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Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs of the new generation. List: ointments, injections, suppositories, tablets

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The new generation of scientific discoveries in biochemistry, has developed an innovative non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which differ Steroid by fewer side effects and greater selectivity for locking relevant enzymes in body. the list of drugs given in the survey covers the most effective means available today.

The content of the article:

  • 1 The principle of action of NSAIDs
    • 1.1 Anti-inflammatory effect
    • 1.2 antipyretic effect
    • 1.3 Analgesic effect
  • 2 What problems fighting drugs group
  • 3 Contraindications
  • 4 The classification of NSAIDs
  • 5 selective means
  • 6 Non-selective means
  • 7 Side effects
  • 8 Recommendations for use
  • 9 List of the most effective tools from the group of the new generation of NSAIDs. Overview prices
  • 10 Pills
    • 10.1 Arcoxia
    • 10.2 Denebola
    • 10.3 Ksefokam
    • 10.4 movalis
    • 10.5 celecoxib
  • 11 ointments
    • 11.1 Apizartron
    • 11.2 Ben-Gay
    • 11.3 Matar Plus
    • 11.4 Finalgon
  • 12 candles
    • 12.1 Denebola
    • 12.2 Melbek
    • 12.3 movalis
    • 12.4 tenoxicam
  • 13 Gel
    • 13.1 Amelotex
    • 13.2 Nise
    • 13.3 Nimid
    • 13.4 nimulid
  • 14 injections
    • 14.1 Denebola
    • 14.2 Ksefokam
    • 14.3 meloxicam
    • 14.4 Revmoksikam
  • insta story viewer
  • 15 Drops
    • 15.1 Broksinak
    • 15.2 diclofenac
    • 15.3 Nevanak
  • 16 Videos about NSAIDs

The principle of action of NSAIDs

During the disease process associated with injuries, internal and external, body tissue begin to secrete an enzyme that causes inflammation in affected areas. The inflammatory process causes pain, fever and other symptoms of the degeneration of cells during tissue injury.

When receiving NSAIDs, these enzymes are blocked, and the body stops responding so aggressively to the affected areas. After removal of inflammation, immune depletion stops which expends power to combat symptoms, and further treatment of the underlying disease occurs more efficiently.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs of the new generation. List: ointments, suppositories, tablets
The mechanism of action of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory preparaov

NSAIDs have on the body as follows:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • pain reliever;
  • antipyretic.

Anti-inflammatory effect

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are a new generation of (the list will be presented later in the paper) are designed to work the main effect - reduce inflammation in the exposed area. particles of blood which accumulates throughout the affected area, causing hardening, that is hardening - During inflammation, the exudate starts to flow into the injured area.

Elements of an anti-inflammatory effect on the effect of blood congestion by blocking immune responses. At the stage of hardening of NSAIDs also have an inhibitory effect, but not at full strength. In this respect, the steroid drugs are more effective.

antipyretic effect

Action antipyretic antiinflammatory drugs exert effect only at high temperature when fever occurs. The bottom line is that they block the substances that are produced in the body that are responsible for increasing the temperature in relation to the focus of inflammation (pie).Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs of the new generation. List: ointments, suppositories, tablets

Antipyretic effect of NSAIDs occurs at the stage of reaction of the organism to inflammation that is caused by prostaglandins. The drug blocks the last matter, preventing inflammation and, after him, a fever.

Analgesic effect

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs of the new generation, which is replenished each year a list of blocked nerve endings at low and medium pain. When severe pain are not effective, but it is the stage when attributed to narcotic drugs, which have a number of side effects. Non-steroidal agents such depressing effects are not.

They are prescribed for pain:

  • in the tendons;
  • in the muscles;
  • dental;
  • articular;
  • head;
  • postoperative;
  • colic.

These drugs do not cause the effect of euphoria and not addictive.

What problems fighting drugs group

Two major issues that address drugs IVC Group - is an anti-inflammatory effect and antipyretic, analgesic. In the first case, the funds designated for internal inflammations of various kinds, but mostly for chronic diseases of the joints, when the process of inflammation in the tissues does not stop.

It is worth noting that the group drugs are not struggling with a major problem, but only relieve symptoms by improving the general well-being. NSAIDs are used as an adjuvant.

In the second case, drugs group used in a variety of small and average pain severity and at elevated temperature.

