
Removal of the pancreas in humans: consequences and life after resection

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1 Note to patients

Answers to these questions are not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Knowing the basics of the physiology of the human body, one can understand the functional and structure of the organ that ensures the normal existence of the organism. Many may think that removing the pancreas is equivalent to removing the gallbladder, but it's not so simple.

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Can I live without the pancreas? More likely no than yes. The fact is that it provides the body with the necessary set of enzymes that allow it to fully digest food that first enters the oral cavity. In the case come salivary enzymes, splitting starches to the state of large polysaccharides. In this case, only starches are considered.

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  • After that, gastric juice, which includes pepsin, begins to break down proteins to simpler compounds - oligopeptides. Half-digested food moves towards the duodenum, where amylase( a component of gastric juice) enters the work. Polysaccharides begin to disintegrate to the state of oligosaccharides, while protein residues are exposed to protease( the enzyme of the pancreatic juice) and are "converted" into amino acids and peptides that are absorbed by the body fully.

    When lipids are cleaved, lipase acts on them, bringing them to the state of fatty acids and glycerin. One should understand that the main role of the organ is the splitting of more complex compounds to simpler ones, due to the active action of enzymes.

    Only so food can be digested, and all nutrients are absorbed into the intestinal cavity. If you remove the pancreas, what will act as the main "splitter"?In the case of the loss of any link from the chain of digestion, the consequences can be catastrophic: the intestine simply can not absorb some of the nutrients coming to it.

    And this is only one of the reasons why a person can not normally exist without a pancreas. The second reason, which should not be forgotten, is the production of insulin. This hormone makes the elementary particles of consumed food permeable, that is, it is easier for them to penetrate into any cells through the membrane. The life of such a patient will be difficult.

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    It should be noted that insulin is needed not only to assimilate incoming glucose and maintain a certain level of sugar in the blood, but also to increase the permeability of the compounds.

    Is the pancreas removed? Summarizing a little, one can say that life without a pancreas will be extremely difficult, as the processes of digestion and absorption will be violated. Live without a gallbladder is quite possible, which can not be said about the pancreas. Modern medicine is constantly evolving, and therefore there is a large number of techniques aimed at reducing health damage, be it a pancreas resection or its removal.

    2 How does the recovery period go?

    Removal of the gland involves a recovery period, which should be observed in detail. The prognosis after the operative intervention is not always unambiguous, because there are a number of specific complications, which include:

    • bleeding;
    • lesion of nervous tissue or vessels located at the site of attachment of the gland;
    • is a progressive infection;
    • pancreatitis, developing against a background of removal.

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    The above complications pose a major threat in the early days of recovery. There is a big risk that in the postoperative period the body will experience a constant shortage of enzymes and insulin. In this case, a person switches to substitution therapy, which will include enzyme preparations and insulin / glucagon.

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    The first few days after the operative intervention, nutrition will be carried out through the introduction of drugs adapted for venous administration. They will contain all the necessary components: proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It is difficult to overestimate their role, when the life of the patient is changing dramatically.

    During the first three days, water enters the body exclusively through the vein. Patients are allowed a small portion of still water, which should be drunk in small sips. The volume should not exceed 1 liter.

    On the fourth day in the diet can be added a small amount of breadcrumbs from white bread and tea without sugar. This is how all patients live in the first days after the operation.

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    It should be noted that the recovery process will take an extended period of time, but provided that all the prescriptions of the doctor are observed, the forecast is favorable. Knowing that the pancreas will be removed, the patient should prepare for daily portions of prescribed medications and insulin injections.

    Each organism has its own individual characteristics, and therefore the recovery processes will take place in different ways. Over time, the patient will experience discomfort and pain, which can be minimized through the use of anesthetics. In order to reduce the consequences of the intervention, the patient must be surrounded by the support of relatives and relatives.


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    3 The right diet

    When talking about a strict diet, many do not understand the seriousness of what is happening. The fact is that compliance with strict rules in nutrition is simply necessary to stabilize the condition. Doctors, as a rule, do not give patients any food in the first days after resection. Patients should starve.

    As stated earlier, a person can drink a small amount of still water, without violating the daily rate - 1 liter. It can not be drunk at a time, but proportionally divided for the whole day. In a few days it becomes a little easier, because in the diet there are dishes with a minimum caloric content: omelet made from proteins, steamed, buckwheat or rice porridge( on the water).

    Picture 4

    Within a week the patient can eat a small portion of bread and low-fat cottage cheese. At this stage, we should not forget about the benefits of vegetable soups. All ingredients entering the stomach must be pre-ground. This will simplify the work of the stomach, reducing the amount of enzymes necessary for the cleavage.

    The main principle of the diet is the maximum proportion of protein dishes with minimal or total absence of fat and carbohydrates.

    The patient should reduce the amount of salt consumed( up to 10 g) and spices, refuse to consume sugar, as well as the products in which they are included.

    In the postoperative period the daily ration is divided into 5-6 receptions and the size of each dish should be small. Each piece should be chewed slowly and thoroughly. We must not forget that food should contain not only proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but also useful vitamins and minerals. For these purposes, you can use pharmacy products. We must not forget about the observance of the drinking regime. The daily rate will be at least 1.5-2 liters.

    The patient should prepare for a complete rejection of all bad habits. The rest of life( after the operation), it will be necessary to limit ourselves in many respects. From the diet must go different soda, sweet and flour products, as well as fatty and fried foods.

    The key to rapid recovery is compliance with all prescriptions of the doctor. The patient must understand the seriousness of his condition. It is best to follow a simple diet and not abuse harmful food, so that later you do not have to lose pancreas.

    Contents of
    • 1 Note to patients
    • 2 How does the recovery period go?
    • 3 The Right Diet

    Pancreas removal and effects after life are of interest to many patients. Is it possible to live fully without a designated organ? What features of the state can be designated? Is the pancreas completely removed?

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