
Bath after stroke: is it possible, bathe, walk, visit, useful and harmful effects

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Many wonder whether the room after a stroke is allowed. To answer this question, it is necessary to understand the effect of baths on the body.

Visiting bath

Useful and harmful effects

The beneficial effect of the steam room on the body is as follows:

  • sweating normalizes the heat exchange, removes excess fluid from the body, toxins;
  • through the opened micropores body is saturated with oxygen;
  • harmful microorganisms located on the skin surface, are killed;
  • improving blood flow and as a result, the blood supply to tissues and organs;
  • muscles relax, pain and pulling sensations in them are;
  • amplifies the power of the nerve cells;
  • elevates mood, relaxes the nervous system, stress and anxiety go away.

However, use of the sauna or bathhouse and can lead to negative effects, which are particularly desirable after a stroke, is the following:

  • high blood pressure;
  • a large load on the heart;
  • due to sudden temperature changes rapidly vessels dilate and constrict, which can trigger a break.
vessels to dilate

Can I bathe

Go to the bath after a stroke can not be in the rehabilitation period (in the first year after the attack), because .:

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  • body is weakened;
  • increased fragility of blood vessels can cause them to rupture;
  • impaired blood circulation;
  • brain functioning is unstable, it can not cope with the stress.

If you visit the steam room in such a state can develop recurrent stroke.

However, take a steam bath after a stroke is still possible after a course of rehabilitation and full recovery with the following rules:

  • One entry into the steam room should not exceed 10-15 minutes.
  • During one visit to the bath is allowed to go to the steam room is not more than 4 times.
  • The temperature in a steam bath is necessary to increase gradually. As a result, it should not be more than 60 ° C.
  • Make long breaks between calls in a steam room.
  • To monitor their state of health and at the first sign of malaise stop visiting. If necessary, call a physician.
  • Drink plenty of fluids (water, herbal or green tea, homemade kvass, broth hips).
  • Not one to visit the steam room.
  • Temperature variations should not be large and abrupt, i.e. immediately after a visit to the steam room is not necessary to jump in the pool or a pond of cool water or to go out, especially in winter.
  • Do not visit the steam room on the crowded or empty stomach. This will reduce the load on the heart muscle.
  • Do not use the medication immediately before or after going to the bath.
  • You can not drink alcohol in the bath, even in small quantities.
  • Do not wet the hair, because Only in the dry state they are able to protect the head from overheating. So, in the steam room should wear bannuyu cap.
  • Do not go to the bath at high blood pressure, headaches.
  • You can not use a broom, as In this case, the pulse quickens sharply, and the body is under severe stress.

Nevertheless, a consensus on whether it is possible to walk after a stroke in the bath, at no doctors. Some allow their patients to such a procedure and convinced of its positive effects, others ban regardless of the passage of the attack and the severity of the consequences. Therefore, in order to avoid the negative consequences of a visit to the sauna is possible only after consultation with your doctor, and only with his consent.

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