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The consequences of anesthesia to a woman's body after surgery, laparoscopy, curettage, cesarean section, hysteroscopy, in the future, the elderly

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Any surgery requires anesthesia and anesthesia. The traumas of anesthesia and its effect on a woman's body is shown individually. It depends on age, chronic illness and operation complexity, sensitivity to drugs.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Types of general anesthesia, its mechanism of action
  • 2 Contraindications to general anesthesia
  • 3 Possible effects of general anesthesia
  • 4 The influence of anesthesia on a woman's body
    • 4.1 Effects on the brain
    • 4.2 Impaired memory after anesthesia
    • 4.3 Effects on the heart
    • 4.4 Effects of Pregnancy
    • 4.5 The emergence of asthenic syndrome
    • 4.6 Other disorders in women
  • 5 Consequences of an overdose
  • 6 risk group of women of reproductive age and older
  • 7 How to minimize risks?
  • 8 Is there a harmless anesthesia?
  • 9 Should we be afraid of anesthesia?
  • 10 Video of anesthesia and its effect on the female body

Types of general anesthesia, its mechanism of action

Anesthesia - a common procedure in surgery. It is based on the administration of specific products, which is several times reduces the susceptibility of the patient to pain.

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In humans, the sensitivity is lowered by the braking performance and to reduce pulses of the nervous system. This allows complex manipulations and procedures with minimal discomfort to the patient.

In the treatment of women used several types of anesthesia:

  • The total inhalation. It is used for abdominal operations that require state monitoring and dosage adjustment. The drug is administered through a special mask, enters the bloodstream through the lungs. This is the most powerful and in-depth version of the anesthesia, which requires careful preparation.
  • Intravenous. A common variant of anesthesia during abortion or curettage. Its advantage - the anesthetist can combine different drugs, to take into account individual intolerance of components. This allows you to choose a safe structure for women of any age.
  • Endotracheal. Deep anesthesia type used in the necessity of introducing into a deep sleep for several hours. The drug is supplied in a gaseous form directly to the lungs through a tube mounted in the patient's trachea. At the time of human operation is transferred to artificial ventilation due to complete relaxation of the respiratory center of the brain.
  • Spinal or epidural anesthesia. Often used in the reproductive organs in the female operations, it recommended for a caesarean section. The anesthetic is dosed in the brainstem and spinal sensitivity removes only the lower torso. The patient remains conscious, not requiring the use of the ventilator. This reduces the risk of allergies and side effects.
The consequences of anesthesia to a woman's body after surgery, curettage, cesarean section, in old age

When conducting operations in women not using local anesthesia.

It is suitable only for simple procedures: biopsy formations on the skin or the mammary gland, removal of papillomas, cosmetic injections. The consequences of anesthesia to a woman's body depends on the type and volume of the composition. the impact mechanism is based on the blockade of receptors, which transmit information to the brain.

They are present in the epidermis and mucous membranes, instantly reacting to any stimulus. After administration of the drug at the time, there is no link between the axon and the barrel of the spinal cord. During anesthesia should not disturb the operation of the cardiovascular system and all vital functions.

Contraindications to general anesthesia

To carry out anesthesia only uses modern and proven products.

But there are a number of diseases in which prohibited the use of general anesthesia:

  • atrial fibrillation;
  • angina;
  • congestive heart failure;
  • heart attack;
  • coronary syndrome;
  • exacerbation of asthma.
The consequences of anesthesia to a woman's body after surgery, curettage, cesarean section, in old age

The consequences of anesthesia to a woman's body with these diagnoses are unpredictable. It is not used during severe stages of cirrhosis, acute renal dysfunction, toxic hepatitis. Administration of the drug with the blood penetrates into the affected organ, worsening his condition to critical. With great care any kind of anesthesia is used during pregnancy the patient.

Of great importance is the age of the person. In people older than 50 years are more common acquired heart disease and blood vessels, slows down the metabolism. Therefore, the dosage unit may provoke an exacerbation and severe consequences even when properly operation.

Possible effects of general anesthesia

For anesthesia administered to the patient potent preparations containing different chemical components. They enter the blood and lymph, penetrate the soft tissue and internal organs. They violate the metabolism so the body tries to quickly remove them from the liquid. Intoxication varying degrees of temporary and early consequence of the procedure.

