Female Diseases

As distinguished from monthly bleeding during menopause, ovarian cyst, fibroids, polyps, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy in early pregnancy, after childbirth, cesarean section, delay, cauterization of erosion cervical

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Sometimes a woman's body there are failures in the urogenital system (due to illness, childbirth, abortion). According to the release characteristics can be distinguished by the normal monthly uterine bleeding.

The content of the article:

  • 1 When menses are the norm
  • 2 Uterine bleeding and menstruation: the main differences
  • 3 profluvium
    • 3.1 Color
    • 3.2 Smell
    • 3.3 Consistency
    • 3.4 duration
  • 4 What spotting are the norm and pathology in different states?
    • 4.1 climacteric
    • 4.2 Ovarian cyst
    • 4.3 Myoma
    • 4.4 polyps
    • 4.5 Miscarriage
    • 4.6 Ectopic pregnancy
    • 4.7 After childbirth
    • 4.8 After cesarean section
    • 4.9 After a delay of menstruation
    • 4.10 After cauterization of cervical erosion
  • 5 What to do in case of bleeding: First aid
  • 6 When you need to see a doctor?
  • 7 Video on how to distinguish between monthly bleeding from

When menses are the norm

Menstruation is considered normal if it occurs at regular intervals, usually 21-35 days. Their length is from 3 to 7 days. On the first day of release may be darker in color and scarce. Usually only dirty underwear, a day may be enough conventional sanitary napkin.

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Subsequent isolation 2-3 days of red (pink sometimes be due to the large amount of mucus), their volume ranges of 60-80 ml per day. They permissible content of mucus and blood clots. Normal discharge has a smell similar to fresh meat.

Bleeding can be enhanced when performing heavy physical work.

In recent days, the amount of bleeding is reduced. They become darker. On day may suffice panty liners. Mucus and blood clots for the first time and the last days are not marked. The menstrual period is considered normal blood loss in the range of 200-300 ml. When deviations in either direction, a reason to visit a gynecologist.

Uterine bleeding and menstruation: the main differences

Women need to know the basic differences between the discharge menstruation and uterine bleeding. This will help keep health and fertility.

How to distinguish from monthly bleeding during menopause, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, after childbirth, cesarean section, cauterization of erosion

Sometimes it helps to save lives (for example, if the bleeding caused by an ectopic pregnancy). Below, we consider, what the characteristics of excreta need to pay attention in the first place.


How to distinguish from monthly bleeding in the early stages, without the help of a gynecologist, it will be described. It can be distinguished by abundant selection. If the gasket is designed for heavy menstrual period, is filled within an hour and the amount of bleeding does not subside, the visit should not be delayed to the gynecologist. Profuse hemorrhage serious cause for concern.

It is worth to pay attention to too scanty menses, when a day missing one panty liners, and this is not the first nor the last day of the month. Often, young girls still do not have sexual intercourse, such bleeding can talk about oppression mucus hymen, and the main mass of blood accumulates in the vagina. It is dangerous to infertility and even death.


The color can also indicate a pathology. If the selection of red or brown in color, it means that normal menstruation occurs. If the color is red and does not change with the onset of menstruation, it may indicate the presence of disease.

How to distinguish from monthly bleeding during menopause, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, after childbirth, cesarean section, cauterization of erosion
How to distinguish from monthly bleeding? The color can show the difference.

Highlight the green color indicates the presence of pus. An urgent need to address to the gynecologist.


Pathology may issue and uncharacteristic odor that is present in secretions. Usually they have the smell of the meat with the blood. Bleeding associated with pathology, can take place without the presence of the fragrance, and perhaps the smell of rot, rotten or fermented fish.


When menstruation occurs normally, in addition to blood, mucus, and there clumps of viscous consistency of selection. When uterine bleeding, they may be without mucus and lumps. In appearance allocation of more liquid than at monthly, similar to a normal bleeding. Also, conversely, can be present more than necessary, mucus and blood clots.


How to distinguish from monthly bleeding, and to approximately determine the diagnosis, it is possible for the duration of the flow of menstruation. If separation started earlier or later than expected, and it took only 1-2 days, or on the contrary, more than last week, and do not stop, then it is a sign of pathology.

How to distinguish from monthly bleeding during menopause, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, after childbirth, cesarean section, cauterization of erosion

Menstruation lasts from 3 to 7 days.

What spotting are the norm and pathology in different states?

