Pathological State

Why palms sweat. Causes of sweating hands of adults, possible diseases

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According to the dermatologists, the reasons why sweating palms in adults can be very diverse: harmless, associated with the consumption of certain foods, or more severe, indicating the presence of any disease body.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Endocrine disorders, as the main cause sweating of palms
  • 2 Why sweaty palms: diabetes
  • 3 Infectious diseases that trigger sweating palms
  • 4 Genetic disorders that cause sweating of palms
  • 5 Violations of the vegetative system and sweating palms
  • 6 Irregularities in the adrenal gland: the reason for sweating hands
  • 7 Sweaty palms: the cause of constant stress and psychological distress
  • 8 Hot and spicy food as the cause of sweating hands
  • 9 If sweaty palms, to what doctor

Endocrine disorders, as the main cause sweating of palms

The endocrine system includes hormones, which in small portions enter the blood and regulate the state of the whole organism. At failures in its work, as a rule, there is increased sweating palms.

Reasons for sweating palms of the hands of adults. Possible diseases, health problems
The reasons are varied palms sweating. It is not always a pathological disorder, excessive sweating can be genetically inherited factor
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The endocrine system is responsible for the production of thyroid hormones. In the case of increasing the levels of these hormones, there is hyperthyroidism.

In hyperthyroidism observed:

  • increased sweating;
  • weight loss;
  • intolerance to high temperatures;
  • enlargement of the thyroid gland.

When the two or more features at the same time, you must be examined by an endocrinologist and do an ultrasound of the thyroid gland.

Why sweaty palms: diabetes

Diabetes - a disease of the endocrine system, which occurs due to high blood sugar.

Sweating hands when considered disease appears:
Reasons for sweating palms of the hands of adults. Possible diseases, health problems

  • when hard physical load;
  • during the night;
  • with a strong sense of hunger.

It linked this phenomenon with a sharp drop in the amount of sugar in the blood. Wherein sweaty palms and only the head and the skin on the feet shows excessive dryness.

This is due to the fact that the sympathetic nerves that are responsible for the thermal regulation of the body, broken uneven. To the top of the pulsation of the body comes well, and in the lower part of almost none.

It's important to know! Glucose contained in sugar, a source of energy for cells. For the complete assimilation of glucose, some cells need a special hormone - insulin, which is secreted by the pancreas. The lack of insulin prevents glucose to enter the cells, which can lead to death.

Infectious diseases that trigger sweating palms

In the presence of infectious diseases, sweat is required to reduce body temperature, it is a natural response of the body. In this case sweating is observed not only in the hands, and throughout the body, especially if the patient developed fever.
Reasons for sweating palms of the hands of adults. Possible diseases, health problemsSweating hands appears when such infectious diseases:

  • SARS;
  • lung diseases, including tuberculosis;
  • molars bacterial fever, purulent infections, and others.

After the elimination of the disease, increased sweating palms held together with other symptoms.

Genetic disorders that cause sweating of palms

Reasons for sweating palms are covered in some hereditary diseases. Such diseases include:

1. Bryunauera syndrome - the disease manifests itself in the form of excessive sweating of the palms and soles. In these places there is actinic skin, it becomes thick and rough.

The main symptom of the disease is - "gothic palate", which becomes high and narrow. There are problems with speech.

2. Syndrome Zinsser-Cole-Engmena or dyskeratosis - congenital disease that can be confused with normal sweating. It manifests as patchy lesions which alternate with each other.
Reasons for sweating palms of the hands of adults. Possible diseases, health problems
Thickened skin on the hands and feet, hair and nail plates are thin, there are erosions in the mouth, changed the composition of blood.

3. Jadassohn-Lewandowski syndrome or congenital pachyonychia - in this disease sweating hands appears on the background of the nail plate thickening, rough skin on the feet, knees, elbows and hands. Irritation may appear on the thighs and erosion in the mucosa in the oral cavity.

4. Syndrome Gamstorp-Wohlfarth - sweating palms due to the weak development of muscles on the body, why the disease is often accompanied by nervous tics.

5. Buka syndrome - constant excessive sweating of palms, which is accompanied by a poorly developed teeth, the early graying and keratinization of the skin on the feet and hands.

6. Disease Weir Mitchell-or rodonalgia - disease manifests in the form of sharp expansion of arterioles, which is accompanied by redness, swelling, pain and increased sweating. Mainly present in the legs, sometimes on hands.

In the presence of these diseases sweating hands gives less discomfort compared to other symptoms.
Reasons for sweating palms of the hands of adults. Possible diseases, health problems

Genetic diseases are not treated almost require some rehabilitation and lifestyle.