During the day, a woman may experience:

  • severe weakness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • change in heart rate;
  • muscle weakness;
  • drowsiness;
  • thirst.
The consequences of anesthesia to a woman's body after surgery, curettage, cesarean section, in old age

After removal from anesthesia women and men experience similar sensations. Subject to the recommendations of doctors unpleasant symptoms disappear within 24-48 hours. When using endotracheal method is itching in the throat, coughing and painful swallowing.

Most of the operations on the uterus, abortion or curettage under general anesthesia.

Dosage and preparations are selected individually, but in rare cases, doctors are unable to prevent the early effects and complications of anesthesia. Within a few hours after injection woman may fall into a coma, there are signs of disorientation, arrhythmia or tachycardia. Current drugs

The influence of anesthesia on a woman's body

The consequences of anesthesia to a woman's body sometimes occur within a few weeks or months. Long-term complications may disrupt the brain, heart and digestive system, affect memory and coordination. When single-use anesthetic they are unlikely, but frequent procedures are cumulative effect of complicating the work of the heart, lungs, urinary tract.

Kinds of complications (as of 2005-2015.) During gynecological operations The percentage of complications
An overdose of anesthetic drugs 46,6%
Side effects (t. H. idiosyncrasy) 42,5%
Obstetric complications during surgery 3,6%
Problems with intubation 2,3%
malignant hyperthermia 1%
Other complications 3%

Effects on the brain

Following administration of anesthesia penetrates the patient's brain, affecting the braking process. It is distributed to the white matter, undergoing chemical reaction.

The consequences of anesthesia to a woman's body after surgery, curettage, cesarean section, in old age

The most common problem after surgery - cognitive dysfunction, which manifests itself in the following symptoms:

  • rapid loss of concentration;
  • learning problems or performing work requiring accuracy;
  • speech disorders;
  • decrease in visual acuity.

The minimum manifestations of the problem is found in 80% of women undergoing anesthesia. Dysfunction is dangerous for patients older than 60 years. They observed age-related changes and atherosclerosis, which threatens the destruction of neural connections. Without comprehensive treatment show signs of dementia, irritability for no reason.

Impaired memory after anesthesia

In 30-70% of patients the use of analgesic composition can cause a memory disorder. The problem is called "post-operative cognitive dysfunction." In most patients, it disappears after 1-5 days.

But a number of factors can worsen the condition:

  • operation of more than 4-5 hours;
  • intervention on the heart;
  • age over 50 years;
  • frequent medical procedures using anesthesia.

Doctors suggest that the cause of disorders associated with oxygen deprivation of the brain cortex during prolonged relaxation. Blood vessels for several hours lose tone, reduced blood pressure. At 1% of people memory impairment persists until the year had a negative effect on the ability to analyze important information to remember events and people close.

Effects on the heart

anesthetic effects on the cardiovascular system of the woman is dependent on the drugs, which were used by the anesthesiologist. On the first day is often irregular, slow pulse occurs on a background of low blood pressure. Experts disorders associated with a common muscle relaxation.

The consequences of anesthesia to a woman's body after surgery, curettage, cesarean section, in old age

The cause of chest pain could be:

  • respiratory disorders during inhalation anesthesia;
  • severe blood loss;
  • ventricular fibrillation.

If a woman's heart work influenced painkillers for a few months is maintained insomnia, neurosis appears, muscle weakness and heart rate surges.

Effects of Pregnancy

During pregnancy, the surgery is performed only in extreme cases. The circulatory system of the embryo communicates with the mother's blood vessels, so it is impossible to avoid exposure to the anesthesia. The drugs do not cause genetic damage, but can become a cause oxygen starvation.

The consequences of anesthesia to a woman's body after surgery, curettage, cesarean section, in old age

The most dangerous moments:

  • From 2 to 10 weeks. It happens tab major organs so the lack of oxygen affects the brain development.
  • At 8 months. It increases the risk of uterine hypertonus in the breeding of sleep medication.

The consequences of anesthesia on the body of the child and women do not appear. If you are using an epidural during childbirth, the child is sometimes observed inhibition of the respiratory function, and weakness. The problem is eliminated conduct intoxication, placing the newborn under the ventilator for a day.

The emergence of asthenic syndrome

With long-term exposure to anesthesia increases the risk of asthenic syndrome - severe malfunction of the nervous system. The problem does not go away within a few months, it requires the assistance of a neurologist.

