Dermatological Drugs

From nail fungus cheap means overnight for treatment. Medications, folk remedies

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Mycosis of the skin and nails caused by pathogenic fungi - a common disease in modern society. The disease significantly reduces the quality of life and can cause serious complications. Particularly intractable one of its forms, called "onychomycosis" - a fungus infection of the nail plate.

The content of the article:

  • 1 The best inexpensive agent for treating the fungus
    • 1.1 Terbinafine ointment
    • 1.2 ointment Mikozoral
    • 1.3 salicylic ointment
    • 1.4 Antifungal cream Nogtimitsin
    • 1.5 ointment Klotrisal
    • 1.6 ointment Atifin
    • 1.7 cream Bifosin
    • 1.8 cream Estezifin
    • 1.9 ointment Mikoket
  • 2 The cheapest drugs in tablets with advanced cases
    • 2.1 fluconazole
    • 2.2 forkan
    • 2.3 Mikosist
    • 2.4 mikomaks
    • 2.5 Flucostat
  • 3 Traditional recipes of treatment of nail fungus on my feet. Recipes and application
    • 3.1 Vinegar and egg
    • 3.2 Garlic
    • 3.3 Propolis
    • 3.4 Hydrogen peroxide
    • 3.5 Iodine in the fight against nail fungus and skin
    • 3.6 Celandine, as means of the fungus
    • 3.7 Tea tree oil - useful properties in the treatment of fungus
  • 4 Videos about the means of nail fungus
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The best inexpensive agent for treating the fungus

The list of medical facilities struggling with fungal infections, and in particular with nail fungus, is very large.

From inexpensive nail fungus treatments. Medications, folk methods, ointment

Drugs that offers modern pharmaceutical industry, are divided into 2 types:

topical agents: ointments, gels, varnishes, creams and patches. Apply topically to the place of defeat by a fungus and surrounding tissue.
Systemic medications in the form of tablets, capsules. Fighting fungus from the inside, have a strong impact on the body. They have a number of serious contraindications, so treatment should be prescribed by a doctor.

Even in severe cases of nail fungus can help cheap means, if it combined with other drugs. This contributes to the speedy recovery and prevent recurrence.

The following are well-established drugs for external application to the skin surface of skin and nail. They have a similar mechanism of action to the affected fungal surface and a wide range of antifungal activity.

Terbinafine ointment

Powerful formula of the drug enables it to rapidly penetrate through the dermal layer and accumulate in the cornea. It has fungicidal effects on a number of pathogenic fungi by damage to their cell membrane.

From inexpensive nail fungus treatments. Medications, folk methods, ointment

terbinafine substance has no effect on the metabolism of the human hormones. Assign ointment externally 2-3 times a day in combination with systemic medications. Price for '15 82 rubles.

ointment Mikozoral

At the heart of this ointment is a synthetic substance - ketoconazole. It is able to have a devastating impact on the different types of pathogenic fungi. Molecules ketoconazole penetrate the fungal cell membrane and it is thinned by blocking their vital processes.

From inexpensive nail fungus treatments. Medications, folk methods, ointment

Ointment Mikozoral rapidly excreted from the body without entering the blood stream. But at the same ketoconazole it tends to be concentrated in the outer stratum corneum (in polish), so that it protects against fungus after cessation of treatment. It is an effective tool, but not the cheapest. Its price for '15 about 217 rubles.

salicylic ointment

Ointment base is salicylic acid, having antiinflammatory and antiseptic action. Produced ointment with various concentrations of therapeutic agents - from 5 to 60%, respectively.

Depending on this, it is applied at different stages of onychomycosis. Sometimes, salicylic acid is included in the other external creams. Price Silitsilovoy ointment for '25 about 27 rubles.

Antifungal cream Nogtimitsin

Nail fungus sometimes develops to the stage where it is difficult to get rid of using conservative means.

In this case, a specialist dermatologist prescribe Nogtimitsin - relatively cheap cream for painless softening and removal of the affected nail. This cream combined action.

From inexpensive nail fungus treatments. Medications, folk methods, ointment

His foundation - naturally occurring components that comprehensively work on loosening and disinfection of the stratum corneum.

By tube with a tip for applying the cream to provide a detailed step by step instructions on how to properly prepare and conduct this mini-operation in the home.

Such gentle rejection of the nail of the patient as compared to the surgically heals faster.

With regrowth of new plates must continue comprehensive treatment system and external antimycotics. Price per 30 ml. about 101 rubles.

ointment Klotrisal

As part of the ointment 2 major medical component - salicylic ointment and clotrimazole. Mechanism antimycotic effects is braking and tackle construction of the cell membrane of the fungus, which is detrimental to the pathogenic microflora.

