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Measles, rubella, mumps vaccination. Schedule, where do as tolerated, side effects

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One of the most controversial issues of medical portals and forums is the vaccination of children. Today more and more parents grows tendency to abandon the setting vaccinations.

They go at it wanting to protect children from unpleasant consequences. One of the strategic vaccination is vaccination against measles, rubella and mumps, the incidence of which has increased substantially due to the failure to vaccinate children.

The content of the article:

  • 1 The more dangerous measles, rubella and mumps
  • 2 Schedule of vaccination and vaccine administration site
  • 3 Contraindications to vaccination against measles, rubella, mumps
  • 4 Preparation for vaccination
  • 5 What it is forbidden to do after vaccination
  • 6 As children tolerate vaccination measles, rubella, mumps
  • 7 Reactions and complications of measles vaccination component
  • 8 Reactions to vaccination against mumps component
  • 9 Possible reactions to the protection against rubella
  • 10 How to cope with the effects of vaccination
  • 11 Species used vaccines
  • 12 Production of the vaccine should be preferred?
    insta story viewer
    • 12.1 Domestic vaccine measles-mumps.
    • 12.2 Imported vaccine measles-mumps-rubella.
  • 13 The cost of vaccination
  • 14 Video of vaccination against measles and rubella

The more dangerous measles, rubella and mumps

Parents should understand that these diseases are dangerous not so much their symptoms (although there are severe course of the disease itself), but the effects and complications.

Measles - infection, which can be infected by airborne droplets way. It is characterized by the appearance of whitish spots in the mouth, for buccal. Also, patients plagued by itching, cough, chills, nasal congestion. 1000 cases account for up to 3 cases per year deaths. This is due to the development of complications - pneumonia.Vaccination against measles, rubella, mumps. Schedule as tolerated side effects

Relatively recently (about 4 years ago) medical facilities have resumed vaccination of adults against measles. This is due to an increase in cases of the disease in France, development in Ukraine, China.

This creates a real threat to unvaccinated children. Until the year the child is protected against measles immunity derived from the mother, if she was vaccinated or suffered this disease. After 12 months of life, natural protection is reduced, and the child should be vaccinated.

Risks are not vaccinated against measles for children and adults associated with:

  • more severe and prolonged course of the disease (pronounced complicated symptoms);
  • complications in 30% of cases;
  • the development of complications in the respiratory tract (pneumonia, bacterial infections), ears and nose (otitis, sinusitis);
  • development of encephalitis (approximately 1 in diseased 1000-1100);
  • development panencephalitis - rare, 1 in 100,000 people, but it leads to irreversible consequences, as it causes convulsions and seizures.

Rubella - characterized by a not too burdened over. Body rash appears, there may be a rise in temperature, sore throat. In the neck and ear shells marked lymph node enlargement.

Sometimes rubella occurs virtually asymptomatic - maybe just a sore throat or a rash appear subtle. In such cases, the disease may be overlooked, but nonetheless immunity is formed.Vaccination against measles, rubella, mumps. Schedule as tolerated side effects

Rubella carries a great danger for unborn children in the womb. If a pregnant woman is infected with rubella, the risk of having a child with disabilities is increased to 40-50%.

Free vaccinations have begun about 10 years ago, and over the years the incidence decreased to 1,000 times. However, many women of childbearing age are not grafted, which increases the risk of problems with rubella infection at the time of gestation.

Mumps, popularly called pig is quite a formidable disease. The feature of the disease - loss of glandular tissue (thyroid, salivary and mammary glands, ovaries, testicles).

BTE mainly affects the salivary glands. They increase in size, giving the face some puffiness (hence the term "pig"). With the defeat of the male organs (testicles) in each case, 5 developing male infertility. The disease is quite common among children and adolescents. The latent period is quite long - 14-21 days.

The disease is accompanied by an increase in BTE and salivary glands, tinnitus, pain when talking, swallowing. The lower the age the child, the disease is easier. Serious blow mumps can cause reproductive health of boys and young men, and rarely affects the ovaries in girls, girls. If the pancreas is inflamed, then pancreatitis may develop later.

