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What is different from Miramistin Chlorhexidine. What is the difference, comparing compositions that better

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For the treatment of postoperative wounds and sutures are used in modern medicine, antiseptic broad-spectrum action. Among such drugs are considered to be the most popular Miramistin and chlorhexidine. They prevent inflammation of the skin, eliminate harmful bacteria.

Miramistin and chlorhexidine. What is the difference, comparing the composition that is better than different
What is different from Miramistin Chlorhexidine, and what better tool?

Both tools are in medicine to a group of medicines, but have a number of distinctive features.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What do Miramistin and chlorhexidine
  • 2 Advantages and disadvantages of Miramistin and Chlorhexidine
  • 3 Scope miramistinom and Chlorhexidine
  • 4 Which viruses are Miramistin and Chlorhexidine
  • 5 Comparative characteristics Miramistin and Chlorhexidine
  • 6 What is better for the throat Miramistin or Chlorhexidine
  • 7 Contraindications and side effects and miramistinom Chlorhexidine
  • 8 Videos about differences Miramistin of Chlorhexidine

What do Miramistin and chlorhexidine

What is different from Miramistin Chlorhexidine can understand after benchmarking 2 antiseptics.

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What unites these drugs:

  • they are both antiseptic well disinfected and eliminate the bacteria;
  • in a short time fighting off viruses and fungal bacteria, due to the fact that they are destroying the shell;
  • solutions for local and external application;
  • used to disinfect the skin;
  • operate even if the wound is bleeding or purulent discharge;
  • effective against almost all kinds of germs.

Each drug is unique in its composition and pharmacological action. To apply any one of them is recommended only prescribed by a doctor.

Note! Both tools are designed for the disinfection of the skin and mucous membranes. They are allowed to be used for irrigation of the throat and douching.

Both preservative manufactured in Russia. They are due to a wide range of actions that have gained popularity in the treatment of viral, fungal and bacterial infections.

Advantages and disadvantages of Miramistin and Chlorhexidine

Both tools are used not only for the treatment of burns and wounds, but also for the treatment of gynecological disorders.

Applying both preparations for treatment, physicians have identified the advantages and disadvantages of each:

  • The main feature that differs from Miramistin Chlorhexidine is that the former has the possibility of unlimited use. Chlorhexidine, in turn, is not permitted to pregnant women and children.
  • Miramistin has no clear timetable, it is applied to a complete cure. Chlorhexidine must not be used for more than 7 days.
  • Miramistinom important advantage is that the solution is odorless and tasteless. This makes it possible to use it to treat children from birth.
  • Chlorhexidine is different in that it is used for the treatment of medical instruments, since it is more powerful and concentrated.
  • Plus Miramistin considered that it does not cause skin burns and harmless if swallowed.
Miramistin and chlorhexidine. What is the difference, comparing the composition that is better than different
Chlorhexidine is actively used in the processing of medical instruments

Both medications are effective in treatment of bacteria and viruses. In the appointment, the doctor relies on the advantages of each, choosing the best for the patient.

Scope miramistinom and Chlorhexidine

Both drugs have a broad spectrum of activity. Miramisin effective against fungal infections and viruses, and Chlorhexidine kills virtually all bacteria.

They are used:

  • for the treatment of open wounds, skin burns, post-surgical sutures;
  • effective in the treatment of gynecological diseases;
  • used in the treatment of urology;
  • used for irrigation or rinsing the throat;
  • after dental operations in an oral cavity, and also for the care of prostheses;
  • for the treatment of wounds and abrasions at any age;
  • as a prophylactic genital infections.
Miramistin and chlorhexidine. What is the difference, comparing the composition that is better than different
wound treatment - the main area of ​​application of both agents

Both antiseptic can help patients in the fight against pathogenic bacteria and fungal infections in a fairly short period of time than they would like.

Interesting fact! Chlorhexidine is a drug differs from its counterpart Miramistin the fact that it is used for the treatment of medical instruments, ultrasound equipment, and other equipment.

Which viruses are Miramistin and Chlorhexidine

Each drug is effective against viruses and bacteria. By their performance, they differ from each other, since they contain different active substances. Experts say that Miramistin has a softer impact than chlorhexidine.

