
Stroke treatment: drugs, medicine, brain, list, tablet for recovery list

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drugs for stroke treatment can restore normal blood circulation of the affected area and to minimize the risk of complications. Choose the treatment and explain how drugs are prescribed after an acute violation of cerebral circulation, helps the physician. Medication in some cases help to partially restore lost functions and narrow the scope of the lesion. Medicaments may be discharged as a preventive means against possible relapses.

Tablets for the treatment of

The effectiveness of drug treatment

One option for the treatment of ischemia of the brain acts as a limited section of medication therapy. Medications taken after a stroke of 3 main reasons:

  • As a means of preventing re-strike. In this case there may assign nootropic drugs, vitamins and nutritional supplements to increase blood supply neurons with oxygen and nutrients.
  • Pathogenetic method. This method of treatment involves reduction of the activity of the pathological processes that lead to loss of function after stroke. In the presence of cerebral vascular diseases such preparations constantly need to treat the pathology and decrease the likelihood of stroke.
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  • As syndromological treatment. drug therapy is aimed at accelerating rehabilitation. In applying the drug is a restoration of cognitive function, muscle tone, speech, motor coordination and the psycho-emotional state.

In the presence of acute pain and frequent vascular spasm take painkillers.

After Ischemic Stroke

Ischemic stroke It develops in acute violation of cerebral circulation due to blockage of a brain artery by a thrombus or cholesterol plaques. As a result of the limited area of ​​the brain does not receive the nutrients and oxygen. In the first 2-3 hours after the onset of ischemia required thrombolytics required for digestion of blood clots and restore the natural trophism.

The second most important are the anticoagulant drugs to reduce the risk of developing a new blood clot:

  • dalteparin;
  • heparin;
  • Aspirin;
  • Nadroparin.
Heparin Capsules

Anticoagulants may trigger the development of internal bleeding, hemorrhagic stroke in the presence of the following contraindications:

  • defeat more than 50% of the central cerebral artery;
  • ulcerative erosive lesions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • serious liver disease or kidney;
  • high blood pressure readings.

When the stroke of any kind in an emergency appoint neuroprotective. Such formulations ischemic stroke type (Tserakson) reduce the lesion tissues, and improve the transmission of nerve impulses.

After hemorrhagic stroke

Hemorrhagic stroke is developing at break of the occluded vessel. The pathology is characterized by bleeding into the brain, and form a cavity filled with blood. Primarily required angioprotectors and hemostatic agents. Among the latest release Etamsylate, Gemlibra, Tsiklonamid.

hemorrhagic stroke

To normalize the blood pressure to stop the strong flow of blood in the cavity of the brain, using Clonidine. If it is not effective, used in stroke medicine from the group ganglioblokatorov: Dimekolin and Pentamin.

Which drugs are prescribed

The list of drugs that should be treated with brain stroke, may establish only physician. To resort to self-treatment is strictly forbidden, because there is a high likelihood of complications or recurrence.

List of drugs from the brain of stroke is selected depending on the severity of the pathological process:

  • At the initial stage of development of disease symptoms appear first on the basis of which appropriate drugs are selected. Drugs aimed at eliminating one or more clinical symptoms of stroke. In patients with hypertension antihypertensive drugs are required to normalize blood pressure. To improve cerebral blood flow and neuronal trophism discharged nootropics. Against the background of stress or fatigue prescribed sedative medications. The duration of therapy depends on the patient's health.
  • During exacerbation of stroke within the first 2-3 hours are required only those medications that help stabilize the normal cerebral blood flow. The most effective tools in a crisis are medications to thin the blood. They reduce clotting of plasma and platelet aggregation, thereby possible to reduce the risk of thrombotic events and complete blockage of small blood vessels. Due anticoagulant effect in 95% of cases are avoided paralysis and prevent re-occurrence of stroke. Pain syndrome help to stop analgesics.
  • After discharge from the hospital medical therapy continues at home. At the same time to take medicine against stroke is required on a permanent basis. If a patient develops a sense of concern and anxiety about the possibility of recurrence, the doctor prescribes sedatives, antidepressants and drugs lungs, improve sleep. About 2-3 years old need to drink blood thinning medications because of the high risk of thrombosis.
cardiovascular drugs

Restore blood flow allows only the complex therapy of multiple medications.

