Respiratory System

Pulmicort inhalation. Instruction for children, dosage, use as a plant with saline

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Pulmicort for inhalation is a white suspension dosage. According to the instructions, the drug is not particularly limited and it is recommended for both children and for adult patients.

The content of the article:

  • 1 The composition and action
  • 2 Is it a hormonal preparation
  • 3 Indications
  • 4 Contraindications
  • 5 Can we breathe at Pulmicort
  • 6 Side effects
  • 7 Pulmicort inhalation: Composition
  • 8 Instructions for use for children
  • 9 Dosage
  • 10 How many days does the treatment
  • 11 How to breed Pulmicort powder for inhalation
  • 12 How do the procedure with the suspension
  • 13 Pulmicort inhalation via nebulizer
  • 14 storage Features
  • 15 Price
  • 16 analogs
  • 17 Pulmicort or Flomax
  • 18 Interactions with drugs
  • 19 Videos about Pulmicort inhalation

The composition and action

The drug belongs to the pharmacological group of glucocorticosteroids (GCS). The main active ingredient in the composition of: budesonide (Budesonide). As additional components are present sodium chloride - 8.5 mg Disodium edetate - 0.1 mg Sodium citrate - 0.5 mg anhydrous citric acid - 0.28 mg, polysorbate 80 - 0.8 mg Purified Water - 1 ml.

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Pulmicort inhalation for children. Instructions how to breed with saline, a dosage

Pulmicort is used for inhalation procedures aimed at the treatment of a specific organ. The drug reduces the number of asthma attacks and eliminates the symptoms. In comparison with systemic corticosteroids drugs group, the number of adverse symptoms significantly lower.

Is it a hormonal preparation

Pulmicort is a hormonal drug due to the presence in its composition substances GCS. Glucocorticosteroids are artificial analogues of steroid hormones produced by the body in the natural environment.

Many parents are afraid of the use of hormonal drugs. This is due to the statement of experts on the body becomes accustomed to the hormones and their inability to develop after treatment. In addition, steroids can lead to metabolic disorders and weight gain.

Such side effects can be avoided with proper dosage and calculating the duration of the course. Be aware that improve the child's condition suffering from asthma, it is possible only by means of hormonal substances.


The drug prescribed to patients suffering from bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive bronchitis (COB). These diseases are not completely cured.

Pulmicort inhalation for children. Instructions how to breed with saline, a dosage

The disease may be a long time in the resting stage and periodically to make itself felt. In children, asthma treatment is successful in 35-40% of cases. Also, the drug helps in the fight against laryngitis and lingering cough after a cold.

IMPORTANT! Pulmicort is a very strong and hormonal preparations. For his destination is not enough consultation pediatrician, you must visit a pulmonologist. The specialist will direct the small patient on spirography, as a teenager in the body plethysmography.


It is not recommended to apply the preparation in viral lesions of the body, the active phase of tuberculosis, liver pathologies and diseases having a fungal origin.

Children under 6 months of drug is given in special cases.

Can we breathe at Pulmicort

Doctors not recommend the use of inhalation Pulmicort at body temperature above 37.5 ° C. This is due to the risk of deterioration of the patient. Exceptions are cases of severe bronchospasm, cough or shortness of breath choking.

Side effects

On rare occasions, during the course of Pulmicort inhalation in children have been observed:

  • stunting;
  • adrenal dysfunction;
  • irritability;
  • migraine;
  • idiosyncrasy of budesonide.
Pulmicort inhalation for children. Instructions how to breed with saline, a dosage
One of the side effects of the drug - migraine

Via inhalation nebulizer can cause skin itching of the mask-to-face abutment, dryness in the throat, the appearance of candidiasis in the oral cavity. To avoid the risk of side effects according to the instructions is recommended to rinse the mouth with herbal decoctions at the end of each procedure.

The impact of the drug on the child during pregnancy and lactation is not fully understood. During this period, women are advised to use the drug in the minimum dosage.

Pulmicort inhalation: Composition

The slurry produced in the form nebulium dosage of 250 mg / ml and 500 mg / ml in a volume of 2 ml. Capsules in the amount of 5 pieces. attached to each other and packed in sealed bags. The cardboard pack is 4 plates.

Pulmicort Turbuhaler is available in powder form. The box may be 100 or 200 doses. The substance is a round granules, packaged in plastic inhalers.

Instructions for use for children

For the treatment of laryngitis, laryngotracheitis and bronchitis children prescribed inhaled Pulmicort, 2 times a day for 3 days. According to the instructions, the alternation of the drug with saline facilitates expectoration. In severe cases, Pulmicort prescribed in combination with berodualom.

Pulmicort inhalation for children. Instructions how to breed with saline, a dosage
Pulmicort inhalation. Instructions for children contained in the package

You must first spend Berodual inhalation to relieve spasm, and after 25 minutes of use Pulmicort. According to numerous opinions of parents, the child's condition improves after the first application.


For the treatment of bronchitis of children are increasingly assigned it Pulmicort inhalation. Instructions for Children recommends no more than 1 mg of the drug per day. Necessary to begin treatment with a dosage of 0.25 mg and gradually increasing it as necessary.

Normal drug in diluted form must be not more than 2 ml per day. When used for inhalation Pulmicort Turbuhaler (powder formulation), the recommended substance for children dosage of 100-800 micrograms. The daily rate of the drug should be divided into 2-3 doses.

How many days does the treatment

The therapeutic effect of the first treatment occurs after a couple of hours. The maximum effect is reached after 2 weeks of treatment. Inhalation should be performed 3 times a day. Depending on the age of the patient and the extent of the procedure lasts 5-10 minutes of disease.

