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Emotional burnout. Syndrome in mothers on maternity leave, teachers at work. Stage, Boyko test, how to fight, training, prevention, prevention of depression

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A person who has regular contact with the flow of people, sooner or later be faced with the emergence of burnout syndrome. For timely action and the lack of severe psychological effects, he should have an idea about this syndrome and know how to deal with it.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is the syndrome of burnout
    • 1.1 symptoms
  • 2 What is different from stress
  • 3 Development and stage
  • 4 The harm and consequences
  • 5 The manifestation of the syndrome
  • 6 risk groups, causes and characteristics in particular representatives
    • 6.1 Burnout Syndrome in psychologists
    • 6.2 burnout syndrome in young mothers
    • 6.3 Burnout Syndrome in teachers
    • 6.4 Burnout in doctors
  • 7 Boyko method. And test phase
    • 7.1 phase burnout
  • 8 The concept of burnout K. Maslach
  • 9 Therapeutic measures psychotherapists
  • 10 self struggle
  • 11 Video of the syndrome of burnout and ways to combat them

What is the syndrome of burnout

The syndrome of "emotional burnout" - is gradually increasing process associated with the loss of emotional manifestations of personality, decreased performance, depression mental processes and physical fatigue.

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This syndrome arises in the course of professional activities. Emotional exhaustion can manifest itself in the person of any profession, but there are risk groups. Particularly susceptible to the syndrome are people whose job it is in daily communication with many people.

Emotional burnout occurs against the backdrop of intractable chronic stress at work, gradually developing into a general dissatisfaction with himself and life in general.

Burnout syndrome in mothers on maternity leave, teachers at work. Stage, Boyko test, how to fight, training, prevention, prevention

The main features of the syndrome:

  • exhaustion feeling. The person feels tired all the time, can not collect my thoughts. The work does not bring pleasure, anxiety and doubts are growing.
  • Detachment from the people: callousness and indifference to the customers. Man treats customers as the subject of work, without delving into the essence of their problems. Indifferent attitude deters customers.
  • The feeling of dissatisfaction with the work. The man believes that his achievements are insignificant. Work is no longer brings satisfaction, and does not cause concern. He considers that has made the wrong choice of profession, disappointed in her.



  1. Chronic lack of sleep (even with a normal sleep duration).
  2. Insomnia or excessive sleepiness.
  3. Prostration (a change of scenery does not bring relief).
  4. Problems with the cardiovascular system (high or low blood pressure, arrhythmia).
  5. The disorder of the respiratory system (dyspnea).


  1. Partial or complete lack of emotional activity.
  2. A sense of hopelessness.
  3. Dissatisfaction with himself and his work.
  4. Alienation from the people around them.
  5. Constant desire to rest and seclusion.
  6. performance decline.
  7. Slowing the cognitive functions of the brain.
  8. Aggressiveness, irritability.
  9. Temper tantrums, tears and tantrums.
Burnout syndrome in mothers on maternity leave, teachers at work. Stage, Boyko test, how to fight, training, prevention, prevention


  1. The desire to retire after work (no desire to communicate and talk to people).
  2. Reduction in craving for hobby (hobby).
  3. Reluctance to make new acquaintances. Scant communication with family.
  4. Difficulties in communicating with clients: a dislike to him.
  5. Feelings of loneliness and misunderstanding on the part of relatives.

What is different from stress

The syndrome of "emotional burnout" is the result of chronic stress. Stress - the body's response to emerging conflicts: the professional and interpersonal. The reaction in the form of stress involves partial suppression of physical and mental health.

When stress occurs on a regular basis and does not come relief, one should think about the impending syndrome of emotional burnout.

The main difference between the syndrome and stress - emotional level. When people unnecessarily emotional stress, shows anxiety, anxiety. They begin with an aggravation of chronic diseases and work "the last effort." Burnout is characterized by a lack of emotional response to external stimuli.

Indifference, cynicism and callousness causes misunderstanding by others, new conflicts are formed. Aggressive reaction can be provoked by any small change. Personality looks lost, missing. This syndrome begins with psychological problems, in contrast to the stress.

Development and stage

Emotional burnout is preceded by a generous enthusiasm. The man works hard, sparing no effort and emotion. For each issue fits well. If in this situation, there are interpersonal conflicts, the voltage increases, the emerging syndrome (particularly vulnerable young professionals, devoted himself to his profession, sacrificing personal time).

