Mental Disorders

Existential crisis. This is what in psychology, definition, test to overcome, reassessment of values

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Philosopher Søren Kierkegaard (Danish) of the XIX century - a man for the first time gave the concept of an existential crisis as an awareness of man's inner world. Scientists have identified an opportunity in the state of understanding ourselves and making sense of their uniqueness.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is an existential crisis
  • 2 Causes of
  • 3 evidence
    • 3.1 loneliness
    • 3.2 Fear
    • 3.3 Guilt
  • 4 Features manifestations of the crisis
    • 4.1 In adolescence
    • 4.2 Middle age crisis
    • 4.3 old age crisis
  • 5 The consequences of the crisis
  • 6 How to help yourself
    • 6.1 Step 1: Assess the situation
    • 6.2 Step 2: let go of suffering
    • 6.3 Step 3: expert help
  • 7 How to overcome the crisis: other methods
    • 7.1 preparations
    • 7.2 Psychotherapy
  • 8 Videos about the existential crisis

What is an existential crisis

Under the definition of the crisis lies a lack of understanding of its mission, the vision of its existence only in a negative color, in the void of what is happening earlier and meaninglessness of existence.

The manifestation of such feelings in humans occurs when there is no need to solve the basic problems of survival. free time is filled with an excess of comprehension of his own existence and the conclusion of negative findings.

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Existential crisis. With that in psychology, tests, how to overcome, reassessment of values

When a person asks a question about the meaning of their existence, and give yourself a positive answer can not be, a crisis (existential). The individual wants to believe in the importance and usefulness of its existence, but looking at your life from realizes the meaninglessness of life and the lack of future. The result of this "discovery" is becoming a deep depression or global changes in life.

Causes of

The feeling of uselessness occurs in a person when he is in a safe environment and all of its basic needs for food, clothing, material security, housing, satisfied.

His biological condition is fine, no need for survival. Such conditions are pushing the individual to a discussion of personal development and the meaning of existence and social organization.

Existential crisis - a condition arising from those who have nothing to do, there is no problem to solve.

Psychological problem is the further flow when switching from comprehension of life on daily household needs and social activity.

The development of the crisis provokes:

  • Isolation from society.
  • Psychological trauma.
  • Depressive tendency in the psyche.
  • Fatigue and rash.
  • The lack of goals.
  • Loneliness.Existential crisis. With that in psychology, tests, how to overcome, reassessment of values
  • Change in living conditions.
  • Disappointment.
  • Prostration.
  • The singularity of thought.
  • Not the lack of implementation.

Every man in demand in society. Exceptions are dependents, criminals, asocial individual. The question of his own utility rarely care about such a category of people.


State is accompanied by a sense of loneliness and obsessive meaningful existence. Obvious external manifestations of the crisis does not exist. A person can save the old cheerful behavior in public or closed. Inside he feels the loneliness, fear, and guilt.


Existential crisis - it's not a feeling of loneliness. Every day in people of different ages and in different moments of life there feeling lonely because of dissatisfaction with their appearance, because of indecision or fear of rejection of life.

Existential loneliness - the notion of a more profound. Falling into such a state, a person is fully depressed and morally destroyed.

Existential crisis. With that in psychology, tests, how to overcome, reassessment of valuesDisappearing sense of connection with the outside world and support families. The understanding alone of all people in the world. Man is that the awareness of the fact it is to him alone, just around this is still not smart enough.

Get rid of such an experience is impossible.

But each person is able to wrap these feelings in a useful direction. The individual, who took his loneliness, having studied it thoroughly and soberly, more successful than others in life develops and builds relationships.

Real loneliness - this being in solitary confinement, when a person sees 3 times a day, company employees, transmitting food, and has no other contacts. When the existential crisis of a person has a family, work, children, he visited entertainment, entertainment establishments, but feels lonely.

Not all of it is given to understand, but such feelings are the right person. In addition to himself, he has no one. The pain one person really can not feel the other person.

Feelings of joy, happiness, shame, fear, and do not survive as an individual sharing with his feelings. Since the birth of man separated from other own world that he builds himself. Over the years a distancing increases. Everyone lives his life itself, and life choices he makes.

Reflection and knowledge about the existence should not make life harder and worse, lead to a crisis. The better the individual analyze his solitude, the better he will be able to get close to other members of society.


Overwhelming feeling of unexplained, causeless anxiety in an existential crisis manifested fears. Fear is not a real threat, which a person can withstand. Such fear comprehensive. He is pointless, what differs from the usual fear of dogs, spiders, cars, flying in an airplane. He is causeless, so the crisis is felt everywhere man.

