Antimicrobial Drugs For Systemic Use

The antibiotic in removing the tooth. What better with flux, brush, wisdom tooth for nursing. The names, prices, reviews

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Antibiotics, which are taken when removing the tooth, designed to inhibit the growth of bacterial microflora, prevention of purulent infectious processes and rapid healing damaged gums. Admission antimicrobials shows the presence of signs of inflammation of tissues in tooth extraction, the formation of flux and postoperative complications.

The content of the article:

  • 1 classification of antibiotics
  • 2 Top-10 preparations from the chemists
    • 2.1 erythromycin
    • 2.2 Biseptol
    • 2.3 amoxicillin
    • 2.4 Ampicillin, Oxacillin
    • 2.5 Altrotsin-S
    • 2.6 Azaks
    • 2.7 vancomycin
    • 2.8 Biseptrim
    • 2.9 Oriprim
    • 2.10 Ospamoks
  • 3 Video about the use of antibiotics in dentistry

classification of antibiotics

There is a huge variety of antibacterial agents produced in the form of injection solutions and tablets, which are used for antimicrobial therapy after dental procedures of all types and degrees of difficulty.

By the principle of exposure to infectious microorganism cells antibiotics are divided into two main categories, namely:

  • bactericidal - the active components of the drug completely destroy a bacterial infection, and its cells are removed from the body naturally through the kidneys;
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  • bacteriostatic - bacteria do not die completely, but antibiotic damages their cellular structure, and makes it impossible to continue the division (Attenuated infectious microorganisms suppressed immune system antibodies, and soon there is complete recovery organism).

Antibiotics are indicated for use in removing the tooth, not only separated by their mode of action on the infectious agents, but also on the chemical composition. The table below contains a detailed classification of antibacterial agents in view of their active components as well as the specifics of production.Antibiotics for tooth removal. What better with flux, brush, wisdom tooth for nursing. Prices, reviews

The name of the antibacterial group Biochemical properties of the drug, as well as characteristics of their action on pathogens
macrolides It includes a whole group of synthetic antibiotics, which have a bacteriostatic effect on the most dangerous and resistant strains of bacterial infection. The first drug in this category is a tablet formulation Erythromycin, which is used in the practice of medicine today. It was first opened in 1952, It is indicated for the treatment of patients who are prone to an allergic reaction to the antibiotics penicillin group.
penicillins The active substance of this medication antibiotic group produced fungal microorganism colonies - Penicillinum. It is one of the first natural antibiotic, the invention that will effectively deal with consequences of infection with the wounds resulting from mechanical damage and surgical operations. The main disadvantage of this group of drugs is the high risk of individual intolerance antibiotic active component. This is especially true of patients who initially prone to allergies.
tetracyclines Potent antibiotics, which can get rid of severe infectious strains. Have a bacteriostatic effect. Were first discovered in 1945, by isolation culture fluid radiant fungus.
carbapenems This is a separate class of beta-lactam antibiotics, which are effective in the fight against infectious microorganisms, the fermentation has a protective sheath. Carbapenems prescribed for use in the event that the use of drugs penicillin and tetracycline is not advisable due to their inefficiency. Carbapenems are considered antibacterial drugs over a broad spectrum.
cephalosporins They have very similar pharmacological properties penicillin group antibiotic. Assigned to the therapy of bacterial infections of strains which have a natural resistance to penicillin.
aminoglycosides Potent antibacterial preparations which have a high degree of toxicity and many adverse properties. Effective in treating severe infections, peritonitis and blood infection. Have a bacteriostatic effect.
glycopeptides The operating principle of this group of antimicrobials is that they interrupt the process of synthesis of bacterial cell wall of microorganisms. Against most strains have bactericidal effect, but against streptococcal infections, enterococci and Staphylococcus aureus act as a bacteriostatic agent.
fluoroquinolones A special group of antibacterial agents, which by their chemical composition, are unique among other antimicrobials. Medications in this category were first discovered in the 1960s. The active substance preparation is oxolinic acid and chemical compounds isolated from the nalidixic acid.
chloramphenicol In medical practice apply only in extreme cases, when the need to achieve an antibacterial effect is much higher than the potential harm. The main danger of antibiotics of this group is to have a high risk of developing complications such as disruption of the bone marrow and blood cell composition change. Active against the majority of known science gram and gram microorganisms.
lincosamides Antibiotics with bacteriostatic action. Stop protein synthesis by ribosomes infectious microorganism. In the case of receiving large doses of drugs may occur lincosamide group bactericidal effect.

Antibacterials above classification groups are active against certain types of bacteria.

Prescription medications only possible after laboratory tests will be carried out and set the pathogenic microflora, parasitizing the gingival tissues where tooth extraction was performed. Selection of antibiotic performed dentist who treats patients or infectious diseases specialist.

Top-10 preparations from the chemists

Antibiotic at odontectomy recommended for use only in the presence of complications arising before dental manipulations or after surgery in the oral cavity.

