
Stroke Treatment folk remedies: the most effective, rehabilitation, brain, grass

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Treatment of stroke folk remedies can be applied as adjuvant therapy. Abandon doctors prescribe medications, treatments can not: it can harm the patient, slow down the recovery process, cause complications. It is recommended to consult a doctor before using folk methods.

Stroke in the head


Used decoctions and infusions of medicinal plants for recovery after a stroke. Perhaps the use of inside, use for grinding and medicinal baths.

One of the most effective tools is the infusion dioskrei caucasian. This medicinal herb stroke helps to speed up recovery. For the preparation of natural drug should take 100 g of fresh or dry raw material, 0.5 L of vodka. The grass is cut, filled with alcohol. Then the container must be removed from the workpiece 10 days in a dry place at room temperature. Then tincture is necessary to drain and refill the vodka so much to fill the bottle of 0.5 liter entirely. Drink within a month 1 time a day for 1 hour. l., adding means any liquid.

To get rid of the complications arising due to bleeding in the brain, is used celandine. Use this plant is necessary cautiously, observing the dosage, because it is toxic in large quantities is dangerous to health. Broth celandine should be taken within one month 3 times a day. The dosage is gradually increased from 0.5 tsp 2 tablespoons To prepare to take 1 tbsp raw sugar and 1 cup of boiled water, for ¼ hour, then strain, pressing the grass.

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Herbs for the treatment of

A decoction of juniper helps to rubbing. Leaves need to grind and boil in previously adjusted to boiling water for 15 minutes. Then you need to infuse for 2-3 hours of a liquid. Required to filter, carefully pressing the raw material. Store the drug should be refrigerated, the recommended temperature - 4-6 degrees.

Effective decoction of pine needles and lemon. For the manufacture of the natural product is required to take half a lemon of medium size. From it, remove the stones. Peel off the peel. Chop the flesh. Of Softwood branches manufacture broth: 2 tablespoons minced raw boil in a beaker of boiling water for 30 minutes. After that, add in the chopped lemon liquid. The mixture infuse for 2-3 hours. Eat at half cup 2 times a day before meals for half an hour.

Paralysis of upper and lower limbs helps thyme. 50 g of dried raw material is poured 100 ml of alcohol and allowed to stand for 2 weeks in a dark place. This infusion is used for rubbing the affected hands and feet.

Well to herbal. For its preparation must take on 100 g of camomile flowers, caraway, Hypericum and birch buds. The components are mixed until uniform. 1 tablespoon Pour mixture 1 cup boiling water, then added another 300 g of water at room temperature and brought to the boiling liquid. Drink warm broth, add to it 1 tsp honey. Serving a glass for 20 minutes before the morning meal and 1-2 hours after dinner. Drink every day, until the collection is complete. Repeat 1 therapy can semiannually.


To get rid of sleep disorders, to improve the cardiovascular system, use tincture zheltushnik gray. 1 tsp leaves need to brew 1 cup of boiling water and infuse for 30-40 minutes. Should drink three times a day for 1 tablespoon

Hydrogen peroxide

In folk remedies stroke treatment is carried out in many ways, one of which is the use of hydrogen peroxide. Means a low incidence of adverse reactions, almost no contraindications: The only situation where it is not desirable to use, is an idiosyncrasy.

Hydrogen peroxide

It is believed that the timely introduction of peroxide into the bloodstream by injection helps to avoid negative consequences. However, in traditional medicine, this method does not apply.

A solution of this tool can be used for rinsing. This technique helps to prevent stroke. Dilute hydrogen peroxide of 3% water in the ratio 1: 1. Duration of treatment is 1 minute.

Essential oils

Recover faster after a stroke is possible, using essential oils. Good reception helps healing baths.

Essential oils

For the preparation of medicinal baths need to take 1 cup of milk. It is necessary to add 2 drops of ylang-ylang and 3 - Melissa. Then you need to mix. Thereafter, the bath is poured into warm water. The liquid temperature should not be too high. Milk mixture should be poured into the water. Duration of treatment is about 15-20 minutes. To get the desired effect, it is necessary to spend therapy. Repeat 2 times a week. All you need to hold 10 sessions.


Consider how to treat stroke folk remedies using spruce or pine cones. From this raw material should produce a tincture.

For the preparation of the drug you need to take the opened buds. Green will not do. Raw materials should be thoroughly rinsed with running water. It was then spread in a container made of glass and is filled up to the top alcohol or vodka. Then you need to remove the bottle in a dark cool place, where not exposed to direct sunlight. Infuse for 2 weeks. Periodically, it is recommended to shake: it will speed up the transition of nutrients in the liquid. When the required time has elapsed, it is necessary to filter the product.

pine cones

This folk medicine is required to take twice a day for 1 tsp The course of treatment is 14 to 21 days.

There is another prescription drug infusions. To prepare the tools needed to cut 5 ripe cones and cover them with 1 cup of alcohol or vodka. The soaking in a cool dark place for 10 days, shaking occasionally. Then strain the liquid and add 1 tsp apple cider vinegar. Eat every day, adding 1 tsp in any drink. The use of this tincture is suitable not only for treatment, but also as a preventive measure. The course of therapy may last up to 6 months. You will then need a break. Retesting - with the permission of a doctor.

Chicken eggs

Effective stroke folk remedy is the use of chicken eggs. It is believed that the memory lost due to bleeding in the brain, will recover more quickly if drink daily in the morning and evening for 1 raw egg. It is believed that the effect appears after 2 weeks.

