
Bananas for gastritis: erosive, ulcers, can we have, with high acidity of the stomach

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Can I eat bananas for gastritis? It is known that this disease should eat foods that do not irritate the mucous membrane. Therefore, patients are often the question arises, what foods can be eaten, and what - no. Some fruits can increase the acidity in the stomach and aggravate others, on the contrary, can help protect the stomach from aggressive irritating foods.

Bananas for gastritis

The influence of the banana on gastric mucosa

Is it possible to bananas for gastritis? This fruit has a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and has a number of valuable qualities, namely:

  • potassium, contained in fruits, normalizes acidity level;
  • banana capable of replacing pathogenic (harmful) useful microflora;
  • high content of vitamins C and E helps reduce inflammation of the stomach wall;
  • Vitamin B helps to normalize the metabolism;
  • Magnesium is able to normalize the production of enzymes that are responsible for the digestion and absorption of food.

Given the positive impact of these fruits to the mucosa, and even allow doctors recommend that patients eat this fruit.

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Since this disease can be different forms, people are often the question arises whether or not you can eat bananas for gastritis with low or high acidity?

Gastritis with high acidity gastroenterologists are advised to eat fruit before meals, so they contribute to the production of mucus, which over time will protect the mucosa from irritation. The patient also should be noted that elevated levels of acidity of a large number of bananas, used in food, can cause abdominal discomfort. Therefore, with this kind of disease it makes sense to limit the number of consumed fruits.

Gastritis with low acidity level is also possible to eat bananas. But it is necessary in this case to chew them thoroughly. With this variety of the disease, they help to restore the stomach, normalize the bowels. At a low level of acidity it is recommended to eat overripe fruit, as they are better digested.

Ulcerative lesions of the gastric mucosa are often caused by pathogenic bacteria. Bananas are able to deal with these bacteria and to improve the protection of the gastric mucosa.

When erosive gastritis patients were administered a strict diet, which prohibits use almost all fruits. The exception is the banana, as it helps to heal erosions and restore microflora.

Terms of use of fruit in gastritis and peptic ulcer disease

To use banana did not lead to discomfort or pain in the abdomen is necessary to adhere to certain rules of their use. Primarily, because of the large amounts of carbohydrates these fruits may cause patient flatulence and interfere with the normal flow of bile from the liver. In this case, you need to reduce the intake of fruits, do not eat them before eating and do not drink water.

It is not recommended to combine them with dairy products, as this may cause indigestion.

Gastritis can eat ripe fruit, doctors advise to eat green vegetables, because they contain a large amount of insoluble starch. It is better to give them to mature, during which time the starch turns into sugar.

Another rule - be sure to thoroughly wash fruits before eating. To increase the shelf life of treated peel is extremely toxic chemicals.

Try not to eat bananas after eating, as almost all foods are digested in the stomach for longer than two hours, During this time the fruit can start to ferment directly in the stomach, increasing the thus flatulence and manifestations gastritis. Eat fruits need at least a couple of hours after ingestion. Choose nekormovye grade (less than its size and thinner skin, the better).

Who should not eat bananas for gastritis

Contraindications in taking this fruit in gastritis is almost there. The main manifestation in which you need to stop eating bananas - is flatulence or bloating.

You should also limit the intake of this fruit for people suffering from diabetes.

Eating fruits correctly, the patient can significantly reduce the effects of the disease, to accelerate the process healing and restoring the inner surface of the stomach, to normalize the process of digestion.

What is the banana diet

In addition to the simple expedient of fruit to eat, there are banana diet, which can get rid of excess weight in gastritis and ulcer, without prejudice to the stomach and other digestive organs. This can be a mono-diet for three days, during which the use is permitted only bananas and non-carbonated water. Or milk-banana diet, which includes fruits other than low-fat yogurt or yogurt.

Can I eat bananas for gastritis? The main condition for the banana diet acted favorably on the body, it is a gradual way out of it. After the diet in the first week, try to introduce products into the diet gradually, not overeating. This will help the body to gradually return to normal diet and benefit. If you have gastritis, bananas - a good way to reduce weight without harm to the body.

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