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Bladder. Where is women, structure, disease, symptoms, function, treatment

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Concern for health - the basis of everything. Therefore, the problems arising in the internal organs, liver, kidney, bladder, and others, must be in focus.

Bladder - a hollow muscular organ, designed to accumulate urine periodically flowing through the ureters, where it is displayed at different intervals of urethra.

The content of the article:

  • 1 functions
  • 2 Structure
  • 3 kinds of diseases
  • 4 symptoms of disease
  • 5 Causes of diseases
  • 6 Diagnostics
  • 7 When to see a doctor
  • 8 prevention
  • 9 therapies
    • 9.1 Medications
    • 9.2 Traditional methods
    • 9.3 Other methods
  • 10 possible complications
  • 11 Video of the structure of the bladder


The main role is to monitor periodic act of peeing into the environment. Storage and urine emptying occurs approximately 8 times per 24 hours to yield 1500 ml. During the storage phase, the muscles relax, to facilitate the expansion of the bladder during the filling, at the same time the internal sphincter is compressed to prevent leakage.

Together with urine excreted out waste, which can be determined diagnosing existing or developing the disease.

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The bladder is situated in the pelvic cavity and refers to the lower urinary tract, which includes:

  • ureters, two muscular tube extending from the kidneys to the bladder;
  • bladder smooth muscle consisting of cylindrical shapes, called detrusor;
  • the urethra, the tube leading from the bladder neck to the external parts of the body.

The upper urinary tract (kidney) continuously produce urine that flows into the ureters. Men lie behind the bladder and seminal vesicles rectum. Women - the uterus and upper third of the vagina. Terminal portion of the male bladder located on the prostate gland. The women - pelvic diaphragm.The bladder in women. Where is the, structure, functions, diseases, symptoms and treatment

The bubble has:

  • bottom most fortified and less movable part;
  • the tip of which is visible only when the liquid filling;
  • body;
  • neck, which passes into the urethra.

The bubble has a front, a rear and two side walls into one another. Its shape is altered depending on its content and the position of the neighboring organs. When it is full, it takes an oval shape and is vertically and laterally in men in women. The bladder is placed from 200 to 600 ml of urine, and sometimes more.

Pathologies quantity increases up to a few liters in which case the tip of the bladder is above the navel, its Elongation at high filling occurs in the direction of the abdominal cavity. Malonapolnenny, it resembles a saucer shape, tapering from top to bottom.The bladder in women. Where is the, structure, functions, diseases, symptoms and treatment

In front of it flow obliquely two ureter, thereby forming a valve unit which prevents reverse leakage of urine into the ureter bladder during inflation. For retention has thick muscle sphincter is located around the urethra opening.

The upper part, the back side and partly dressed and covered by the peritoneum of fibrous connective tissue that includes muscle, submucosal and mucosal membranes.

The bladder distinguished 3 layers of muscle fibers:

  • outer;
  • inner longitudinal;
  • the average transverse.

Muscular bladder layer was not uniform. With strong sprains it becomes thinner, and the mucosa may bulge outward. In these cases, indicate the presence of diverticula.The bladder in women. Where is the, structure, functions, diseases, symptoms and treatment

The mucosa of the bladder is composed of connective tissue, which sometimes occur accumulation of lymph cells. Mucous passes into the submucosa, which has a loose structure and is composed of stratified epithelium. The base membrane may define many folds that repeat loop muscle layer.

The shape depends on the condition of the body, the individual's sex and age.

The Emptying the female bladder has two structural types. The first is similar to the thick-walled well cutting pyramidal muscular sac. The second type is reminiscent of a flat formation, and in the transverse dimension greater than the male bladder. Bladder in men, during the filling, similar to the shape of a ball, whereas in women during the filling it is stretched on the sides.