Burnout syndrome in mothers on maternity leave, teachers at work. Stage, Boyko test, how to fight, training, prevention, prevention

He is progressing, going 3 stages of development:

  • Stage 1 - emotional exhaustion. Considered as a defense mechanism in the tension. It manifested in the form of lack of emotional response to external stimuli. The organism thus save its reserves. During the 1 stage, one does not understand that there is a problem. It feels a little tired and want to rest. Disturbed sleep, frequent headaches. He feels indifferent to his work, the feelings are blunted.
  • Stage 2 - depersonalization. It concerns the relationship of the individual to others. People are starting to get annoying. Their problems cease to matter. Indifference and cynicism is increasing with each passing day. All the problems of man associates with professional work, without feeling the changes in themselves and blaming everyone around. for his clients become part of the unloved work. The colleagues and superiors sees the root of evil, showing aggression toward them. Nervosa appears shortness of breath and dizziness. Fatigue becomes chronic and does not go after a night's rest.
  • Stage 3 - reduction. Characterized by a sharp drop in self-esteem. The disappointment in yourself, in the work, and colleagues in your life. Achievements are no longer pleasing person. Interest in any case reduced to zero. He seeks to escape from work and wants to isolation from society, shifting their responsibilities to others. Reduced working capacity, growing irritability outside of work. Man thinks that he hates his job, that the step of choice of profession was wrong. He realizes there is a problem, but does not know how to resolve it. Favorite activities are postponed until better times, the employee withdraws into himself and resorted to "help" of alcohol.

At any stage of the development of the syndrome, the process can be reversed. Often, people do not see any problems yourself. There are entire teams with massive emotional burnout. As a rule, they are guided by "burnt-out" boss. Newbie, getting into this team, are at greater risk.

The harm and consequences

When running burnout person gains a lot of chronic diseases on a physical and on a psychological level. This is due to the long manifestation syndrome symptoms, which he did not pay attention.

Burnout syndrome in mothers on maternity leave, teachers at work. Stage, Boyko test, how to fight, training, prevention, prevention

Physical effects:

  1. Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Due to violations of the regime, unhealthy diet and human indifference to self-develop diseases of the digestive system.
  2. Alcohol or drug abuse. Worker, coming home from work, relax with the help of bad habits. It seems to him the only way out of the situation. This results in a dependence.
  3. Malfunction of the cardio - vascular system. Constant internal experiences, lack of normal sleep provoke malfunctions of the heart.
  4. hormonal disruptions lead to an increase or reduction of body weight. Arise as a result of chronic stress.
  5. Back problems. When sedentary lifestyle affected skeletal system.

Psychological effects:

  1. Chronic depression. Burnout is not a disease. It can be paid at any stage of development. It is considered a protective mechanism and serves as a "bell" serious psychological problems. If the person is not identified in time to burn, there is a risk of chronic depression, cope with which it will be difficult without assistance. Depression and lack becomes chronic. There has been a complete disappointment in life and himself. It covers apathy to everything going on. Man closed, isolated from society.

The manifestation of the syndrome

The syndrome of "emotional burnout" manifests a variety of symptoms.

The most frequent manifestations:

  • Constant feeling of fatigue - one of the first signs of the syndrome. Characterized by a lack of motivation in the activities of any kind. Lack of energy is felt regardless of sleep and rest. Man thinks that he can not see out of working hours. He twitches, constantly looking at the clock in the desire of privacy as soon as possible.
  • Headache It arises from the lack of sleep of normal duration. Sleepless nights have a negative impact on the internal organs, causing pressure surges and headache. It is present in the morning, growing in the evening. Man forced to flee painkillers.
  • Pain in the back and chest are the result of a sedentary lifestyle. Worker burnout syndrome is not inclined to active recreation. All the time away from work prefers to spend at home. Over time, there is stagnation in the muscles, a person experiences pain.
  • The emergence of excess weight associated both with a sedentary lifestyle, and possible hormonal failure. When a person is constantly in nervous tension, hormones background can be changed. This transformation is especially characteristic of girls and women. Furthermore, the occurrence of bad habits cause intoxication, which reduces metabolism.
  • Quest distracting activities. Man tries to grab for a large number of cases are not related to work, that at some period of life that meant something to him (childhood hobbies, youth). He tries to be realized through them and find their "true" destination. Fails, even more disappointed in their abilities and capabilities. In an attempt to fix it, he finds a completely new industry, but there are no forces on its development. This leads to greater insecurity and detachment from others.
  • Problems with the implementation of current affairs. Routine disgusted. The worker tries to postpone their affairs to shift responsibilities. This entails disruption of the timing of poor quality or performance of tasks. By this symptom also include confusion, decreased concentration.
Burnout syndrome in mothers on maternity leave, teachers at work. Stage, Boyko test, how to fight, training, prevention, prevention
  • Loss of interest in life. Not happy no job, no family. The man is completely closed in itself and no longer wants to make self attempts. The need for it is lost. There is a feeling of uselessness and weakness.
  • Mood swings. A person can not sensibly assess the situation: it shows a complete lack of reaction to the serious moments of tension, it explodes and shows aggression on trifles. The team with the mass syndrome prevails an unhealthy atmosphere in which it is impossible to work effectively and efficiently.
  • Low self-esteem. This manifestation occurs in the last stage of burnout. Man considers himself extremely mediocre employee adequately assess significant achievements. He looks lost and unsure of their abilities. Ceases to deal with problems.
  • Desire for solitude. Ambient becoming guilty of employee status. Jobs - hateful. Each person sees the promise of aggression and negativity in your address. The desire to communicate with clients and colleagues is reduced to zero. The employee wants to be left alone and left alone. If at this stage do not develop resistance syndrome, he will grow into a depression.

