
Why swells hand after stroke: paralyzed, what to do, leg treatment, edema, limbs, swollen

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The exact answer to the question why swells hand after a stroke, can not be given. The symptom is caused by many reasons, to identify where additional testing. Occurrence of swelling can be triggered by prolonged stay in a supine position. At the same time, this feature may indicate the presence of dangerous poststroke complications.

swelling of the hands

Why swollen limbs

Occurrence of edema arms or legs after stroke contribute to the following reasons:

  1. sexual cava syndrome. Together with the upper limb swollen cervical and thoracic region, face and tongue. The skin becomes cyanotic affected areas. The patient is disturbed hearing and vision, headaches, speech problems and nosebleeds.
  2. vascular lesions. After stroke, coupled with paralysis, increased vascular permeability of the walls is observed. The liquid penetrates into the extracellular space, because of which there is a characteristic swelling. The skin is stretched and thinned, join purulent infection.
  3. Compression of the subclavian vessels. State develops on the background of the prolonged absence of physical activity. Swelling has a low degree of severity, it develops slowly. Discomfort in the affected area does not appear. Blood circulation is disrupted, due to which the skin of the neck and the face becomes cyanotic.
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  4. Subclavian vein thrombosis. Pathology caused by almost the same cause as that of a stroke - overlapping lumens of large vessels. Swelling of the upper limbs accompanied by signs of cerebral circulatory disorders - dizziness, speech disturbance, vision problems.
  5. The stagnation of lymph, inflammatory diseases of the lymphatic system. For this reason, often swells paralyzed leg after a stroke. Lymph stagnation caused by prolonged immobilization of a limb, which is paralyzed. Swelling accompanied by fever, muscle weakness, skin redness of the affected limb. Palpation appear pain.
  6. Changing weather conditions. The body had undergone human stroke becomes sensitive to the slightest changes in the environment. Swelling is a negative reaction to such stimuli. The most pronounced symptom is manifested in the evening.
  7. The use of drugs. limb swelling may occur upon administration of thrombolytics, vasodilators and nootropics.
  8. Impairment of the function of the heart muscle. It is considered a common complication of stroke that causes swelling of the hands and feet.
The stagnation of lymph

What to do

When limb swelling after a stroke can help:

  1. Proper care of the sick. Paralyzed arm should not always lie in the same place. It needs to be a regular shift and develop. Limb should be fully supported on the bed and not hanging from it. His hand is raised periodically, laying on a pillow or cushion and providing a comfortable position.
  2. Performing special exercises. Classes restore blood circulation, eliminate swelling paralyzed arm after a stroke. If the patient can move and be awake, he should sit down, get up, walk slowly and perform the exercises prescribed by your doctor. When complete paralysis of exercises carried out with the help of family members or health care workers.
  3. Massage. It improves blood flow, improves muscle tone. Should be performed daily. The first classes are held under the supervision of an instructor. In the future, a massage can make the patient's relatives.
  4. Medication. In ischemic stroke are assigned antiplatelet agents (aspirin), restoring vascular patency. Diuretics derive excess liquid, reducing the intensity of edema.

The above methods is combined with the use of compression stockings, ensuring uniform stress on tissues and vessels.

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