It is also possible to develop mumps after:

  • diabetes first type;
  • encephalitis;
  • meningitis;
  • hearing loss;
  • arthritis;
  • myocarditis.

Schedule of vaccination and vaccine administration site

Measles, rubella, mumps - inoculation, with the abbreviation CCP, representing a complete vaccination against these three diseases.
All injections were performed by pediatricians in accordance with the national vaccination calendar, as well as individual adjustments related to the child's condition.

Vaccination against measles, rubella, mumps. Schedule as tolerated side effects
Combined vaccination measles, rubella, mumps is injected into the shoulder

Most often this is due to diseases, allergic reactions. In such cases, the vaccine is transferred (is a medical exemption) to another, sometimes quite lengthy period of time. But in any case, doctors recommend in any case not to refuse vaccination, and must pass the procedure in improvement.

If the kid is all right, the first production of MMR he gets, reaching 12 months. Re-vaccination is carried out to achieve the 6 years of age, provided that the child is not ill with any of these diseases.

Sometimes you need to be vaccinated before they are of age, for example, when leaving a child abroad. In such cases, to protect young people from these dangerous serious illnesses child vaccinated earlier after consultation with the pediatrician. Were injected subcutaneously or into the zone under the shoulder blade, or in the deltoid region of the shoulder.

Contraindications to vaccination against measles, rubella, mumps

Measles, rubella, mumps - vaccination, conduct which may be delayed due to some objective reasons, contraindications:

Relative (temporary) contraindications - vaccination can be carried out after a certain time period (1-2 months)
  • Active acute phase of the disease (SARS, influenza, common cold)
  • Vaccination against tuberculosis
  • The period of gestation of the child
  • The introduction of blood products (gamma globulin)
Absolute (persistent lifelong) contraindications
  • Defeat the immune system
  • Low blood platelet count
  • Tumor, neoplasm
  • HIV-positive people
  • All sorts of severe allergic reactions (to the protein of eggs, the previous vaccination, vaccine components - kanamycin, neomycin)

Preparation for vaccination

Measles, rubella, mumps - vaccination against these diseases does not require special training, if a person is healthy. The main requirement to the formulation of the vaccine is the lack of colds 2-3 weeks prior to vaccination.

For individuals who have a high probability of complications, need for special training:

  • Children with a history of allergic reactions - appointed antihistamines for several days prior to vaccination;Vaccination against measles, rubella, mumps. Schedule as tolerated side effects
  • children with neurological and somatic diseases - 2 weeks assigned therapy aimed at minimizing the risk of exacerbation of disease after vaccination;
  • frequently ill and debilitated children - appointed by supporting the immune system drugs for 10-14 days.

What it is forbidden to do after vaccination

After carrying out the following procedures:

  • Avoid contact with people who are sick for 1-2 weeks;
  • not attend Mass crowded (shopping malls, cinema);
  • do not send a child to school or garden, if it should occur for the first time;
  • do not travel very far from the familiar terrain, not to change dramatically the climate.
  • within days after inoculation setting the puncture site can not be wet.

As children tolerate vaccination measles, rubella, mumps

Most of the grafting of both children and adults tolerate vaccination well, no temperature rise and other manifestations. If in some cases there is an adverse reaction to the vaccine, it is usually delayed and appears in 5-10 days. This is due to a feature of the vaccine composition which contains live but very attenuated viruses three diseases.

