
Acute and chronic cystitis in women: Symptoms, Treatment

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It called cystitis inflammation of the bladder, which is accompanied by urination disorders. Generally cystitis is affected mucosal or inner bladder layer may also involve a process submucosa and muscle.

The disease is more common in women because of the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the urinary system.

In case of incorrect treatment of cystitis it tends to become chronic.


Inflammation of the bladder are classified according to several criteria:

  • the nature of the inflammatory process are acute and chronic cystitis;
  • origin cystitis is divided into primary and secondary, the latter occurs on the background of already existing problems of the bladder (stones, diverticula, etc);
  • on etiological factor isolated infectious (bacterial) caused by pathological flora and noninfectious (radiation, allergic, or other drug) cystitis;
  • infectious cystitis is classified as a specific, caused by pathological microorganisms: gonococci, chlamydia and other E. coli, and non-specific inflammation of the bladder caused by pathogenic flora;
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  • Considering the morphological changes in the bladder, distinguish catarrhal, ulcerative, abscess, gangrenous and other types of cystitis.


Anatomical features of female urogenital sphere cause a higher percentage of cystitis in women than in men.

Firstly, it is connected with a short, straight and wide urethra by which pathogens can easily penetrate into the bladder. Secondly, the urethra is dangerously close to objects such as the rectum and vagina, populated by opportunistic bacteria that can cause inflammation of the bladder bubble.

The reason cystitis usually are infectious agents. But there are a number of predisposing factors for the occurrence of this disease:

  • hypothermia, especially lower half of the body (once enough wet feet);
  • work associated with a permanent seat (leads to stagnation of blood in the pelvis);
  • constipation (particularly frequent and continuous);
  • poor nutrition (consumption of large quantities of salty and spicy food, alcohol);
  • self-treatment of sexually transmitted infections;
  • chronic foci of infection present in the body;
  • weakening the body's defenses (constant stress, lack of sleep, poor and irregular meals);
  • wearing tight underwear;
  • violation of rules of personal hygiene;
  • sexual initiation or change of partners;
  • pregnancy (hormonal rearrangement, the pressure of the fetus on the bladder, resulting in stasis of urine);
  • advanced age and multiple births (due to the omission of the bladder).

The symptoms of cystitis in women

It begins an acute inflammation of the bladder suddenly and always after the operation of a risk factor.

Typically, the disease manifests acute: a sharp increase in temperature of 37.5 degrees and above. Fever accompanied by weakness, fatigue and decreased vitality. Possible symptoms of intoxication: nausea, decreased or loss of appetite. There are sharp or (less often), aching pain in the suprapubic region. But the hallmarks are considered symptoms of urinary disorders:


  • frequent (intervals between each urination reduced up to 10-15 minutes) and morbid urination, and urine comes in small portions, and a sense of liberation bladder absent.


  • this trait is characterized by palpitations and shortness of diuresis due to severe pain during urination. Cystitis pain occurs at the beginning and at the end of a physiological process.


  • urge to urinate during the night there is much more than the intention to commit the same process in the afternoon. That is, the amount of urine the night exceeds the amount of daylight.


  • urgent need to urinate accompanied by a feeling that you must urinate right now, this minute. Such impulses are accompanied by inflammation of the bladder and is often accompanied by incontinence.

Furthermore, when urine becomes cystitis muddy color, Which is associated with an increase in its leukocytesResponsible for inflammation. Sometimes the urine can be observed flakes, and it becomes an unpleasant smell (putrid). In some cases, blood in the urine is visible (gross hematuria), this may indicate either the stones in the bladder, or a tumor in the urinary tract.

Acute cystitis often becomes chronic. This is usually associated with the wrong medication or nedovedennym to end, but possibly also with the presence of outstanding causes acute cystitis or fails to eliminate precipitating factors.


Diagnosis of the disease is not complicated. It is necessary to differentiate between acute cystitis and urethritis, Diverticulum of the bladder.

After the doctor will collect complaints and anamnesis, it is referred for further examination, including:

General urine analysis;

  • should take for the analysis of an average serving, in the case of disease in the urine is determined by an increased number of leukocytes, sometimes erythrocytesAnd cylinders. The reaction of the urine becomes alkaline, it protein is found and possibly bacteria (bacteremia).

