Mental Disorders

Adele syndrome in women. Symptoms of what it is, treatment, therapy, causes

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Adele syndrome - intractable pathological love relationship, affects people younger than 40 years of age. More often than not a mental disorder occurs in young women, brought up by parents, do not tend to open to love and care.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is Adele syndrome
  • 2 Stage and grade of Adele syndrome
  • 3 Symptoms of the syndrome of Adele
  • 4 Causes of Adele syndrome
  • 5 Diagnostics
  • 6 When to see a doctor
  • 7 prevention
  • 8 therapies
    • 8.1 psychotherapy
    • 8.2 medication
    • 8.3 ethnoscience
    • 8.4 other methods
  • 9 possible complications
  • 10 Forecast
  • 11 Videos of Adele syndrome

What is Adele syndrome

Adele's syndrome (abnormality is diagnosed in women in 2 times more often than men) - is a heavy love relationship that develops against the backdrop of unrequited love platonic. Love experiences that characterize the disorder are compulsive in nature and directed against a man (or woman) is completely averse to the development of an affair with a patient.

The lack of reciprocity is experienced hard man and provokes love:

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  • constantly pursue the chosen one;
  • surround loved excessive care and attention;
  • try to limit the freedom of the person selected for the purpose of continuous monitoring activities.

Pathological love affects men and women younger than 40-years of age.

Suffering from the syndrome of Adele:

  • no longer eat normally;
  • stop any social activity;
  • not interested in previously favorite activities.
Adele syndrome in women. What it is, causes, symptoms and treatment

The whole life of the patient is completely subordinated to attempts to achieve reciprocity from the selected, not interested in him a man. For Adele syndrome is characterized by only a platonic relationship, built in the form of persecution like the man. The patient is not interested in the real attitude chosen, his social status and marital status.

In an attempt to take possession of a man suffering for his girl imagines a perfect relationship with the perfect man, the presence of which his wife and children is considered to be just a temporary misunderstanding. If chosen presledovatelnits begins to respond in kind, the love and the patient suddenly goes immediately finds its other unreachable ideal.

Love relationship gets its name from the daughter of the writer V. Adele Hugo, who suffered unshared feelings for British soldiers.

The young man first became interested when meeting a beautiful girl, but then quickly cooled and married another. Adele decided to conquer a man against his will, constantly pursued, and even persuaded people to surround themselves with the fact that for a long time and happily married to her beloved.

Learning about the real state of affairs, B. Hugo took her daughter and placed in a psychiatric hospital, where she remained until the end of his days and died, saying a prayer as the name of their ideal man.

Stage and grade of Adele syndrome

Adele syndrome in men and women develops gradually.

Depending on the degree of dependence are the two steps of:

  1. On first there is an ideal formation and developing a strong passion. A woman in love is trying to meet and build relationships with selected men, but was refused, trying to achieve reciprocity surrounding pet care and attention. During seen the first attempts to allow the prosecution to eliminate the dependence on their own and to achieve a complete cure.
    Adele syndrome in women. What it is, causes, symptoms and treatment
  2. second characterized by a complete looping the patient for his passion, a waiver of any other communication and hanging out are not associated with a loved one. Woman wishful thinking, self convinces himself available mutual feelings and tries to get the attention of his ideal by any means. In case of failure the patient can resort to psychological blackmail with the threat of suicide.
  3. third - it is a complete mental disorder in which a painful love joins jealousy, pushing a woman to kill her lover and (or) the members of his family.

Symptoms of the syndrome of Adele

Adele syndrome in women is accompanied by the appearance of:

  1. Depressive state, with tears, palpitations, deep depression. Bad mood appears even after a brief separation from a loved one.
  2. The desire to constantly monitor the life chosen. The patient requires every minute report about the movement, trying to limit contact with other people loved.
  3. Rejection of their interests and desires. Woman ceases to live their lives fully absorbing yourself interests chosen men.
  4. A complete loss of control over their actions. When Adele syndrome patients are not responsible for their actions. Often, they understand that it is not necessary to pursue a loved one, but to stop it is to do, are not capable.
    Adele syndrome in women. What it is, causes, symptoms and treatment
  5. Propensity to psychological blackmail and suicidal tendencies. To achieve its objective suffering from the disease have resorted to threats of suicide, and in severe cases actually graduate from suicide.

