Medicine News

Tar soap. Benefits and harms of hair, facial acne, the use of lice, fleas, nits, for intimate hygiene. Properties, composition, how to wash my hair with liquid soap

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Cosmetic Market "teeming with" an abundance of resources. Innovative technologies in the last few decades have gone far ahead, but there is a time-tested product to which the case and resorted men and women. Tar soap, which benefits not only appreciated lazy, heads the list of instruments used in folk medicine.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Structure
  • 2 Beneficial features
  • 3 testimony
  • 4 Tar soap from head lice, nits and fleas
  • 5 thrush
  • 6 In psoriasis
  • 7 When nail fungus
  • 8 For acne
  • 9 When pigmented spots
  • 10 seborrhea
  • 11 To maintain personal hygiene
  • 12 Used in cosmetics
  • 13 Mask for oily skin of tar soap
  • 14 Mask for oily skin
  • 15 The mask for dry skin
  • 16 Shampoo
  • 17 Pregnancy and breast-feeding
  • 18 For children
  • 19 Contraindications
  • 20 Possible risk of harm and side effects
  • 21 Selection and storage
  • 22 Cooking your soap from birch tar
  • 23 Videos about Degtyarny soap and rules of its application


The composition of the classic soap is simple and is based on natural ingredients:

  1. Birch tar. The substance of natural origin, having a strong antiseptic action. It has antibacterial, regenerating, anti-inflammatory and insecticidal action (property inherent drugs to kill small harmful insects, bacteria). In addition to soap, tar is often included in the therapeutic preparations. The bar its content ranges from 8% to 10%. It is because of this soap component has its own specific smell.
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  2. Oil. Often you can find a part of coconut, palm, burdock, castor oil. These products are also widely used in folk (and not only) medicine, their presence enhances the effect of the use of soap. In addition to basic, often as a part of present and essential oils. For example, tea tree or eucalyptus. These products are known antiseptics and enhance the healing properties of tar soap.
  3. Other required components. This sodium chloride, based on the fatty acid sodium salt elements by which soap foam.
Tar soap. Benefits and harms, composition, properties, features of application in medicine and cosmetology

Tar soap is often the product of home production. The only difference between the purchase of the soap - is that it is possible to add to the bar a wide variety of components. The healing power of birch tar works equally well in both cases.

Beneficial features

Tar soap, the use of which is known to many, can be bought at any drugstore or supermarket. It can be used for the prevention and treatment of diseases.

  • Struggles with rashes, acne on the skin.
  • It dries the skin, tightens pores.
  • It helps to fight the fungus.
  • Removes dandruff and seborrhea.
  • Eliminates traces of stripping.
  • Suitable for the maintenance of intimate health.


Indications for use tar soap:

  • disease of the skin of hands, face, feet.
  • The manifestation of allergic reactions to cosmetic products.
  • Dandruff, seborrhea, and other scalp disease.

Tar soap from head lice, nits and fleas

Lice, nits, fleas and other parasites of today are not such a terrible scourge, as before. However, it should once again be safe, especially when visiting public baths and swimming pools. The fact that these little pests are well there in the water, and the neglect of management institutions to sanitary standards can lead to unpleasant surprises.

Tar soap. Benefits and harms, composition, properties, features of application in medicine and cosmetology

Tar soap, which is not limited to the use of a simple dry a little skin can get rid of this scourge.


  1. Lather apply on the scalp. If haircut allows, you can rub the bar head. You can cut the soap into small pieces for easy application.
  2. Carefully massaged foam tar foam. On the head should get a soap cap.
  3. Stand 7-10 minutes.
  4. Rinse with water.

That should be enough. If after drying the head will be seen the rest of the parasites - repeat.


Tar soap, which has long been known benefits, applied to maintain women's health. In the event of thrush should immediately replace the usual means for intimate hygiene soap.

Its use in several applications:

  • eliminate the external symptoms of the disease;
  • selection curdled unpleasant disappear;
  • stop the itching and burning sensation in the intimate area.

However, the disappearance of symptoms does not mean that the disease has disappeared. It is recommended to use soap in tar, along with the basic treatment. Wash should be 2 times a day (morning and evening).

Tar soap. Benefits and harms, composition, properties, features of application in medicine and cosmetology

Upon completion of water treatments should be wet treated areas with a towel made of soft material. When symptoms finally disappear, it is recommended to continue to use soap as prophylaxis.