Listed below are the types of medicaments with action that differ most antimicrobial spectrum efficiency and indicated for use to avoid contamination factor infectious tissue gums, as well as the upper or mandible.


This antibiotic pharmacological group - macrolides. It has a bacteriostatic action. It is effective against such pathogens as staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus, meningococcal infection, mycoplasma.Antibiotics for tooth removal. What better with flux, brush, wisdom tooth for nursing. Prices, reviews

Appointed for 3 days prior to removal of the tooth, if there is evidence of acute inflammation with the formation of festering, excluding surgery. Also used as an antiseptic after extracting the root.

Denied to the reception with simultaneous therapy drugs - terfenadine, ergotamine, Astemizole. Recommended dosage - 1-2 tablets - 3-4 times a day. Accepted for 2 hours before or after meals with plenty of fluids.

The duration of antibacterial therapy with this drug is 5 to 14 days. After complete disappearance of the symptoms of inflammation in the tissue and the lack of infectious organisms, it is recommended to continue the reception of an antibiotic for a further 2 days. The average cost of the drug 75 rubles.


The antibiotic in removing the tooth, which allows you to get rid of bacterial infection that has affected the gums and prevents the development of chronic osteomyelitis bone.

The high degree of efficacy is due to a combination of two antimicrobial components. It sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim. After the medicament active ingredients penetrate into the blood and reach the site of infection, blocking occurs within the bacterial metabolism of microorganisms.

The antibacterial properties of the tablet formulation shall apply to the majority of known science strains of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria.

Children under the age of 12 years and older, take Biseptol 2 tablets 2 times a day after eating the food, drinking plenty of water. In the presence of flux, pyogenic abscesses and extensive infectious gingivitis, drug dosage may be increased to two tablets three times a day. The price of the drug - 240 rubles. of the plate from Table 20.


It is produced in the form of granules for independent suspension. In 5 ml of the finished product solution contains at least 250 ml of active substance amoxycillin.

Antibiotics for tooth removal. What better with flux, brush, wisdom tooth for nursing. Prices, reviews
Amoxicillin - an antibiotic in removing tooth wide spectrum

It refers to the pharmacological group of broad-spectrum penicillins. Is assigned as before tooth extraction procedure, and during rehabilitation and healing wells to prevent bacterial infection.

To prepare the drug solution in an amount of 100 ml in a vial with granules must add 74 ml of purified water. Children under the age of 10 fly as well as the patients taking the older age group of 2 scoops slurry of 2 to 3 times a day.

The duration of the therapeutic course of 7-14 days. After the appearance of signs of complete recovery, treatment should continue for a further 3 days. The average cost of the drug - 95 rubles.

Ampicillin, Oxacillin

Antibiotic upon removal of the tooth, which contains in its structure several active components. In 1 capsule drug is ampicillin trihydrate - 0,125 g and a similar amount of sodium salt of oxacillin. The medicament is effective against most pathogens that cause dental complications.

Pharmacological combination of ampicillin and oxacillin sodium salt, can successfully fight even those bacteria that are naturally immune to the action of penicillin antibiotics series.

Children who are over 14 years and adults take Ampicillin, Oxacillin 1-2 capsules per day. The drug is recommended to drink for 30 minutes. before a meal, or as 2 hours after a meal. A prerequisite therapy is drink adequate amounts of fluid.

In the treatment of dental diseases and complications after extraction from the drug data, you may experience the following side effects:

  • nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • vomiting;
  • dysbiosis.Antibiotics for tooth removal. What better with flux, brush, wisdom tooth for nursing. Prices, reviews

Medication prescribed with care to people who have a history of the propensity to allergic reactions to antibacterial agents of the pharmacological group - penicillins.

The average cost of the drug to 120 rubles.


Effective antibacterial agent, which relates to the pharmacological group - macrolides. Is assigned before and after the extraction if the patient has symptoms of having flux purulent gingival tissue abscess, cystic education incisor root location.

Altrotsin-S effective against all genotypes of staphylococcal and streptococcal infections, which are often provoke infectious and inflammatory processes of the oral cavity arising after dental manipulation.

Assigned for systemic treatment of bacterial infections of the oral cavity, the prevention of bone infection of the upper and lower jaw, and after removal of prosthetics.

The recommended dosage for the drug Hour - 1-2 tablets 3 to 4 times a day for up to 2 hours after the meal or similar time interval after a meal. The preparation is washed down with 200 ml of water at room temperature. The duration of therapy from 5 to 14 days, but at the insistence of a doctor can be extended for another 2-3 days. The price of the drug - 95 rubles.


Antibiotic upon removal of the tooth, which is indicated for treatment effects dental procedures as in combination with other anti-inflammatory drugs as well as the primary means for combating infectious microorganisms. Each tablet of a medicament comprising at least 50 mg of active ingredient azithromycin.Antibiotics for tooth removal. What better with flux, brush, wisdom tooth for nursing. Prices, reviews

The drug belongs to the macrolide group. Antibiotic Azaks shown to reception of patients who experienced tooth extraction, and during dental procedures were listed bacterial organisms which are resistant to penicillin.

