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Banks back. Benefits and harms for coughs, colds, osteochondrosis, spinal hernia, how to put

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In the USSR, all colds treated with cans on his back. Many older people still use the method as a therapy. Due to banks improves mood, normalize blood circulation. But before applying you must evaluate the benefits and harms from their use.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Effects on the body, the use of medical cans
  • 2 types of cans
  • 3 Indications cans back
  • 4 Contraindications
  • 5 Damage from the banks of treatment
  • 6 What will it take for the medical procedure?
  • 7 How to put on the back of banks of different kinds?
  • 8 cans arrangement depending on the disease
    • 8.1 With a cold
    • 8.2 when you cough
    • 8.3 bronchitis
    • 8.4 with pneumonia
    • 8.5 when osteochondrosis
    • 8.6 spinal hernia
    • 8.7 For back pain, sciatica
    • 8.8 Cupping massage
  • 9 Where on the back and when you can not put the banks
  • 10 How to keep banks on the back?
  • 11 How often you can put the banks?
  • 12 Can I put the banks back pregnant?
  • 13 Safety regulations
  • 14 Video about the use of medical cans

Effects on the body, the use of medical cans

Banks back (benefits and harms are determined individually before using) have the following actions:

insta story viewer
  • improvement of blood circulation;
  • normalizes tissue nutrition;
  • reduces pain;
  • able to cope with cramps;
  • eliminate the inflammatory process;
  • improve skin elasticity;
  • tone the muscles;
  • improve mucus outflow from the upper respiratory tract.Banks back. Benefits and harms when coughing, osteochondrosis, spinal hernia, how to put

The positive qualities of adaptation:

  • Used since ancient times. Earlier, people were convinced that the banks give you energy, increase resistance to a variety of bacteria and viruses.
  • Device tightens the skin inside, so improving blood flow. Updates the cells of an organism, the normalization of metabolic processes. Skin becomes elastic and smooth.
  • Banks are used for the treatment of many diseases - pneumonia, colds, asthma and more.
  • Vacuum banks help with pain and bronchitis.
  • Device normalizes function of internal organs.

types of cans

In order to produce a vacuum jar, using many different materials. More details indicated in the table.

Name cans Description
From glass As useful properties can distinguish the use for the purpose of improving or anti-cellulite massage. On sale there are glass jars with a sucker for their applications do not need to fire, and they are safer.

This group of products is not as popular as others. The fact that the use of standard glass jars painful, and because of the fragility of the material, they may burst. A device also requires heating.

Among the positive features distinguish simple care and lack of odor. As well as glass jars are working deep muscular and subcutaneous layer.

Device exists in different sizes. The smallest is intended for persons who usually have a diameter of not more than 1 cm. And the biggest banks are used to massage the buttocks and thighs. The average size is used for the back and limbs.

rubber Have a low cost, and use them is easier than glass. Among the negative qualities can distinguish the presence of odor and complexity of care of banks. In the rubber fixtures life less than others. Also, they absorb any odor and are difficult to wash. Due to the use of cosmetics, rubber can deform.

Before using the device must be lowered in hot water for 15 - 20 min. Since the material softens and becomes harmless to the skin.

silicone This option is the most optimal of all, taking into account cost and quality. Silicone cans - durable and comfortable fit. Members say their low cost, hygienic quality.

Silicone banks do not absorb the cream, do not deform when using cosmetics. Also, such devices rarely cause allergies. To use do not need to fire

latex Latex products have the same advantages as silicone. But the cost is higher. Device does not need to warm up before use.
From pump The cost of these devices above, compared with others. The complex consists of products which have a different size.

With the help of the pump pressure is controlled in the bank. That is, the application can be likened to an electric massager.

Cans with a vacuum pump should be used together with magnetotherapy. Then the effect will be better.

Indications cans back

Banks back (benefits and harms from their use are recorded individually) can be applied in the following cases:

  • colds;
  • cough;
  • bronchitis;Banks back. Benefits and harms when coughing, osteochondrosis, spinal hernia, how to put
  • pneumonia;
  • low back pain;
  • hernia;
  • pain;
  • radiculitis;
  • as a massage area.


In devices there is a contraindication.

Vacuum banks must not be used in the following cases:

  • malignant and benign tumors - in the amplification of tumor blood flow can be increased in size;
  • bronchitis, acute form;
  • laryngitis acute form;
  • tracheitis (acute);
  • skin diseases;
  • increased likelihood of allergies;
  • changes in background hormones;
  • pregnancy;
  • fever (greater than 37.6 degrees) - this is due to the fact that the banks themselves can increase the temperature;
  • high blood pressure;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • nervous irritability;
  • mental disorders;
  • dystrophy;
  • tuberculosis;Banks back. Benefits and harms when coughing, osteochondrosis, spinal hernia, how to put
  • pneumonia complicated by nature;
  • chronic disease of acute phase;
  • the age of the child up to 3 years;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • thrombosis;
  • dry cough.