From inexpensive nail fungus treatments. Medications, folk methods, ointment

Range of effects on different kinds of mushrooms wide. Chemical practically not absorbed into the systemic circulation, but tends to accumulate in the layer of the epidermis. Price per tube '15 about 24 rubles.

ointment Atifin

Base ointment active substance - a substance antimycotic terbinafine, has broad spectrum antifungal activity.

From inexpensive nail fungus treatments. Medications, folk methods, ointment

Terbinafine actively interfere with the processes occurring in the intracellular membrane fungus, blocking them and thereby destroy the fungal colony. Price for '15 about 211 rubles.

cream Bifosin

From inexpensive nail fungus treatments. Medications, folk methods, ointment

The active substance of this preperata - bifonazole, also affects the intracellular membrane fungi by blocking their vital processes required.

Bifosin has wide coverage antimycotic effects, but it has its own specialization: mold and yeast species of fungi.

In the case of advanced stages of onychomycosis Bifosin necessary complement systemic drugs. Price for '30 99 rubles.

cream Estezifin

The cream is based on naftifine, substances having fungicidal action on a number of dermatophytes. Indicated for ringworm and candidiasis, and also exhibits antimicrobial activity, reduces inflammation and itching.

When applying 1 time per day quickly penetrates into all layers of the skin and makes it a high concentration of therapeutic agent that can neutralize the pathogenic flora. Price from 186 rubles.

ointment Mikoket

The main active substance of ointment - ketoconazole, a substance with a broad spectrum of antifungal activity. Its fungicidal and mikostaticheskoe effect is the braking and blocking the vital processes for mushrooms, as well as in violation of the permeability of intracellular membrane of the fungus.

The cream is applied to the affected area and adjacent tissues 1-2 times a day depending on the severity of the disease. Price for '15 about 128 rubles.

Note! Discussed preparations combine ease of use, performance, and affordable price, which undoubtedly is their dignity.

To cheap means of fungus acted, each time before using the external preparations necessary to prepare the nail and surrounding skin.

First, you need to clear (sometimes to steam) and dry the skin and nails. Should timely remove the dead parts of the nail in onychomycosis using tweezers and nail files. Only in this case the efficiency of the applied drugs will be the maximum.

Important to remember! The main condition to guarantee the efficacy of these drugs - it is the continuity of the treatment process and holding the full course prescribed by your doctor or instruction.

The cheapest drugs in tablets with advanced cases

When advanced cases of the disease are used antifungal drugs for systemic effects. The main form of release of such drugs - pills. The daily rate for oral administration in each case is caused by the nature and severity of the fungal infection.

And because all systemic medications have some side effects and the use of features, they should appoint a specialist dermatologist. More often than not, on the basis of bacterial culture results and other laboratory tests.


The active substance means - fluconazole, has high specific activity, blocking activity of certain fungal enzymes and disrupting their intracellular membrane permeability.

Appointed doctor at the various types of candidiasis and deep mycoses, with cryptococcal infections, herpes, onychomycosis, as well as for preventive purposes.

From inexpensive nail fungus treatments. Medications, folk methods, ointment
Fluconazole - a cheap and effective means of many existing drugs for nail fungus

Fluconazole, inhibit some fungal enzymes, virtually inhibits these same enzymes in the body humans and only a very small extent (unlike other systemic drugs) affects the oxidation processes in the liver. Thus, the negative side effect of administration of fluconazole minimized. The price of 25 rubles. 1 pcs.


This is analogous to fluconazole, available in capsules. As discussed above, fluconazole substance is a potent selective inhibitor of sterol synthesis in the cell of the fungus.

From inexpensive nail fungus treatments. Medications, folk methods, ointment

When administered quickly penetrates into all human biological fluid, reaching a maximum concentration in the stratum corneum, epidermis and dermis.

C proteins binds a blood product to 11-12%. Excreted in substantially unchanged form.

Dosage regimen - the minimum dose to preventive impact twice the daily rate of the drug - it all depends on the desired degree of exposure. Price for 1 piece. 169 rubles.


From inexpensive nail fungus treatments. Medications, folk methods, ointment

The active substance - fluconazole. Product form - capsule. The drug is similar Forkanu.

Price for 1 piece. from 310 rubles.


The main component - fluconazole. It used its inhibitory effect on cytomembranes mushrooms.

From inexpensive nail fungus treatments. Medications, folk methods, ointment

Produced for oral administration (capsules) and for intravenous administration. Price for 1 piece. from 280 rubles.