Muscle relaxants

Preparations for the treatment of stroke required for relaxation of skeletal muscles, in most cases, used as a means to restore motor function. By 3 months after myocardial pathology develops increased muscle tone, which provokes strong spasms and seizures. As a result, a group of muscles reduce the patient becomes difficult to move. A patient experiencing severe cutting pains. Therefore, treatment is aimed at the elimination of muscle relaxants hyper.

muscle relaxants treatment lasts until the completion of remediation measures for the resumption of the patient's physical activity. Muscle tone will return to normal on their own over time. Until this happens, do not stop taking the tablets.


The rehabilitation period is 80% of the patients are in the doldrums. This behavior is caused by the loss of certain functions and loss of motivation to their recovery. For improvement of mental and emotional control are appointed by antidepressant medication after stroke. They belong to the group of psychotropic drugs, so taken under medical supervision.


Anticonvulsants - drugs designed to reduce seizure activity. In the application of this group of drugs is required to be careful, because they cause drowsiness, impaired memory, are the cause of severe weakness and frequent dizziness. As anticonvulsants 80% of the administered carbamazepine, phenytoin otherwise.

anticonvulsants tablets

Antiplatelet agents and anticoagulants

These drugs in brain stroke are necessary to prevent recurrence. Antiplatelet drugs reduce the ability of platelets to stick together, thereby being means for preventing thrombogenesis. Anticoagulants are needed to reduce blood clotting. In terms of increased viscosity of the blood increases the likelihood of blood clots.

The most popular antiplatelet agents in the pharmacological market:

  • Thrombotic ACC;
  • Aspirin;
  • heparin;
  • Ticlopidine.

Injections in the stomach with heparin are made only by medical personnel.

Anticoagulants are administered to patients who are prone to increased blood clotting. Pathology is dangerous because of the violation of the natural circulation of the blood. By increasing the risk of platelet aggregation of thrombus formation and vascular occlusion following a break.

It is important to remember that while the appointment of antiplatelet agents with anticonvulsant required periodically to donate blood on biochemical analysis. This need is due to the high risk of bleeding. The first signs of complications when taking 2 drugs will be:

  • dizziness;
  • retching;
  • wanton bruising on different parts of the body;
  • diarrhea.

With the development of symptoms should immediately call an ambulance.

neyrometabolicheskie cerebroprotectors

Medicines stroke complement neyrometabolicheskie cerebroprotectors, the main task of which is to stimulate metabolic processes in the tissues of the central nervous system. Second name medicines - nootropic drugs or neuroprotective agents. The use of this group of drugs can eliminate certain pathological processes: ischemia, cerebral hypoxia, intracellular toxicity after necrosis. Cerebroprotectors can increase glucose uptake by neurons, stimulate the metabolism of nucleic acids.


In clinical studies shown that after a stroke rehabilitation process can accelerate vitamins. In this case, the dosage should be adjusted according to the expert in diet and laboratory parameters. In the case of hypervitaminosis possible abuse drugs. Vitamins administered as injections stroke. The most effective the following groups:

  • Vitamin A - stimulates growth and cell division, increases tissue regeneration;
  • thiamine and riboflavin to stabilize blood pressure, improve cerebral circulation and neurons;
  • ascorbic acid activates the regeneration of the vascular endothelium and promotes the formation of new vessels;
  • Vitamin D supports a number of formed elements in the normal range, not allowing blood to thicken, as well as a positive effect on the cardiovascular and nervous systems;
  • Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant and prevents the development of oxidative reactions provoked by free radicals.


Dietary supplements made from natural products, can be taken at all stages of therapy against stroke. In the first 1-2 months of medical professionals prescribe dietary supplements to improve cerebral blood flow and speed up the process of tissue regeneration. As time passes, the next 6 months supplements help correct diet deficiencies and replenish minerals in the body.

In the first few months, the main task for the patient - to normalize functional activity of the digestive and immune systems. Therefore, food additives necessary for recovery from stroke. Dietary supplements along with other medications required to take under the supervision of a physician.

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