Damage from the banks of treatment

In addition to the positive qualities, vacuum banks have disadvantages.


  • capacity is prohibited to place in the heart, because the increased pressure, increased risk of heart attack;
  • if it is wrong to put tools after application on the skin will be strong hematoma;
  • shall not be used in benign neoplasms and cancer, as the tumor increased in size;
  • If every time the device is installed on the same place on the skin will produce inflammation;
  • a large number of contraindications.

What will it take for the medical procedure?

Banks are set back with additional materials at hand:

  • butter, cream or jelly necessary to prevent air from entering the cavity banks, as they do not damage the skin allow hot air temperature inside the container;
  • a towel or a blanket;
  • a thin metal rod or forceps;
  • wool;Banks back. Benefits and harms when coughing, osteochondrosis, spinal hernia, how to put
  • rubbing alcohol;
  • lighter or matches - if banks require heating prior to use;
  • banks;
  • capacity with pure water.

How to put on the back of banks of different kinds?

Installing the conventional glass jars is a little different from the others.

The following are the steps:

  1. Read the instructions in package inserts.
  2. Hand hygiene using soap. Further, the upper limbs must be dry, treat with antiseptic solution (Miramistin, Chlorhexidine).
  3. Skin grease means (butter, cream). It should not be absorbed, otherwise there is a high probability of occurrence of bruises. Not allowed to have hair on the back.
  4. On a stick or tweezers to wind wool. It must be kept firmly, so that there was no drop in the combustion point.Banks back. Benefits and harms when coughing, osteochondrosis, spinal hernia, how to put
  5. Soak a cotton with alcohol and squeeze.
  6. Ignite cotton.
  7. Put burning device in the glass jar at a time not exceeding 3 seconds. Fire should not touch the walls of the tank.
  8. Immediately place the jar on the skin smeared with cream (Vaseline oil).
  9. Make sure that the device is stuck to the skin.
  10. Repeat the same steps with the other banks. Attachments should be placed at a distance of 3 - 5 cm. apart.
  11. Extinguish the wick in the container with water.
  12. After 5 min. ensure that all banks are stuck to the skin. In case of doubt, repeated heating.
  13. Remove jars. In this process, no big deal, container is tilted, and the need to hold the finger skin on the opposite side. Do not abruptly withdraw the banks, otherwise the person will be hurt.
  14. Place a towel or blanket on the skin, remove 15 minutes.

To install the rubber material, do the following:

  1. Read the instructions in package inserts.
  2. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water, dried, treated with an antiseptic solution (Miramistin, Chlorhexidine).
  3. Put jars for 15 - 20 min. in hot water.
  4. After 15 min. skin grease means (butter, cream). The main thing - do not allow rapid absorption, otherwise the skin will be a hematoma.
  5. The bank is located on the body.
  6. Remove the container after the required amount of time.
    Banks back. Benefits and harms when coughing, osteochondrosis, spinal hernia, how to put
    Silicone banks easier to put back

To put a silicone or latex cans, enough to wash your hands, brush with skin cream. Further, the capacity you need to compress and install them on your skin. Remove the required amount of time later.

Banks with a vacuum pump, are installed in a similar manner. At the time of their stay on the skin, it allowed inside pressure regulation. After the required amount of time, the banks are removed slight compression of the cylinder.

cans arrangement depending on the disease

Banks back (benefits and harms of techniques are the subject of dispute modern doctors) can be used for various illnesses. But in each case, there are particular. That is important to know in what place to put the bank in order to maximize the impact of the use.

With a cold

Devices capable of:

  • improve circulation;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • stimulate metabolic processes;
  • accelerate healing of cells;
  • reduce pain;
  • reduce the severity of colds.

Because of all positive effects, the body starts to fight the infection on their own. Establish capacity needed under the shoulder blade and spine. In the primary use can be limited to 10 minutes. Subsequently permitted increase in the number of cans and the time to 15 minutes.

when you cough

Therapy using cans is permitted only if the mucus begins to retreat. Ie cough wet, not dry. When used properly, can improve the condition, speed up recovery.Banks back. Benefits and harms when coughing, osteochondrosis, spinal hernia, how to put

If a person is concerned about a cough, banks need to put 5 or more units. in the region of the back. Allowed to repeat the procedure after 1 day.


This condition requires specialist advice. That is not recommended to start using cans with bronchitis alone. Device is only an aid. Bronchitis need comprehensive treatment with antimicrobials. Device can not be used in the acute phase of bronchitis.

After applying cans, mucus thickens, reduced coughing. After 2 - 3 days there will be pain, blood vessels expand and accelerate recovery.

with pneumonia

Banks on the back, and use vredot are estimated individually for pneumonia must be used after agreement with a physician. The disease requires specialist advice.