The most common cases in which doctors prescribe nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory:

  • rheumatoid arthritis;Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs of the new generation. List: ointments, suppositories, tablets
  • low back pain;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • radiculoneuritis;
  • hepatic colic;
  • post-operative pain;
  • headache;
  • toothache;
  • the pain of torn ligaments, muscles;
  • mechanical injury;
  • fever.


Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs of the new generation, the list of which is presented later in this article, due to some direct and side effects, caution should be exercised, or substitute another drug group.

Cases in which NSAIDs are contraindicated:

  • Any form of ulcerative inflammation of the digestive tract;
  • arthritis caused by an infectious disease;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • Children under 2 years old;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • diseases of the blood and bleeding (due present antigregatsionnogo effect lowering platelet count in the blood);
  • liver and kidney disease in severe;
  • infectious disease (due to an immunosuppressive effect of suppressing the body's response to antigens);
  • Individual intolerance and allergic reaction to drugs NSAIDs marked previously;
  • breathing problems (bronchial asthma);Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs of the new generation. List: ointments, suppositories, tablets
  • profession requiring a high concentration.

The classification of NSAIDs

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are classified according to the main action - anti-inflammatory and antipyretic-obezdalivayuschie and chemical composition, which is based It includes a driving member.

Crafted following sub-groups of the new generation of funds provided in the list:

  • salicylates;
  • pyrazolidines;
  • preparations based on carboxylic acid (anthranilic, indole acetic, propionic, finiluksusnoy, nifluminovoy, dihydroxybenzoic);
  • preparations on the basis of aniline;
  • preparations based on oxicams;
  • the mixed composition.

Also, NSAIDs are classified into selective and nonselective drugs group.

selective means

The mechanism of action of NSAIDs consists in blocking the enzyme responsible for the excitation of inflammation in the body. This enzyme is of three subspecies, one of which is responsible for protecting the gastrointestinal tract from drying. Anti-inflammatory drugs are classical composition did not differ from another one enzyme and blocked both, thereby causing ulcerative gastrointestinal diseases.Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs of the new generation. List: ointments, suppositories, tablets

The word "selection" means "choose" this is what makes selective drugs. Selective means an innovation in pharmacology, in which scientists began to develop NSAIDs that distinguish one from another enzyme without affecting the one that is responsible for keeping the stomach and other digestive authorities.

Non-selective means

As previously mentioned, NSAIDs element blocking enzymes that cause inflammation, see no difference between the first and second preventing drying of the gastric mucosa. Non-selective means, that the ones who do not distinguish one from the other.

Prolonged use of this group of drugs causing 20% ​​of patients being treated for rheumatoid arthritis, problems with the gastrointestinal tract in the acute form, because it is a chronic disease and people are forced to take these drugs years.

Thus, the classical drugs that many of us take without worrying about the side effects are directly related to problems with the gastrointestinal tract, and and various bleeding because they also influence the decrease in blood platelets (enzyme, protecting the gastric mucosa, also regulates the activity platelets).

Side effects

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs of the new generation, whose list includes some modified agent the older generation, have a wide availability of the population and have a number of side effects due to lack of action at reception.

Drowning out the pain, patients often abused pills group that is overdose and different side effects following nature:

  • Irritation of the digestive tract. Increased acidity of the stomach, decreasing the protective field, protect the gastric mucosa. Diarrhea and constipation. Erosion, ulcer symptoms, including bleeding.
  • blood diseases. Decrease in hemoglobin, platelets, red blood cells and white blood cell count. It causes bleeding during defecation.
  • Allergic reactions. It manifested in the form of a rash on the body, urticaria, accompanied by itching. Sometimes it can cause asthma.Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs of the new generation. List: ointments, suppositories, tablets
  • Neurological disorders. Begin headaches, depression, hallucinations, dream state.
  • Renal insufficiency. Called violation vessels work blood circulation in the body. The kidneys start working at half strength, fluid and sodium poorly excreted from the body, causing an increase in blood pressure.
  • diseases of the eye. Accompanied by haze, optic neuritis, keratopathy and retinopathy.
  • liver disease. There are various hepatitis due to long-term use of drugs, as well as due to toxic and allergic reactions.

Recommendations for use

Despite the fact that NSAIDs are available without a prescription, they have many side effects. Therefore, each product is required for each patient individually, taking into account its sensitivity and intolerance to certain elements. No need to give their pills to another person, even if at first glance it seems that he had similar symptoms.

