
Diagnosis of pancreatitis in adults, testing, detection

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There are a number of quite serious diseases whose symptoms may be mild. Diagnosis of pancreatitis - not an easy task, especially in the early stages. Therefore, when the first suspicion of this disease should be handled by a competent specialist, gastroenterologist, who owns necessary information relating to laboratory analyzes and other research methods for setting the correct diagnosis and determine the treatment strategy. The sooner this happens, the better for the patient. Launched untreated acute pancreatitis and eventually becomes chronic, and prostate tissues at that time may occur irreversible pathological changes.

How to detect pancreatitis

To date, pancreatitis - a very common disease, it can occur with other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and may be the result of them. The main reasons that lead to inflammation of the pancreas, are the abuse of alcohol drinks, eating large amounts of fat, fried foods, as well as gallbladder disease and its ducts.

The prognosis for a patient with pancreatitis is directly dependent on the timely formulation of correct diagnosis. In order to effectively treat this disease, the precise causes of its origin must be identified. Survey pancreatitis includes the inspection of the patient's physician, gastroenterologist, holding examination and laboratory tests using different tools (ultrasound, endoscopy, imaging, X-rays). If you suspect a problem with the pancreas visit to the doctor is better not to postpone, as not all types of pancreatitis are treatable and have a favorable prognosis for the patient.

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Methods of diagnosis of pancreatitis

Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas. The symptoms of this disease are abdominal pain, weakness of the body, body temperature and blood pressure drops, a feeling of dryness in the mouth, frequent bouts of nausea and vomiting.

However, these symptoms may indicate and the development of a number of other diseases not associated with the pancreas.

How to diagnose pancreatitis and whether you can do it without using a tool inspection? If pancreatitis is suspected, for a correct diagnosis is necessary to conduct a thorough examination and to pass the necessary tests (laboratory diagnostics). And before that, of the pancreas problems may indicate symptoms:

  • appearance of blue spots near the navel or in the abdominal wall;
  • pain on palpation or tapped in place pancreas location;
  • regular occurrence of pain after ingestion of alcoholic beverages, fried or fatty foods;
  • pancreatitis in a patient is not palpable pulsation of the aorta in the region of the stomach;
  • when pressed deep into the abdomen patient feels strong and sharp pain.

In the presence of such symptoms to accurate diagnosis after initial examination, the patient's physician will be assigned to the biochemical analysis of blood. This is the easiest method, but informative. According to the results determined by the type of illness. The basis taking such factors: increase or decrease in certain pancreatic enzymes, the reduction in blood proteins, decreasing insulin levels, etc.

Complete blood count of the number of white blood cells will show immediately whether there is inflammation in the body. Pancreatitis help diagnose and aqueous electrolytic blood tests, as malfunctions of the pancreas leading to changes in the amount of fluid in the blood, as well as to a decrease in the concentration of minerals needed for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Urinalysis pancreatitis shows significant deviations from normal values.

Instrumental methods of diagnosis of pancreatitis

An important part of the diagnosis of diseases of the pancreas are instrumental methods of investigation, during which you can see the effects of pancreatitis for prostate and other organs. The most famous method is the ultrasound diagnosis. This is the most effective way to see everything that happens with the pancreas, to determine, Have there been changes in the tissues of the body, if there is inflammation, septic abscesses, what is the condition of the bile ducts. Before the ultrasound patient must stick to a diet for 3 days. Before the procedure, and the last meal should take at least 12 hours.

The second way to examine the pancreas - is an X-ray. It can help you accurately determine the condition of the prostate, to see whether there are stones in the bile ducts, increased bowel loops, the state of the spleen, kidneys, etc. This method allows studies to identify problems with a gland when powerless ultrasonic methods (for example, with strong flatulence).

Very informative, but expensive method is to scan. With it, the doctor determines size of pancreasIt establishes whether there are areas of dead tissue inflammation. cancer of the pancreas in the early stages most accurately diagnosed through imaging. The method allows to determine the nature and neoplasms, and precise localization.

In severe cases, the diagnosis can be applied laparoscopy. This procedure allows us to see the reality of the gland and changes to it, and find the cause, to determine the stage of the disease.

Laparoscopy, if necessary, can be used as a surgical method.

Another method for diagnosis of pancreatic diseases is endoscopy. This procedure consists in the fact that through the esophagus endoscope is introduced, in which the camera is installed. After the introduction of a special contrast agent specialist can see the path of the gallbladder, the ducts of the pancreas. endoscopic mini-operation can be carried out at such a study, if necessary, to the patient. During endoscopy, tissue samples can be extracted for various kinds of research, extraction gallstones, establishing stents in the biliary tract, the removal of polyps, clipping at internal bleeding.

Difficulties in the diagnosis of pancreatitis

Since the main and the most common symptoms of pancreatitis are pain in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting and frustration of a chair, it is necessary to take into account the fact that these symptoms are, and other organs diseases digestion. Experts gastroenterologists who are diagnosed with inflammation of the pancreas, in the formulation of pancreatitis in adults and children must necessarily exclude other possible diseases.

Perforated ulcer has very similar symptoms to inflammation of the pancreas. For those diseases characterized by severe pain, which can provoke pain shock, decreased heart rate, abdominal wall tension. The difference is that when a perforated ulcer occurs rarely vomiting, pancreatitis and it is constant. The second point, to distinguish one disease from another, - a patient with a perforated ulcer can find a comfortable position in which almost will not feel the pain and pancreatitis pain persists and is not weakened in any position body.

Similar symptoms of pancreatitis has a cholecystitis. Often cholecystitis - a consequence of inflammation of the pancreas. Pain in cholecystitis are located on the right side and give the right shoulder to confirm the diagnosis, it is sufficient ultrasound, in which inflammation is clearly visible.

Symptoms accompanying pancreatitis include bloating, constipation, sudden pain in the gut. The same signs of a severe bowel obstruction. In order to eliminate this disease the patient should have a blood test. If the blood is elevated levels of chlorides and diastase, then the patient - pancreatitis. In that case, when the level of chloride is lowered, it is possible to talk about bowel obstruction.

How to reduce the risk of pancreatitis

Given the complexity of such diseases as pancreatitis, its diagnosis and treatment can cost a person a lot of effort and time. Therefore it is very important not to neglect prevention. To do this in a timely manner to treat diseases of the internal organs, follow the diet, not to abuse alcohol and harmful food, try to eat more vegetables and fruits, excluding confectionery products high in fat and sugary fizzy beverages. These simple steps will help to keep prostate health.

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