Mental Disorders

The crisis of 30 years for women. Symptoms, ways to overcome. Psychology

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Midlife crisis in women is characterized by a loss of meaning in life. Personality changes, there is dissatisfaction and depression. In most cases, the crisis 30 years, women are not adequately perceived by other people. Her husband is sure that this is another symptom of grumpy and fractious state of his wife. Kids grow up and they are not interested, they are engaged in personal life.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is the crisis of 30 years for women
  • 2 The symptoms of the crisis 30 years for women
  • 3 The causes of the crisis 30 years for women
  • 4 Psychological diagnostics of the crisis 30 years for women
  • 5 When you need to turn to a psychologist or psychotherapist
  • 6 Prevention of 30 years for women crisis
  • 7 Methods of treatment of the crisis 30 years for women
    • 7.1 Medications
    • 7.2 Traditional methods
    • 7.3 psychotherapeutic methods
  • 8 possible complications
  • 9 Useful video about the crisis 30 years for women and how to eliminate

What is the crisis of 30 years for women

When it's an identity crisis, the fair sex overestimate their own values ​​and achievements. A woman 30 years old worried about fears of aging and menopause, she thinks that loses sex appeal.

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There are 6 stages of midlife crisis:

Stage Description
Negation Stage flows quietly. Woman tries not to notice changes in your life or body. Physical abilities are not the same, there are problems with libido. The marriage partners have noticed the changes in each of them.
Anger Thoughts arising at the stage of "Denial" becoming obsessive, constantly scrolled in the head. A woman is angry and irritated, responds to any comments and sarcasm, anger manifests. Some of them think about a radical change in his life (to change the appearance, work, friends, family).
stage replay Stage rebellion, desire to go back, to realize all your dreams, which are in the past. strange behavior of the woman ends up with serious consequences, irreversible. The duration of this stage depends on herself which path she chooses to live this period.
Depression The result of the previous stage is when a woman realizes that none of the external changes can not get to her relief. We have to take irreversible consequences, including divorce, loneliness, broken relationships with friends, loss of job and financial problems. It is important to pass this stage completely, otherwise a midlife crisis will drag on for a long period.
Detachment A time when a woman needs to immerse yourself in and look at their problems from the other side. It is important to find new sources of problem solving.
Adoption Comes guilt, the realization that the coming escape. It remains to apologize and collect stones thrown. If at this stage there is a partner, experts do not recommend to reproach him for his actions. You need support and understanding. In some situations, there is a brief return back to the previous stage. Do not be afraid, we can only say goodbye definitively to the past. Finally, after a brief rebellion comes serenity and acceptance of our mistakes.

midlife crisis (SWR) comes into being from 30 to 40 years. Accompanied by numerous symptoms. In some situations, without the help of a qualified professional (psychologist) can not do.

The symptoms of the crisis 30 years for women

Notice the first signs of possible, if we observe human behavior, his communication and thoughts.

The crisis of 30 years for women. Symptoms are overcome psychological advice

The symptoms of the crisis 30 years, the following women:

  1. Unrealized plans. Many of the fair sex in 30 years thinking about what time to do over the years. Such thoughts arise even among those who successfully started a family and built a career.
  2. Constantly new challenges. Woman not happy with her figure, the work, the husband is treated badly or does not notice it at all, ignoring the children, favorite movies revised. A clear sign of the crisis of middle age, which is accompanied by negative thoughts. Many events seem worse than they really are.
  3. Aging. Most of the women think that old age begins at age 30, youth is over, the first wrinkles appear.
  4. In the 30 years of the fair sex dream to get rid of the junk in your life. They changed their style, clothes, hair, thoughts of moving to another city. Woman married thinks about divorce or job change. In most cases, dramatic changes up for disappointment and negative consequences. The reason is that the achieved targets do not meet the requirements, they only help to escape from the old problems.
  5. Lack of joy on the day of birth. Each year closer to retirement. Woman negatively perceives the sad date that is a clear symptom of midlife crisis.
  6. Bad relationships with loved ones. Wife says husband is increasingly shortcomings, scandals and disappointed in it. The same thing happens with the relatives, friends and colleagues. As a result, the woman is irritated, the family appear omissions, over time grow into abuse. In this normal communication ends.
  7. Woman loses interest in life, renounces which achieved goals, even if they were given to her with difficulty.
  8. Changing priorities and values.

The crisis of 30 years for women (symptoms do not always occur together) requires the assistance of professionals. The therapist will tell you how to deal with negative thoughts and solve problems, preventing serious consequences.

The causes of the crisis 30 years for women

Numerous factors provoke a midlife crisis at women.

