Mental Disorders

Asthenia (Asthenic Syndrome). Drugs for treatment, a list of the best

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It is necessary to distinguish between asthenia and natural exhaustion of the body, which occurs on background of physical or psychological stress, climate change or time zones, unbalanced daily routine.

The hallmarks of the syndrome are gradual development and a prolonged course of months or years. For the treatment of a painful condition, drugs are used that can improve brain metabolism.

Asthenia is a slowly developing abnormal mental disorder that occurs against the background of other diseases of the body. Fatigue, decreased performance and mental vulnerability, poor sleep, irritability, apathy - this is not a complete list of symptoms of this disease.

The doctor often encounters asthenic syndrome with many infectious (ARVI, viral hepatitis, influenza, tuberculosis) and non-infectious (gastritis, duodenal ulcer, hypertension, pneumonia) diseases. In addition, fatigue is a patient's faithful companion in the postpartum, post-traumatic and postoperative periods.Asthenia (Asthenic Syndrome). Drugs for treatment, list

Asthenic syndrome is classified according to the underlying cause:

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  • Nervous asthenic. A form of neurosis in which the central nervous system is greatly weakened.
  • Severe asthenic syndrome or organic asthenic disorder. May develop as a result of an underlying organic brain disorder.
  • Cerebroasthenic syndrome. It occurs due to a violation of the metabolism of neurons in the brain as a result of a previously unknown infection or head injury.
  • Asthenia with flu. Viral infection is a common cause of muscle weakness, causing irritability, disability and disability.
  • Vegetative syndrome. A form of asthenia that occurs in adults and children and can manifest itself during periods of serious infection.
  • Asthenic depression. May manifest as sudden, uncontrollable mood swings, impaired concentration, memory loss, and irritation.
  • Alcoholic asthenia usually manifests itself in alcoholics.

Record content:

  • 1 Classification
  • 2 Top 10 drugs from the pharmacy
    • 2.1 Stimol
    • 2.2 Phenibut
    • 2.3 Tofisopam
    • 2.4 Teraligen
    • 2.5 Cytoflavin
    • 2.6 Piracetam
    • 2.7 Ginkgo biloba
    • 2.8 Phezam
    • 2.9 Noopept
    • 2.10 Encephabol
  • 3 Asthenia treatment video


If there is an organic cause of fatigue, severe fatigue develops. sleep, pain or thyroid disease, then medications are used.

For therapy to be adequate, it is necessary to identify the underlying causes of fatigue.Asthenia (Asthenic Syndrome). Drugs for treatment, list

Below are some of the possible treatments, depending on their cause:

  • Asthenia (drugs for treatment can be from a number of antibiotics) after a viral infection, it weakens the body. Drugs prescribed to suppress bacterial infections restore lost energy previously released to fight disease.
  • Asthenia due to depression: taking antidepressants can help relieve fatigue.
  • Asthenia due to vitamin deficiency: replenishing vitamin deficiencies often corrects metabolic disorders caused by the disease.
  • Asthenia due to overwork: if muscle fatigue results in excessive weakness, lifestyle changes may be required for treatment.
  • Asthenia due to autoimmune diseases: medications that prevent excessive damage to the immune system can help treat the weakness caused by this condition. Corticosteroids are one such medication.
Types of drugs Action
Nootropic or neurometabolic drugs Nootropics improve brain function, usually in areas of higher mental functions such as memory, attention, concentration, creativity.
Antidepressants Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are the most commonly prescribed antidepressants. They relieve symptoms of depression, are relatively safe, and cause fewer side effects. Treat depression by increasing serotonin levels in the brain.
Psychostimulants Asthenia is the most common symptom in advanced cancer patients because it affects their physical and social performance. Treatment in most cases is symptomatic.
Receptor antagonists


NMDA receptors are ionotropic glutamate receptors and are found primarily in the central nervous system (especially in the hippocampus and brain).

NMDA receptors are blocked by extracellular magnesium ions and are activated by the binding of glutamate. Blocker drugs can help with cognitive impairment.