When there are deviations from the normal menstruation, it is recommended to consult a gynecologist, can not wait for the end of the discharge. Especially if they are abundant and their duration is more than a week. Below we considered pathological states accompanied by bleeding, and how they can be determined.


When women body all the eggs will be used, then it begins the menopause and the development of a complete cessation of menses. This usually occurs after the age of 45 years. During the 12 months in women may be present in normal bleeding.

How to distinguish from monthly bleeding during menopause, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, after childbirth, cesarean section, cauterization of erosion

This is due to the following factors:

  • the ovaries are still functioning, and updates the endometrial cells, but it occurs much more slowly. Therefore, bleeding may be at intervals of 2 months, and every time the gap will increase. Allocation may be normal (in terms of volume, color and length), and may become more scarce, and last only 2 days;
  • hormonal agents that woman can take to improve the state of health (in menopause is strongest hormonal changes that accompanied the deterioration of the general condition). They can provoke slight bleeding, as the impact on the renewal of the uterus cells. Flow isolation without any symptoms;
  • intimacy can cause bleeding. It may be scant, consist mainly of blood and stop yourself. In rare cases, you must appeal to the hospital, to stop the bleeding. This happens because of the thinning of the uterine wall, weakening blood vessels and vaginal dryness. If such bleeding are regular, you need a visit to the gynecologist. For treatment are appointed vitamins and hormones;
  • blood may appear after gynecological examination, causes of occurrence may be the same as that after sex;
  • bleeding may also be a side effect of medication. In this case, they are more scarce and terminated immediately after discontinuation of the drug.

The above allocation is not a cause for concern. Bleeding appeared over a large period of time after the end of the month, regardless of the nature of their course, may indicate the development of pathology. If before this there was no precipitating factors (for sex or examination by a gynecologist).

Ovarian cyst

How to distinguish from monthly bleeding is especially important to know when ovarian cysts. Since this tumor can degenerate into cancer. Cyst is formed mostly due to improper past ovulation. As a result, in the ovary matures vial with the liquid, which affects the flow of blood and may cause bleeding between the cycles.

How to distinguish from monthly bleeding during menopause, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, after childbirth, cesarean section, cauterization of erosion

A cyst is characterized by menstruation delayed by 3 days to a month.

Or may appear spotting a week before menses. Depending on what kind of cyst is formed (follicular, corpus luteum and endometrial). Secretions occur with pain in the abdomen (during normal menstruation severe pain is not marked).

When follicular cyst can be isolation between periods. They are subtle, pink or red. Usually they should stay only on toilet paper. Laying rarely needed. Sami monthly flow abundantly and are accompanied by severe pain.

When endometriotic cyst allocation start prior to menses and continuing after their closure. They are accompanied by discomfort and pain in the abdomen. Amount of bleeding a little, you can do daily strips. In color, they are dark red or brown.

When the corpus luteum cyst, periods occur with a delay, sometimes they are accompanied by the onset of symptoms pregnancy (swollen breasts, nausea, dizziness), which disappear within 2-3 days prior to the beginning menses. Isolation leak painful, but in terms of volume, color and texture do not differ from the usual monthly.


Fibroids is characterized by failure of the menstrual cycle. There is a delay, often bleeding are possible up to 3 times a month for up to 1-7 days and a break of 3-4 days. The very abundant menstruation and occurs with pain in the lower abdomen. There may be bleeding after sexual intimacy.

How to distinguish from monthly bleeding during menopause, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, after childbirth, cesarean section, cauterization of erosion

Allocation may be brown and red. In the period between periods possible occurrence of scarlet mucus. Increasing the number of clusters in the secretions. Abnormal color is characterized by the fact that the endometrium is unevenly developed in the uterus and leaves the parts. Also, the tumor may obstruct the normal outflow of the blood, which causes a delay, and the duration of bleeding.


In the formation of polyps may experience bleeding and changes in flow monthly. It is caused by the fact that the formation interfere with normal reproductive organs. Depending on where the polyp is changing the characteristic of bleeding.

When education is in the uterus, the following changes were observed:

  • an undergarment possible spotting between menstrual bleeding, pain may be present;
  • before the start of menstruation and after them there is scant bleeding, blood also celebrated and after intimacy;
  • menstruation itself flows abundantly with a lot of clots and pains;
  • due to irregular periods and constant spotting on underwear woman lost when there is a normal menstruation.
How to distinguish from monthly bleeding during menopause, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, after childbirth, cesarean section, cauterization of erosion

A different pattern of bleeding may occur if a polyp is located on the cervix:

  • small spotting between periods;
  • there is blood on the underwear after sex and performing heavy physical work.