Psychologists in moderate manifestation of existential angst find it useful. The presence of such emotions is present in all. There is no way to get rid of them forever.Existential crisis. With that in psychology, tests, how to overcome, reassessment of values

Part of the fear is based on a subconscious level, and sometimes people about them do not even know. Such conditions do not require treatment because of their naturalness. Help is needed for people who have lost the opportunity to live normally due to the presence of excessive fear.

Are 4 main fear:

Fear of space It is divided into three types. Claustrophobia - manifested in individuals, striving to develop, new knowledge. Timid people are afraid of open spaces. Fear of the dark is inherent in human visionary. The lack of ability to see what is happening in the dark, for them is associated with the presence of a hidden danger
Fear of time This category includes concern for the events that may occur in the future, fear of death and fear of unknown
Fear of life The manifestation of fear is in danger and see non-obvious (phantom cast)
Fear itself The man is afraid of losing his mind, or lose control of yourself. Lack of confidence on the controllability of your own mind. It seems that at any moment the mind can give a "surprise"

All fears are interconnected. Primary admits fear of death. It fears are born to suffer on the correctness of life and view of the world after his death.


Existential crisis - it's a state of mind in which a person, besides being experienced fear and loneliness, blames himself for his unrealized potential, living life wasted. Reflecting on his place in society, he realizes that he does not meet the expectations of family and blames himself for that.Existential crisis. With that in psychology, tests, how to overcome, reassessment of values

The man begins to perform all prescribed it social problems, losing their own "I". Existential guilt pushes the individual to understand that in life it is to sacrifice, so that all further decisions they are blocked.

Features manifestations of the crisis

A person can experience a state of crisis at a young age (the maturation of personality) and mature (score lived). The causes of each different age, and symptoms are not identical.

In adolescence

this life crisis manifests itself in fear:

  • to make a mistake;
  • making the wrong decision;
  • become an outcast;
  • not achieve expectations placed close;
  • subjected to ridicule;
  • not achieve its goals.

Youthful period of life peculiar to internal discontent, anxiety and feelings, but these feelings are not so demonstrative in their teens.

Middle age crisis

At the age of 40-45 years, the problem is characterized by a mismatch with their life goals and dreams reality. In this period of life a person has reached stability, I have received the majority of benefits or has not reached success.Existential crisis. With that in psychology, tests, how to overcome, reassessment of values

There is a change in psychological state: there is boredom, depression and dissatisfaction. The presence of the achieved benefits does not relieve a person from a lack of understanding of the meaning of life further.

old age crisis

Reflections on the meaning of life in old age are associated with loneliness and emptiness because of the remoteness of children and a sense of approaching death. Questions end give rise to the existence of a thought about the meaning of life lived.

Man plunges to the past in their memories of Defeat and achievements. His is the creation of a personal myth and legends lived through years of legendary. Expression of the life stories of some takes the form of memoirs, memoirs, diaries.

The consequences of the crisis

The protracted, not passing a "deep search yourself" can have serious consequences.

Make mistakes during a psychological condition - it is:

  • dismissal from a prestigious job;
  • desire to leave the place of residence, to move;
  • a radical change of activity;
  • rupture of relations with relatives;
  • lack of recognition of family ties;
  • care of the family;Existential crisis. With that in psychology, tests, how to overcome, reassessment of values
  • Search entertainment;
  • establishing links on the side of evil.

Running condition can lead to degradation of the individual, addiction to alcohol and drugs. Prolonged depression triggers the development of angina, impairments on line endocrinology, digestive, excretory system, hypertension.

How to help yourself

Existential crisis - it is the difficulties in realizing the lived life is incomplete.

Incomplete understanding of the realized dreams over the years realized sharper and stay in this state, it becomes dangerous. Growing up, man regrets not done before (lost points) did not give up bad relations, did not give up smoking, changed jobs.

Psychotherapist Irvin Yalom (University of Stanford) encourages customers to meet with their fears, to take risky actions, be aware of the possibility of abrupt changes in life, if such drastic acts a person has committed to before.

Their patients Yalom recalls that the actions of the past and the consequences of any return or change. Most likely, at the time the person was doing everything possible and impossible. She explains that in front of each uncertain future, which brings new opportunities.

To cope with the state, will help an adequate assessment of the situation, avoiding negative emotions and suffering or professional help.