The crisis of 30 years for women. Symptoms are overcome psychological advice

It is important to find a reason to choose the right solution:

  1. Complicated personal life. Women who are under 30 years old are not married are often faced with chronic depression. It develops against the backdrop of insecurity and low self-esteem. Difficulties encountered in private life and married women. Severe fatigue and troubles at home lead to disappointment in the family life. Friends and relatives aggravate the situation of their indifference.
  2. The first signs of aging. By age 30 women notice at fat deposits on the thighs, cellulite, sagging skin, wrinkles appear. Those who have given birth, the described features more pronounced.
  3. Lack of career growth. midlife crisis provoked unmet goals. If under 30 years old woman gave yourself installation, but did not get the desired post - problems can not be avoided.
  4. Unfavorable comparisons with other people's achievements. In 30 years, the woman would like to have not only the family and work. Important achievements, without which there is an unconscious shame (moving abroad, a good job, their homes, children). Negative mood and feelings are enhanced when there are classmates who have more achievements.

The crisis of 30 years for women (symptoms timely help identify psychological problems and take action) it is dangerous and difficult.

The main period from 28 to 32 years, with minor fluctuations. On the basis of the reasons for provoking a midlife crisis is diagnosed in 80% of the fair sex. Do not neglect the help of a psychologist, if there is no confidence.

Psychological diagnostics of the crisis 30 years for women

The most common violations are alone, without the help of doctors or qualified psychologist. In rare cases, complications arise (depression, persistent deterioration of) a person needs therapy, which helps to choose the diagnosis of disease.

The crisis of 30 years for women. Symptoms are overcome psychological advice

Identify a midlife crisis in women allows clinical interview. At the time of diagnosis of the psychologist he observes the patient unstable emotions, irritability. The woman did not see any sense in the current events, it is unhappy marriage, family relationships and professional activities.

If you have a complaint, indicating severe depression or other neurotic disorders develop, need a comprehensive examination. Used special study of emotional and personal sphere, where questionnaires are used, projective tests (human figure, Depression Scale Beck).

When you need to turn to a psychologist or psychotherapist

Help your doctor will need to patients who can not cope with the midlife crisis. Experts recommend to contact a psychologist or therapist to find the right safe and active drug. The crisis of 30 years for women (violations of the symptoms can help the doctor make a diagnosis) without skilled assistance entails serious consequences and complications.

Prevention of 30 years for women crisis

No one is immune from the major changes in their lives, but many of the fair sex is possible to warn them.

The crisis of 30 years for women. Symptoms are overcome psychological advice

Psychologists recommend to remember the simple rules for the prevention of the crisis 30 years:

Method Description
Health care. Sudden mood swings require the attention of the gynecologist-endocrinologist. Specialist will select effective drugs to alleviate the condition of women. Preventive examinations allow to monitor their health and to prevent possible complications.
Love of self. Many women value themselves only for their service to children, husband and family. It is important to love and appreciate yourself without any conditions, to prevent the emergence of a sense of uselessness, and emptiness. A woman of any age and status deserves care, happiness, tranquility, attention and close friends. The psychologist recommends listen to yourself, to feel the mood and his fortune, not to forget about love and sensitivity.
Favourite hobby. Hobbies helps to enjoy, distract from self-imposed problems. I have a family, work, but there is also time for yourself, when you can do what he likes.
Beauty at any age. It is not only the appearance but also the woman herself. She is beautiful at any age, if you happy. You can not think only about appearance, since there will be a failure in other areas.
Strong relationships with others. It is important to always be with those who are dear. Traditions create strong relationships between people.
Time for yourself. Balancing all aspects of your life is important to leave a niche for itself. Visit cosmetic procedures, go to the cafe, cinema, park, walk more in the fresh air. Exercise not only care, but also pamper yourself with pleasant trifles, gifts.

Psychologists recommend to develop a resistance to stress and have a positive look at the world around us. In most cases, a midlife crisis is aggravated by emotional burnout. Recover and avoid the trap of thinking pessimistic help handle stress.

Methods of treatment of the crisis 30 years for women

Treatment in each case individually, as for the selection of funds psychologist takes into account the symptoms of the crisis, the condition of women and provoking causes. With increased irritability, for example, a patient being prescribed sedatives.


Medicines picks psychologist, considering the condition of the patient and the degree of midlife crisis. Self-medication should not be taken, because many of them have side effects.