This can be:

  • reaction to the vaccine injection site input - the formation of seals, redness, tenderness;Vaccination against measles, rubella, mumps. Schedule as tolerated side effects
  • body temperature increase rates - a fairly common phenomenon, in some cases (10-15%), the temperature rises considerably. It takes 1-2 days to 5. Especially of the heat small children, are vaccinated annually. In some cases, against the background of the high temperature in these children may experience cramps. A pediatrician should be aware of such a strong reaction to the vaccine. Elevated temperature should churn antipyretics - ibufen, panadol, paracetamol;
  • discomfort in the throat, cough - may appear 5-7 days after vaccination, are usually resolves on its own and does not require treatment;
  • joint pain - characteristic of the category imparted over 25 years. About a quarter of adults having a slight pain in the joints, continuing for 1-2 weeks and usually pass on their own;
  • coagulation failure - a rare phenomenon that occurs with a frequency of approximately 1 in 22,000 people. Accompanied by nasal bleeding and the formation of red spots on the body;
  • rashes on different parts (face, arms, abdomen) - rash usually very fine, slightly rozovatovogo color is considered a normal variant and does not require medical treatment, as goes away after a few days;
  • swelling of the lymph nodes - sometimes BTE lymph nodes may increase;
  • allergic reactions - sometimes take place to be severe reactions (anaphylactic shock) associated with an allergic reaction to egg, neomycin. Such case - a rarity. Increasingly manifest light rash;
  • slight cold - after vaccination may occur mild illness, acute respiratory viral infection in people who had recently been vaccinated are exposed to the virus.

Reactions and complications of measles vaccination component

On the measles component of the vaccine most often arise negative reaction, usually 6-12 days. This is due to the fact that measles agents (microorganisms) contained in grafting are alive and cause an immune response. Of course, they are introduced in a very weakened form, and vaccinated people is not a source of measles infection.


  • swelling and edema formation in the injection zone;
  • development of toxic reactions;
  • temperature rise;Vaccination against measles, rubella, mumps. Schedule as tolerated side effects
  • rash - a rash seize the trunk, head, legs and arms and have the form characteristic of the active stage of the disease;
  • sore throat, redness;
  • refusal of food, poor appetite;
  • nosebleeds (infrequently).

Less commonly observed disorders of the nervous system, resulting in convulsions, inflammation of the brain. It is extremely rare in the rapid development of an allergic reaction (angioedema), anaphylactic shock.

Reactions to vaccination against mumps component

Similar reaction yields and component vaccination against mumps, which is transferred more easily than the measles component. Usually all states appear from 8 to 14-16 days.

There are:

  • deterioration of health;
  • temperature rise;
  • scratchy and sore throat;
  • the appearance of seizures, vomiting;
  • a slight increase in the lymph nodes behind the ears.

Possible reactions to the protection against rubella

Typically, this component vaccines is well tolerated and does not cause serious complications.

There are:

  • redness at the site of inoculation;
  • swollen lymph nodes;Vaccination against measles, rubella, mumps. Schedule as tolerated side effects
  • a slight rise in temperature;
  • joint pain.

Sometimes the body after vaccination the CCP can see small pink or purple spots - is a skin manifestation of the response to the rubella component.

How to cope with the effects of vaccination

Light display after setting the injection does not require special treatment and medication. So redness and swelling usually passes in a few days on their own and should not cause concern. Such a response indicates a normal immune response to the live virus indulgence.

When you use the usual fever antipyretics for children - age. In the case of moderate symptoms of allergic reaction help eliminate Allergy antihistamines and drugs.Vaccination against measles, rubella, mumps. Schedule as tolerated side effects

In severe reactions (rash abundant, the sharp temperature rise to high levels), and convulsions development of a toxic reaction should immediately seek medical help, call a doctor or ambulance help.

Species used vaccines

Measles Mumps Rubella - vaccination against these diseases exist as farmoproizvoditeley from domestic and foreign. It may contain bacteria like all three diseases, and two or only one.

  • The three-component vaccine - it contains bacteria derivatives of all three diseases - mumps, rubella and measles. The advantage is the introduction of attenuated viruses in a single pass (one shot).
  • The two-component vaccine - comprises steam bacteria group: or tandem-measles rubella or measles, mumps. The missing group of viruses to pin up a separate injection.
  • monocomponent vaccine - contains only one attenuated virus each disease. It is necessary to conduct three injections at different areas of the body, since the mixed vaccine in one syringe unacceptable.