Miramistin and chlorhexidine. What is the difference, comparing the composition that is better than different
Fungal infection "Candida" under the microscope. Chlorhexidine is effective against a virus candida

Chlorhexidine effect on microorganisms:

  1. Bacteria. The drug damages their cells and attacks inside the virus. Exposure starts in the first 20 seconds;
  2. Effectively in fighting fungal infections, penetrating inside and killing germs.

Weak solution Chlorhexidine has no effect on viruses such as SARS, and enterovirus infections adenovirus.

Important to remember! Chlorhexidine must not be used for dermatitis and propensity to allergic reactions. Doctors do not recommend it for treatment during pregnancy and lactation.

As a modern analogue of Chlorhexidine, Miramistin is widely popular in the treatment of viral diseases and fungal diseases.

Effect of the drug:

  1. Effective against multi-structured types of viruses, such as HIV or herpes.
  2. Used to treat fungal, including in gynecology.
  3. It helps in the fight against viruses that infect the mucous throat.

Chlorhexidine, for controlling certain types of diseases, require the preparation of a weaker solution Miramistin used in finished form.

Comparative characteristics Miramistin and Chlorhexidine

What is the difference one drug from another and what are the advantages and Miramistin Chlorhexidine, easy to understand, having read the instructions to each of them. Despite the fact that they belong to the same group of drug, doctors made a comparative analysis, which is given in the table.

product characteristics chlorhexidine Miramistin
Effective against bacteria Effective. In addition to multi-structured viruses It is effective against all types of
Taste qualities It has a bitter taste insipidity
application Not recommended during pregnancy and lactation, as well as under the age of 18 years Restrictions has
Effects on body Harmful if swallowed No effect
Price Chlorhexidine is considerably cheaper than and differs from the drug Miramistin High price
duration of treatment Not more than a week Not limited
The effect on the oral cavity Teeth exposed to the appearance of dark plaque Does not adversely affect
throat treatment It is rarely used because it has a bitter taste, causing a burning sensation It is used for irrigation, does not cause side reactions

What is better for the throat Miramistin or Chlorhexidine

In viral infections, doctors often recommend to irrigate or gargle. Both drugs are used to prepare the solution, however, need to know which one is better and safer.

Miramistin and chlorhexidine. What is the difference, comparing the composition that is better than different

Miramistin without taste and odor, easily tolerated, it does not cause irritation of the throat mucosa. Also, if the drug gets into the stomach, such as gargling with a child, he will not cause any harm. For gargling, Miramistin does not require preparation of a weaker solution.

Chlorhexidine has a bitter taste, because of the gag reflex which can occur. Gargle with this agent is recommended with caution, since when ingested will need washing.

Both products can be purchased in the form of spray, which facilitates the throat irrigation. For the usual rinsing using a solution which is added to water.

Be careful! In no case does not apply 1% chlorhexidine in a pure form! This leads to burns and irritation to mucous membranes.

If the choice between miramistinom and chlorhexidine, the first is more effective and convenient to use for irrigation or gargling.

Contraindications and side effects and miramistinom Chlorhexidine

Miramistin drug has no contraindications to the use, the only thing to consider - this individual intolerance of components.

Miramistin and chlorhexidine. What is the difference, comparing the composition that is better than different
Possible allergic reaction to a particular drug

Side effects it is also a bit:

  • slight burning sensation immediately after the application;
  • individual allergic reactions.

Precisely because of this, Miramistin used for newborns, pregnant and lactating women.

Chlorhexidine is forbidden to apply for dermatitis, individual intolerance. With care it is used during pregnancy and in children under the age of 12 years.

Side effects:

  • itching;
  • dryness and peeling of the skin;
  • allergic reactions.

Patients are often faced with the fact that when ingested Chlorhexidine, wash immediately stomach than it differs from miramistinom.

After washing, it is recommended to use immediately sorbent, such as activated charcoal or smectite. If you feel unwell, seek medical attention.

Pharmacists claim that compare miramistin and chlorhexidine According to the application, properties and performance can not, because each has its distinct active ingredient composition.

As the medical preparation, each of them has advantages and disadvantages. To avoid possible side effects of use and receive effective treatment, it is important to follow the recommendations of the attending physician.

Videos about differences Miramistin of Chlorhexidine

In this video, an expert tell the difference between Miramistin of chlorhexidine, and that it is better to use:

Video about Miramistin, its characteristics and effectiveness:

Personal opinion: Miramistin and chlorhexidine WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE

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