The walls of the bladder are the nerves, nerve endings receptor neurons of the autonomic nervous system. The blood supply is provided near the arteries, connective tissue penetrate the small blood vessels.

kinds of diseases

On the urinary function of the organ affected by the disorder in the system, as well as in other organs:

  1. stones, primary formed in the bladder and secondary, which appeared in the renal tubules and the pelvis. The appearance of the stones is typical for women in old age, women suffer from them often.
  2. Cystitis. Inflammation of the bladder wall, caused by bacterial infection;
    The bladder in women. Where is the, structure, functions, diseases, symptoms and treatment
    Cystitis (bladder infection) is most often diagnosed in women
  3. Endometriosis. Characterized by the appearance of tumor formation in the bladder wall. The disease often develops as a result of gynecological surgery.
  4. papillomapolyps, tumors. Cause the formation of tumors can be prolonged stagnation of urine. Tumors often affect women in their old age. Papillomas, polyps are benign tumors.
  5. Urinary incontinence. Stress-related, it occurs when coughing, at night, often after childbirth, old age. The bladder is thus in a high voltage, and a weak sphincter muscle can not keep the flow of urine.
  6. Neuroses. There is quite a large group of diseases in which a disorder of urination occurs. This may be urinary retention, urinary incontinence, pain. Neuroses, leading to the breakdown of the bladder, is often associated with endocrine disorders in the sexual sphere.
  7. Ulcers. Simple ulcer that develops on the mucous membrane, has no signs of inflammation, irritation from the surrounding tissue to her, but it affects the process of urination.
  8. circulatory disorder. When the arterial and venous congestion of the bladder difficulties arise when the act of liberation from the urine.
  9. Diverticula. Sacciform protrusion of the bladder wall may be congenital or acquired. The disease occurs more frequently in men. In diverticula can form stones, tumors.
  10. Atony. It arises as a result of weakening of muscular tonus shell. The development is due to an adenoma, trauma, tumors, stones.
  11. Injury. Bladder ruptures caused by closed or open injuries. Closed lesions occur more frequently in men, in women occur during childbirth.
  12. Hernia. Loss of bladder occurring through the hernial ring. The most common are inguinal and femoral hernias. Often there are both post-operative complications.

symptoms of disease

Persistent symptoms that indicate disease in the urinary system:

  1. abdominal pain;
  2. pain during urinary excretion:
  3. disorder of urination;
  4. changes in the urine.The bladder in women. Where is the, structure, functions, diseases, symptoms and treatment

The first symptom is pain, often occur in cystitis, tumors, stones. Soreness may occur at the beginning of the act, and the end over and around the urination process.

Frequent urination, pollakiuria occurring both day and night, appears in inflammatory processes, malignancy. Night thamuria characteristic of prostatitis, diseases of the rectum in men, diseases of the uterus and rectum in women.

Sometimes it is an indicator of developing diabetes. Frequent painless emptying the bladder is characteristic of neuroses.

Fix release of urine is observed in the presence of stones, tumors, foreign bodies in the bladder neck and urethra. urinary retention occurs when an adenoma, prostate cancer, central nervous system diseases. Urinary incontinence occurs in cystitis, prostatitis, inflammation of the urethra.

Causes of diseases

On the development of disorders, many reasons affect the correct functioning of the urinary system:

  • infection;
  • allergy;
  • heredity;
  • trauma;
  • congenital pathology;
  • internal medicine;
  • neuroses;
  • social reasons.

The bladder is a direct function of the products for human consumption.

Among the reasons for it should be noted various diets, activities:

  1. A diet high in protein. Protein foods create a shortage of nitrogen, which can be filled only the consumption of fruits and vegetables. Excessive amounts of protein foods produces large amounts of waste, which overload the kidneys. Protein diet increases the level of cholesterol, and the bladder is affected, causing various diseases.The bladder in women. Where is the, structure, functions, diseases, symptoms and treatment
  2. A diet low in fiber. Fiber helps rid the body of toxins, toxins. If the diet is low in fiber, it leads to constipation, urinary slow down and as a result, toxins poisoning, inflammation of the urinary system.
  3. Aging. The aging process increases the muscle weakness, loss of bladder control, which leads to problems in the bladder.
  4. Unlimited use of sugary foodsCaffeine contribute to the development of ailments in the bladder.
  5. Overreliance swimming It contributes to the development of infections, inflammations, and as a result - a violation of urination.


