Mental Disorders

Depression. Symptoms in women, how to get out after 40 independently. Test, medical advice on the treatment of depression

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In medicine, depression - a disease with a distinct clinical picture. It is characterized by depressed mood, apathy and lethargy. These symptoms occur for both men and women. Get out of depression by yourself is possible, but the success depends on how far the process.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Symptoms of depression in women
    • 1.1 psychological symptoms
    • 1.2 physiological symptoms
    • 1.3 social symptoms
  • 2 Mild form of female depression
  • 3 Average form of depression
  • 4 Severe depression
  • 5 Features manifestations of depression in women - what is the difference from men
  • 6 Postpartum depression
  • 7 Women's depression after 40 years - symptoms
  • 8 complications of depression
  • 9 Test for the presence of depression
  • 10 How to get out of depression by yourself - medical advice
    • 10.1 Psychotherapy
    • 10.2 Aromatherapy
  • 11 Treatment of depression with medication
  • 12 vitamins
  • 13 Signs of recovery from depression
  • 14 Videos about the symptoms and treatment of depression

Symptoms of depression in women

Symptoms of depression in women vary depending on the form of the disease and the conditions in which account live

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. But it is possible to identify the most common symptoms. Diagnose the available displays, decide how to get out of depression.

psychological symptoms


  1. There is a loss of interest in everything going on.
  2. It lost the meaning of life, life goals. It is often pushed to suicide.
  3. On the basis of the general depression and apathy observed attacks of causeless crying.
  4. Additionally tormented guilt.
  5. Concerned about obsessions.
  6. Acute sense of anxiety.

physiological symptoms

In patients with depression, women experience the following physical symptoms:

  1. Often have trouble sleeping, Which is possible as abnormal sleepiness, as well as the absence of any traction to sleep. Feeling tired may be accompanied during the whole day, right from the morning, no matter how many lasted a night's sleep. Under the influence of even small mental and physical state of fatigue loads worse.
  2. Negative emotional background together with the impact on the degree of energetic woman has some effect on the feeling of hunger. A woman can fall into food addiction, ie, absorb too much food. But in treating the problem of eating disorders need to start with the treatment of depression.
  3. food problem It occurs without changes in the physical activity. Especially if the normal state she was in the habit of seizing the mountain.
  4. Along with bulimia opposite situation is possible - a complete loss of appetiteBecause the person loses the ability to take pleasure in anything.
  5. Problems with the functioning of the digestive tract. Women with depression are often concerned about constipation.
  6. psychosomatic pain. The most common areas where localized pain - it is the heart, stomach and muscle.

social symptoms

Depression always affects the emotional state of the immediate social environment. The social behavior of a person is able to change to uncharacteristic for him, an introvert can become excessively talkative and extrovert - withdraw and avoid social contacts.

Depression in women: symptoms, types, treatment. How to get out of depression alone
Depression. Symptoms in women can help identify her, and the doctor will tell you how to get out of this state

Motivate any socially useful activity impossible. For example, a woman shifts its problems on others and agitated form of depression blames close their failures.

Even relations with the closest people are weakening. Problems often arise in the relationship with the opposite sex, which further exacerbates the depression.

Frequent suicides, which are the ultimate manifestation of social exclusion, loneliness, often far-fetched. Especially characteristic of suicidal behavior for the melancholic form of depression.

Mild form of female depression

In mild form of depression in women symptoms mild, and the disease is often without the help of a therapist. But in any case it is necessary to try to stabilize the state to try to change the course of his thoughts.

If it is not clear how to get out of depression on their own and external factors increasingly aggravate the situation, you need a psychologist.

Symptoms of mild forms of depression are as follows:

  1. Inexplicable sadness and depressed mood. The probability glimpses of good mood for the general negative emotional background.
  2. Sleep problems. The reason lies in reducing the production of serotonin, which at night turns into melatonin - sleep hormone.
  3. A woman loses the ability to enjoy life. Even simple pleasures that used to give pleasure, do not bring the usual positive emotions. However, there remains an opportunity to get themselves engaged in any activity.
  4. Lethargy. Slow reaction. Lethargy is manifested in thought and in action.
  5. Pain in the head, joints. There may be problems with digestion.
  6. Even with the mild form of depression in women may be suicidal ideation, which are very hard to get rid of. It is an opportunity to work hard on yourself, because such thoughts themselves provoke depression.
Depression in women: symptoms, types, treatment. How to get out of depression alone
Inexplicable sadness and depressed mood - one of mild depression signals

For the treatment of mild forms of depression in women sometimes enough to support significant social environment and / or the assistance of a psychologist, who will tell you how to go from a state of depression.