How to breed Pulmicort powder for inhalation

Pulmicort powder produced immediately in the form of an inhaler (turbuhaler). Thus, the drug does not need to breed. Means produced in two forms: the 100 and 200 doses. One is inhalation dose of 100 mg drug substance.

Instructions for use turbuhaler:

  1. Remove the protective cap.
  2. Holding device vertically upwards, the lower disc to rotate to lock and bring it back.
  3. Tightly clutching a mouthpiece lips, take a deep breath, hold your breath for 5-7 seconds and breathe out to the side.
  4. Depending on the assigned dosage repeat the procedure several times.
Pulmicort inhalation for children. Instructions how to breed with saline, a dosage

As an advantage of Pulmicort turbuhaler worth noting its compact size and the ability to carry an inhaler with him. The medicine does not require additional handling and preparation.

How do the procedure with the suspension

According to the instructions for inhalation capsule Pulmicort should be carefully shake. After that, the slurry is poured into the nebuliser. If the child is appointed dissolved drug, after Pulmicort in the device is added bred substance at the recommended dosage.

In most cases Pulmicort diluted in a ratio of 1: 1 drug solution with a concentration of 0.9%. These include: terbutaline, saline, salbutamol, fenoterol, ipratropium bromide or acetylcysteine. Conduct the session should be in accordance with the instructions for nebuliser.

Pulmicort inhalation via nebulizer

Nebulizer - a medical device that delivers drugs to the airway of the patient by means of spraying. According to doctors, this method of respiratory therapy is considered to be the most effective to date. An advantage of the device is uninterrupted supply of slurry. Thus, the patient is not necessary to breathe deeply.

Pulmicort inhalation for children. Instructions how to breed with saline, a dosage

Terms of Use nebulizer:

  1. Inhalation session is allowed to carry out 2 hours after eating and exercise.
  2. Clothing should be loose in the neck and lungs, so as not to hamper breathing.
  3. In diseases nasopharyngeal organ drug substance must inhale and exhale nose. In pathologies of the bronchi, trachea and larynx it is recommended to breathe in the mouth, nose and exhale.
  4. Pre-administration of drugs aimed at softening sputum optional.
  5. After inhalation, it is necessary to rinse the mouth with water at room temperature, flushed face, the mask and the device.
  6. Within 20 minutes of the session, it is recommended not to talk and eat.
  7. According to the instructions, inhalation can be done not more than 3 times a day.

Inhalation of nebulized medication contraindicated in patients suffering from purulent angina, pathological respiratory illnesses, dysfunction of the cardiovascular system, bleeding from the nose.

Ultrasonic nebulizers are not intended for inhaled Pulmicort procedures.

storage Features

The drug substance is stored in a dark and dry place at a temperature not exceeding 30 ° C. The drug should not be in the reach of children. Opening the packaging should not be stored longer than 3 months. In an open nebula drug is stored per day. Shelf-life of the drug for 2 years.


Pulmicort cost varies from 800 rubles. up to 1400 rubles., depending on the dosage. Packages containing capsules 250 mg are available in the area of ​​900 rubles., And 500 mg dosage price exceeds 1100 rubles. In the retail sale of medicines released plates, which reduces the price of 4 times.


Flomax - the most popular analogue of Pulmicort. Country of Manufacture: Germany. According to experts, these drugs work well in combination. Flomax relaxes the throat and eases the way for Pulmicort bronchi. Analog assigned when lighter respiratory diseases. Not recommended for children under 6 years.

Pulmicort inhalation for children. Instructions how to breed with saline, a dosage

The most inexpensive sorbitol considered benacort. Its price varies between 400 rubles. The medicine is available in various forms: suspensions, powders, capsules ready solution. An essential condition for the application - the recommended age was 16 years.

In the absence of Pulmicort nebulizer drug substances can be replaced, which include budesonide. These include tools such as Budekort, Novolayzer, Benarin, Symbicort and Symbicort Budenofalk.

IMPORTANT! Using substitute preparations should be in accord with the expert.

Pulmicort or Flomax

Drugs are different pharmacological groups. Berodual relates to bronchodilator drugs, the effect of which is directed to relaxation of bronchial musculature and expansion lumen therebetween, and Pulmicort is a glucocorticosteroid.

The action of both drugs aimed at reducing the inflammation of the respiratory system and to prevent the development of asthma.

Flomax does not have anti-allergic properties. Unlike Pulmicort, it does not remove the respiratory swelling and has a low anti-inflammatory effect. On the recommendation of experts, this drug is prescribed for a primary effect on the bronchi and in front of the main inhalation.

When physicians prescribe weak forms Berodual disease. If the result does not appear within 3 days are advised to switch to a more powerful drug - Pulmicort.

Interactions with drugs

In the preparation of the inhalation mixture to dilute slurry recommended salbutamol solution of sodium chloride, ipratropium bromide, sodium cromoglycate, terbutaline.

Pulmicort inhalation for children. Instructions how to breed with saline, a dosage

Action Pulmicort increases the impact of beta-agonists. The procedure is performed before the main inhalation and facilitates rapid movement of budesonide in respiratory organs by expanding the bronchial lumen.

The therapeutic effect of the drug degraded by reaction with inducers of microsomal oxidation. These include phenytoin and phenobarbital.

In most patients receiving ketoconazole is assigned one time per day at 200 mg. The substance sixfold increase in the content of budesonide in the blood, which facilitates better assimilation Pulmicort and decrease the duration of treatment.

Pulmicort - an effective tool for the treatment of asthma and obstructive bronchitis, but due to the fact that hormonal drug, caution should be used to its use. Follow the instructions and advice of a doctor is necessary to strictly.

Videos about Pulmicort inhalation

The correct dosage of the drug:

When you do not need inhalations:

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