Some doctors do not recommend the use of the method in case of pneumonia, because the situation could get worse. And other doctors are advised to use containers in conjunction with other methods to accelerate the cure. That is the purpose of individually.

when osteochondrosis

Through the use of cans in osteochondrosis, it is possible to prevent the transfer of disease in complicated forms. Due to a deep influence on his back, decrease pain and inflammation. This helps to improve the general well-being.Banks back. Benefits and harms when coughing, osteochondrosis, spinal hernia, how to put

Banks will not help with osteochondrosis, if used as the only means. Treatment should be comprehensive. That is, using drugs and other techniques. Cupping should be coordinated with the neurologist.

spinal hernia

Many doctors do not recommend setting cans hernia. The fact that the equipment is outdated and replaced by modern therapy. But if the specialist will resolve, you can try to perform the procedure and find it effective in hernia.

For back pain, sciatica

Due to the beneficial qualities of cans allowed to use them in the presence of pain and sciatica. When broken joint mobility, there is stiffness, it prevents a person to live a normal life. After applying vacuum cans, can alleviate the condition, namely, to reduce pain, muscle clamps, and inflammation.

Banks need to install on the problem areas, but avoid the spinal column. If there is pain in the spine is allowed to place containers on the sides, but no more than 3 on each side.

Cupping massage

Cup massage is different from the setting devices. In the first case, a specialist moves containers on the back. In particular, the action takes place near the spine to relax muscles, relieve spasm, expand blood vessels. As a result, massage increases blood circulation and nutrients quickly come to the vertebrae, cartilage, ligaments.Banks back. Benefits and harms when coughing, osteochondrosis, spinal hernia, how to put

A statement of cans - is a procedure in which the devices are located on the 1st place and do not move. This method is most often used for colds.

Before you can massage the back area of ​​the skin smeared with cream, to avoid discomfort and tanks were moving gently. To use banks take with a smooth edge to prevent damage to human skin.

During the massage banks pressed into the skin of no more than 1.5 cm. Otherwise, the person will experience pain.

First, slow motion, as the skin needs to get used to the effects. Specialist container moves along the venous - lymphatic current, not in any order. With proper implementation of canned massage, the processes occurring in the body, accelerate, and not muted.

If cupping massage is done correctly, the person feels just an easy soreness. There should be a strong discomfort. A erythema on skin after 60 minutes passed. Duration can massage the back - 10 min.

Where on the back and when you can not put the banks

Installing the cans are not allowed at all locations. Except for the back is the spinal column, the kidneys, the vanes.

How to keep banks on the back?

The first time did not have to install a lot of cans (6 pcs.). But then the number can be increased. 1 are used again to 14 cans.Banks back. Benefits and harms when coughing, osteochondrosis, spinal hernia, how to put

The first time the duration of exposure no more than 1 min. Gradually increase the time you need. Duration should reach 10 - 15 min. When the containers correctly positioned, the patient should feel warm. If there is severe pain, banks must be removed.

How often you can put the banks?

Most often, banks are recommended to put in a day, but not more. When using devices every day, the body is subjected to stress. The benefits of such procedures will not.

the condition is often normalized after 4 - 5 procedures. That is, the course of therapy lasts about 7 days. To avoid discomfort, every time you need to put the banks on a new place. Containers should be placed so that they do not fall on the old bruises. Hematoma completely disappear after 2 - 3 weeks after completion of therapy.

Can I put the banks back pregnant?

Install the banks can not be pregnant.Banks back. Benefits and harms when coughing, osteochondrosis, spinal hernia, how to put

This is associated with the following side effects:

  • increase uterine tone and a high probability of miscarriage;
  • limited oxygen supply to the fetus;
  • circulatory disorder;
  • a negative impact on cardiac function;
  • increasing the load on the fetus.

Pregnant banks can be replaced by other methods.

For example, at cold popular following products:

  • raspberry jam or currant;
  • hot tea;
  • honey;
  • lemon.

If pregnant worried cough, can be purchased at the pharmacy to collect the chest. But before use should consult a gynecologist.

Safety regulations

When using cans need to follow certain rules of the therapy to be safe.


  • using jars made of glass, remove hair, if they are in the patient's back;
  • to prevent overheating of glass jars because they are burst;
  • to comply with the exposure time;
  • Banks placed on the body in the allowed places;
  • if the procedure brings severe discomfort, remove the jars;
  • do not do the procedure if there is a contraindication (fever, dry cough, etc.);
  • before using cans, read the manual as capacity may vary according to the material.

Vacuum banks on the back - it is a device, which has positive and negative qualities. Therefore, it is desirable to coordinate their use with your doctor.

Tanks can be used for various diseases - bronchitis, colds. If there are no contraindications, use the banks should still be cautious. And to improve efficiency in the treatment of the back, it is better to combine the use of cans to other methods (medicines, massage, etc.).

Registration of the article: Mila Friedan

Video about the use of medical cans

Elena Malysheva talk about banks:

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