In psoriasis

In psoriasis tar soap is used in different ways, depending on where the ulcers are observed:

  • for washing the hair, if there exist affected areas;
  • if the problem touched the hands and feet, made special baths, in which you can add a few drops of essential oil;
  • if sores are present throughout the body, may be replaced by a shower gel in the tar soap;
  • when scalp psoriasis has reached a critical point - make a mask from degryatnogo soap.
Tar soap. Benefits and harms, composition, properties, features of application in medicine and cosmetology

Tar soap an excellent addition to the basic treatment. It acts on the affected areas, promotes rapid healing. Experts recommend returning to the soap in the period of possible recurrence of the disease. For example, when the promises and difficult period of stress can not be avoided.

When nail fungus

The most common method of using tar soap - a fight with a fungus. If the lesion area are the hands, should be replaced by a simple soap therapeutic. If the fungus has overcome toenails, the treatment takes place in the same way - you need to wash your feet with soap and water.

It is recommended to do the bath:

  • The small capacity (pelvis) to pour water. Its amount is determined "by eye". The main thing that the hand or foot is completely submerged in water. The temperature may be any, most importantly - comfortable.
  • Arms or legs are lowered into the container.
  • Exposure time - up to one hour.
Tar soap. Benefits and harms, composition, properties, features of application in medicine and cosmetology

In the tub, you can add a few drops of essential oil of tea tree or eucalyptus. After the procedure, you need to rinse the treated area with clean water, apply medication (if any).

For acne

When acne is recommended to wash tar soap 2 times a day, morning and evening. In this pre skin must be free of cosmetics. After washing is necessary on the affected place locally apply beneficial agents (zinc ointment or ointment Wisniewski). Just after washing, be sure to wipe the face moisturizing lotion.

This may be a specialized medical preparation or homemade, e.g., on the basis of chamomile broth.

Another method of application of soap - compress. From the bar is cut off a small piece, it is applied to the pimple. To soap is not "crawled" can fix the plaster. After a few hours, the skin will dry up in this place and be free from disease-causing microbes.

When pigmented spots

In the case, as with acne - wash soap or locally applying slice. However, if dark spots is the only thing that worries (on the skin, there are no rashes or dryness), you can wash less frequently. Suffice it to carry out the procedure 1 every 2-3 days in the morning or before bed.


Use tar soap with seborrheic dermatitis is not recommended for the occurrence of an acute stage of the disease, since it is fraught with complications. It is best to wash your hair with a dilute soap, ie, soapy water or foam. After necessarily need to use a soothing lotion.

To maintain personal hygiene

Tar soap is popular as a means for maintaining the balance of the intimate environment. Soap not only eliminates the disease. They can also be used as a preventive measure. Of course, in the absence of indications for use, few will want to resort to such means, because the perfume in soaps quite caustic.

Tar soap. Benefits and harms, composition, properties, features of application in medicine and cosmetology
The figure lists the benefits and harms of tar soap.

However, it can be used in conjunction with other means for personal hygiene. Only it is important that the product is exclusively of natural origin. You can also simply use a bar of soap degryatnogo 1-3 times a week, alternating with the usual cosmetic products.

Used in cosmetics

Tar soap - a natural antiseptic.

Its use allows:

  • get rid of the problem of greasy skin;
  • as soon as possible to eliminate the inflammation;
  • prevent the occurrence of acne and other entities;
  • removes dandruff.

The solution of a serious problem must be approached comprehensively, providing support to the body from the inside (reception of medicines) as well as outside. Tar soap is a good addition to the basic treatment.

If the problem is not the scale and nature of its decisions do not need to resort to the help of a doctor (dermatologist, trichologist) - soap can help. In the early stages of the disease tar bar can prevent serious consequences.

Mask for oily skin of tar soap

Excess sebum evidence of increased activity of the sebaceous glands. Tar was restores balance. Mask for oily skin on the basis of tar soap should be applied no more than 1-2 times a week. Otherwise there is a risk to dry up the skin.


  1. Perform the deep skin cleansing. You must use the scrub. If the skin is sensitive - it must be finely ground. If not - fit rigid products, for example, on the basis of apricot pits.
  2. Apply on face lather. Again, if the skin is sensitive or mixed, it is best to apply the mask locally at the places where it is needed.
  3. Wait 10-15 min.
  4. Rinse with cool water.
Tar soap. Benefits and harms, composition, properties, features of application in medicine and cosmetology

Once you can massage the skin with ice cubes. This contrast will narrow pores. It is also recommended to treat skin moisturizing gel or lotion.

Mask for oily skin

Mask for oily skin can be applied as a whole face or locally. You can use the above method - just use the foam.