risk groups, causes and characteristics in particular representatives

Burnout syndrome can manifest personality for each person, regardless of his social status and place of work. It is found in every cell of society or group of people who share the same goal and aimed at a common goal.

burnout at work is found more often. It has its roots in the community and spread to other areas of human life, infecting others. There are professions related to the risk and it is considered the most vulnerable to emotional exhaustion.

Burnout Syndrome in psychologists

The peculiarity of this profession is to help people with different problems. Often, they are very heavy and require a lot of emotional investment. The main feature of the psychologist - the lack of bias. After listening to the problem of man, he has to analyze it from a professional hand. When burnout, the expert can not fully grasp the problem and feel the right decision.

Causes of burnout of psychologists:

  1. Poor workplace equipment. For good concentration, workplace must meet all professional requirements. Not every organization is paid due attention to this factor.
  2. The authoritarian leadership style and exaggerated reporting requirements contribute to tension in the team. Given the high energy and emotional costs of a psychologist, management pressure can cause burnout.
  3. Unhealthy situation in the team: interpersonal conflicts.
  4. The ability to assess their own work are not always satisfying.
  5. Heavy customer problems, a lot of negativity. Not everyone is able to solve other people's problems, not forgetting his.
  6. Abrupt change of activity: individual training, group training and workshops.

Advantages of psychologists in that they alone can suspect burnout and take appropriate action.

burnout syndrome in young mothers

After the first birth a woman is faced with a mass of difficulties and problems. Lifestyle changes dramatically, all the attention is directed at meeting the needs of the child. Mom in a position exposed to emotional exhaustion.

Burnout syndrome in mothers on maternity leave, teachers at work. Stage, Boyko test, how to fight, training, prevention, prevention


  1. Abrupt change in the daily routine.
  2. The lack of normal sleep (if the child is hyperactive).
  3. Self-education of the child without the involvement of others. Woman spends all his energy and emotions of a child, not paying attention to yourself.
  4. Routine. The home environment "imprisonment" young mother suffers from a lack of communication.
  5. Fear not cope with the responsibility and dissatisfaction as a mother. The girl does not know how to raise a child and blames himself.

Young mum is dangerous to fall into depression. Important time to suspect a problem, see a psychologist or use independent output methods of the syndrome.

Burnout Syndrome in teachers

Occupation teacher associated with great responsibility for one child or group of children. Being in a constant teaching, professional burnout syndrome is not long to wait.


  1. Shame, guilt, depression because of dissatisfaction with the results of their activities.
  2. Excessive demands on themselves (the desire to do everything at once, quickly get the result).
  3. Loads more responsibility for a minor fee.
  4. Pressure from management: reports, participate in administrative activities.
  5. Pressure from parents.
  6. Problems related to the individual characteristics of pupils.

The teacher is important to maintain competence and to prevent irritation to the address of their wards.

Burnout in doctors

Members of the medical profession most exposed to professional burnout. This is due to the large flow of negativity on the part of patients and their relatives.


  1. Dissatisfaction with the results of (medical errors).
  2. Clash of patients with severe disease (emotional distress of patients and their relatives at scoring diagnosis).
  3. Observation of bedridden patients. Feelings of guilt because of the inability to alleviate their condition.
  4. The impact of management and staff.
  5. The high degree of responsibility for the life and health of patients.

Tension, caused the reasons listed above, leads to emotional exhaustion. This helps reduce errors in care and diagnosis.

