Pathological State

Iron-deficiency anemia. Symptoms in women, causes, treatment after childbirth, during pregnancy, in elderly

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Iron deficiency in women is characterized by a pathological condition which reduces the level of red blood cells, hemoglobin, vitamin B12 and folic acid. Lack of iron in the body violates many of the processes that support human normal life.

There are characteristic symptoms, which is important to promptly go to the hospital. The cause of iron deficiency anemia are a variety of factors, against which there is iron deficiency. Diagnosis and treatment has been a doctor internist, hematologist.

The content of the article:

  • 1 types of diseases
  • 2 Stage and grade
  • 3 symptoms
  • 4 Causes of
  • 5 Diagnostics
  • 6 When to see a doctor
  • 7 prevention
  • 8 therapies
    • 8.1 Medications
    • 8.2 Traditional methods
    • 8.3 Other methods
  • 9 possible complications
  • 10 Videos about anemia

types of diseases

In medicine, there is a large classification of anemia, given the many options and the cause of the pathology.

Iron deficiency anemia in women is different in the following types:

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Title Description
Latent iron deficiency A decrease in the level of iron in the depot. Hemoglobin and red blood cells are normal. Decreases as the transport function.
IDA Hypochromic microcytic anemia. Common cause is chronic bleeding. In some situations, there is a low level of iron because of its small intake of women.

In each case, there are characteristic symptoms, which it is crucial to consult a physician or a hematologist. The physician will designate a full examination and the results obtained will select the most effective therapy.

Stage and grade

Iron deficiency anemia in women (symptoms can determine violations at an early stage of the disease) the progression of pathological processes gradually goes through several stages:Iron-deficiency anemia. Symptoms in women, causes, treatment during pregnancy, older age

Title Description
Stage 1 (prelatent) Consumption of iron compared to its entry into the human body more, but it reserves enough for normal functioning of many systems. enough right to restore iron levels correct nutrition, dietary supplements added to the diet.
Stage 2 (latent) iron stores are gradually reduced, but the hemoglobin level is normal. There are specific signs of irregularities. The study shows a decrease of ferritin and transferrin. Latent iron deficiency in women require proper nutrition, the use of dietary supplements (dietary supplements). In some situations, patients prescribed drugs with iron.
stage 3 Pathological processes are gradually progressing, and the level of red blood cells is normal.
stage 4 Develop microcytic hypochromic anemia.
stage 5 Iron deficiency leads to disruption of metabolic processes in the tissues. There are the first serious symptoms of iron deficiency anemia.

It is important to identify the root cause of the lack of iron in the human body. In most cases - it is bleeding. Anemia may also be due to serious disease. It is necessary to diagnose pathological processes and to begin treatment under the supervision of a specialist.

Given the amount of hemoglobin in the blood, are following the degree of development of iron deficiency anemia:

Title Description
The absence of anemia hemoglobin level above 120 g / l.
Grade I Indicators reduced to 90-120 g / l. Requires hematologist consultation and corrective therapy.
Grade II Hemoglobin level ranges of 60-90 g / l. Women need urgent treatment.
Grade III Hemoglobin less than 60 g / l. The patient hospitalization and intensive treatment.

Determine the stage and degree of development of the pathological condition of the blood test will help. In some situations, the doctor prescribes additional laboratory tests.


The clinical picture depends on the extent and stage of iron deficiency anemia in women. On the severity of the symptoms affect the cause of pathological processes, age of the patient, the duration of the current bleeding.

Iron-deficiency anemia. Symptoms in women, causes, treatment during pregnancy, older age
Iron-deficiency anemia. Symptoms in women

Syndromes are the following clinical signs:

Title Description
anemic syndrome There is tissue hypoxia, which is accompanied by the following features:
  • weakness, rapid fatigue;
  • skin and mucous pale;
  • headache, throbbing in the temples;
  • dizzy, loss of consciousness;
  • reinforced shortness of breath and heart palpitations.
sideropenic syndrome There is a lack of iron in the tissues. The syndrome is accompanied by the following features:
  • the skin on the hands, feet cracked, dry;
  • atrophy tongue papillae, there is pain and redness;
  • nails exfoliate and become brittle and thin acquire spoon-shaped form (koilonychia);
  • turning gray and falling out hair;
  • changing taste preferences;
  • there is a violation of the swallowing process (dysphagia).
secondary immunodeficiency syndrome Anemia is accompanied by a resurgence of infectious and inflammatory pathologies. In some situations, pathology spill over into the chronic form.
visceral syndrome
  • It affected the gastrointestinal tract;
  • It disrupted the functioning of the cardiovascular system (shortness of breath, edema, tachycardia);
  • reduced memory, there are problems with concentration;
  • affected muscular frame, the sphincters.

The skin of a woman with iron-deficiency anemia are pale. In some situations, they become bluish tint. The fair sex also complain of menstrual disorders.

Causes of

Iron deficiency anemia in women more often refers to the development of serious diseases. The first symptoms occur due to lower levels of hemoglobin, folic acid and vitamin B12.