Interesting fact! Women are more likely to suffer from excessive sweating of palms, as they are more susceptible to emotional and hormonal disruptions. But men sweating more pronounced due to the presence of more sweat glands.

Violations of the vegetative system and sweating palms

The autonomic system - is an independent part of the human nervous system, which is responsible for the smooth functioning of the internal organs and the various processes in the body and provides its device changing environmental conditions.

Violations of the vegetative system starts on the background of stress, hormonal disruptions and psychiatric disorders.

Such a violation adversely affects the heart rhythm and the body as a whole. Increased sweating hands is a natural phenomenon when such failures. Stress exacerbates the problem and cause additional experiences that only increase sweating.
Reasons for sweating palms of the hands of adults. Possible diseases, health problems
Excessive sweating palms in violation of the autonomic system appears in the presence of:

  • hormonal failure;
  • allergies;
  • negative environmental impact;
  • stress.

Note! You need to be screened to find out why there was a violation of the autonomic nervous system. After the elimination of excessive sweating palms held together with other signs of the disease.

Irregularities in the adrenal gland: the reason for sweating hands

Adrenal glands - paired glands, which are located in the abdomen, produce necessary for normal functioning of hormones. These include the important hormones that help a person cope with stressful situations.

Hormones such as:

  • adrenalin - it helps to cope with a strong, short-term stress;
  • cortisol - it helps the body to adapt to long-term stress.

Also, the adrenal glands are responsible:

  • for blood pressure;
  • for the production of male and female hormones.

Failures in their development of the adrenal glands will inevitably cause excessive sweating in the palms and a dry mouth. The person is unable to cope with stress, there is an imbalance in the body.
Reasons for sweating palms of the hands of adults. Possible diseases, health problems
In addition, such symptoms are observed:

  • weight loss;
  • hypotension;
  • Housing disorder;
  • decreased sexual desire;
  • depression or irritability;
  • pigmentation on the palms, near the areola in the mouth.

Sweaty palms: the cause of constant stress and psychological distress

Increased sweating hands frequent during nervous strain or stress. The reasons lie in excessive sweating hormone released organism.

Strong emotional experiences excite the nervous system, and induces the production of cortisol, which increases blood pressure. That is why in times of stress to actively begin to perspire hands.

Increased sweating hands can occur not only during extreme stress. If a person is in an unfamiliar environment or situation, he may experience psychological discomfort, which also affects the nervous system and activates the sweat glands.
Reasons for sweating palms of the hands of adults. Possible diseases, health problems
Sweat allocation is even more experience, which exacerbates the situation. It falls most heavily those whose work requires close contact with other people.

To reduce the appearance of sweating in this case, you should visit a psychologist. He tells techniques that help overcome feelings. Also doctors often prescribe anti-anxiety drink different tinctures, herbs (valerian, Motherwort).

Hot and spicy food as the cause of sweating hands

The appearance of sweat after taking a sharp and spicy foods are common. Such food warms the stomach wall that transfers heat to the body.

The temperature rise takes place the whole body and helps to reduce sweat it. This phenomenon is normal and necessary to man as a natural thermostat.
Reasons for sweating palms of the hands of adults. Possible diseases, health problems
Besides, perspiration helps cleanse the body from harmful substances. Increased sweating may indicate the protective functions of the body. In this case sweating is accompanied by other symptoms typical of poisoning.

Sweating occurs and when using some other products, this classification is shown in the table:

Products, due to which the hands sweat
classification of products Eat food Why is sweating
acute Meals high in pepper Receptors and irritate the mucous
kitchen herbs Mustard, ginger, cinnamon, spices Receptors and irritate the mucous
hot Food and beverages is significantly above body temperature Febrifacient
Alcohol All beverages with an alcohol content Increased blood pressure, dilates blood vessels
Kofeinosoderzhashie Chocolate, coffee, energy drinks Activate the whole body, including sweat glands

If sweaty palms, to what doctor

Why palms sweat - the reasons may be covered both in external and in internal stimuli. If excessive sweating of hands is not connected with a stressful situation, or spicy food, you should turn to the district physician.
Reasons for sweating palms of the hands of adults. Possible diseases, health problems
He will be able to identify the cause of the sweating and prescribe treatment. If necessary to send a specialist desired: neurologist, therapist, endocrinologist.

Wet palms put people in an awkward situation, especially if it happens quite often. It is necessary to find out why the sweating hands, to know the reasons that will receive competent treatment.

Why palms sweat. Causes:

How to get rid of hyperhidrosis of the palms:

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