Boyko method. And test phase

Method VV Boyko allows for symptoms to determine the phase of burnout. Each phase comprises 4 symptom. Examine in more detail the extent of depletion allows developed test. It consists of 84 questions. The employee is required to note the approval, with whom he agrees.

Burnout syndrome in mothers on maternity leave, teachers at work. Stage, Boyko test, how to fight, training, prevention, prevention
The diagram shows three stages of symptom burnout.

According to the scoring result can determine the phase of burnout, its symptoms and causes. It is also possible to understand how it is possible to influence, to reverse the process and what personal changes must happen. Emerges a clear picture of the situation and the person understands how to work on yourself.

phase burnout

Voltage (internal phase evolution of personal experiences):

  1. The man realizes that a problem arises. Her unresolved provokes anxiety and restlessness. A growing sense of frustration and resentment.
  2. After futile attempts to change the situation generated dissatisfaction. Worker blames himself and his incompetence.
  3. Pressure grows circumstances, he feels that he can not change anything. They are ruled by fear and despair.
  4. Frustration themselves, work team.

Resistencia (protection against outside pressure):

  1. Man confuses reasonable savings and uncontrolled emotions of their manifestation. In the first case, the skill has benefits for him, avoiding the excessive emotionality and impulsivity. In the second case, the interaction with the clients depends on his mood.
  2. Uncontrolled emotions are transferred to the team. Every little thing causes bursts of irritability and aggression.
  3. Expanding burnout zone, covering human society outside of work.
  4. The worker shifts his duties, forcing spend emotions.

Depletion (reduced energy tone):

  1. A person feels emotional reserves are exhausted, which does not allow to provide assistance to customers.
  2. Callousness and insensitivity increases. The employee does not show emotion, like a soulless machine. It repels clients.
  3. Detachment person outside of work.
  4. If the employee can not ignore the customers, it begins to overreact to their problems, to feel the fear of negative. Having nervous breakdowns and health problems.

The concept of burnout K. Maslach

"Emotional burnout" syndrome can be triggered by the following factors:

  1. Raising or lowering the load. Overload increase tension in the team, provoking delays in the work and the lack of privacy. This contributes to burnout. Small loads concentrated employee to think about their uselessness, insignificance. Sooner or later, she takes it to exhaustion.
  2. Ability to control. If a person can not control the situation and influence it, increases the emotional stress that leads to burnout.
  3. Low wages It generates job dissatisfaction, evokes a feeling of injustice.
  4. Lack of social support. At the employee does not have the confidence to overcome difficulties, and he is trying to build a kind of protection in the form of the syndrome.
  5. The lack of justice. Rules exist for the workers must be the same for everyone. Otherwise, the growing dissatisfaction, indignation.
  6. organization values ​​do not agree with personality. People often suffer due to the need for money. Internal disturbance develops into burnout.

Therapeutic measures psychotherapists

For the treatment of burnout is used:

  • Psychotherapy.
  • Drug therapy (antidepressants, anxiolytics, hypnotics, blockers).
Burnout syndrome in mothers on maternity leave, teachers at work. Stage, Boyko test, how to fight, training, prevention, prevention

Medications can help relieve the patient and his condition at the time to eliminate some of the symptoms. For a complete deliverance from the syndrome need to undergo treatment at the psychotherapist.

Techniques models of psychological help:

  • Situational unloading. Adoption of changes in human behavior measures, suggestion segregation of duties required. The employee is given the installation, he must realize that if reluctant assignments, the result will bring satisfaction.
  • Existential counseling. We consider all human problems, but the key to the solution is not given. Employee offer to come to terms with their lives and discover their inner strength.
  • Balitovskie group. The model focuses on the setbacks and failures. Investigates acts that impede the solution of all problems.

self struggle

At the initial stage of formation of burnout effective helper methods of struggle:

  1. A long rest from work, a change of scenery (holiday weekend).
  2. Recovery sleep and rest.
  3. Vitamin organism prophylaxis (prevention of exacerbation of chronic diseases).
  4. exercise classes (morning exercise, fitness, yoga)
  5. Walks in the open air.
  6. Healthy environment (preferably, non-work).
  7. Find relaxing activities (hobbies).
  8. Opening their experiences relatives or friends.

According to psychologists, if you implement all the recommendations as the prevention and treatment of burnout syndrome, its symptoms will be reduced to zero. Increase efficiency and satisfaction with life in general.

Video of the syndrome of burnout and ways to combat them

What is the syndrome of burnout:

Prevention of burnout in teachers:

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