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How to gain weight man at home quickly in the past month, the week of 5-10 kg. Tablets and without steroids, diet, effective methods

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According to the statement of professional fitness trainers, weight gain can be both at home and in sports. Men, given the characteristics of their physiology to make it harder than women. The increase in quality mass representatives of half of mankind is impossible without supplementation and adjustment of lifestyle in general.

Knowing the basic rules of supply and ways to accelerate the process of obtaining a result, a man can change his appearance already after 3-4 weeks from the start of work on oneself.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Principles and rules of weight gain
  • 2 The most effective pill for weight gain in men
  • 3 How to gain weight without steroids
    • 3.1 food rules
    • 3.2 Diet for weight gain
  • 4 How to gain weight, engaging in the gym
  • 5 How to adjust the way of life
  • 6 Video on how to gain weight man at home

Principles and rules of weight gain

Man to gain weight at home really like a week and a month. High-quality weight, recruited over the last month, will be in terms of more and continue for a longer period.

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Increasing weight of his own body, representatives of a strong half of humanity should be guided by the basic rules of work on oneself. They vary depending on the desired result and the time is in the men available.

How to gain weight man at home quickly in the past month, week. Tablets and without steroids, diet, effective methods
How to gain weight man at home? One of the many, but the simple advice - drink at least 2 liters of water.
The goal Principles and rules of proper work on himself
How quickly gain 5-10 kg To set at 5.10 kg as not to harm their health, men should be:
  • refuse to vigorous exercise after a meal (it will save calories entering the body and minimizes the risk of spending them for energy production);
  • for 10-15 min. after eating to lie down or sit in a relaxed position (this will ensure assimilation of the main part of mineral micro and macro elements ingested with food);
  • as cardio choose walking outdoors, preferring forests or parks, where the rhythm of life is "to force" the person slow down and the maximum to satisfy your body with oxygen, necessary not only for health, but also to get rid of fat and efficient recruitment of muscle masses;
  • eat at least 4 times a day, wherein the portion size should be no more than 200 g;
  • make it a rule to walk at night (it relaxes the body and helps to restore the quality of the body forces during sleep);
  • to opt for products rich in vitamins and useful elements (vegetables, fruits, cereals)
How to gain weight in a week To achieve the best possible result in a set of weight at home, a man should be:
  • include in their diet high-calorie foods;
  • higher than normal amounts of calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates recommended to maintain current weight by about 20%;
  • drink as much pure water (at least 2 liters);
  • provide physical activity your body (at least 40-60 minutes. strength training with helper weighting);
  • sleep at least 9-10 hours every night
How to gain weight in the past month Weight gain during the month is considered the most safe and effective for both men and women. To achieve results, fitness trainers recommend men:
  • to eat every 3 hours while controlling to its caloric value was "useful" (do not eat sweets and bakery product as a weight gain not only worsen the appearance of the men, but it can also significantly undermine the state of his health);
  • to include in their menu natural supplements that promote weight gain (before taking any kind of sports Food is important to consult a doctor and pass the basic tests for the detection of the state of the organism in overall);
  • It takes at least 3 times a week for individually made program at home workouts (think through complex should a professional fitness coach);
  • increase the total caloric content of their diet for 10-15% of the main index;
  • strictly follow the regime of the day, it means not only reception "by the hour" food, but also paying the proper amount of time to rest and full sleep

The most effective pill for weight gain in men

How to gain weight man at home, without having to receive natural supplements do not tell any fitness trainer or nutritionist. Taking into account the physiological characteristics, the majority of middle-aged men who do not have the genetic predisposition to obesity, have a fast metabolism, prevents the rapid collection of quality masses.

How to gain weight man at home quickly in the past month, week. Tablets and without steroids, diet, effective methods

Most rapidly delivered results can be achieved with the help of the reception:

drug Name Brief description and receiving method
Vitamins and minerals Given that metabolic processes in the male body can normally take place only in the absence of vitamin and mineral deficiencies in the recruitment of muscle mass acceptance of this kind of additives is mandatory component. Otherwise, the biochemical reactions are slow, due to which the effectiveness of measures taken by a particular man to increase its own weight will be minimal. For further enrichment of the human body professionals recommend taking:
  • Vitamin A (promotes the formation of new cells and muscle fibers);
  • vitamins B (support protein synthesis, promote the digestibility of fat cells, cells nourish, stimulate regenerative processes);
  • Vitamins C and E (to stimulate reduction reactions and act as antioxidants in the body, eliminating it from toxins entering into low-quality products).