Domestic vaccine produced a two-component - against mumps and measles and rubella separately. Thus, vaccination is carried out by introducing two separate preparations. This causes some discomfort, but does not affect the effects of vaccination or less well tolerated analog ternary foreign vaccine.

Many people (especially parents of young children) prefer to put the vaccine only foreign production. Such an approach entails additional financial costs, because foreign vaccines are expensive.Vaccination against measles, rubella, mumps. Schedule as tolerated side effects

Among the foreign products are considered quite good:

  • Ervevax (England);
  • MMR (co-production of the Netherlands and the United States);
  • Priorix (Belgium).

Triple vaccine is conveniently administered, but the search of the drug may take some time, and should also follow the proper transportation and storage of the transported product.

Production of the vaccine should be preferred?

Measles, rubella, mumps - a disease from which necessarily should be vaccinated. Every adult (or child's parents) have the right to decide how to choose the vaccine. Typically, in medical institutions are invited to undergo the procedure free of charge using a domestic vaccinations.

If desired, you can always seek advice and counsel from a therapist and a pediatrician, how to choose foreign vaccine taking into account the individual patient, and from the experience of medical practitioners.

Usually the drug is selected depending on the risk factors and decide together with your doctor is a fully combined vaccine and one component live virus vaccine.

To date, all existing versions of MMR vaccine containing the bacteria typified by viruses, They have been tested and are completely safe for children and adults. Any of the vaccine provides a response of the organism and the formation of immune immunity.

Domestic vaccine measles-mumps.

domestic vaccine quality is not inferior to foreign analogues. It is made on the basis of quail eggs purchased in Japan. The incidence of complications and adverse effects is imported vaccines.Vaccination against measles, rubella, mumps. Schedule as tolerated side effects

The main disadvantage is the need to put injections in two steps, as rubella bacteria are not included in dikomponentnuyu vaccinated against measles and mumps.

Imported vaccine measles-mumps-rubella.

Measles, rubella, mumps - from these three diseases abroad produce a single vaccine containing attenuated virus each. This requires the introduction of only one vaccination at one place.

The acquisition of foreign vaccine does not protect completely against the risks of complications, it is the same as that of domestic counterparts. Public health facilities can not usually offer free vaccination of foreign drugs, so these medications have to look for and pay for their own.

  • MMR - produced in the United States, is very popular in Russia and the CIS countries, many doctors prefer this particular vaccine. Capable of long time maintain antibodies to measles, rubella and mumps. You can be vaccinated at the same time with DTP or Td, vaccine against chickenpox, polio in different parts of the body. Other live vaccines should not be administered earlier than 30 days. Banned the use of allergy to chicken protein, neomycin substance with exacerbations of disease and during OCR, the period of carrying the child;Vaccination against measles, rubella, mumps. Schedule as tolerated side effects
  • Priorix (Belgium) - one vaccine that has won a great reputation among physicians. The risk of adverse effects are minimal, which allows you to successfully apply the vaccine in adults and children. Unused HIV, AIDS, contact dermatitis, as well as the active phase ARI or exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • erveraks - rubella vaccine has been successfully used in children older than 12 months, adolescents, women of reproductive age. Can be carried out simultaneously with DTP or Td, vaccines against measles, mumps, polio.

The cost of vaccination

Purchase vaccine may be in the pharmacy retail. Typically, vaccines are widely represented in stock and can be found, as the one-component compositions, and containing two or three groups bacteria preparations for vaccination. Prices vary depending on the manufacturer. Since the domestic one-component vaccine against rubella will cost an average of 200-300 rubles.

Roughly the same price and on the bivalent (dual) vaccines produced in our country. Cost Belgian Priorix vaccine is not much different from the native analogues, in some places may even be lower (from 150 to 300 rubles). In general, prices for vaccines make up about $ 100 to 2500-3000 rubles.

Timely vaccination formulation protects against undesirable diseases. Refusal of vaccination in most cases, is not justified and is associated with high risk of contracting mumps, rubella and measles complications.

Registration of the article: Mila Friedan

Video of vaccination against measles and rubella

Inoculation of the CPC:

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