The antibacterial agent is contraindicated for people who have individual sensitivity to the drug erythromycin, azithromycin and other drugs from the category - macrolides. Take medication 1 tablet per day in one and the same time, regardless of the schedule eating.

When dental complications or for the prevention of infection, the duration of treatment was 3 days. It is a potent drug that is not taken longer than a specified time. The cost of the drug is 340 rubles.


The antibacterial preparation which is produced in the form of a solution for intravenous drug administration. The active ingredient of the medicament is vancomycin hydrochloride. It refers to the pharmacological group of the glycopeptide group of antibiotics.

Vancomycin is effective against streptococcal infections, Staphylococcus aureus, as well as those of its strains, which have a natural immunity methicillin. The drug is not active against Gram-negative bacteria, viral organisms, as well as fungal infections.Antibiotics for tooth removal. What better with flux, brush, wisdom tooth for nursing. Prices, reviews

Injection is administered only intravenously.

The use of intramuscular injections is not acceptable because of the strong pain effect that occurs at the injection site, as well as the risk of necrosis of tissues and muscles that come into contact with the drug.

The drug is administered intravenously 1 times a day dosage not exceeding 5 ml.

the injection speed of said injection amount - not less than 30 seconds.

More rapid introduction of the drug into the bloodstream would increase the risk of side effects. The duration of treatment is determined individually depending on the severity of the disease. The average cost of the drug - 750 rubles.


The medicament of the antibacterial spectrum of action, which is used for treatment of infectious diseases caused as a complication or consequence of negative tooth extraction.

It is intended only for regular use for a specified doctor therapeutic course. Each tablet contains 400 mg Biseptrima sulfamethoxazole. Children who have reached the age of 12 years, as well as adult patients, take 1-2 tablets 2 times a day for 14 days.

Medication is contraindicated in patients who have the following diseases and special condition of the body:

  • renal and hepatic insufficiency;
  • propensity for allergic reaction to the active components of the formulation;
  • Pregnancy and lactation The child's mother's milk;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • thyroid disease;
  • Anemia of all kinds.

For more rapid excretion of the active ingredient of the drug, it is advisable excessive drinking. Medication is contraindicated for the treatment of infectious diseases of the gums that have arisen after the tooth extraction, if their development was triggered by beta-hemolytic streptococcus. The price of the drug to 250 rubles.


Tablet Formulation, which has bactericidal activity against most gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. Chemical formula medicament comprises a combination of trimethoprim and sulfonamides.Antibiotics for tooth removal. What better with flux, brush, wisdom tooth for nursing. Prices, reviews

The average duration of treatment Oriprim should not be less than 5 days. In the presence of acute infectious inflammatory diseases arising after extraction, recommended dosage of 2 tablets, that drink 2 times a day, regardless of the order meal.

Oriprim is an effective and potent drug, but it is not excluded manifestation of his side following properties:

  • thrombocytopenia, as well as an imbalance of other blood cells;
  • nausea and vomitus selection;
  • various forms of allergic reactions (from appearing red rash on the skin before the edema, itching, bronchial spasm);
  • headache, loss of appetite, dizziness;
  • diarrhea;
  • drowsiness;
  • infringement of the liver and the appearance of jaundice of the skin effect.

In the case of side properties of the drug should immediately cease its reception, drink as much as possible increasing the amount of liquid funds take sorbents and seek help from a dentist, who appointed Oriprim. The average cost of a drug 320 rubles.


An antibacterial agent, an active component of which is amoxycillin trihydrate. Each tablet contains 500 mg of the medicament of the substance. Is assigned to the application for the integrated antibiotic therapy of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the soft gum tissue that arise after tooth extraction. Ospamoks falls into the category of beta-lactam antibiotics.Antibiotics for tooth removal. What better with flux, brush, wisdom tooth for nursing. Prices, reviews

This means that the drug is effective against pathogens that are able to produce Special enzymes forming the protective sheath of chemicals, antibiotics and immune cells system. Ospamoks is considered a semi-synthetic penicillin, so the range of its antibacterial activity is much higher.

Dosage is 2-3 tablets 2 times a day. The duration of the therapeutic course is determined individually by a dentist who performing removal of a tooth of the patient, or the patient has been treated after another manipulation specialist.

To achieve positive therapeutic effect on average is sufficient for 5 to 10 days of receiving this drug. Price antibacterial drug - 340 rubles.

Antibiotics that are prescribed for the removal of a tooth, are indispensable agents in the dental practice. Their use is necessary if the patient has a long period of time did not seek medical help, prevent the formation of a flux, a purulent abscess, which affected the roots of adjacent incisors.

The timely application of antimicrobials to prevent osteomyelitis upper and lower jaw, and to accelerate the healing process of the tooth remote wells.

Registration of the article: Vladimir the Great

Video about the use of antibiotics in dentistry

Antibiotics in dentistry:

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