Procedures And Tests

Analysis of C-reactive protein: indications, interpretation of the results

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Synonyms: C-reactive protein, CRP, of CRP

C-reactive protein - a blood component which provides the primary reaction to injury and inflammation of tissues. This protein is fast phase, it only stimulates the immune response to the disease process. Therefore, CRP is usually not detected in healthy human blood.

Analysis of blood CRP allows to establish the presence of disease and to determine the stage and severity of its course. Also, according to the results of this study, experts estimate the effectiveness of the prescribed course therapy, allowing (in the absence of positive dynamics) to change the scheme in a timely manner treatment.


CRP is produced immediately after the injury occurred in liver cells (hepatocytes), provoking factors which may be bacteria, fungi, antigens, various immune complexes and so on.

The level of C-reactive protein depends on the type, shape (acute and chronic), stage and disease activity. After the first 4-6 hours after cell damage begins active synthesis of CRP, and a day later, its density increases exponentially.

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For early diagnosis of the disease and timely administration of the treatment after a few days, the analysis shows reduction in the concentration of CRP. Fully index is reset only after 1-2 weeks after initiation of conservative therapy.

Chronic pathology characterized by undulating the flow, respectively, and will DRR increase in acute and self decline during remission (clinical stihanie symptoms).

Biochemical analysis of blood with CRP values ​​to distinguish a bacterial disease of viral, fungal or parasitic. It is known that the viral disease CRP increases not much, but it can increase several times in the case of a bacterial infection. Also high concentrations of C-reactive protein level may indicate a malignancy, injury or necrosis (death of) tissues.

An important role in the CRP analysis plays in the diagnosis of atherosclerosis. If the level of protein in the plasma increases, then we can talk about the pathology of the vascular walls and the beginning of the inflammatory process. General diagnosis will reveal what exactly the disease develops: a stroke or heart attack, coronary artery disease, hypertension, atherosclerosis, etc.

In newborn liver function is insufficient, so the level of C-reactive protein can not be increased even at acute inflammation and sepsis (blood infection). Antibiotic treatment of infants should start at excess CRP concentration greater than 12 mg / l.


the determination of C-reactive protein may hold the direction immunologist, infectious disease specialist, internist, pediatrician or general practitioner.

  • Prof. inspections of social care workers.
  • Comprehensive survey of people in older age groups.
  • Analysis of the state of the cardiovascular system after coronary bypass surgery.
  • Monitoring the effectiveness of treatment of cardiovascular pathologies.
  • Monitoring the status of patients after angioplasty (operation to restore the lumen of blood vessels).
  • Differential diagnosis of inflammatory, bacterial, viral, fungal, parasitic and infectious diseases.
  • Monitoring the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy.
  • Therapy control of chronic diseases, relapse prevention.
  • Diagnosis and treatment of cancer patients.
  • risk assessment of cardiovascular pathologies in diabetics and patients with atherosclerosis and undergoing hemodialysis.
  • Control the treatment of cardiovascular disease with statins and aspirin.

The rate for C-reactive protein

  • Normally, the CRP concentration in a healthy individual ranges of 0-5 mg / l.

The following values ​​can be used to assess the risk of developing cardiovascular pathologies:

The likelihood of developing

CRP, mg / l

low less than 1
Central 1-3
high 3-10
Dangerous (requires re-examination at the CRP and the appointment of additional diagnostic procedures) more than 10

interpretation of results

Normally, in healthy human blood C-reactive protein is non-existent or in very small concentrations.

Excess SRB norm may indicate the following pathologies:

  • bacterial diseases in an acute form (neonatal sepsis, tuberculosis);
  • meningitis (inflammation of the soft tissues around the brain);
  • postoperative complications (wound infection, sepsis);
  • neutropenia (Decrease in blood neutrophil concentration);
  • tissue damage resulting from trauma, surgery, burns;
  • acute myocardial infarction;
  • malignant process in the body with metastasis;
  • hypertensive crisis (A sharp increase in pressure to the individual high numbers);
  • diabetes (Increased blood glucose);
  • hormonal failure (elevated levels of the hormones estrogen or progesterone);
  • systemic rheumatic disease;
  • atherogenic dyslipidemia (reduced concentration of "normal" with increasing cholesterol triglycerides);
  • chronic cardiovascular disease (coronary heart disease, angina);
  • recurrence of infectious and inflammatory processes;
  • rejection of a transplanted graft reaction;
  • Secondary amyloidosis (impaired protein metabolism).

Note that the concentration of C-reactive protein for various diseases is significantly different.

  • Viral pathologies, metastatic cancer (4th stage), and rheumatic diseases smoldering protein level can be moderately increased - up to 30 mg / l;
  • With chronic relapsing inflammatory diseases, bacterial infection, acute myocardial infarction concentration of C-reactive protein may be in the range 40-100 mg / l. The same values ​​are observed in patients in the postoperative period;
  • Generalized infections extensive area burns, sepsis and other life-threatening human health and status may give extremely high values ​​- over 300 mg / l;

Increased concentration of CRP in healthy individuals in the absence of clinical symptoms and complaints could indicate cancer development.

Preparation for analysis

The material for the study is the venous blood. Fence biomaterial made by venipuncture strictly on an empty stomach in the morning (the last meal should be carried out at least 8-10 hours before the procedure).

The rest of the training requirements are standard for all similar procedures.


  • mandatory compliance with a diet that excludes eating spicy, fatty, fried, smoked foods and alcoholic / soft drinks;
  • strict ban on:
    • Any physical and emotional overload;
    • overheating and supercooling organism.

On the day of the procedure (in the morning and before the blood sampling):

  • you can not take any medicines, tea / coffee, juice, etc. By the use is permitted only pure non-carbonated water;
  • can not drink alcohol and energy, as well as smoking and nikotinozamenitelyami.

Additional conditions:

  • blood test administered prior to drug therapy, or 2 weeks after the cancellation / end;
  • venipuncture is performed to other designated survey (ultrasound, X-ray, fluoroscopy, etc).

Other assays rheumatological screening

  • ASL-D (anti-streptolysin-O)
  • ANA (antinuclear antibodies, ELISA)
  • RF (rheumatoid factor)
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