The consequences of anesthesia to a woman's body after surgery, curettage, cesarean section, in old age
Asthenic syndrome - one of the effects of anesthesia on a woman's body.

Its typical symptoms:

  • mood swings;
  • violation of sleep and wakefulness;
  • constant feeling of sleepiness and fatigue;
  • memory impairment.

Such unbalance occurs when nerve mediators and receptors in the brain. Recent die, causing minor stroke. The probability is increased in patients older than 55 years.

Other disorders in women

For anesthesia using different drugs, each of which has side effects. The girls they can disrupt the hormonal balance, lead to the disappearance of menstruation.

At gynecological surgery and caesarean section is increasingly used epidural anesthesia, at which 10% of the patients circulation slows in the spinal canal. This leads to pain in the lower back, muscle weakness, there are problems with urination.

Consequences of an overdose

If exceeded anesthesiologist dosage preparations, complications arise directly during the procedure or within a few hours after awakening. They manifest as an abrupt pressure drop, cardiac arrhythmias.

In 1 out of 25,000 cases, there is a risk of coma and dangerous consequences:

  • bronchospasm;
  • heart attack;
  • bleeding in the brain;
  • pulmonary edema.
The consequences of anesthesia to a woman's body after surgery, curettage, cesarean section, in old age

Long-term complications of overdose occur against the background of hypoxia and circulatory disorders. A woman may suffer from headaches and forgetfulness, chest tightness, shortness of breath and increased irritability.

risk group of women of reproductive age and older

Among women of childbearing age the risk of complications after anesthesia varies at 0.06-0.08%. Hazard level rises in complex abdominal operations associated with the uterus or the fallopian tube rupture. The risk group includes young women with chronic renal failure, liver, heart, diseases of the hematopoietic system.

Complications are more common in the presence of:

  • overweight;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol abuse.
The consequences of anesthesia to a woman's body after surgery, curettage, cesarean section, in old age

Anesthesia is more dangerous for women over 50-55 years.

This is due to physiological changes and delayed natural processes: reduction of hemoglobin levels, the appearance of atherosclerosis, left over a minor heart attack. Drugs more slowly eliminated from the body, so the period of exposure to the cerebral cortex increases. This has a negative impact on cognitive function.

How to minimize risks?

The consequences of anesthesia to a woman's body can be prevented by 90%, if we strictly abide by the recommendations of the anesthesiologist.

Before the operation, he collects history, appoints a number of diagnostic procedures:

  • blood, urine;
  • an electrocardiogram;
  • coagulation;
  • measuring cholesterol, glucose, hemoglobin;
  • Ultrasonography of the abdomen.
The consequences of anesthesia to a woman's body after surgery, curettage, cesarean section, in old age

The specialist should not hide the existence of bad habits, features menu and use of drugs. It is necessary to warn of the chronic diseases suffered by head trauma, stroke or heart attack. It helps to calculate the dose of anesthetic, choose an effective combination for pain relief.

Is there a harmless anesthesia?

Any drug affects the brain and nervous system function. It is therefore absolutely safe compounds do not exist. But large variety of medicines in different forms allows physicians to choose the best option. No account is taken of surgery duration.

For anesthesia during childbirth women preferred isoflurane and sevofluraneWhich are easily derived from the tissues of the kidneys. Increasingly, surgery on reproductive organs in young girls performed laparoscopically.

The consequences of anesthesia to a woman's body after surgery, curettage, cesarean section, in old age

It allows you to use a light anesthesia in which the patient remains conscious, not feeling the pain. She was not worried about severe nausea, dizziness and other unpleasant moments.

Should we be afraid of anesthesia?

Any surgical procedure requires the use of anesthesia. medical task - to save a woman from a painful shock and preserve vital functions. An experienced anesthetist conducts a thorough preoperative preparation, carefully studying the history of the patient's disease.

the latest generation of the drug is excreted from the body within a few hours, allowing the brain to recover quickly without consequences. Modern anesthesiology - medical science, aimed at improving the quality of treatment.

New methods significantly reduce the time of hospitalization, allow the use of anesthesia for contraindications. Despite the possible effects of anesthesia and its negative impact on a woman's body, pain relief is the only way to carry out complex operations with comfort for the patient.

Video of anesthesia and its effect on the female body

The impact of anesthesia on the brain:

Fragment of the program "Live healthy" for general anesthesia:

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