There is another method:

  1. The skin is cleaned preliminarily.
  2. A small amount of melted soap water. Water should not be much, because the goal - to achieve a creamy consistency.
  3. The mixture is added 1-3 drops of essential oil. Suitable tea tree, eucalyptus.
  4. The resulting mask applied to the skin.
  5. Sustain 10-15 min.
  6. Rinse thoroughly with cool water.

If necessary, treat the skin moisturizer.

The mask for dry skin

For owners of a dry skin use tar soap is shown only if there are any rashes.

To make the mask, you must:

  1. Dilute with soap water. Should get a liquid consistency. Roughly speaking, is supposed to be highly concentrated soap solution.
  2. Apply the agent locally to the affected areas.
  3. Stand 5-10 minutes.
  4. Rinse with water.

After necessarily need to moisturize the skin lotion and cream use.


Tar soap (its good for hair - is priceless) is used instead of shampoo. Natural product will help to get rid of various types of dandruff, seborrhea. Just after completing the course will be a nice bonus that will disappear the need for daily hair washing. Acting on the scalp, restores soap and reduces the sebaceous glands.

As a result of their activity is reduced and roots fatty much slower. Hair should be washed tar soap course, the duration of which from 1 to 3 months.

Tar soap. Benefits and harms, composition, properties, features of application in medicine and cosmetology

Use soap can be different:

  1. Rubbing the skin with a piece of the bar. For convenience, it is recommended to divide the soap into smaller parts.
  2. Using only tar foam. First hand to lather the foam, then that is distributed evenly over the scalp.
  3. Solution. piece of soap diluted with water in a small container. The consistency should resemble diluted with water shampoo or shower gel. For convenience, you can pour into a bottle of cosmetic products ended.

Rinse with "shampoo" is necessary to cool water, or may remain plaque. Soap dries well, not only the skin, but also the length. After washing, be sure to apply balm or rinse hair with a solution of chamomile, or their condition could seriously suffer.

Pregnancy and breast-feeding

Tar soap - a completely natural product, which is not contraindicated for use in lactating and pregnant women. However, taking into account its strong odor, mindlessly use the product is not worth it. This is especially true expectant mothers who during pregnancy increased sensitivity to odors. Pungent smell may cause nausea and even loss of consciousness.

During breastfeeding is the smell of soap is the limiting factor.

Tar soap. Benefits and harms, composition, properties, features of application in medicine and cosmetology

If mom he does not cause discomfort, then the baby can cause resentment. If, however, the use of soap and be sure to replace it with other products not provided opportunities - we recommend using a mild soap. The solution may be to add a few drops of your favorite essential oils that will kill a pungent smell.

For children

For children tar soap can play havoc in the form of allergies. Therefore it is recommended to avoid the use of soap to children 3-4 years old. However, if the situation is hopeless (child brought home lice) - soap is the best way to get rid of the scourge.


Contraindications to the use of soap:

  1. Thin sensitive skin. Unfortunately, the soap will not do a proper cosmetic effect. May cause unwanted reactions, even the development of allergies.
  2. Idiosyncrasy. If there have been cases of allergy to soap, its continued use is strictly contraindicated. Especially when it comes to a pregnant woman.
  3. Very dry skin. Do not use soap as prophylaxis owners of very dry skin. It can only do harm.

Possible risk of harm and side effects

Side effects from the use of soap:

  • excessive dryness;
  • irritation;
  • itching.

The occurrence of such situations is possible only if it has to factors

Selection and storage

Better to choose a trusted manufacturer of soap. At the same time, before you make a purchase, be sure to study the composition. Number birch tar in the soap should range around 10%. No birch flavorings should not be. natural ingredients only.

Nothing special storage does not require soap. To bar last longer enough to keep it away from water. And that pungent smell does not bother, it is better to use a box with a lid for storage.

Cooking your soap from birch tar

Considering the simplicity of the composition of tar soap, it's just prepare yourself.

Tar soap. Benefits and harms, composition, properties, features of application in medicine and cosmetology

You will need:

  • birch tar liquid (sold in pharmacies);
  • soap base - 200 g;
  • honey, extra oil and decoctions (to taste).


  • The soap base is melted in a water bath. Then add honey and other caring ingredients. In the last turn poured tar. All thoroughly mixed and poured into molds. Leave to cool.
  • Instead of soap base, you can use baby soap. You can add ground coffee to the bar had complementary skrabiruyuschim effect.

Tar soap is very popular as the previous and the current generation. The secret is simple - effective composition and tangible results.

Videos about Degtyarny soap and rules of its application

The use of tar soap for the face:

Using hair soaps:

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