
Coffee with gastritis: milk, chicory, cocoa, with high acidity

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Many patients wonder if coffee for gastritis? Gastritis - is one of the most common diseases of the stomach, characterized by the presence of inflammatory process, followed by a change of pH in the body, which together gradually lead to disruption of its functions.

Benefits and harms of caffeine

Depending on the flow rate of disease, gastritis is acute (apparent within a few hours or days under influence of an external stimulus - bacteria, chemicals, etc.) and chronic (occurs due to poor treatment, of recurrence).

Is it permissible to coffee for gastritis

Gastritis or gastric ulcer disease gastroenterologist addition to medical treatment prescribes diet, whose form depends on the stage of the disease. Great influence on the choice of products has the acidity in gastritis.

Is it possible for gastritis replace components of the diet? It is important to remember that a positive result occurs only if the strict implementation of all the recommendations on the use of food.
patients are often interested in whether you can drink coffee with gastritis.

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The unequivocal answer from doctors gastroenterologists to this question does not exist. Someone thinks that absolutely can not drink this beverage in food because of the content in it of essential oils and other components, destroying mucosa, while others argue that gastritis and coffee are compatible, the main thing - to follow a few important rules, but it is necessary to know what the acidity in Rights:

  1. It is advisable to drink coffee with milk in gastritis with low acidity, but no more than 2 cups a day.
  2. Gastritis with high acidity need to completely abandon the drink or drinking low concentration option, diluted milk, 1 cup of coffee per day.
  3. It is desirable to use ground coffee beans without adding any flavorings or flavors, prepared in a coffee machine with a disposable filter bags or boiled in Turk.
  4. It is strictly forbidden to drink it before meals, as this leads to erosion of the stomach wall, immediately after eating it is also better not to do, because it can lead to indigestion and malfunction gut. The optimum time to drink a drink - an hour after eating.
  5. It is undesirable to drink a hot drink, it is necessary to cool and drink in the form of heat.
  6. The acute phase of the disease require the total elimination of coffee from the diet.

Adhering to these simple rules, you can drink coffee. But it is worth remembering that even if there were some signs under the conditions specified above, such as pain in the stomach, heartburn, nausea, you should immediately discontinue use of this product. The acidity in gastritis plays an important role in the selection of drinks.

After 2 weeks, you need to check your body's response to the reception of drink. If stomach ache, nausea or heartburn, you should refuse to accept it, in the absence of unpleasant symptoms take it permitted, important not to abuse it. The allowable amount of coffee, which can take a person suffering from gastrointestinal diseases, with minimal impact on health, it is 1-2 cups a day. It does not cause irritation and the body wall will not affect the patient's health.

Patients interested in how to find out whether it is possible to drink chicory gastritis. It is worth considering what to replace coffee. This may be a coffee beverage from the chicory root. The plant is composed of pectin, which improves the functioning of the digestive system, it restores the damaged structure of mucous, increases the production of gastric juice. The drink is permitted only with reduced gastric acidity.

The answer to the question, is it permissible to use whether chicory gastritis, yes, but only if the acidity of the stomach is not increased. But to get involved in the coffee beverage is not necessary.

if patients are allowed to drink cocoa

Can I drink the cocoa with gastritis stomach? Eating this chocolate drink, you can immediately replace the 2 products that can not be taken for gastritis and ulcer - coffee and chocolate. Brew cocoa best milk. This beverage contains much protein, useful for inflamed gastric mucosa. For the preparation of natural cocoa powder is taken which does not contain fragrances, dyes or other chemical components.

Cocoa drink useful for patients with low acidity, while the beverage has a therapeutic effect.

The answer to the question whether the cocoa can be gastritis - possible. Just keep in mind that before the use of cocoa and chicory is necessary to determine whether these beverages accept stomach. To do this, try to drink a small amount of drink and see if gastric acidity balance is not disturbed, and the body does not produce any adverse reactions, it is allowed to safely use cocoa in the food, the main thing - no more than 2 cups day.

Drink coffee or not gastritis, each patient decides independently, but after consulting gastroenterologist. If you adhere to the above rules, the coffee can be used for gastritis, but if you want to get rid of this disease, it is better to replace the coffee for less harmful chicory and cocoa. Coffee substitute must be made from natural ingredients that do not harm the inflamed mucosa of the stomach. The acidity of the stomach must be under control.

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