Monthly become more liquid, without the characteristic viscosity resembles bleeding with clots. Blood loss is much greater than with a regular period. Color and odor characteristic changes were observed.


How to distinguish between monthly bleeding by yourself, if a woman is suspected miscarriage in early pregnancy, prompt the following features. Normally, when an abortion is a delay of 2-3 days. Then he starts bleeding red or scarlet.

At the beginning will be present dark blood clots. So goes the fertilized egg was cut off, it is usually removed parts, in rare cases, goes entirely.

How to distinguish from monthly bleeding during menopause, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, after childbirth, cesarean section, cauterization of erosion

Isolation accompanied by pain, until the egg comes out, it leaves the body, the pain stopped. If it can not completely quit, then bleeding is increased, and the pain increases. Then cleanse the uterus will require scraping.

Miscarriage differs from menstruation copious with 1 to 5-th day from the presence of large clot (darker than at monthly) and pain. After the release of all the lumps of blood bleeding starts to go down. For the duration can meet the normal period.

Ectopic pregnancy

If an ectopic pregnancy bleeding can begin on time estimated monthly, but the highlight will be darker and more scarce. Mucus and clots are usually absent. Isolation accompanied by pain in the abdomen, which is given in the rectum. Sometimes, the pain can be loss of consciousness. Such "periods" can be observed up to 2 months after the fertilization of the egg.

Bleeding can increase if there is a break of the fallopian tube (If the fertilized egg was attached to it). The cause of bleeding can serve eggs and exit if it could not normally be attached outside the uterine cavity (this is the ideal outcome of this current pregnancy).

After childbirth

Bleeding after childbirth is a normal reaction of the organism. Absence of bleeding suggests uterine occlusion. It must be cleared of residual material after delivery. Bleeding may be caused by damage to the uterine wall, until zarubtsuyutsya vessels, bleeding is reduced.

How to distinguish from monthly bleeding during menopause, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, after childbirth, cesarean section, cauterization of erosion

After birth, during the first week, and bleeding greater with the presence of clots.

Spin contain many red blood cells, however have a bright red color with a sweet smell (due to the presence of uterine secretion glands). They are accompanied by severe pain, similar to the contractions. Especially the pain increases during breastfeeding.

After 3-4 days of bleeding is reduced and a profusion of color changes. The discharge becomes a brown tinge and lighter. The smell becomes stale. If a woman does not breastfeed, the bleeding change occurs more slowly. Breast sucking child, there is uterine contractions and thereby blood residues leave the body quickly.

By the end of the first week of the amount of bleeding is reduced, odor is practically absent. Highlight color becomes yellow. The presence of secretions in the dark red clots (almost black) and odor, indicates the beginning of a pathology. You must immediately contact a gynecologist.

After cesarean section

Allocation after Caesarean section differ from those that occur after childbirth. Increased duration is considered normal duration of the discharge within 2 months.

How to distinguish from monthly bleeding during menopause, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, after childbirth, cesarean section, cauterization of erosion

In the first week the bleeding profuse (laying enough for a maximum of 2 hours). Color selections similar to menstruation (red) with a musty smell, there is the presence of clots, mucus (a natural birth, no mucus). After strenuous exercise and breastfeeding, bleeding increases.

Since the second 3-th week of isolation begin to darken and their number reduced. Odor is virtually nonexistent. By the fourth week, the discharge becomes very sparse and dark. By the eighth week terminated. If the discharge stopped before 6 weeks, or continued for the 10th week, you should go to the hospital, it is considered a deviation from the norm.

After a delay of menstruation

As distinguished from monthly bleeding and what it can be caused if there was a delay periods, it will be described hereinafter. If you start bleeding after a delay, you should first pay attention to the pain, if he and there is no monthly proceeds normally, then perhaps hormonal failure was in the body or is a consequence of the strong stress.

If the bleeding is more powerful and unnatural colors, there are a large amount of mucus and clots, even without pain, this indicates a disturbance in the body. Dangerous if accompanied by a selection unnatural odor.

The reason may be:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
    How to distinguish from monthly bleeding during menopause, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, after childbirth, cesarean section, cauterization of erosion
  • swelling;
  • cyst;
  • infectious diseases, sexually transmitted diseases;
  • miscarriage.

A similar phenomenon can talk about the beginning of menopause in women. This can happen in girls in the period of menstruation. First six months, irregular periods are normal, if there are no other symptoms. Failure may cause the monthly hormonal therapy. After its closure cycle is restored.

