not all patients are allowed to take such medicine. For such patients, experts recommend water infusion on the basis of medicinal herbs.

In 100 ml of boiling water required 10 g of dry and pre-crushed material. After adding water, the composition should remain at 2 hour. Finished medicine to filter and take 1 tbsp. l. before bedtime. Continue treatment until the vehicle is completed. If the desired effect is not achieved, it allowed again to prepare a portion of the infusion and take in the same way.

Patients with severe hypotension should not use the tool continuously. It allowed only a single intake in case of emergency.

lemon infusion

To eliminate insomnia symptoms persist in some patients suitable composition based on lemon juice, honey and walnuts. It is important to remember that this medicine is permitted to accept only patients who do not have any manifestations of diseases of the stomach, intestines, and kidneys.Folk remedies for insomnia, a simple and effective method for women, men

250 ml of natural lemon juice must add 2 tbsp. l. quality liquid honey and 20 g of previously chopped walnuts. The composition should be mixed thoroughly and take 1 tbsp. l. at bedtime for 10 days.

Do not take the medication on an empty stomach, so as not to induce gastric mucosal lesion. If after consumption means an unpleasant sensation or heartburn, it is better to choose another method of treating insomnia.

possible complications

Many patients find that the lack of a normal night's sleep does not affect health. But at a constant lack of sleep caused by various factors, complications will certainly develop.

A person increases the risk of stroke, myocardial infarction and diabetes. In addition, the possible rapid weight gain and obesity is associated with metabolic disturbances. It noted that patients suffering from chronic insomnia, often need the help of a psychologist or psychiatrist.

This is due to the lack of night phase of deep sleep needed for the restoration of brain function. Such people are usually irritable, tired and lethargic. They can not fully carry out their duties at work, feel tired at any time of the day.

Folk remedies - is quite effective and relatively safe alternative to traditional medicinal drugs. Insomnia such drugs are most often used because not addictive and do not cause severe complications, many sleeping pills.

Registration of the article: Vladimir the Great

Video of hypnotics

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