
The third stroke: predictions and odds are 3 signs, extent, rehabilitation

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In fact, what will be after the third stroke predictions and odds are affected by a number of factors: the type of hemorrhage, age of the patient, presence of chronic diseases, the localization of the lesion, the rate of medical help.

Stroke a third time


At the third stroke, the consequences are more complex than in previous bouts of acute stroke. After the first stroke, there is a high chance that the person will recover lost functions; after the second violation remain, but they can be adapted to everyday life; Complications of the third stroke often lead to a significant reduction in the quality of human life.

In most cases, a disability occurs in this situation. There is a high risk of death, especially when hemorrhagic stroke. The greater the age of the patient, the higher the risk that a violation will result in death.

Effects that often occur when the patient suffered a third stroke:

  • Disturbances in the motor system. There is a probability of complete paralysis. In this state, a person is not capable to satisfy the most basic needs. Sometimes there is a need for artificial feeding.
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  • There are speech disorders - a person may speak indistinctly not pronounce some sounds. There may be difficulties with the formulation of proposals. it may be meaningless in case of violation of intellectual functions. If you have problems with speech, death often occurs due to the fact that the patient could not call for help others.
  • Often reduced mental capacity, there are violations of mental activity. There may be personality disorders. When damaged parts of the brain responsible for memory, some memories are lost.
  • Coma is a common complication in this case required hospitalization.
Disturbances in the motor system

Patients may not be a problem with consciousness, but violations of conversational and motor functions makes it difficult or impossible to communicate with others.

The symptoms that occur after a stroke suffered by the third time, in most cases make it impossible for independent living. To sustain the patient needs medical care nurse or care of relatives.

Due to the severity of the impact, which is repeated violation of cerebral circulation, it is important for First signs of stroke call an ambulance.


In a situation where there was the third stroke, the prognosis for each patient is an individual. It depends on a combination of factors. People who have suffered a stroke three times, there is a possibility of death, which is particularly high in the first 2-5 days after the attack. If death has not occurred, the person waits for long-term treatment and subsequent rehabilitation. Often people lose their skills, without which it can not serve themselves.

From what the prognosis depends

When physicians estimate the chances of recovery and predict the condition of patients who underwent the third stroke, they are repelled from these data:

  • the patient's age;
  • type of cerebrovascular accident;
  • gravity of the breach;
  • focus location of brain lesions;
  • blood biochemistry;
  • blood pressure;
  • patient body temperature.
Blood biochemistry

Based on this information, the doctor can understand, with what face complications and help the patient if remediation measures to restore lost function.

early forecast

Earlier prediction helps the doctor to appoint the most appropriate treatment to the patient. The forecast is more favorable to the patients at a young age. The absence of other diseases increases the chances of recovery. If not strong severity of neurological symptoms better chance of rehabilitation of the patient.

If a person lives alone and has present mental disorders (eg, depression), the chances of recovery are reduced functions. When providing medical care of patients after the third stroke, for 2-5 hours more favorable prognosis.

late prognosis

A month later, the doctor based on the patient's condition makes a new forecast. He estimates the degree of violation of functions of speech and vision. An important factor is that the mood is patient.

If the observed improvement of the patient skills, the likelihood of further recovery higher. Paralysis and impaired consciousness poor prognosis.


In order to restore the patient was more effective at carrying out rehabilitation measures it is important to comply with regularity. To return the lost functions may need help of a physiotherapist and a speech therapist. Improve motor skills may Therapeutic exercises.

It is important to monitor the mental state of the person. Patients who have suffered a third stroke have a high risk of post-stroke depression. It should not be allowed because people with depression worse amenable to rehabilitation, and have a higher risk of death than patients without mental disorders.

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