Urine is a fast and reliable tool for the detection of various diseases, urological including. Some infectious diseases occurring in the urinary system, start asymptomatic, so the combination of the following analysis gives the best results:

  1. Determination of nitrites in urine.
  2. The detection of leukocytes.
  3. Blood tests.
  4. Determination of pH of urine.

There are also other diagnostic procedures:

  1. Survey urography. One of the main techniques were determined by X-ray changes in the urinary tract (the price of 400 rubles.).
  2. Cystoscopy. With the help of a cystoscope held unit study of the urethra and bladder. With the help of established diseases: cystitis, hematuria, urinary tract narrowing, screened formation therein (polyps), average price survey is from 6 thousand. rub.
  3. US. With apparatus structure is determined, the shape of the bladder. Price from 800 to 1 thousand. 400 rubles.The bladder in women. Where is the, structure, functions, diseases, symptoms and treatment
  4. Uroflowmetry. Methods of study urination to study the lower urinary tract. The cost of the procedure from 500 rubles.
  5. CT scan. With it determined diseases such as bladder cancer, infectious lesions. Cost of 2 to 4 thousand. rub.
  6. Intravenous urography. With the help of urography diagnose infectious diseases that occur in the bladder, urinary tract disorders related to trauma. The cost of the study from 3 thousand. 500 rubles.

When to see a doctor

A few isolated cases of urinary incontinence do not require medical attention. But if the problem worsens quality of life, impact on health, should seek help from the medical establishment.

Symptoms that should alert:

  1. Constant dribbling of urine.
  2. The sudden emptying of the bladder ahead of trip to the toilet.
  3. Constant urge to urinate without emptying.
  4. Frequent urination in small amounts.
  5. The appearance of blood in the urine.
  6. Urine became turbid, opaque, changed color, odor.
  7. There were pains in the back or the bladder.The bladder in women. Where is the, structure, functions, diseases, symptoms and treatment

Many problems occur during menopause, aging body. But if urination is accompanied by pain, feeling of incomplete emptying and frequent urging, it should be checked by a doctor.

The bladder, where urine is stored for a long time, more than the kidney or ureter, becomes the place where the tumor develops.


Because frequent disease of the bladder are caused by inflammation, infection, the prophylactic methods should be directed to the prevention of disease:

  1. Avoid hypothermia.
  2. Revise the diet, avoid foods that adversely affect the operation of the bladder.
  3. Drink daily at least 2 liters of water, including juices, fruit drinks to cleanse the body.The bladder in women. Where is the, structure, functions, diseases, symptoms and treatment
  4. Prevent colds, and especially their complications.
  5. Monitor the functioning of the intestines.
  6. When sedentary lifestyle have to do physical workout.
  7. Follow the personal hygiene.
  8. Avoid unprotected casual sexual relations.
  9. Undergo an annual diagnostic examination by a specialist.


Treatment may be conservative or operative.

Diseases that lead to the disorder of the urinary bladder treatments
Abnormality of the urinary bladder surgical correction
diverticula Drip administering drugs in small sizes, surgery in the case of large diverticulum
injury Surgery
hernias Surgery
circulatory disorder Treatment with hemostatic drugs, surgery
ulcers Procaine installation, the blockade, tissue therapy, fortifying agents, surgical treatment
neuroses Drug treatment sedatives
stones Surgery, remote methods
endometriosis Surgery (laparoscopy), drug therapy
Papilloma tumor Surgical intervention, medication, laser, radiotherapy, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, the treatment of asymptomatic papillomas do not need
inflammatory diseases Antibacterials.
The bladder in women. Where is the, structure, functions, diseases, symptoms and treatment

Very often the indication for surgery is the lack of effect of the medication.


