
Coffee with pancreatitis: Is it possible to drink milk, the effect on the stomach, the harm and benefit

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pancreatic treatment requires adherence to the diet, especially in the period of acute illness. Can one coffee at a pancreatitis, always tell the attending physician.

Coffee in inflammation of the pancreas

The benefits and the dangers of this product for a long time there have been discussions, it is believed that people suffering from pancreatitis, this drink is contraindicated. This is true, but in some cases there are exceptions. Required to consider this issue in more detail.

The harm of coffee for pancreatitis

Influence of coffee on the pancreas during her fevered state unequivocally negative. Since the product contains chlorogenic acid, these substances irritate the mucous membranes, complicating the inflammatory process. In addition, the pancreas itself and adversely affects caffeine. He not only excites the nervous system, but also activates digestion.

The impact of invigorating drink in the gastrointestinal tract results in increased secretion of gastric juice, and then - the pancreas. This leads to the emergence of a human pain, heartburn, nausea.

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Strong black coffee, drunk on an empty stomach, adversely affect the state of the sick person even when there is no exacerbation of disease, and may even provoke an attack of pancreatitis.

Fragrant beans prevent the absorption of certain vitamins and nutrients, which is undesirable for pancreatitis, as food must be balanced in this disease.

In general, the use of coffee drinks does not lead to the development of this disease, but people with chronic caffeine is contraindicated in pathology: it impedes the recovery process of the pancreas after undergoing acute form.

But in some cases, refreshing drink is allowed to drink only with certain restrictions.

When allowed to drink

So, those who have suffered an acute form of pancreatitis, it is forbidden to consume caffeine drinks. But can you drink coffee with pancreatitis in a state of remission established? In this case, it allowed to use the weak invigorating drink heavily diluted milk, and choose the best natural products. To not inflamed pancreas, pancreatitis can be used a limited number of products. Drinking coffee with milk pancreatitis allowed no more than 200 ml per day after meals dense. Optimal time - 30-60 minutes after eating.

It should also be remembered that the daily dose should be determined individually.

Even with long-term remission before drinking coffee, it is necessary to consult a gastroenterologist. It is forbidden to consume this drink on an empty stomach or before meals.

Under the influence of an invigorating drink gets not only the pancreas but also other organs. It should be noted that it is not advisable to prepare the product of the soluble granule, because the production in composition can enter the chemical elements that violate the pancreas cells and organs GIT. For example, the negative effect of coffee on the liver is manifested as cell dysfunction that can lead to the development of various pathologies.

In the case when a person is very dependent on the beverage of vivacity, you can try to replace it with a product on the based on chicory, which is allowed to use in pancreatitis, but also during acute disease. Drink even chicory only in good health. In any case, do not violate medical diet without further consultation with the attending physician.

Thus, to understand the effect of coffee on the pancreas, it can be concluded that it is better not to include in the diet beverage of vivacity. The decision is taken individually, and to understand, you can drink coffee or not, in every case it is recommended to consult a specialist.

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