Depending on the desired result begin with more effective means of decreasing or increasing the dose up to standard. Analgesics act in the first half an hour, anti-inflammatory may perform its functions in full only for 10-14 days.Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs of the new generation. List: ointments, suppositories, tablets

Antipyretic drugs are effective only when the body temperature exceeds 38 °. Infectious diseases (flu, sore throat), they do not eliminate the virus, but only relieve symptoms by hiding illness. For this reason, NSAIDs is not recommended. Infections undertreated end serious complications.

List of the most effective tools from the group of the new generation of NSAIDs. Overview prices

Actions that perform drug NSAID group, regardless of the issue of the following forms:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • protivorevmatoidnye;
  • pain relievers;
  • antipyretics.
release Form Title Route Price (in rubles)
Pills Arcoxia 1 times a day, at any time:
  • Gouty arthritis - 120 mg;
  • osteoarthritis - 60 mg;
  • Rheumatoid arthritis - 90 mg.
  • osteoarthritis - 12.5 mg per day;
  • for pain - 25 mg per day.
  • for the treatment of pain - 8-16 mg a day before meals;
  • to relieve inflammation of the joints - 12-16 mg per day before meals;
  • Patients with liver and kidney diseases - not more than 12 mg per day.
  • rheumatoid arthritis, spondylitis -7.5 - 15 mg per day with meals;
  • patients with renal insufficiency - not more than 7.5 mg per day.
  • osteoarthritis - 200 mg per day;
  • Rheumatoid arthritis - 200-400 mg per day;
  • pain -100-200 mg per day.
ointments Apizartron Apply 2-3 times a day, rubbing the skin. 291 — 312
Ben-Gay Apply on the affected area 3-4 times a day. 298 — 336
Matar Plus Applied to the skin 1-3 times a day, putting warming bandage. 282 — 368
Finalgon Apply to the painful area 2-3 times a day if necessary. 205 — 515
candles Denebola 1 PC. twice a day, no more than 50 mg per day. 100-120
Melbek 1 PC. daily, dose should not exceed 15 mg per day. 200-650
movalis 1 PC. per day of not more than 7.5 mg 121-250
tenoxicam 1 PC. 20 mg per day, in acute gout dose can be increased to 40 mg. 122 — 147
Gel Amelotex applied 2 times a day 204 — 383
Nise applied 3-4 times a day 272 — 403
Nimid use 4 times a day 176 — 195
nimulid Apply 3-4 times a day 139 — 315
injections Denebola 1 injection per day intramuscularly, not more than 50 mg per day 160-170
Ksefokam 8 mg twice a day 525 — 710
meloxicam 1 shot in the period of 2-3 days 179 — 227
Revmoksikam 1 shot in a day for 4-5 days 106 — 320
Drops Broksinak 1 drop per day for 14 days 260 — 845
Diklovenak 1 drop 3 times a day 30-45
Indokollir 1 drop for 2 hours and every half hour 322 — 508
Nevanak 1 drop 3 times a day 523 — 1085


NSAIDs tablets prescribed for quick relief of pains of different nature. Not all tools presented are selective, so their impact on the gastrointestinal tract, liver and almost no benefit, if abused drugs group, without consulting a doctor.


The drug is used in diseases of the joints, including chronic food not matter. Not earlier not to have prescribed to pregnant women and - substances affect the reproductive organs, as well as children under 16 years. Chronic administration should be controlled blood pressure, the kidneys and liver.Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs of the new generation. List: ointments, suppositories, tablets

With care taken with other drugs NSAIDs group. Arcoxia effect on attention, so patients who work in hazardous occupations, to use another drug better.


Selective means does not affect the gastric mucosa. After 2 hours after ingestion occurs maximal effect of the drug. Not suitable for children under 12 and seniors over 65 years.

The drug is used to prevent pain during joint diseases after injuries, inflammations of the ear, nose and throat, the genitals. Banned for use with cancer patients, asthmatics, allergic individuals who have suffered a stroke or heart attack. The preparation is non-toxic even when receiving 1000 mg per day. The joint use of antibiotics to reduce the effect of Denebola 50%.


Tablets prescribed to relieve pain, prolonged treatment of joint diseases. Elderly patients over 65 years did not increase the daily rate of more than 12 mg per day. Do not mix with activated carbon - carbon neutralizes the drug.Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs of the new generation. List: ointments, suppositories, tablets

Admission to other groups of drugs should be discussed with your doctor, as their confusion leads to serious side effects. Should not be given to people with peptic ulcer disease and suffering from various bleedings. At first, the long-term use should observe the reaction of the liver and kidneys.