Adaptogens Herbal products: ginseng, lemongrass, pantocrine, Rhodiola rosea, Eleutherococcus.
B vitamins Replenishing vitamin deficiencies often corrects metabolic disorders resulting from asthenia.

Since the syndrome is associated with the expenditure of vital and mental energy, the patient needs good rest, a change in the type of activity, environment. But when medical recommendations for some reason are not followed, you have to resort to drug therapy.

Top 10 drugs from the pharmacy

Asthenia, drugs for the treatment of which are prescribed depending on what disease it is connected, is within the competence of such specialists as a psychologist, psychiatrist, neuropsychiatrist, or psychotherapist.

Treatment for children is prescribed by a pediatrician. If the pathology is post-infectious or traumatic in nature, then during the treatment, consultations are carried out with a therapist, surgeon and neurologist.


The oral solution contains an active ingredient - citrulline malate. It is widely used in the treatment of senile, sexual, post-infectious and physical asthenia. The solution is taken with meals with plenty of water.Asthenia (Asthenic Syndrome). Drugs for treatment, list

You can dilute the drug in half a glass of water and use it in this form. It is prescribed 10 ml three times a day, and for children under 5 years old 10 ml once a day. But more often the duration and dose of treatment is determined by the attending physician,

Side effects may cause stomach discomfort. The cost of 10 ml of the drug is 600-700 rubles. The medicine is freely sold in pharmacy chains.


For the treatment of asthenia, a nootropic agent is used that has a calming, antioxidant, psychostimulating effect. The drug helps to normalize cerebral circulation, reduces anxiety, anxiety, improves sleep and has an anticonvulsant effect.

The prescribed doses depend on the age of the patient, but more often it is 30-760 mg of the drug per day for adults and 20-250 mg for children. Side effects include the effect of the drug on the gastrointestinal tract, central nervous system and allergies in the form of itching and redness.

Cost 20 tab. the drug, which can be freely purchased at the pharmacy, from 150 rubles.


Tofisopam (grandaxin) is an anxiolytic that does not have a hypnotic effect, so it does not impair psychomotor, intellectual and working performance. Grandaxin quickly and effectively suppresses the symptoms of motor and autonomic anxiety, is widely used in neurological practice, including in elderly people with somatic and cognitive disorders.Asthenia (Asthenic Syndrome). Drugs for treatment, list

Side effects are expressed in the form:

  • insomnia;
  • headache;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • various allergic reactions;
  • pain in muscles and joints.

Adult dose: 50-100 mg 1-3 times / day. The maximum dose is 300 mg.

Children over 14 years old: 50-100 mg 2 times / day. The maximum dose is 200 mg.

To prevent sleep disorders, it is recommended not to take the drug after 15-16 hours.

Available in pharmacies for free sale. Pack of 60 tabs. costs800 rubles.


The drug is indicated for use in patients suffering from neurosis-like conditions of organic and endogenous etiology. This drug is also used in the treatment of conditions characterized predominantly by hypochondrial, sensory, phobic and psychotropic disorders.

It is recommended to take orally 3-4 times a day. The initial dose is 5-10 mg / day. After about 15-20 minutes. after use, the medicine takes effect. The action of the drug lasts 6-8 hours. Approved for use by children from 7 years old.

Undesirable side effects are rare, and only when the dose recommended by the therapist is exceeded:

  • The appearance of drowsiness, weakness, severe fatigue.
  • Decreased visual acuity, noise and ringing in the ears.
  • Dizziness, increased heart rate.

The cost of the drug is from 800 rubles. for 500 tab.


Lyophilized concentrate of plant flavonoids, influencing the processes of tissue metabolism, improving coronary and cerebral blood flow.

Asthenia (Asthenic Syndrome). Drugs for treatment, list

For prevention, it is recommended to take 2 capsules 2 times a day, as an additional therapy 2-3 capsules three times a day. In rare cases, side effects occur, which are manifested by a feeling of heat, redness of the skin, pain, dry throat, bitterness in the mouth. Occasionally there is discomfort in the epigastric region, nausea, short-term chest pain, allergic reactions.