Often the syndrome is diagnosed in a beautiful and successful women, men fall in love with a mediocre appearance and abilities, but perfectly arising manipulating them feelings.

Pathologically in love a woman denounces:

  1. Sickly appearance. Lovers have a sense of mission and a desire to look good, while a love relationship provokes disdain their own appearance, tired, unkempt look.
  2. Sacrifice. For the sake of relations with the favorite patient is ready to tolerate any, even the most disgusting with a request.
  3. Refusal of society girlfriends and friends.
  4. Excessive concern for a loved one.
  5. Obsession. The patient constantly strive to be close to the chosen one, chasing him everywhere.
  6. The deification of relations. When pathological love addiction patients invent non-existent reciprocity partner and ideal relationship.
  7. The tendency to self-destruction and mental torment.
  8. The presence of insomnia, alternating with periods of deep, disturbing the sleep in which there is necessarily chosen.
  9. The constant change of sentiment. Periods of depression abruptly replaced bouts of euphoria and vice versa.
    Adele syndrome in women. What it is, causes, symptoms and treatment
  10. Presence of mind is only thinking about his favorite and constant talk about it.
  11. Inability to focus on foreign objects.
  12. The tendency to bouts of alcoholism and drug addiction.
  13. Refusal of sexual life and other possible relationships.
  14. performance decline.
  15. Fetishism. Suffering from the syndrome of Adelie any way to get personal belongings and photographs of the elect, which include very carefully.

Since the disease progresses over time, and listed symptoms appear the brighter. Suffering woman is able to talk and think only about their love. The patient does not notice the obvious stranger inattention chosen, imagines an ideal relationship, and by all means in their head trying to attract the attention of men.

In an effort to get what they want the girl does not neglect the psychological threats. Some patients of psychiatrists are aware of the abnormality of his actions, but to overcome his illness is not able to.

Causes of Adele syndrome

Adele syndrome occurs in childhood or adolescence. Pathological predisposition and love inherent kids growing up without adequate parental attention and love. In women, the impetus for the emergence of the disease often become a bad relationship with his father or stepfather, whom she tries to earn the favor of their actions.

Among other reasons, provoking the development of pathology, stand out:

  1. Genetic predisposition to psychological problems.
  2. Strong zakompleksovannost person. The currently suffering from the syndrome sees only the disadvantages, while considering the chosen people - the ideal being.
  3. Previously experienced severe bereavement. Morbid fear of separation leads to cling to any relationship.
  4. Children tragedy of the physiological or psychological abuse of a child.
Adele syndrome in women. What it is, causes, symptoms and treatment
Adele syndrome may be the cause of child abuse as a child.

VV family Hugo always prevailed unhealthy psychological conditions, exacerbated by the passion of parents to spiritualism. This feature, and became the impetus for the emergence of an unhealthy passion of Adele, which gave its name later disease psyche.


Adele syndrome diagnosis conducted by an experienced psychiatrist. During the consultation, the doctor tries to establish a trusting relationship with the patient and ask him in detail about the nature lover and the feelings experienced by him. Additionally conducted psychological tests, the answers to which make it possible to reliably diagnose pathology.

To determine the nature of love thrust doctor clarifies the patient:

  • whether her former hobby interest;
  • if she meets with her friends and loved ones;
  • what her predominant mood;
  • often a woman smiles, and what is the reason;
  • When was the last time she took care of her appearance and update a wardrobe;
  • Does the patient notices the attention from those around her strange men;
  • when was the last time she had a sexual relationship, and in connection with which she refused them.

These questions help to diagnose pathology, as lovers often people are in a buoyant mood. For young girls tend to often meet with friends to discuss the problems in his personal life. Particular attention is paid the doctor the appearance of the patient.