Tablets are indicated in diseases of the joints for prolonged use. Suffering from cardiovascular diseases, renal and hepatic pathologies, should be taken with caution. Patients with a variety of bleeding, especially of the colon - the drug is prohibited. Pregnant drug contraindications - can lead to miscarriage. May be hired for children older than 12 years.


Prescribed for chronic treatment of diseases of the joints, as an analgesic for toothache, menstrual, muscle pains. 3 trimester of pregnancy until the permitted intake, but with the risk to the fetus.Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs of the new generation. List: ointments, suppositories, tablets

Contraindicated in patients with renal and hepatic abnormalities. Allowed application with acetylsalicylic acid in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. The drug has no effect on platelet action of blood.


Using ointments for topical use administered as adjunctive therapy in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The use of drugs of this shape is also effective when mechanical sprains and strains muscle tissue, assisting in blood resorption accumulated around the affected area.


Analgesic, bacteriostatic agent, which is based include bee venom. Assign agent in diseases of the joints, sprains muscle tendons. It is also used as a warm-up muscles during exercise. Do not use for people suffering from kidney disease and liver.Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs of the new generation. List: ointments, suppositories, tablets

Prohibited for pregnant women and children up to 6 years. Guard against falling eye ointments and open wounds, not to cause the ointment to the skin, with the manifestations of allergic reactions, hives, rashes, etc.


Prescribe an ointment for sprains of muscles and ligaments. Due to contained menthol means warms and relaxes the muscles, reduces inflammation. Ointment dissolves the lactic acid at the expense of the muscles become mobile.

Salicylates contained in the product, reduce pain. Ointment should be discontinued if there was a rash and redness on the skin. It should see a doctor if the pain does not disappear within 10 days.

Matar Plus

Ointment is indicated for inflammation of the joints, bruises and injuries, without skin break. It helps to develop chained night the muscles and joints, reduces swelling caused by inflammation.Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs of the new generation. List: ointments, suppositories, tablets

Contained in the composition of pepper - it has a warming effect. It is not recommended to use those suffering from kidney and liver disorders. Avoid contact with open wounds and mucous membranes, in this case erase ointment with wound using a cream or oil.


Ointment has vasodilating properties, normalizes the blood flow in the affected area. Use it for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, with bruises and sprains. Before use, test the drug on a separate area of ​​the skin for any allergies.

Should avoid skin areas with high sensitivity, the same as the neck, inner thighs, lower abdomen. Pregnant and lactating mothers finalgon not been tested.


Rectal suppositories are used to prevent inflammation of the urogenital system, gastrointestinal diseases and as analgesic and antipyretic, and when oral or other forms of preparations are contraindicated, or ineffective.

For the introduction of suppositories patient must first cleanse your colon, lie on your side and lift their feet - in this position rectum straightens. The introduction should be no deeper than the length of the index finger. After dissolution of the drug, should refrain from defecation for one hour.


Is prescribed for diseases of the joints of different origin. The drug is effective for pain caused by injury, for bone pain, dental, muscle sprains. Assign also cramps during menstruation.

Candles are an alternative for people suffering from stomach ulcers. Means does not cause bleeding. Maximum deadline should not exceed 1.5 months. During the day, you can use 2 of the suppository.

MelbekNonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs of the new generation. List: ointments, suppositories, tablets

Candles are indicated for pain syndrome in acute diseases of the joints. The tool does not use, or earlier if at the moment the patient had rectal inflammation and bleeding.

The medicine is more suitable for people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases, which should avoid NSAIDs oral administration.

Do not mix with other NIP drugs - may increase the side effects, the development of stomach ulcers.


Selective means safe for the gastrointestinal mucosa. The maximum effect of the drug occurs within 5 hours after ingestion. It affects the inflammatory processes in the joints. Children up to 12 drug is not indicated except for the diagnosis of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Candles are not prescribed for post-operative pain, and pregnant women.


This tool is non-selective, Therefore, people with gastrointestinal diseases, liver, kidney, blood should use the drug under medical supervision, or select another tool. The goal of medicine - to reduce pain in the joints, spine, relieve swelling and morning stiffness in the muscles and ligaments.

