
Seizures after stroke: the brain, treatment, what to do, ischemic, why there

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Post-stroke convulsions - result is necrotic processes leading to the formation in the area of ​​the frontal lobes cystic cavities irritate the surrounding tissue. This phenomenon can have varying degrees of severity, from a tremor of limbs to a condition similar to epileptic seizure.

leg cramps

Why am I having convulsions

Stroke seizures can occur either directly after cerebral circulatory disturbances, and after some time, during the acute illness.

Most often they occur in the lower extremities, especially in the one operation which is reduced due to the damage caused by blood circulation in the brain tissues. FIELD gripped convulsions, defined localization cystic formation.


Cramps Occurrence symptom of stroke is ischemic stroke. Generalized seizures - one of its characteristic manifestations. When providing first aid to the patient it is strictly forbidden to capture and retain summarized spasm of limbs.

after a stroke

The cause of seizures following factors may include:

  • occurrence of cystic neoplasms due to haemorrhage;
  • infectious processes triggered by infection with tissue during surgery;
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infectious processes

Factors contributing to the occurrence of spasms, appear side effects received for a long time medicines, as well as the general state of the patient's body, characterized by exhaustion and nervous overexertion.

The consequences of stroke, manifesting in the form of seizures, are a sign:

  • low efficiency of the treatment;
  • high probability of the second and subsequent strokes;
  • continued bleeding;
  • extensive brain damage.

What to do

The main goal of treatment should be no withdrawal symptoms that lead to a spasm of muscles and elimination of the causes that led to pathological changes. Neurologist assigns reception of certain drugs only after a series of inspections. Diagnosis is based on the data:

  • magnetic resonance imaging;
  • angiography;
  • EEG;
  • ultra-sound studies state vessels of the head;
  • blood and urine tests.
Blood and urine tests

The first step in therapy in the standard case, it is taking medication that can reduce blood clotting. In addition, use:

  • drugs that can improve the supply of oxygen to the brain;
  • nootropics;
  • antihypertensive drugs;
  • anticonvulsants;
  • drugs that promote vascular walls.

Relatives of people who have suffered a stroke, often the question arises, what to do if a person has a fit. Perform the following steps in the following sequence:

  1. Ensure the flow of oxygen: open the box, remove the clothes hampering breathing.
  2. Place the patient so that the head was on the dais.
  3. Clear human mouth from foreign objects, including remove the dentures.
  4. If breathing is difficult, and clearly audible wheezing, put the patient on his side.
  5. A massage summarized muscles. Massaging dry skin can not. The optimal mixture for grinding in this state - olive oil and mustard.
  6. To give the patient an aspirin.

Even if the seizures stopped quickly, the person should see a doctor, convulsions in cerebral stroke - a symptom, talking about a substantial threat of recurrence of hemorrhage.

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