After cauterization of cervical erosion

Immediately after cauterization of severe bleeding should not be, if it is present, it means that the procedure was properly conducted and was damaged blood vessel. In this case, if the bleeding is severe, you need to go to the hospital.

For small bleeding vessel may heal on its own.

In the first week are clear discharge, with a small amount of blood veins. Further, before the end of the second week, the volume increases, and changes color to red, there may be clots. Thus manifested pieces crust that forms on the wound, resulting from treatments. She eventually departs, as wound healing.

How to distinguish from monthly bleeding during menopause, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, after childbirth, cesarean section, cauterization of erosion

In the 3rd week of the discharge becomes thick and only stain the linen, it is advisable to wear panty liners. The color becomes almost brown. The smell of excreta, at all stages, is virtually nonexistent. The recovery process takes an average of 21 days.

The presence of an abnormal smell or increased bleeding, can talk about getting infections or rupture of the vessel. In this case, we need help gynecologist. Self-treatment may aggravate the situation. On the recovery period it is necessary to comply with sexual rest.

What to do in case of bleeding: First aid

If there was a sudden uterine bleeding, it is recommended to consult a gynecologist. If bleeding is profuse, it is necessary to the patient to provide first aid before the arrival of emergency services.

How to distinguish from monthly bleeding during menopause, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, after childbirth, cesarean section, cauterization of erosion

To do this, hold a series of procedures:

What should be done How to carry out the procedure What it does: What not to do
Take the prone position To take the position, lying on his back, feet should be above your head, you can put a pillow In this position, blood will depart from the organs located in the lower abdomen, thus reducing blood loss. Canceled all conditions, especially heavy.
Cool underbelly It needs to make a vessel with cold water on the abdomen of not more than 11 minutes. Then after 1-1.1 hours of the procedure is repeated Cooling reduces the blood flow rate through the vessels, thus reducing blood loss Swim in the pool, take a hot bath, go to the sauna
Drink The patient need to drink water with sugar, is perfect in this case, a decoction of rose hips Replenish lost fluids from the body, glucose is needed to restore power Drink alcohol, they will only reinforce the bleeding
Medications Take the pill with a hemostatic effect and vitamins Supplementation accelerate hemostasis, vitamins to make up the loss of the body and strengthen the immune system Do not take medicines without the prescription of a gynecologist and a therapist.

During rendered first aid measures will help avoid severe blood loss. If a woman is pregnant, it will help to continue the pregnancy. Especially do not ignore severe bleeding and alone to get to the hospital. Be sure to call an ambulance.

When you need to see a doctor?

Not every time bleeding should immediately go to the hospital. Sometimes bleeding it can be caused by a malfunction in the body. To do this, a woman needs to know in what situation should go to the hospital immediately, but when you can just visit a gynecologist.

Emergency call:

  • if bleeding is profuse, and the woman's condition deteriorates before our eyes;
  • there are a lot of pain and lightheadedness;
  • fever with vomiting;
    How to distinguish from monthly bleeding during menopause, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, after childbirth, cesarean section, cauterization of erosion
  • a sharp decline in pressure, rapid pulse.

In these cases, the patient alone to get to the hospital can not, and delaying aid specialist can lead to death.

Access to a doctor:

  • change in menstrual cycle;
  • spotting appeared between periods;
  • allocation changed its color (become darker, with green or black shade);
  • changed odor (fish, or sour rot);
  • there is a large amount of mucus and clots;
  • unusual severe pain during menstruation;
  • amount of precipitates increased or decreased compared to the previous menstruation;
  • display of the first signs of anemia (can be detected by a blood test);
    How to distinguish from monthly bleeding during menopause, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, after childbirth, cesarean section, cauterization of erosion
  • pain during sex, and appearance after blood;
  • changed frequency emissions. Start delayed and last for a long time, or vice versa, quickly come to an end.

Especially recommended for specialist advice if these symptoms appeared after an abortion, childbirth, cauterization of erosion. It may have started as a result of side effects the doctor inexperience or lack of hygiene woman measures.

How to distinguish from monthly bleeding, discussed above, the main thing you need to monitor the condition of the body, with deviations not put off a visit to the doctor and follow all instructions during the treatment.

Author of the article: Svetlana Kotlyachkova

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

Video on how to distinguish between monthly bleeding from

Doctor's advice, how to distinguish between bleeding from menstruation:

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