Professional fitness trainers and nutritionists do not recommend taking multivitamin complexes. The composition of such preparations usually contain an insufficient amount of nutrients. A better way to welcome the alternate one-component group vitamins. In addition to receiving the synthetic additives, the man with the weight gain should be to focus on the "right" food, capable in their correct use of vitamins and minerals to make up the deficit. These include:

  • fresh fruits and vegetables (preference should be given to seasonal products);
  • poultry (especially turkeys and chicken breast, containing the maximum amount of protein);
  • pasta made of durum wheat;
  • milk products (you should not choose low-fat products, so as to achieve low fat percentage, the manufacturer puts their products a large number of treatments, including chemical)
Brewer's yeast Brewer's yeast - a natural supplement that can not only accelerate the process of weight gain men, but also to improve the general state of his health. After taking brewer's yeast representatives of a strong half of mankind say:
  • improve skin, nails, hair (eliminate beriberi);
  • stabilizing the nervous system;
  • deliverance from the stress and even depression;
  • increase in efficiency and the amount of physical forces during the working day;
  • improvement of metabolic processes;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • improving the state of the cardiovascular system;
  • normalization of blood sugar levels (important for people with diabetes);
  • a significant acceleration of the set weight.

To obtain maximum efficiency from the reception of brewer's yeast, it should be in a pure form. Buy a product only at specialized enterprises.How to gain weight man at home quickly in the past month, week. Tablets and without steroids, diet, effective methods Brewer's yeast is available in tablets or powder, less useful and virtually no effect on the recruitment of "quality" mass in men. With the proper administration of a subject additives can increase the weight by 3-4 kg without causing harm. Before turning on the brewer's yeast in your diet is important to analyze whether there is a particular person contraindications for their reception. The most frequent include:

  • gout;
  • kidney disease;
  • tendency to the appearance of allergic reactions;
  • Increased sensitivity to penicillin;
  • infectious diseases (especially Candida type)
Supplements Dietary supplements are advised to take men only after consulting a physician. The doctor, assess the state of human health, shall decide, on a scheme to introduce supplements in the menu. The most commonly prescribed for weight gain method:
  • amino acids (recommended to take up to 15 grams per day 2 to 3 times a day. Supplements helps normalize balance of vitamins and minerals, and also accelerates protein synthesis in the body);
  • gainer (sports food composition which includes increased content of proteins, carbohydrates and flavorings) (such additive should take at the manufacturer's instructions. It is important to bear in mind that the effectiveness of the reception will be maximized only gainer in the case, if the man at the same time engaged in sports and lead a healthy lifestyle);
  • protein (BAA, which ensures the reception quality man increase muscle musculature. Take protein powder must be 1-2 times a day for 50-75 g, depending on the manufacturer's recommendations. As an alternative to protein shakes can be included in the diet protein bars or "useful" pastries with protein powder in the composition).
hormonal treatments Hormonal treatments usually take professional athletes in preparing for competitions or performances. The composition of such drugs include male hormone - testosterone, a large amount of which in the organism contributes to the rapid increase in muscle mass. Among the safest hormonal agents include:
  • andriol;
  • glutamic acid;
  • peritol.How to gain weight man at home quickly in the past month, week. Tablets and without steroids, diet, effective methods

Acquire listed pharmaceutical agents only on prescription, since their messy reception may cause substantial harm to the body, in particular, to provoke a hormonal failure. In order to avoid undesirable effects it is recommended to pass a complete blood count and carry out a detailed study of hormonal male before taking hormones. During the course must necessarily be repeated 1-2 times commissioning tests to verify the absence of negative influence of medications on the human body.

Contemplated pharmaceutical agents work by:

  • enhance appetite;
  • stimulate metabolism;
  • increase stamina and strength.

When properly receiving hormonal therapy for men is possible for a month dial up to 15 kg "high-quality" mass.

other drugs Among the drugs that are not related to any of the above groups are considered naturopathic means the most effective. Manufacturers position their product as the most natural and safe for men of all ages. Composition naturopathic means comprises a high content of vitamins, minerals, and biologically-active substances promoting growth "qualitative" mass. When their correct reception can recover by 5-7 kg without harm to health.

Another effective way to increase your weight as soon as possible is a steroid. On the territory of the Russian Federation and receiving their distribution is punishable legally. "Underground" ways to extract them are usually athletes seeking to increase the mass of your body in a matter of days, not caring about the consequences for the organism (in addition to negative effect on the liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal system, steroids "planted" and the cardiovascular system, whose state has a direct impact on the general condition of man, gaining weight).