Step 1: Assess the situation

In order to establish the causes of the crisis must be:

  • Analyze your past thoughts and actions. It is possible that the condition is caused by a specific event in your life. This could be a workshop with no desired result for a person or a conversation with a friend happy about its second half, after which intensified the desire to find a life partner. Realizing the "root" of the problem, will be able to get round a situation that could cause a crisis, or to develop a proper response to what is happening.
    Existential crisis. With that in psychology, tests, how to overcome, reassessment of values
    Existential crisis probably win by a self-examination
  • A person with negative thoughts do not pass necessary to address to the psychotherapist. Some individuals may suffer an existential crisis with minimal suffering. Eliminate the state is not necessary, if the detected pattern in the absence of effects after the crisis.
  • Through a period of thoughts and memories to help all the people with whom he met a man in life, communicate, make friends, build relationships. Making a list of friends, release those who are considered friends and loved ones. From the resulting category choose only loving, person suffering people. This exercise helps to see the wide range of people who value a person can come to the rescue support. Assessment of the final list is not held in the context of quantitative and qualitative.
  • Helps get rid of stress view of the situation seek advice from an idol. A man tells his feelings and emotions present alleged "star" and receives the answer, formulated on the basis of the stage image. It will be helpful to talk to a close.

Step 2: let go of suffering

Existential crisis provokes suffering. This condition is characterized by a lack of desire to communicate with people, to go out into society. One should force yourself to communicate, to leave the apartment, go to crowded places. Being in society is easier to get rid of loneliness, distraction.

Release the experience will help the implementation of the desired changes in your life. Stuck in the post will be useful to change jobs, to complete training courses or daily submit resume to interesting jobs.Existential crisis. With that in psychology, tests, how to overcome, reassessment of values

Change in thinking is possible by switching attention to others, rather than a continuation of a dive into the pool. A person must pay attention to a close, to delve into their problems and assist.

Support for other always gives a person joy. Struggling with depression do not need to compare yourself with other people. Envy the success of others to be overcome. A haven of negative emotions and experiences is a mess or neradushnaya environment, so cleanliness of the success in the fight against depression.

Step 3: expert help

Existential crisis can give rise to depression. deterioration of health requires the help of a therapist and attending psychological support groups.

Group therapy is carried out regularly from 1 to 2 times a week. Taking them to meet someone with a similar situation (for example, loss of close) and relive pain together. In particularly aggravated moments when a desire to self-harm, suicide, psychologists are advised to contact the emergency service of psychological support.

How to overcome the crisis: other methods

Normalize the condition, remove the symptoms of depression will help counseling therapist and receive medication.


Thanks to a group of psychotropic drugs to normal functioning of the nervous system.

Kind of drugs used for the treatment of depression and stress:

  • antipsychotics. Block the human nervous activity.Existential crisis. With that in psychology, tests, how to overcome, reassessment of values
  • Nootropics. Normalize memory, stimulate brain activity.
  • Tranquilizers. Inhibit the emotional background of the human psyche. Under the influence of drugs in this group of people becomes indifference to the environment, it is inhibited, calm. The use of tranquilizers is necessary for people with sleep problems, overly emotional, excited.
  • mood stabilizer - normalize mood.
  • Sedatives. A group of this type of medication has a calming effect.

Anti-anxiety drugs based on natural products:

  • Motherwort (tincture or tablets).
  • Fitosedan.
  • Novopassit.
  • Persen.
  • Barboval.


Initiation of treatment the patient is built with confidential conversations. A person needs to share their problems, to speak, to get an emotional response, support and understanding. At this stage, the therapist helps to cross the "peak" of depression.Existential crisis. With that in psychology, tests, how to overcome, reassessment of values

After 2-3 session, the patient is relieved, it is ready for a joint search for ways of "vicious circle". The specialist will direct the thoughts of the patient to find the causes of "deadlock". Further in-depth analysis of the situation involving a person of the therapist creates a picture of the crisis.

Is in crisis to help adapt to the conditions of life have changed as a result of the therapist, teach methods of introspection and vision of yourself from the outside. Group psychology, applied by specialists, relieves emotional isolation, provides group support from people.

Psychotherapy - this is one of the treatments of existential crisis. The impact on the psyche of the patient teaches him to go out of the doldrums and to control emotions.

Therapy goal: the elimination of depression; strengthening effects of drugs; learning socialization; correction of behavioral errors, false beliefs that triggered the crisis; posleterapiynyh reduction in relapses.

Registration of the article: Vladimir the Great

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