An important diagnostic criterion for mild depression - its symptoms are difficult to spot others.

Average form of depression

The average severity form of depression is noticeable to other people. One of the characteristic symptoms - most of the actions done by man is productive, but these actions as an afterthought, not to meditate. The woman's head at that moment depressive thoughts.

Due to the fact that is difficult to escape from them, the ability to logically and creatively solve problems when you need to come up with something radically new, much reduced.

Depression in women: symptoms, types, treatment. How to get out of depression alone
Signs of secondary forms of depression

In addition, there is a significant deterioration in the quality of communication with others. Exacerbated by sleep problems compared to mild. In this state psychotherapeutic requires additional assistance from reception of drugs.

Severe depression

If depression is manifested in the severe form, a zest for life is lost to such an extent that a person ceases to monitor their hygiene and nutrition. Such a woman is trying not to leave the confines of your own home, closed in itself and avoids contact with people and the outside world.

Depression in women: symptoms, types, treatment. How to get out of depression alone
Only a doctor can help with severe depression

Severe depression - a very dangerous condition, which can not be cured on their own. It requires psychotherapeutic and psychiatric help.

Features manifestations of depression in women - what is the difference from men

The differences are as follows:

  1. Depression in women is more common than in men. It is often transformed into a chronic form, negative thoughts are a way of life, which is why to get rid of depression at times difficult.
  2. Acute phase of depression more dependent on seasonal factors and the menstrual cycle. Chronic depression in women is exacerbated in the autumn and winter, because in this time of sunny day is much shorter and less serotonin is produced.
  3. More often than in men, depression in women is accompanied by eating disorders: anorexia nervosa or bulimia.

Postpartum depression

Postpartum depression is characterized by depressed mood of a young mother, although this may be due to a banal fatigue.

It should be wary if the following symptoms are observed in addition to depression:

  1. baby crying is unexplained bout of aggression.
  2. Any advice from perceived as an attempt to impose their will.
  3. Self-assessment is understated.
  4. Lost interest to sexual relations.
Depression in women: symptoms, types, treatment. How to get out of depression alone
Even a baby crying can cause unexplained aggression in the mother

The risk of postpartum depression is increased due to unfavorable heredity.

Many women go through depression after childbirth and successfully come out of it without any special assistance. A great role in this play and the support of loved ones real help with a child that gives mothers the opportunity to relax a bit and do them. In this state there are more severe symptoms when needed psychotherapy in combination with antidepressants.

Women's depression after 40 years - symptoms

40 - years of crisis stage for women. During this period, there is a reassessment of values ​​analyzed have lived life, summarizes the objectives achieved and not achieved. The intensity of the depressive state depends on the ambitions that had been in his youth, and achievements later in life. If life left many unfulfilled, depression, even mild, certainly overtake.

Depression in women: symptoms, types, treatment. How to get out of depression alone
The clinical manifestation of depression

His role in this process is unstable hormones, because after 40 years, all the more noticeable are the signs of approaching menopause. Symptomatology of depression is different from the manifestations of the disorder in other age groups. Treatment is selected according to the severity of forms.

complications of depression

Complications of depression include:

  1. Violations of social adaptation. The success of contacts with society, even in the mild form of the disease is reduced.
  2. Reduced effectiveness of the thinking process. A vicious circle, since it has a negative impact on results of operations and the lack of positive results exacerbates depression.
  3. Onset of symptoms of existing diseases: aggravated headaches, an unpleasant sensation in the back, there is a disturbance of sexual functions, compounded by problems of the cardiovascular system.

Test for the presence of depression

Do not be too trusting tests for depression, which can be found on the Internet. This auxiliary techniques, which only serve to confirm the disease has been identified. He is not critical.

Besides, in some tests questions are sufficiently transparent, Ie the woman who thinks that her depression is almost always a question like "Do you think your life has no meaning?" The answer is in the affirmative.