In diseases of the joints, inflammation of the candle is removed within a week. Pregnant women, children and high blood pressure medication is not prescribed.


NVP gels generally are based on meloxicam, relieves pain and inflammation in the joints with sprains and strains, as well as chronic diseases of the cartilage tissue. Although external application gels components also penetrate into the tissue and have side effects, so abuse turned side effects such as allergic reactions on the skin, and the bronchial complications Gastrointestinal disorders.


Gel for external use, relieving inflammation of the articular tissues, muscles and ligaments.Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs of the new generation. List: ointments, suppositories, tablets It has a high penetration properties, so it should not be used excessively, especially for people suffering from bronchial asthma, diseases of the kidneys and liver. It is also forbidden to accept pregnant women and children under 18 years.


Non-selective means, affects the lining of the gastrointestinal tract. Use sparingly, carefully referring to reactions to components of the organism. At the first upset stomach, nausea, heartburn, vomiting, discontinue use. Patients who are prone to frequent bleeding and unstable blood pressure - is contraindicated. Do not use pregnant women and children up to 18 years.


Assign with pain in muscles and joints. Gel reduces inflammation, has a cooling effect, relieves morning stiffness. Do not use with asthma and various skin diseases. Is contraindicated in pregnant women and children up to 12 years.


Applied to the skin at the site of injury by inflammation and pain. Is prescribed for diseases of the joints and skeleton as an analgesic, sedative. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs of the new generation. List: ointments, suppositories, tabletsDo not apply to open wounds, mucous membranes in the skin affected by dermatitis. Pregnant women, children and elderly - are contraindicated.


This form NIP preparations intended for rapid response of the organism, directly into muscle area. For people with stomach ulcers and 12 duodenal ulcer, this method is an alternative, non-irritating to the stomach lining.


The drug is administered intramuscularly. Assign as injection of pain and inflammation of joints, accompanied. Pregnant women and children up to 12 years, the drug is prohibited.

It should refrain from drinking alcohol during treatment, to eliminate caffeine from the diet - there is a risk increase blood pressure. If the patient is taking anticoagulants, he should consult a doctor. When taking antibiotics, the effect of the injections is halved.


Administration of the drug intramuscularly helps to reduce the pain associated with acute exacerbations of inflammation of the joints, without causing a narcotic effect of euphoria and addiction. Injections are not prescribed to patients with hypertension and the elderly. For those who have gastrointestinal pathology can simultaneously receive omeprazole to prevent the oppression of the protective effect of the gastric mucosa.


Using the drug for the instant elimination of pain caused by inflammation of the joints in rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs of the new generation. List: ointments, suppositories, tabletsThe drug is prescribed even chronic renal failure patients on dialysis, but the minimum dose. Upon detection of the symptoms of the latter disease, should stop taking, after the withdrawal of the drug, the kidney returned to normal.


Introduction injection should be carried out into the deep pores of the gluteus maximus, the full needle. Prescribe medication to reduce pain in acute exacerbation of diseases of the joints, and to relieve the pain associated with other abnormalities. Children up to 15 years the drug is contraindicated. Exceeding the dose leads to drowsiness, abdominal pain and high blood pressure.


The use of NSAIDs in the form of eye drops administered to treat eye inflammation caused by surgery. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs of the new generation. List: ointments, suppositories, tabletsDaily use of drugs of no valid reason is unacceptable.

Each agent is assigned individually focusing on history of the patient and tolerance to the individual components.


Drops prescribed to reduce pain after eye surgery. The facility also reduces inflammation. The drug is not prescribed with asthma, rhinitis and allergic to aspirin.

Applying drops for 2 weeks before surgery may increase the risk of bleeding and thinning of the cornea. Also, do not wear contact lenses while using the drops.


The drug is effective at removing the need for eye inflammation caused by infections and injuries. The effect occurs within half an hour after instillation. The drops do not enter the bloodstream, act only in the region of the anterior chamber. Drops use after operations for cataract removal retinal edema.


Drops are used for removal of eye inflammation, while not exciting the eye pressure. Component is activated in the cornea, penetrating into the bloodstream in a small amount at a threefold use.Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs of the new generation. List: ointments, suppositories, tablets

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are very popular in medicine and in the community. A new generation of group counters gradually kneaded with classic means losing efficiency. The list, presented in the article, the drug has a wide range of actions, both positive and negative, so using them on a daily basis can harm health.

Registration of the article: Mila Friedan

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