The cost of the drug is from 450 rubles.


Acts as an amplifier of metabolism, protection of the cardiovascular system, improves head circulation, has a positive effect on the nervous system. It is used for cognitive disorders of cerebrovascular and traumatic origin, reduces depression and anxiety, improves memory.

Piracetam is safe when taken correctly. Some people taking high doses of the drug have experienced nausea, vomiting, weight gain, nervousness, and sleep disturbances.

Available in the form of capsules, 400 mg, tablets, 200 mg, solution for injection. Recommended for 800 mg three times daily for 8 weeks.

The medicine sometimes causes side effects:

  • drowsiness;
  • headache;
  • motor disinhibition.

Dispensed by prescription, the cost in pharmacies is from 23 rubles. for 60 tab.

Ginkgo biloba

Asthenia, for which medications often include potent drugs, can be successfully treated with herbal supplements. Ginkgo biloba extract is harvested from dried green leaves of the plant, the extract of which improves thinking and memory, social behavior, ability to perform daily tasks, relieve symptoms anxiety.

Asthenia (Asthenic Syndrome). Drugs for treatment, list
Ginkgo biloba Evalar

Ginkgo comes in the form of capsules, tablets, liquid extracts, and dried leaves.

Possible side effects:

  • nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • stomach ache;
  • vomit.

The recommended intake is 120 to 240 mg per day in divided doses. Improvement occurs in 4-6 weeks. The cost of the supplement is from 50 rubles.


Combined drug that increases the resistance of brain cells to oxygen starvation, expands and strengthening the vessels of the brain, which activates the flow of arterial blood to the ischemic area. Stimulates cognitive function, intelligence. It is widely used in asthenic syndrome.

Side effects of the drug:

  • violation of the regulation of excitement (hyperkinesia);
  • lack of coordination;
  • insomnia;
  • violation of the vestibular apparatus;
  • headache;
  • fainting;
  • tremor;
  • increased drowsiness up to lethargy;
  • fast fatiguability.

Doses and method of administration:

Asthenia (Asthenic Syndrome). Drugs for treatment, list

Capsules are swallowed whole, 1 or 2, three times a day at regular intervals after meals, with plenty of water. The duration of admission is determined by the attending physician, depending on the severity of symptoms and ranges from 1 to 3 months. After a three-month course, a break of at least a month is required.

The drug can be freely purchased at a pharmacy at a price of 150 rubles. for 60 capsules.


Noopept is a trademark of N-phenylacetyl-L-prolylglycine ethyl ester, a synthetic nootropic molecule. The drug has an effect similar to piracetam, provides a moderate increase in cognitive functions, has a subtle psychostimulating effect.

It is prescribed to take after meals, the initial dose is 20 mg, then the dose is increased to 30 mg. The duration of the course is from 1 to 3 months. The medicine rarely causes side effects. The cost of the drug is from 350 rubles. for 50 tablets of 10 mg.


Encephabol is a trademark of Pyritinol. Increases blood flow to the brain by increasing the functionality of nerve cells. It also releases intracellular choline to synthesize the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which performs many functions in the nervous system, including memory preservation, muscle movement, and maintenance attention.Asthenia (Asthenic Syndrome). Drugs for treatment, list

Side effects are often observed:

  • sleep disturbance;
  • loss of appetite,
  • headache;
  • fatigue;
  • rashes on the skin;
  • irritation of the mucous membranes of the mouth;
  • nausea and vomiting.

The usual dose is 1 to 2 tsp. l 3 times a day. The maximum daily dose is 6 hours. l. Encephabol is available both prescription and over-the-counter.

The price of the drug in the form of a suspension is 800 rubles. and 700 rubles. for 50 tablets.

Some of the causes of weakness are part of normal life. For example, weakness due to a cold, when time and rest eventually relieve signs of exhaustion. For the treatment of asthenia syndrome, you should consult a doctor.

But the best prevention is physical health, not drugs. Drinking plenty of fluids, adequate rest, and regular exercise will help relieve weakness as well as prevent it.

Asthenia treatment video

Asthenic syndrome and what to do with it:

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