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The cerebellum of the human brain and its functions, the structure of the midbrain, the pathology in neurology, treated

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brain cerebellum - a man autopilot, affecting his balance, coordination, motor functions. It helps to control social behavior, motivation, takes part in cognitive processes. Cerebellum - a rear part of the brain that controls motor coordination, balance, and human postures, muscle tone.

The content of the article:

  • 1 functions
  • 2 Structure
  • 3 kinds of diseases
  • 4 symptoms of disease
  • 5 Causes
  • 6 Causes of coordination
  • 7 Diagnostics
  • 8 When to see a doctor
  • 9 prevention
  • 10 therapies
    • 10.1 Medications
    • 10.2 Traditional methods
    • 10.3 Other methods
  • 11 possible complications
  • 12 Videos about the features of the brain cerebellum


There is a close connection between the cerebellum and the cerebral cortex. Their development takes place and is accompanied by a parallel improvement of motor responses. The cerebellum processes information transmitted from the brain and peripheral nervous system to balance and control the movements of the body.

Movements such as walking, hitting the ball during the game, are carried out under the control of the cerebellum. It coordinates and interprets sensory information for reproducing fine motor movements, coordination, posture, balance, speech.

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The cerebellum of the human brain and its functions, are made to perform certain actions:

  1. Maintain balance and harmony of man.
  2. Make fine motor coordination.
  3. To maintain muscle tone.
  4. To establish the exact position of a person.
  5. Coordinate vision, eye movement.
The cerebellum of the human brain, function, structure, pathology, neurology, treatment
brain cerebellum human - features and functions in the photo.

The forerunner of all human-changing motor skills is to change the activity of neurons in the cerebellum. Cerebellar hemisphere and the prepared correction is performed of the planned movements at the time of start. Participation in its forward planning of movements based on previous experience and human learning.


The cerebellum is not a unique human body. Evolutionary he was in animals that existed before people. It occupies a small part of the brain, about 10% of the total weight, but it contains half of brain neurons. These are special cells that convey information using electrical signals. The embryonic state of a human cerebellum is formed on the 6-7 week.

After the birth of the cerebellum grows rapidly, its weight increases, in adults it reaches 130-170 g

Organ situated in the posterior cranial fossa near the medulla oblongata, forming part of the roof of the fourth ventricle. The upper part of it is about the occipital lobe of the cerebral hemispheres. At the bottom it is directed toward the foramen magnum.

According to the cerebellum are gaps separating sheets arranged in parallel, which are grouped into segments. Each correspond to a particular lobe lobes of the brain hemispheres. The slots in the cerebellum begin to appear on the 3rd month of the baby inside the mother's womb, and the final surface relief of the cerebellum is formed to 7 months.

body surface is covered with crust, under which is a white solid - cerebral body. The substance is in the sheets, similar to the white plate, why in the context of the cerebellum resembles branching "tree of life".

Cerebellar gray matter contains paired nuclei:

  • probkovidnoe responsible for the work of muscles of the trunk;
  • a gear that controls the limbs work.

Both cores are in depth and form the core of the tent, which relates to the vestibular apparatus. In the cerebellum have 6 pairs of legs: 2 lower, leading to the medulla oblongata, 2 medium, bound to the brain bridge, 2 top - that go to the brain roof.

The cerebellum of the human brain, function, structure, pathology, neurology, treatment

Blood supply is carried cerebellar artery:

  • top;
  • lower;
  • lower back;
  • lower front.

Across the surface of the body, they form an arterial network changeable, short and long branches that penetrate the cortex, white matter, to the nuclei. Venous blood passes through the veins, the number of which ranges from 6 to 22. Inside they are divided into the cerebellum white matter veins, vein nuclei and cortex. The entire surface of the cerebellar cortex is 85 thousand. mm².

It consists of layers:

  • molecular surface;
  • grainy;
  • ganglion, located between the first two.

The granular layer contains up to 100 Bln. nerve cells. Granular layer called because its cells are like seeds.

kinds of diseases

human brain cerebellum, its function is not only in the coordination of movements, but also to control some aspects of memory, learning and cognition.

Irregularities in the cerebellum occur for many reasons. It can be congenital malformation, hereditary or acquired. Symptoms depend on the reasons, but more often it is a violation of muscle coordination, ataxia, which translated from Greek means "a mess."

Diseases can be:

  1. congenital anomalies. Such malformations are almost always isolated, developed as part of complex defects that affect other parts of the central nervous system. Anomalies occur at an early age, do not progress, for example, hydrocephalus, cerebral palsy.
  2. hereditary ataxias. They can be autosomal recessive, when children receive gene from each parent or dominant - recessive, in this case, the gene was obtained from one of the parents, whose gene is dominant. The cause of inherited disorders is a defect in the gene that produces abnormal proteins. They prevent the functioning of the nerve cells in the cerebellum, brain and spinal cord. As the deterioration of a person increases with coordination problems.
The cerebellum of the human brain, function, structure, pathology, neurology, treatment

Among the dominant-recessive ataxias are:

  1. spinocerebellar. Classification disorders includes 43 currently known genes. In some disorders affect not only the cerebellum, but the central, peripheral nervous system.
  2. episodic ataxia. There are 7 recognized species disorders that manifest themselves periodically, can last from seconds to 6 hours.