There is another recipe that helps in the recovery of the patient. It should take a jar made of glass whose volume is not less than 3 liters. Absorb it crushed shells. It is up to the top to fill the capacity of natural lemon juice. You need to put the jar in the refrigerator. Keep it until the shell is completely dissolved under the influence of citric acid. Thereafter the jar was removed, the juice was added to 500 ml of liquid honey and 500 ml of alcohol or vodka. Then, the medicine in the refrigerator clean again and infused for 10 days.

The course of treatment lasts 3 months, during which the need to use twice a day for 1 tsp substance before meals. Interrupt treatment is impossible, in this case, the desired effect will not be.


Another national method - the use of dates and made of these funds. It is believed that the sweet product speeds up the patient's recovery process.

Dates as a medicine

To prepare dosage vitamin mix fresh dates running water should be thoroughly rinsed. Then, from the fetuses removed bone. Pulp is ground by means of grinder or blender. The resulting mass is removed in the refrigerator. It is recommended to add 1 tbsp in warm milk. Take a day on 1 glass such mixture. Effective this method is, if you use it at least a month.


To cure a brain stroke, you can take an infusion of sage. To make this natural medication you need to take 1 tbsp dried leaves of the plant, pour 250 ml hot water and bring the mixture to boiling to simmer. After this capacitance wrapped tight woolen cloth and leave for 20-25 minutes. Strain. Drink 1-2 sips 3-10 times during the day. The course of treatment lasts for 30 days. It is believed that this technique helps restore speech function.

Can be used and the bath with a decoction of the plant. To prepare the treatment bath 200 g of raw materials need to boil in 10 liters of water for 5 minutes. Infuse filled with warm water for an hour, then filter and pour into the tub. Swimming duration is 20-25 minutes. Repeat 2-3 times a week. Total spend 20-25 sessions.


Application hips is effective folk remedy for the treatment of stroke. Fruit used containing a large amount of vitamin C. Fit and fresh and dried materials. It is necessary to take some fruit, cover them with boiling water and infuse for 1-2 hours. Used instead of other beverages (tea, coffee, juices) several times a day. This tool helps to remove toxins from the blood, toxins. Normalizes blood pressure. Vitamins saturates the patient's body. It helps to eliminate excess fluid. Accelerates regeneration.

Rosehips to treat

Used as a bath with a decoction of the plant. This technique is recommended for paresis, paralysis. 200 g of roots boiled in 10 liters of water for 20-25 minutes. Then poured into a water bath having a temperature of +37... + 38 ° C. Bathe the patient should be for 15-20 minutes. Repeat every other day. The course consists of 20-25 procedures.

bay oil

Recovering from a stroke with folk remedies faster. To speed up the treatment with partial or complete paralysis of the extremities is useful to use laurel oil. For the preparation of a medicament taking 30 g leafs. Raw materials pour 1 cup of vegetable oil. Infused means 2 months in a warm dark place. Capacity necessary to shake every day. Then the substance is necessary to filter and boil. Rub into the affected hands, feet daily.


Another well helps a folk remedy for cerebral stroke - mummy. You can use it in various ways: the product is effective in various complications.

To accelerate the recovery can take 1-2 mountain resin tablets 2 times per day. Dissolve their permitted in any liquid. Taken in the morning upon awakening and in the evening, before lights out.

If due to cerebral hemorrhage paralyzed limb, it is necessary to take 5 g mummy and 150 ml of juice of aloe. It is necessary to dissolve the resin in the mountain fluid. Take 1 tsp half an hour before taking the morning meal and 2 hours after a meal in the evenings. The course of treatment is 14 days. Then you have another 14 days to consume alcohol tincture of propolis, take 25 drops three times a day. After another 2 weeks are treated with mummy and aloe and re-use propolis. Drugs stored in the refrigerator. This means strengthens blood vessels.

Mummy to treat

If, due to a pathology were headache, dizziness, it is necessary to warm up to 25 ° C glass cow milk dissolved therein mumie tablet and 1 tsp Liquid flower honey. The course of treatment is 25 days. Take 200 ml before breakfast and after the last meal. Therapy can be repeated after 10 days after the end if necessary.

If facial nerve paralysis, mummy mixed with decoctions of herbs (0.1g mountain resin and 200 g of broth marjoram). 1 tablespoon Dry plants pour 1 cup boiling water. The tool then allowed to cool. After this filter. Dissolved therein mountain resin. Use it twice a day for 2-3 weeks. Repeat treatments may be 10 days. This natural medicine also helps to restore memory.


Sweet apiculture product is also effective folk remedy for stroke.

Can be applied in pure form. To speed up the process of regeneration, enough daily use 2 tsp honey of high quality. Every 2 months to do a break in treatment for 1-2 weeks.

Another effective option honey therapy - the use of bee products mixed with lemon juice. For the preparation of natural medicines need to squeeze the juice of 10 lemons is medium in size. Then, the resulting liquid is combined with 1 l of liquid honey and chopped garlic cloves. The components are thoroughly mixed. They are then soaked in a cool dark place, which must be constantly exposed to fresh air. We must stand for 14 days. Eat 1 tsp everyday. For best results, the mixture should be dissolve.

For the proper functioning of the brain is useful to use a mixture of walnuts. It is necessary to connect a few nuts, pre-cut them with liquid honey. It takes a mixture of a few tablespoons daily. The dosage is gradually increased, starting with 0.5 tsp

Favor and bring the mixture with horseradish. Lemon, carrots and horseradish prepared juice. Mixed in equal proportions. Add 1-2 tsp honey. You need to use twice a day. Before applying to withstand a few days in a dark warm place.

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