I feel a sense of love a woman tries to look as good as possible, update the wardrobe, constantly apply makeup and hair done. Suffering from the syndrome of Adele contrary almost all the time are in a deep depression, they are accompanied by a sense of apathy towards others and an unwillingness to meet with anyone other than the chosen one.

Adele syndrome in women. What it is, causes, symptoms and treatment

Former hobbies patients throw only can talk about your favorite, trying to convince everyone of his ideal. Girls do not notice the attention surrounding the men, do not try to flirt, refuse to have sex.

Ethnicity suffering love addiction woman is in poor condition. The patient no longer take care of their appearance, color, carry out the procedure's Skin.

When to see a doctor

Independently establish the presence of Adele syndrome person can not. Initial symptoms often become noticeable to others, which should help the patient to understand the problem and promptly seek medical attention. In the early stages with the pathology can be managed independently.

It is recommended:

  • restrict themselves from contact with the object of adoration;
  • spend more time in the circle of close friends;
  • communicate with friends;
  • eliminate any free time, during which you can indulge in thoughts about the chosen one;
  • to have a pet, projecting feelings caused him.

In the absence of performance breakdowns, search attempts to elect and establish contact with them is an urgent need to address to the psychotherapist and undergo treatment.


Preventing the disease does not exist. Psychiatrists have determined that a love relationship most often occurs in girls growing up in a single-parent family with a stepfather or if the father is not enough time to the baby. Setting the child's care and love and raise him leadership skills, support contributes to a healthy human psyche.


Adele syndrome in women with difficult to treat, the result and the duration of which is directly dependent on the stage of disease development. At an early stage the patient, aware of their problem, it can cure yourself using conservative methods.

Progressive syndrome virtually impossible to correct because the patient is not aware of the dangers of the disease and later receives (or not receives in general) the necessary measures. In love addiction therapy include several methods.


At the initial stage of the disease specialists adhere conservative methods, advising:

  1. Fill life uncharacteristic earlier studies. Free time you need to devote sports training, dancing, cooking, drawing. You can choose absolutely any activity that helps to redirect the thinking and does not leave the patient at the time of the dream of a loved one.
    Adele syndrome in women. What it is, causes, symptoms and treatment
  2. Be sure to keep a diary. Record their observations should not be, but every day to carry out a detailed analysis of the day, with the obligatory counting the number of smiles, received compliments from the male, to study in detail his reaction and response to signs attention.
  3. Buy a pet. The ideal option for women is to buy long-haired, pedigree cat, which requires from the mistress of the maximum attention and care. Call the pet should be the name of the man.
  4. Focus on the shortcomings of the elect. You can visit the beauty contests, watch the athletes in the fitness club or study ratings of the most handsome men in the world. The realization that the beloved is not an ideal of male beauty, helps to take a fresh look at it and to dispel the myth of the ideal.
  5. How can I spend more time with friends and girlfriends. It is advisable to go to public places, such as exhibitions, theaters, concerts and nightclubs.

In the absence of effect will also need:

  1. To clear the area from any reminder of a loved one. The woman should discard all photos, gifts and personal belongings.
  2. Remove phone numbers, and block pages on social networks (in order to prevent the desire has arisen meeting).
  3. To change their place of work and residence. To prevent accidental meetings required to move and go to work in another company. In severe cases, you may need to check out to another city or town.


For the treatment of the syndrome of Adele appointed antidepressants and drugs that improve the appetite, because depression is accompanied by a partial or complete refusal of food and weight loss.

