
Injections of high pressure (hypertension) intramuscularly that kolyat, doing injection, which is lowered to stab depressants, give

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Injections of high pressure are used as an emergency measure for hypertensive crisis and border states with him. These injections are used to reduce blood pressure as a symptomatic treatment. They do not have a therapeutic effect and are not suitable for use on a permanent basis.

An injection during pressure

When administered injections

Injections are used for hypertension infrequently. In most cases, preference is given to oral forms of drugs. But when the pressure becomes too high, for a more rapid reduction of its injection can be used. Most often they are engaged with hypertensive crises, accompanied by various complications:

  • ischemic attack;
  • acute coronary syndrome;
  • the defeat of the visual analyzer;
  • brain edema and the like. d.

Parenteral administration of antihypertensive agents are allowed under less severe pathologies (sharp increase in blood pressure, uncomplicated crisis) if tableted formulations did not give the desired effect.

For injecting diuretics are used in a hypertensive attack, allowing to withdraw excess liquid and reduce circulating blood, as well as various vasodilators that help to reduce the pressure by increasing the internal diameter (lumen) vessels:

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  • Papaverine.
  • sodium nitroprusside.
  • Propranolol.
  • Verapamil.
  • Furosemide.
  • Magnesium sulfate.
  • Captopril.
  • Clonidine.
  • Nitroglycerine.
  • Isosorbide dinitrate.
  • Nifedipine and others.
Papaverine capsules

They all reduce high blood pressure, the doctor makes a choice based on individual characteristics. In addition to them, may be appointed antispasmodics, analgesics, bronchodilators, sedatives and other means.

Pros and cons of injection therapy

High pressure injection of help to lower blood pressure faster than oral medicines or folk remedies. In addition, they ensure the hypotensive effect, while other ways of normalizing the blood pressure may not work. But should act cautiously, t. To. A sharp drop in pressure causes a disturbance of blood supply to the brain, which leads to shock, stroke and heart attack.

The disadvantages of injection therapy is referred as a side effect of medications administered, traumatic and painful procedures, the possibility of the development of inflammation and suppuration.

Universal injections

Injections at high pressure should be designated individually. Some of them help in most cases, so they can be considered universal. This group includes injection:

  • labetalol;
  • sodium nitroprusside;
  • enalaprilat;
  • hydralazine;
  • Azametoniya bromide;
  • magnesia;
  • Clonidine.
Hydralazine for injection

Most often, the procedure performed by a doctor or ambulance is conducted in the intensive care unit. When this is necessary to monitor the patient's condition. If the pressure becomes low or manifest other side effects, it is necessary to take appropriate measures. Ability to self-application injection is limited, and must necessarily be stipulated with the attending physician.

Most injections with high blood pressure is introduced into the vein bolus or infusion, intramuscularly, by pressure inject only some of them: Azametoniya bromide, magnesium sulfate, papaverine, Clonidine. Single dose and the possibility of re-administration of the drug are determined by individual performance.

combined tools

For optimum effect antihypertensive drugs can be used in conjunction with other means of augmenting their action helps eliminate or concomitant symptoms.

providing emergency aid at a high pressure, Doctors prefer to prick "triad," which is a mixture with Papaverine diphenhydramine and dipyrone. This compound acts smoothly enough, but the improvement comes quickly.

Papaverine with diphenhydramine

Papaverine is an antispasmodic drug. It relaxing effect on vascular wall muscle and internal organs, therefore, contributes to reduce the pressure, angina eliminates and prevents bronchospasm. Diphenhydramine, showing antihistamine activity, enhances its performance, normalize heart rate and calms and relieves pain Analgin.

All components (1 ampoule of each) were mixed in one syringe, but alternately allowed and administering medication into the gluteal muscle. This method has symptomatic effect. He does not eliminate the cause of increasing the pressure and prevent possible attacks.

Another popular remedy is a combination of Dibazol with papaverine. These injections are doing at a high pressure, and if the attack is accompanied by severe headache, they are supplemented with dipyrone. Papaverine spasmolytic effect directed to the artery, and Dibazol belonging to Groups peripheral vasodilators, affects mainly in the veins. The ratio of components may vary, but most take Papaverine 2 ml and Dibazolum - 2 times more.

In appointing the combined funds should take into consideration the contraindications and the patient's condition.

Hot injection

Magnesium sulfate, called magnesia, often administered as intramuscular injections at a high pressure to I-II stage of development of hypertension. Due antispasmodic, hypotensive, analgesic, sedative and anti-arrhythmic Effects of this drug is also used for hypertensive crisis and approximate thereto states. After its introduction to the body heat spreads, so called hot magnesia injection.

Prick do intravenously or intramuscularly. Intramuscular injections of different great soreness. The buttock drug necessary to prick deep, pre-warming the vial in his hands and using a thin needle. This helps to reduce pain and prevent infiltration. Possible additional anesthetic lidocaine. As the muscle, and the drug is administered into a vein slowly. The procedure should take no less than 2 minutes.

The decision on the use of hot injection together with other antihypertensives receives physician, considering the overall picture and potential drug interactions.

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