Serious diseases that provoke iron deficiency, include tuberculosis, kidney stones, ulcers, tumors, hemorrhoids. Iron deficiency anemia can occur even against a small chronic bleeding.Iron-deficiency anemia. Symptoms in women, causes, treatment during pregnancy, older age

The main reasons for the lack of iron in the body:

Title Description
nutritional deficiency The reason is fasting or vegetarianism. The woman's body is not enough iron is supplied with food. Stocks are not replenished, leading to the destruction of red blood cells.
Impaired iron absorption process Most often the reason is enteritis, malabsorption syndrome, post-operative condition. Provoke malabsorption of iron may also be different drugs.
Increased need for iron Pathological condition is more common in the period of gestation baby, breast-feeding.
Chronic bleeding of various origins The reason are gastrointestinal, uterine, kidney disease. Iron deficiency anemia also provoke nasal, gingival bleeding or closed cavities, tissues.
hypoproteinemia Disrupted iron transport process.

Physical activity provoke reduction of iron level. Microcell excreted from the body through sweat. For an accurate diagnosis and an effective treatment is recommended to undergo a full medical examination.


Most informative method of examination is a blood test. The results show the level of hemoglobin, red blood cells, the color of blood.

In complex situations need additional diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia, which is appointed by the doctor hematologist:Iron-deficiency anemia. Symptoms in women, causes, treatment during pregnancy, older age

Title Description
Endoscopic examination of the gastrointestinal tract Spend a colonoscopy, biopsy, EGD. Diagnosis will help to confirm or deny the presence of gastrointestinal bleeding.
Fecal occult blood The study was conducted in order to detect occult blood in various parts of the gastrointestinal tract.
X-ray Examination of the chest in the presence of pathological changes.
General urine analysis The survey will eliminate red blood cell.

If the symptoms of ulcer or erosive processes are absent, appoint more women cancer tests.

When to see a doctor

Diagnosis and treatment of iron deficiency anemia has been a doctor or therapist hematologist.

A specialist is recommended to apply in the following situations:

  1. With increased fatigue after a routine exercise or immediately after getting up from bed.
  2. Hard to focus on everyday affairs, to solve the problem.
  3. In the past, it has been diagnosed with iron-deficiency anemia. Women have been treated, and after a while the clinical symptoms appeared again.
  4. Unexpected attacks of vertigo, which are, if some time to sit.
  5. The skin became dry, and the corners of the mouth appeared perleches cracks.
  6. There is a strong shortness of breath, even after a slow walk.

Examination and medical assistance is also required if an irregular heartbeat, quickens. The same applies to daytime sleepiness, and in the evening a woman hard to sleep. The first symptoms are very similar to symptoms of other diseases. It is important to differentiate between anemia at an early stage, as it may aggravate the course of comorbidities, cause serious complications.


Iron deficiency anemia in women (symptoms occur under the influence of the negative impact of many external and internal factors) often occurs in a latent form.

The disease is dangerous and warn it will help prevention:

  1. Eat right. Eat more products containing iron.Iron-deficiency anemia. Symptoms in women, causes, treatment during pregnancy, older age
  2. Accept dietary supplements (dietary supplements). They supply the human body a variety of vitamins and trace elements. Supplements also contain certain substances that help to better absorb iron.
  3. As a preventive measure to carry out a blood test to determine the pathological changes in a timely manner. Watch also for the level of hemoglobin.
  4. Live a healthy life. Engage in sports and physical activities. To refuse from bad habits.

In order to prevent drugs recommended to drink courses, which is composed of iron. Medications appoint strict medical practitioner or a hematologist. Make their own drugs should not be, because they cause side effects. Increased risk of serious complications.

Iron deficiency anemia is often the result of a parasitic infection. The doctor recommends a therapist to prevent periodic treatment of helminthiasis.


Iron deficiency anemia in women (symptoms require the intervention of a physician or a hematologist) occurs against the background of many factors. It is important to diagnose pathological changes.

The main goal of therapy - is to remove the cause of iron deficiency anemia in women. It is also necessary to remedy the lack of iron in her body and to prevent the development of degenerative processes. It is important to maintain the integrity of the internal organs and the proper functioning of the system.


Medicines prescribed by the physician, taking into account the severity of the pathological condition, the individual characteristics of the female body. It is important to observe strict professional requirements, since many drugs cause side effects.

To restore the level of hemoglobin and iron are appointed by the following drugs:Iron-deficiency anemia. Symptoms in women, causes, treatment during pregnancy, older age

Title application Contraindications
"Totem" The contents of one vial is dissolved in 0.5 Art. water. For a taste is allowed to add a small amount of sugar. The daily dosage is 2-4 ampoules.
  • ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • hemochromatosis.
"Gemofer" The recommended dosage is 55 Cap. 2 r. per day. The course of treatment lasts 8 weeks.
  • individual sensitivity;
  • impaired iron metabolism;
  • obstructive diseases of the digestive tract;
  • diverticulosis intestine.
"Maltofer" The adult daily dose is 100-300 mg.
  • impaired iron process excretion;
  • hypersensitivity;
  • hemochromatosis, hemosiderosis.