How to get out of depression by yourself - medical advice

It should be as small as possible to talk about a problem that has gone depression (symptoms in women. How to get out of depression, advise doctors specializing in methodology of cognitive-behavioral therapy.

We must act in accordance with the following instructions:

  1. It is necessary to establish a dialogue with itself. Depression is characterized by negative thinking. You need to use willpower to start thinking in the opposite direction, ie, positive.
  2. We need to find the correct point of application of willpower. During the depressed person is often too self-controlled, careful not to break on the family and not cause yourself physical harm.
  3. One and recommendations - for a week to think only about the positive and of those opportunities that life gives us. Initially, it will be very difficult to imagine a positive outcome of the situation.
  4. Well it helps meditation. It contributes to a psychological discharge, trains volitional capacity of the brain and the ability to arbitrarily focus on the desired things. Regularly meditating people are less prone to depressive moods.
  5. Avoiding alcohol. Alcohol is cunning. At certain times it seems that he is able to relieve stress. But after a brief euphoria depression worse. Characteristically, alcohol belongs to the class of psychoactive substances called "anti-depressant".
  6. Training of willpower. The intensity and the presence of psychotic disorders in emergency and crisis situations depends on the willpower of the person.
  7. Adoption itself as the creator of your life. For the recognition of this role is necessary will and a certain share of responsibility.
  8. Adaptation to the environment. The depression fall into the people who are not able or willing to adapt to changes, especially negative or undesirable.
Depression in women: symptoms, types, treatment. How to get out of depression alone
These tips will help to get out of depression

Here are a few simple tips to help you get out of depression:

  1. It is necessary to determine the life prospects. It is necessary to force through a plan to build a future life, to determine the goals and dreams. This is a very inspiring and makes to think positively.
  2. We must learn to look at the same thing from different angles. For example, depression can be regarded as a transitional stage before the new period of life.
  3. To do good to others. Thanks mate, smile help to feel their worth and get rid of the symptoms of depression.


Psychotherapy is the main method of treatment of depression. We must remember that depression is often preceded by pessimism as human beings. He is inclined to withdraw into themselves, even with minor setbacks. The goal of psychotherapy - to see in the traumatic experiences of an opportunity rather than a constraint.


Aromatherapy refers to the meditation technique out of depression. Inhalation of pleasant fragrance promotes relaxation. Essential oils by themselves have the ability to reduce stress intensity. In combination with other techniques of aromatherapy is an effective tool to help get rid of depression in women.

Treatment of depression with medication

Pharmacological treatment of depression with antidepressant medication is not enough. Uncontrolled receiving antidepressants person becomes dependent on them. Not under the influence of pills, he will be in even greater depression.

Depression in women: symptoms, types, treatment. How to get out of depression alone
Algorithm drug treatment

doctors only a short welcome antidepressants and only with moderate and severe forms of depression, strongly favoring their long-term acceptance. In the short term antidepressants can improve the condition, as they allow to recall the state of well-being.


One of the causes of depression - lack of the necessary vitamins and minerals. Lack of vitamin B increases the risk of depression beginning. Vitamins this group are important for the normal functioning of the nervous system. Apart from these, an important role is played by the amino acid tryptophan, which is a precursor to serotonin - a neurotransmitter whose deficiency is observed in depression.

Depression in women: symptoms, types, treatment. How to get out of depression alone
Foods rich in the vitamins that help fight depression

Nutrition - an important component to exit from depression, because if there is a physiological basis in the form of nutrients and vitamins, positive perception of the world is impossible. When depression should eat a lot of vegetables, fruits and eat balanced.

Signs of recovery from depression

The surest sign out of depression - a more optimistic view of things, accompanied by an increase in self-esteem, desire to activity success. If a woman has a dream, it means that the depression passes.

Along with these symptoms, normalize sleep, improves productivity, increases the number of social contacts as well as a woman becomes much more pleasant in communication and fun. Food seems to be more appetizing, and life - interesting.

Way out of depression must be accompanied by a comprehensive work on aAs well as the cause of depression lies within man himself. It can not be removed without pulling to the surface. But this should be done gradually. To reduce the emotional intensity, you can use meditation and other auxiliaries.

Videos about the symptoms and treatment of depression

8 signs of hidden depression:

Tips on how to get out of depression:

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