The active substance - fluconazole. Product form - capsule. It has a favorable pharmacological characteristics: equivalent to the original drug

From inexpensive nail fungus treatments. Medications, folk methods, ointment

American-made, made in Russia at the company, standardized by the European

standards, has many years of experience with and confidence in Russian women as a means of "thrush» №1.

Price for 1 piece. from 215 rubles.

The advantage of these systemic medications - a prolongation of their actions (they accumulate in the tissues, they are permanently create a protective barrier against fungus), high antimycotic efficacy and affordability of a wide range of consumers.

Traditional recipes of treatment of nail fungus on my feet. Recipes and application

As an addition to all these facilities are the time-tested traditional recipes to get rid of the fungus. They do well with ringworm, but the treatment must be long enough and regularly.

Vinegar and egg

Components for the 2 following recipes there are in each house:

  • To prepare the ointment should be thoroughly whisk 1 egg, add the 2 tablespoons of acetic essences, 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil and 1 teaspoon of dimethyl phthalate (it is in any pharmacy). Get the egg to rub ointment at night steaming nails, wrap in cellophane and put on socks. Repeat the procedure until the full recovery of the nail.
  • This recipe is also recommended for getting rid of nail fungus. This is a cheap tool, but its preparation - a lengthy process. Egg shells in dishes placed in high and pour 100 ml of vinegar. Remove in the dark until complete dissolution of the eggshell. Tweezers to remove the rest of the film, add 1 tablespoon of melted butter. Get lubricated with ointment steamed and peeled nails, make a compress on the night. The course of treatment usually takes a week.


There are several recipes for the use of crushed garlic for the treatment of nail fungus:

  • stretch with common salt;
  • mix with butter;
  • combined with alcohol.

But the general principle is: the application of a slurry of garlic on the affected nail plate provides an excellent effect in the treatment of fungus.

To enhance the therapeutic action is proposed to lay the garlic compress lotion and leave for 2-3 hours. Treatment long (in severe cases can take several weeks), but efficient.


This widely known bee product contains, among other things, resinous acids, essential oils and tannins, which causes its potent fungicidal action. Alcoholate propolis prepared and applied to the cleaned surface.

Even better cover the damaged fingernail propolis soaked cotton swab, secure with plaster bandage and leave for a day. The procedure is repeated until regrowth of healthy nail. Like any folk remedy, propolis acts slowly, but surely.

Hydrogen peroxide

Good cure even chronic onychomycosis. Before application to steam feet in water with soap to try and remove the diseased portion of the nail. A cotton pad with peroxide to lay on the nail plate, cover with a plastic compression and stand 35-40 minutes.

Next, scrape the softened tissue and cause an antifungal medication such as "Terbinafine". Repeat procedure 1 every day until regrowth of healthy nail.

Iodine in the fight against nail fungus and skin

The peculiarity of this cheap means that it is capable of rolling proteins.

From inexpensive nail fungus treatments. Medications, folk methods, ointment

Fungi living in the stratum corneum and disrupting its nails, keratin feed - fibrillar protein.

The destruction of pathogenic microflora begins by regular treatment of the affected nail plate 5% iodine twice a day.

After a burning sensation can appear a few days of this treatment in the affected area - this means that iodine began to act. Treatment can be long - 20-40 days, but the positive effect should occur.

Celandine, as means of the fungus

From inexpensive nail fungus treatments. Medications, folk methods, ointment

There is a pharmacy celandine oily extract, which contains much of the same phytochemicals that a living plant. You can make a tincture of Celandine oil at home, which can take from 1 to 3 weeks.

Ready extract was applied to the cleaned portion affected nail, cover film, wear socks.

Repeated dose needed 1 time a day. Healing does not happen instantly. It will take several months to restore keratin and regrowth of healthy nail.

Tea tree oil - useful properties in the treatment of fungus

Tea tree oil has strong antibacterial properties, as well as well restores damaged tissue fungus. It should drop 1-2 drops of oil to the cleaned and steamed fingernail rubbing, massaging for 2-3 minutes. Still it is possible to add 5-6 drops to the foot bath with lavender oil and peppermint.

Recommended recipes do not always help to get rid of nail fungus. Cheap means may give a pronounced effect when the integrated systemic treatment. To do this, the procedure is carried out regularly, using folk remedies, and proven low cost chemicals and, in advanced cases, strong medicine prescribed by a doctor.

Videos about the means of nail fungus

Simple and cheap remedy for nail fungus - in this video:

Cheap remedy for nail fungus:

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