The bladder is in close relationship with other bodies, so they often suffer from inflammatory infections, which develop cystitis. Main pathogens - E. coli, staphylococci, fungi, microorganisms, pathogens of sexual infections. Preparations are issued depending on the particular pathogen.

drug name How to use prices
Fosfomycin, an antibacterial drug Reception is conducted once 3G dose 400 rubles.
Furadonin from the group of nitrofurans, antimicrobial 3-4 times a day to 0.1 g 20 rubles
Ofloxacin, a fluoroquinolone drug group, during the complicated cystitis Take 3 days to 2 times a day 21 rubles.
Ciprofloxacin (fluoroquinolone group) 2 times a day for 3 days 6 rubles.
Amosin (group of penicillins) Take 3 times a day to 0.5 g From 20 rubles.
Flemoklav-Soljutab, penicillin antibiotic with a wide actions 1 tab. 2 times a day, every 12 hours 875 mg + 125 mg 150 rubles.
Solpadein, papaverine painkillers, antipyretics Inside after eating, 1-2 tab. 3-4 times a day From 100 rubles.
Urolesan, Cystone, vegetable antispasmodics Appointed by the course of 1 month, 1 capsule 3 times a day before meals from 200 rubles.
Monural assigned in the treatment of chronic diseases Appointed in the course of 3 months, to take daily 3 g From 400 rubles.
The bladder in women. Where is the, structure, functions, diseases, symptoms and treatment

In primary cystitis without causing severe pain in the absence of other chronic diseases, you can give your body a chance to cope with the disease without the use of drugs funds.

Traditional methods

Problems with overactive bladder are solved with the help of home remedies:

  1. Pumpkin seeds. They contain tryptophan, insoluble fatty acid, carotenoids, capable of preventing disease. To prepare the seeds should be taken, fry them and eat during the day several times.
  2. It is possible to prepare the infusion of seeds, which seeds 20g pour 500 ml of boiling water. Leave on for 30 minutes, then drink the broth during the day.
  3. A mixture of seeds, honey and sugar. Grind seeds in a blender, 100 g, fill with sugar, 2 tbsp. l., add honey, 2 tbsp. l. Stir everything well and drink during the day 2-3 times.

Good help for problems with bladder horsetail.

  • For the treatment should drink 1-2 Art. l. per day of broth made from horsetail.

Infectious diseases helps unsweetened cranberry juice, garlic extract, bearberry leaf.The bladder in women. Where is the, structure, functions, diseases, symptoms and treatment

The use of probiotics, which can be used in pure form or in products, reducing the risk of infection:

  • kefir;
  • kimchi;
  • tea mushroom;
  • yogurt.

Remove the pain will help tea tree oil:

  • Mix 3-4 drops of sandalwood oil and massage the mixture of the lower abdomen. Repeat massage 2-3 times a day.

You can take a bath, no more than 10 min., With the addition of tea tree oil and a small amount of turmeric.

Other methods

In the treatment of flaccid bladder, prostatitis attacks, carried catheterization. In chronic diseases and complex sphincterotomy is performed in which the bladder is converted to an open drainage channel. By surgical intervention may be replaced by an inactive sphincter of the bladder with an artificial one.

By training the bladder are achieved good results. To bring back to normal urination can perform physical exercises on a daily basis for the principle of Kegel exercise the pelvic floor muscles.The bladder in women. Where is the, structure, functions, diseases, symptoms and treatment

Up to 90% of patients manage to achieve a good effect in the treatment of bladder by changing lifestyles: smoking cessation, alcohol, food production mode correctly.

possible complications

The long existence of varicose veins in the bladder leads to thrombosis. Untreated diverticula leads to the development of pyelonephritis, pielitah. Acute infectious disease caused by bacteria that contribute to the accumulation of toxins, which leads to disruption of its work.

Prolonged stretching of the bladder wall leads to a weakening of the sphincter, which may eventually stop functioning. Mechanical trauma, which in time have not paid attention, leading to disruption of communication between the bladder and the central nervous system.

Bladder Health - an important issue, because the body affects the quality of life. Knowledge of the whereabouts of the lower urinary tract, causes and factors of diseases, help to assess the state of health and to begin treatment in time.

Author: Anna Belyaeva

Registration of the article: Mila Friedan

Video of the structure of the bladder

Anatomy of the bladder:

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