Ascorbic acid, fructose and improve iron absorption. Medication is recommended to take with meals to active ingredients are better absorbed. therapy in most cases lasts from 3 to 5 months, each patient all individually. Among the common side effects of isolated nausea, constipation, pain in the abdomen.

Traditional methods

Raise the level of hemoglobin to help recipes sorcerers and healers. But before using them you should consult with your doctor to prevent possible complications.Iron-deficiency anemia. Symptoms in women, causes, treatment during pregnancy, older age

Many ingredients can provoke an allergic reaction.

Title Recipe application
Tincture on garlic The product was clean and pour 300 g of alcohol (1 L). Infuse mixture of 3 weeks at room temperature. The resultant tincture take 1 tsp 3 r. per day. The drug increases levels of hemoglobin, cleans vessels and heals the entire body.
Nettle To prepare the tincture will need 2 tablespoons dry grass. Pour boiling water nettle (1 tbsp.). Infuse 15 min and filter. Grass not only increases the level of hemoglobin, but also increases the number of red blood cells. Nettle also has an antioxidant effect, bringing the body of harmful substances. The infusion is recommended to cook every day fresh. Drink it throughout the day in small sips.
herbal Mix the St. John's wort, licorice root, leaves of wild strawberry, blueberry shoots and yarrow in equal proportions. Pour 7 g grass collecting hot water (250 ml) was put in a water bath. Heat for 10 minutes. Insist 2 hours. in a closed container and drain well. Received means take the form of heat in 1/3 art. 3 r. a day before meals for 20 minutes.

Usual pumpkin contains iron. Enough every day to eat 100-200 grams of cooked product, to normalize the blood.Iron-deficiency anemia. Symptoms in women, causes, treatment during pregnancy, older age The therapist also recommends that instead of tea to drink a decoction of rose hips 3-4 p. per day. The main component can be mixed with fruits ash, currant, raspberry or strawberry leaves.

Other methods

Iron deficiency anemia in women (lesions symptoms seek help in a timely manner hospital and undergo a full medical examination) is treated comprehensively under the strict supervision of a physician or hematologist.

Lack of iron and low levels of hemoglobin, erythrocytes correct not only drugs. Dietary food will allow to replenish iron stores. Dietary supplements (dietary supplements) is also recommended to increase the transportation process and assimilation of minerals.

Proper nutrition can deliver out of iron deficiency anemia, but it will help to increase the level of iron. Green vegetables, salad greens and contain folic acid. The same applies to breakfast cereal.

But caffeine interferes with the absorption of iron.

Featured products prohibited products
  • meat
  • liver
  • eggs
  • vegetables and fruits
  • offal
  • beans, soybeans, peas
  • spinach
  • buckwheat
  • strong tea, coffee, cola
  • milk products
  • cocoa

If iron deficiency anemia is not necessarily hard to eat, according to the rules. Enough to include in the diet of foods that contain large amounts of iron and folic acid.

In the case where there is a threat to human life, make him a blood transfusion (transfusion). When not helping drug treatment, there are serious signs of iron deficiency anemia.

possible complications

Without timely treatment of iron deficiency anemia in women results in serious consequences, such as coma or even death.Iron-deficiency anemia. Symptoms in women, causes, treatment during pregnancy, older age

Title Description
hypoxia Lack of oxygen in tissues and organs provokes degenerative processes. Meals of their deteriorating, with increased acidity due to the accumulation of incompletely oxidized products of metabolism.
Alzheimer's disease Iron deficiency results in disruption of formation of the myelin sheath of nerve pillars which are responsible for the conduction of nerve impulses. Iron deficiency results in a decrease in the electrical activity of hemispheres and back of the brain. Impaired mental activity in the future provokes dementia.
Heart failure Low levels of hemoglobin, iron deficiency leads to tachycardia, arrhythmia. The heart pumps more blood to compensate for oxygen loss. Strong load provokes an increase in body and heart failure.
The threat to the fetus For pregnant women the risk of iron deficiency anemia is premature birth. Low hemoglobin levels can adversely affect fetal development. The child will be born with a low birth weight and developmental delays. Lowered immunity, the child's body becomes more susceptible to various diseases.
Development of infectious diseases Risk appears on the background of reduced immunity, as iron deficiency provokes disturbances of oxygen in the process cells. The probability of infection increases in 1,5-2 times.

Additional complications also isolated heart disease, kidney, blood vessels and brain. On the body there are eczema, increased blood pressure, heart rhythm is disturbed. Pathological changes provoke disability, and in the worst case, death.

Timely diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia symptoms in women will enable receive adequate treatment and to receive hope for a favorable prognosis. In complex situations pathological condition entails the development of a variety of chronic diseases.

Registration of the article: Vladimir the Great

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