The number of autosomal recessive ataxias include:

  1. Friedreich's ataxiaCharacterized gait instability, which manifests itself between the ages of 5 and 15 years. Then developed upper limb ataxia, speech disorder and partial paralysis of the lower limbs. The disorder is caused by abnormalities in the cerebellum, spinal cord and peripheral nerves.
  2. Ataxia telangiectasia. A rare inherited disease that causes degeneration of the brain. The disease destroys the internal organs, the immune system. Children with symptoms of the disease are often at risk of developing cancer, especially of this kind, as lymphoma, leukemia.
  3. Congenital cerebellar ataxia. It is caused by damage to the cerebellum, which begins at birth.
  4. Wilson's disease. Excessive accumulation of copper in liver, brain causes neurological problems.

Rarely cerebellar degeneration occurs as a syndrome in humans with breast cancer, ovarian, small cell lung carcinoma. In this case, the malfunction of the cerebellum begin in a week or a month before the cancer is detected.

symptoms of disease

The cerebellum of the human brain and its functions, structures, violated in the case of neurological disorders. Changes develop slowly or occur suddenly.

Common signs of violations:

  1. Uncontrolled coordination.
  2. Difficulty in swallowing.
  3. Inability to cope with fine motor movements: zastogivanie buttons, use a fork, a spoon, a pen when writing.
  4. speech disorder.
  5. Instability when walking, a constant stumbling.
  6. Involuntary movements back and forth (nystagmus).
The cerebellum of the human brain, function, structure, pathology, neurology, treatment

For different types of disorders, there are additional symptoms:

  1. In the case of episodic ataxia, caused by stress, fright, there is often repeated the same type of movement or involuntary twitching of muscles.
  2. In Friedreich's ataxia but disturbed coordination, there is shortness of walking, nervous twitching hands, slurred speech, rapid involuntary eye movements. Over time, the weakening of the muscles, curvature of the spine, hearing loss, heart failure develops.
  3. When spinocerebellar ataxia may develop parkinsonism, dystonia, paralysis of the eye muscles, bulging eyes.

Studies have shown that many patients with movement disorders caused by damage to the cerebellum are also observed psychiatric symptoms.


The functions of the cerebellum of the brain consist primarily in coordination transmits information from the brain, its control and transfer to the motor centers. The right side of the cerebellum, as well as the brain, is responsible for the coordination of the right side of the body, the left - controls the left side of the body.

Diseases in which broken connections between the spinal cord, cerebellum, peripheral nerves and cause ataxia.

The reasons for it may be:

  1. Cerebral paralysis. This disorder is caused by brain damage at the time of child birth.
  2. autoimmune diseases. Cerebellar degeneration may occur when sclerosis, celiac disease, Parkinson's disease.
  3. Tumor. In malignant and benign cancers often disrupted cerebellar.

Conditions for the development of acquired ataxia:

  1. Vascular changes: stroke; ischemic attack; myocardial posterior inferior cerebellar artery; posterior fossa tumors or abscesses.
    The cerebellum of the human brain, function, structure, pathology, neurology, treatment
  2. nutritional disorders: Zinc deficiency; Thiamine deficiency leads to the development of Wernicke's encephalopathy; a lack of vitamin E.
  3. Infections of: bacterial, such as meningoencephalitis, intracranial abscesses; Viral: chicken pox, postvirusnye syndromes, immunodeficiency virus; Parasitic: Toxoplasmosis; malaria and Lyme disease.
  4. toxins: drugs: barbiturates, phenytoin, piperazine, anticancer drugs; toxic substances: alcohol, mercury, heavy metals, solvents; drug overdose.
  5. injuries.
  6. Hypothyroidism.

Causes of coordination


Disorders that affect the cerebellum birth defects

hemorrhage in the cerebellum

a tumor in the cerebellum (especially in children)

head injury


hereditary disorders ataxia telangiectasia

Friedreich's ataxia


Drugs and toxic substances alcohol

antiseptics such as phenytoin

carbon monoxide

lead, lithium

sedatives at higher doses

other causes celiac disease


multiple sclerosis

subacute cerebellar degeneration

multiple system atrophy

dedostatochnost of the thyroid gland

Vitamin E deficiency

The most frequent cause of disturbances in the cerebellum, which becomes irreversible, is a long-term, excessive use of alcohol.


Diagnosis of the disease is a clinical includes analysis of family of diseases, determination of the causes of acquired systemic disorders.