Adele syndrome in women. What it is, causes, symptoms and treatment
Name Pharmacology Dosage
amitriptyline Antidepressant, a local analgesic and antiserotoninovym action. The starting dose of 25-50 mg per night. While improving the state of the dosage is reduced to 10-15 mg per day.
lerivon Tritsiklinovy ​​depressant shown to block serotonin, withdrawal anxiety and normalization of sleep disorders in depressive. It is used as well to reduce the heart rate. The minimum dosage of 30 mg per day. Gradually the number designated by the drug increases to 60-90 mg
koaksil Tranquilizer relieving anxiety, nausea, dizziness, depressive syndrome. Part of the preparation of sodium teaneptin soothes, stabilize mood and increases efficiency. 1 tab. 3-hole daily after meals. The drug is taken with caution, as capable of causing addiction.
Periaktin Antihistamines block the activity of the activity of serotonin receptors. It increases appetite and helps to reduce anxiety. 4 mg 3-4 times a day
Elkar Normalizes metabolism and the production of pancreatic enzymes. Active anorexia, decreased appetite, caused by depression. 2 tsp (2 c.) 3-dy syrup day 30 minutes before meal
Primobolan Depot Person increases physical activity increases appetite, increases the weight of the case. V / m for the 1st ampoule in 14 days.

Duration of treatment is determined individually by the physician, but can not be less than 1 month. In severe cases, in strong exhaustion patient can forcibly fed by gavage.


Herbal teas and fees applicable at the syndrome of Adele for:

  • normalization of sleep;
  • removal of depression symptoms;
  • termination of tachycardia.

Recipes herbal infusions:

  1. 1 tsp thyme and rosemary filled with 500 ml of boiling water. Broth infuses 20 minutes, strain and drink warm for 1 hour before meals.
  2. Valerian, motherwort, hawthorn, Hypericum (20 c. each herb) are mixed with 50 ml joined burning water infused for 30 minutes and taken in the evening before bedtime.
Adele syndrome in women. What it is, causes, symptoms and treatment

Relax muscles, relieve anxiety help bath with 5-7 cap lavender oil or warm decoction of chamomile.

other methods

For the treatment of pathological love is widely used group and individual psychotherapy. Psychological sessions help women understand the problem deeply, learn to overcome a pathological addiction to adjust their actions and thoughts.

possible complications

If untreated, the disease progresses, leading to:

  1. Severe sleep disturbances. Woman suffering from insomnia, and if you fall asleep, he sees only the repetitive dreams involving elect.
  2. Anorexia and exhaustion. Adele syndrome accompanied by severe loss of appetite. Lost in his thoughts the patient simply forgets to eat. The situation may be exacerbated if the selected man like slender women. In this case, under the effect of the complex is able to bring woman herself to exhaustion.
  3. the development of depression. Failure, resulting from a loved one hard to bear even healthy people, and if there are any pathological disregard for increases exponentially. Woman spurned chosen, sinking into a deep depression, accompanied by a complete removal from society.
  4. suicide. The lack of reciprocity and depression leads to thoughts about the end of life suicide. Also like desire may arise with the purpose to tease and torment the chosen one. Patients often try to threaten your favorite fatal in the absence of reciprocity.
  5. Placement in a psychiatric hospital. Adèle Hugo finished his days in a psychiatric hospital. Constant harassment and threats to cause fear for their lives and the health of loved ones and provoke a man to contact the police. Police put the woman in a specialized institution for compulsory treatment.


To distinguish true love from pathological dependence on their own is virtually impossible. Determine the nature of the senses, it is only capable of a qualified psychiatrist. Early diagnosis will help early treatment as a favorable outcome is possible only during therapy at 1-2 stages.

Adele syndrome in women. What it is, causes, symptoms and treatment

In the absence of treatment of the disorder progresses, leading to complete degradation. Sick woman completely withdraws into himself, renounces the world and loved ones, and begins to live in a world of fantasy.

In an attempt to achieve a lover, she is able to:

  • constantly pursue the chosen one, forcing him to seek help from the police;
  • physically destroy someone else's family members;
  • to commit murder because of jealousy;
  • commit suicide.

Adele syndrome is able to destroy the life of a woman and her family people. Timely access to the psychiatrist helps block dangerous symptoms and prevent complications, because the sad fate of Adele Hugo, is the lack of necessary assistance and complete indifference others.

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

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