
Recurrent stroke: effects forecast for the second time, the signs, symptoms in men, the probability of how much live, secondary

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Recurrent stroke is often a complete surprise, because after the first strike may take a long time. People are no longer stick to the doctor's recommendations, feeling healthy and full of energy. In this regard, the possibility of re cerebrovascular accident increases by several times.

Stroke for the second time


The probability of recurrent stroke is in people who have had this disease for life. Provoke a cerebrovascular accident can the same factors as the primary stroke. These include:

  • Bad habits. Drinking alcohol, smoking.
  • Poor nutrition. The inclusion in the menu of banned products, improper cooking.
  • Obesity. Accompanied by an increased level of cholesterol in the blood, which can cause the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, and occlusion of the lumen of the blood vessel.
  • Mental strain, stress, lack of sleep, fatigue.
  • Lack of physical activity. Due to inactivity circulation deteriorating.
  • Elevated blood pressure. A second stroke can occur even with a slight increase in performance.
poor nutrition

The probability of recurrent stroke is increased in the presence of risk factors. These include the patient's age - older than 45 years. This is due to deterioration of regenerative tissue regeneration capacity, presence of chronic diseases of the cardiovascular and central nervous systems. The risk increases with respect to neglect the patient to a physician's recommendations, especially if desired constant intake of drugs or blood pressure control. The important role played by psychological tranquility in the family, there are no conflicts.

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How to recognize

Signs of recurrent stroke depend on what triggered the violation of circulation. This can be a blockage of a blood vessel by a thrombus, atherosclerotic plaque rupture of the vessel or in communication with high pressure. It plays an important role area damage and its localization in the brain: right or left lobe, cerebellum, and others.

Symptoms of recurrent stroke in men include:

  • violation of the sensitivity of certain areas of the body: legs, arms, half of the body, facial muscles, etc .;
  • paresis or paralysis of the muscles: the limbs become weak, a person can not make a conscious movement, skewed faces, etc .;
  • it becomes disconnected, there is a feeling that the patient has slurred, can be a complete loss of speech;
  • vision deteriorates;
  • dizziness, nausea, loss of consciousness;
  • problems swallowing food.
deteriorating eyesight

In ischemic stroke symptoms increase gradually: worsening sleep, there are persistent headaches, discomfort in the heart. Then he joined the sensitivity of attenuation, speech and others.

Circulatory disorders due to hemorrhage is characterized by the rapid deterioration of the patient: the face becomes purple, changing the diameter of the pupil, it is possible the appearance of seizures. The possibility of spontaneous bowel movements.

Is there a cure

recurrent stroke treatment - a long process that requires not only the use of drugs, but also rehabilitation.

The success of the recovery of the disturbed functions (speech, movement, self-service ability, vision, memory, mental activity) depend the area affected, the localization of the pathological process in the brain, the speed of rendering medical aid and other factors.

The probability of recovery depends on where the patient is treated. When you are in a hospital a man is under constant surveillance. Doctor regularly adjusts the destination depending on the condition of the person. At home, make it a lot harder.

With the passage of rehabilitation at a specialized clinic or sanatorium recovery success increases. With patients engaged LFK experts who selected a set of exercises for toning and muscle activity.

exercise therapy specialists

However, even if recovery should be careful not to get nervous, ensure restful sleep and rest, healthy food. It is necessary to take all prescribed medications regularly examined by a neurologist, cardiologist or other specialist. This will minimize the likelihood of complications and increase the chances of a full recovery.


Repeated stroke consequences for patients heavier than at the first stroke. Less than 30% of all cases there is a complete recovery of the intellectual abilities and mobility. In the other secondary outcome of stroke is a permanent change in the brain tissue in that department, which has suffered from circulatory disorders.

Second stroke has the following consequences:

  • intellectual disabilities, memory impairment, confusion, irritability;
  • problems with the sense of smell, sight, hearing;
  • paresis or paralysis of one or more limbs, body halves, inability to move freely;
  • in severe cases, a person can not control natural processes (urination and defecation).

If a stroke arose a second time, the probability of a third strike increases dramatically. The prognosis for the patient is even more disappointing.

how many live

The consequences of stroke associated with bulky disease of the cerebral cortex. Second stroke prognosis is unfavorable, since the probability of a full recovery is extremely low.

The five-year survival prognosis of the patient caused by the initial data, his age, general health status (presence of chronic disease), a way of life - and is only about 30%. After the second stroke live from 2-3 months to several years.

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