In addition to the physical examination, neurological examination is performed, comprising by:

  • hearing;
  • view;
  • coordination;
  • memory status;
  • concentration.

May require laboratory tests:

  1. spinal puncture. To study the fluid is taken, which is around the spinal cord, it was tested in the laboratory. The price of the procedure - from 300 rubles.
  2. CT or MRI of the brain. It identifies the reduction of the cerebellum and other brain structures revealed the tumor, blood clots, which produce pressure on the body. Price procedures from 2 to 3 thousand. rub.
    The cerebellum of the human brain, function, structure, pathology, neurology, treatment
  3. genetic testing. Using this method it is determined by the gene causing the ataxia. This type of diagnosis is carried out in the event that there is suspicion of a hereditary nature of the disorder. The price of the procedure depends on the selected study package, from 5 to 10 thousand. rub.

When to see a doctor

Symptoms that should alert and cause to visit a neurologist:

  1. Headaches, suddenly appearing and worse in the morning.
  2. Nausea.
  3. Vomiting.
  4. Unsteadiness when walking.
  5. The confusion in his mind.
  6. Dizziness.

Emerging tremor in the body, wide and unstable steps, twitching eye should also alert others and cause a person to visit the hospital


It is difficult to prevent the disorder of the cerebellum, but may reduce the risk of its occurrence. For the prevention of diseases that result in ataxia, children need to be immunized against viruses such as chicken pox.

Adults reduce their risk of the disease can be, giving up excessive use of alcohol, toxic substances. Avoid stroke may constantly engaged exercise, controlling weight, blood pressure.


A universal method of treatment is not, but in any case it is necessary to eliminate the root cause.

Use the following methods:

  1. Operative intervention in case of bleeding in the cerebellum, abscess, tumor.
  2. Radiation, chemotherapy in the propagation of cancer.
  3. Antibiotic treatment at an infectious nature of any injuries.
  4. Appointment of anticoagulants when a stroke as the underlying cause.
  5. At deficiency of vitamins is assigned to vitamin therapy.
  6. To eliminate the symptoms of the disease caused by nervous disorders, appointed sedatives, adaptive devices.
The cerebellum of the human brain, function, structure, pathology, neurology, treatment

Ataxia caused by cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, can not be treated.

In this case, adaptive devices are assigned:

  1. Stick, walker walks.
  2. means of communication for conversation.
  3. Special hygienic devices for the food, personal care.

The cerebellum of the human brain, its functions can not be recovered in the event of a failure due to heredity. No drugs to treat such forms of cerebellar degeneration. In this case, therapy is supportive.


For the treatment of bacterial infections used antimicrobials, to prevent the formation of thrombi prescribed Maksidol, Aspirin. All the drugs prescribed by the doctor's instruction on the basis of the patient's condition.

Commonly used drugs in the treatment of:

nootropics piracetam



30 rubles.

340 rubles.

40 rubles.

anticonvulsant carbamazepine 60 rubles.
improves blood flow cavinton


130 rubles.

370 rubles.

Reducing muscle tone sirdalud


200 rubles.

250 rubles.

antidepressant teralen


from 400 to 800 rubles.

from 1000 rubles.

The cerebellum of the human brain, function, structure, pathology, neurology, treatment

Many are appointed by vitamin complexes, which include B vitamins

Traditional methods

Home remedies for the treatment of cerebellar disorders do not exist. But for people who have the disorder, acquired in the nervous system, we can recommend a means, relieves nausea, vomiting, anxiety.

List of folk methods:

  1. Tea on the basis of medicinal collection: Oregano, valerian, wild rose. All mix, pour boiling water, let it brew and drink throughout the day as a tea, diluting with hot water.
  2. A solution prepared by citrus cortex. Finely chopped bark of lemon, mandarin, dried and then added to the tea, and drinking water throughout the day.

Well it helps infusion, prepared on the basis of peppermint.

Other methods

To strengthen the muscles, doctors recommend that patients undergo physical therapy, exercise therapy, massage. To improve speech can conduct classes with a speech therapist. Physiotherapists will teach exercises to improve posture, maintain balance, coordination.

Specific complexes exercise, "touch", "Cerebellar", intended to prevent muscular atrophy. Good help to restore the health of vestibular exercises. Intra readaptation will return to domestic work, learn new habits to care for themselves.

possible complications

Complications caused by a brain disorder that depend on the underlying cause. Cerebellar disorder is permanent stroke, infectious nature of the injury or brain hemorrhage. In the implementation of radical treatment, surgical, can hope for a favorable prognosis.

The cerebellum of the human brain, function, structure, pathology, neurology, treatment

Due to the high risk of complications, lack of special healing methods, one should pay attention to any changes in their behavior. Early diagnosis of brain lesions of the cerebellum is important in order to prevent violations of its functions.

Author: Anna Belyaeva

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

Videos about the features of the brain cerebellum

Anatomy brain cerebellum human:

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