The crisis of 30 years for women. Symptoms are overcome psychological advice
group Name preparations Dosage Description
antidepressants "Fluoxetine", "trazodone", "Azafen". 20 mg per day in the morning, at least 3 weeks. Restore emotional background, reduce restlessness and anxiety, increase motor and mental activity.
tranquilizers "Diazepam", "Hydroxyzine." From 2 to 15 mg 2-4 p. day minimum of 7 d. Eliminate fear and anxiety, calming, restorative sleep.
Normotimiki "Valproic acid", "Carbamazepine". 100-200 mg 1-2 p. per day. Warns worsening of depression and the development of manic symptoms. They are also used to prevent a recurrence.
antipsychotics "Clozapine", "quetiapine". The daily dosage of 200-400 mg, divided into 2-3 doses. Reduce fear, stress, have strong antipsychotic properties.
nootropics "Fenotropil" "Glycine". For 100-250 mg of 2 p. a day for 30 d. Increase resistance to external negative factors which positively affect the mental activity.
hypnotics "Andante", "Donormil". Table 0.5-1. before going to bed 15 minutes for 5 d. Improve the quality of sleep.

Additionally psychologist appoint B vitamins, which help strengthen the central nervous system. They improve performance, increase endurance.

Traditional methods

The crisis of 30 years for women (symptoms will help the doctor to establish a preliminary diagnosis and to choose safe treatment) It can survive more easily, using not only drugs, but also non-traditional recipes medicine men and healers.

Recipe application Efficiency
Alcoholate of ginseng (1:10). Take 20 drops. before eating. The daily dosage should not exceed 200 cap. Increases efficiency, eliminates anxiety. The infusion is recommended for nervousness, depression and mental exhaustion.
Infusion with Melissa. Mix lemon peel, 10 g of lemon balm, 1 g angelica, nutmeg and coriander pinch. The resulting mixture was added a small amount of tea. The medicine helps with fatigue, tiredness, sadness, melancholy.
Royal jelly and honey mixed in a ratio of 1: 100. The mixture was taken to 10 g daily for 20 d. Medication eliminates the discomfort of the neuroses and in a period of depression.

Aromatherapy and soothing bath uplifting, enabling you to relax and get rid of negative thoughts.

psychotherapeutic methods

Midlife crisis is a distressing and painful condition in which is difficult to live fully. Therapy provides many methods of dealing with depressive disorders.

The crisis of 30 years for women. Symptoms are overcome psychological advice
Title Description
forced auditory training Every day, morning and evening to remember happy moments with positive emotions. Sit with closed eyes and to restore the situation in detail. After a few days of sadness will go away.
Solution of problems Psychologists recommend to engage in the implementation of the old desires, seek answers to the remaining questions. If the body and mind as much as possible to load more quickly recover the soul.
Refusal of comparisons Assessing yourself, man becomes the path to depression. It is necessary to give up compared to other people who have problems can not be less, especially if you dig deeper.
Recourse Friendly or family support is essential for all people. There is nothing shameful or bad. During midlife crisis sensitivity and attention on the part of relatives enable faster recover and recuperate.
Exercises Cope with a sense of hopelessness simple exercises can help. I wake up every morning and sip loudly with taste, as children do.

Write on paper all your discontent to burn it, and the ashes thrown into the water. Regular exercise will bring tangible physical vigor after a few days.

Great relief comes after the cry of despair and longing. Cry it out loud enough.

Simple but effective psychological advice positive effect on a person during a midlife crisis. But if all efforts are useless, then without the help of a qualified doctor-psychotherapist can not do.

possible complications

Often a crisis of middle age goes alone or without major effort, but in some situations, there are tangible consequences:

  1. Depression.
  2. Development of melancholy feelings of hopelessness, meaninglessness.
  3. Sleep disturbance (hypersomnia or insomnia).
  4. Loss of appetite.
  5. Worried about anxiety and irritability.
  6. Often visits the sustainable guilt.
The crisis of 30 years for women. Symptoms are overcome psychological advice
In the diagram shown ways to facilitate the flow of the crisis 30 years for women.

The woman did not just give up your favorite activities, she loses interest in everything that brings pleasure (sex, hobbies). Increasingly, there are climacteric symptoms (headache, excessive sweating, disturbances in the respiratory and digestive systems).

In the difficult situation the patient is visited by suicidal thoughts that lead to suicide.

It is impossible to avoid the crisis 30 years. Women face with him against the background of the numerous problems. But the right approach and an optimistic attitude will help to alleviate the symptoms of the adverse period. Interesting pastime with friends and family, a good attitude to yourself will lead to relief, to recover life, back to normal.

Useful video about the crisis 30 years for women and how to eliminate

5 Psychologists advise on the age crisis:

Women age crises:

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