How to gain weight without steroids

How to gain weight man at home, and to multiply the relief of his body, it is possible without the participation of synthetic drugs that have a negative impact on health. To do this, follow basic recommendations of professionals related to diet and lifestyle in general.

food rules

Nutrition for muscle recruitment should be balanced and diverse. Before you consider the list of products that must be purchased for cooking on the basic techniques, it is important to calculate the calories.

How to gain weight man at home quickly in the past month, week. Tablets and without steroids, diet, effective methods

It is desirable that it was engaged in a professional fitness trainer or nutritionist, as only an expert will be able correctly calculate the rate based on the physical activity of the person, as well as the specific features of its status health.

For a set of "high-quality" mass necessary to daily consume 15-20% more calories than required per day to maintain the normal functioning of the body.

In addition to the total kallorazha should also not forget about:

  • calculating proteins (up to 25%), fat (35%) and complex carbohydrates (60%);
  • periodicity meals (optimally - every 3 hours to eat no more useful products 150-200 g);
  • proper distribution of the daily amount of food (in the morning it is necessary to eat the maximum number of carbohydrates; lunch make balanced that it consisted of both proteins and fats (the majority), and carbohydrates; dinner only consume protein foods, providing a rapid increase in body weight associated with physical exertion).
How to gain weight man at home quickly in the past month, week. Tablets and without steroids, diet, effective methods

If a man has a chronic disease or unstable hormones, its power must be strictly controlled physician, as in this case, the weight of any horse race (even at the expense of muscle growth) can have a negative impact on health person.

Diet for weight gain

How to gain weight, a man (at home or at the gym strength training) usually says nutritionist or fitness trainer, having an idea of ​​the state of his health, as well as knowing what results it expects to achieve on the result.

If a representative of the stronger sex has no contraindications to weight gain, its diet is usually recommended include:

  • Sunflower seeds (source of protein and vitamin E);
  • mackerel and other red fish (saturates the body with essential fatty acids, beneficial for ligaments and the cardiovascular system);
  • Kiwi (boosts immunity);
  • pineapple (promote better digestion of protein foods and replace foods high in "harmful" sugar);
  • coffee;
  • lean meat (rabbit, venison, beef, turkey);
    How to gain weight man at home quickly in the past month, week. Tablets and without steroids, diet, effective methods
  • buckwheat;
  • almond;
  • paste;
  • eggs;
  • pasta made of durum wheat;
  • herring (source of creatine, contributing to an increase in muscle mass).

Despite the high caloric content of a number of products, their consumption in the process of weight gain should be minimized.

These include:

  • fatty meats;
  • semi-finished products;
    How to gain weight man at home quickly in the past month, week. Tablets and without steroids, diet, effective methods
  • products with a high content of preservatives, dyes and flavor enhancers;
  • sweets;
  • flour products from wheat flour;
  • salted, smoked food;
  • pickled foods.

How to gain weight, engaging in the gym

How to gain weight at home, it can be understood even a person who does not have deep knowledge in physiology, sport and nutrition. To achieve good results in a set of "high-quality" mass in a gym, you must follow the main recommendations of professionals.

They are as follows:

  • minimize (despite the objective benefits cardio load on the cardiovascular system the human body, the frequent implementation of such exercise burns a lot of calories required for weight gain);
  • to focus on strength training with sports equipment (base not only promotes the growth of muscles, but also creates a full body relief of men);
    How to gain weight man at home quickly in the past month, week. Tablets and without steroids, diet, effective methods
  • make the minimum number of repetitions with the maximum weight within the same approach;
  • before and after the training power take special additives to promote increased efficiency of loads undertaken (for 30 minutes. before training pre-training set of recommended drink, and after - drinking protein shake to ensure a sufficient amount of body protein).

How to adjust the way of life

"Qualitative" increase in weight men is not possible without a fundamental change in one's lifestyle.

Not only to transform the look, but also improve their health, it is recommended:

  • abandon bad habits (smoking and drinking alcohol);
  • give due time to sleep (at night to make up for the physical and moral forces of man needs to sleep at least 8-9 hours);
  • perform physical exercises at least 2-3 times per week;
  • adjust diet, giving up harmful products to those that contain "good" calories.

Catching up in the gym or running the recommendations in the home, the man can both lose weight and gain weight efficiently. This should be combined: carry power loads and adhere to the principles of proper nutrition.

How to gain weight man at home quickly in the past month, week. Tablets and without steroids, diet, effective methods

Any changes in the body, the person is important to listen to your own feelings. When the sickness or other changes in status, you need to consult a doctor and undergo an additional examination of all body systems.

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

Video on how to gain weight man at home

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