Ultrasound of the bladder;

  • revealed stones, tumors, indirect signs of cystitis.


  • examination of the bladder with a special device is held chronic cystitis.

Smears on the flora of the vagina;

  • analysis can confirm or rule out the possibility of contact with pathogenic germs in the bladder.

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  • cystitis detected pathogen and is determined by its sensitivity to antibiotics.

Treatment of cystitis in women

With the development of inflammation of the bladder is necessary to address to the urologist or a district physician.

First and foremost, it is important to change the food. Should abandon the acute and salty foods, drinking alcohol and coffee as they irritate the bladder.

Use of free liquid must be increased: to drink at least two liters per day (for removal of toxic and mechanical release of the bladder from microbes and their toxins).

Useful special diuretic infusions: a decoction of leaves, cranberries and bearberry, horsetail, cranberry juice.

Antibiotics and uroseptiki. Among the antibiotics preferred group of fluoroquinolones:

  • tsiprolet (ciprofloxacin) - wide antimicrobial spectrum.

Of antimicrobials is prescribed:

  • furadonin,
  • nitroksolin (allowed to receive children).

Currently, effective and rapid treatment of acute cystitis patients are offered uroantiseptichesky preparation Monural (fosfomycin). Its duration of reception - 1 day according to the instructions.

acute cystitis treatment continues 7-10 days.

During exacerbation of chronic therapy process is the same, apart from this, it is recommended on a monthly basis as a preventive drink decoctions and infusions (monthly course is designed for 7-10 days).

chronic cystitis treatment of folk remedies

In the treatment of chronic cystitis can not be neglected recommendations phytotherapeutists. Recommended brewing charges following herbs.

Collection number 1

  • Calamus root - part 2
  • Elderberry flowers - 4 parts
  • The herb St. John's wort - 5 parts
  • 3 parts - flax seed seed
  • Grass balm - 2 parts
  • renal tea leaf - 3 parts
  • Grass knotweed - 5 parts
  • bearberry leaf ordinary - 5 parts
  • The fruits of fennel - 2 parts.

Collect № 2

  • Calamus root drug - 3 parts
  • cornflower blue flowers - 4 parts
  • Nettle leaf dioica - 5 parts
  • 2 parts - flax seed seed
  • The fruits of juniper ordinary - part 3
  • peppermint leaves - 1 part
  • chamomile flowers - 4 parts
  • Grass prickly thistle - 4 parts
  • Herb Viola tricolor - 5 parts.

Collection № 3

  • Shoots of wild rosemary marsh - 5 parts
  • Grass veronica dosage - 5 parts
  • The herb St. John's wort - 5 parts
  • Corn stigmas common - part 3
  • 2 parts - flax seed seed
  • peppermint leaves - 3 parts
  • Kidney Scots pine - part 3
  • Horsetail herb - 4 parts.

Collection number 4

  • Kidneys birch white - part 2
  • Oregano grass plain - 7 pieces
  • The herb St. John's wort - 3 parts
  • 3 parts - flax seed seed
  • peppermint leaves - 2 parts
  • parsley herb vegetable garden - 5 parts
  • Asparagus officinalis rhizomes - 2 parts
  • Grass knotweed - 5 parts
  • Shoots arborvitae west - part 4
  • eucalyptus leaf - 1 part.

Charges brewed in the evening, and insist at least 6 hours. At half-liter of boiling water 2-3 tbsp. l. collection, take it warm for 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day.

During exacerbation of chronic cystitis these charges take in shock doses - 5-6 art. l. collection brewed a thermos in 1 liter of boiling water. This daily dose infusion. After 2-3 weeks of moving to the usual dose. In each time a thermos desirably added 1 tbsp. l. rosehip.

The course of treatment usually lasts from 1 to 1.5 years, until completely disappear manifestations of the disease. For prevention is useful to take the collection and further to 2 months in the spring and fall, as well as anyacute respiratory diseasesWhich can provoke an aggravation of cystitis.

In exacerbations can be brewed three-fee:

  • 5 parts bearberry leaf
  • 3 parts birch buds
  • 5 parts of horsetail grass.

The infusion is prepared as usual, and take 2-3 weeks. When alkaline urine take 7-10 days infusion of bearberry: daily dose - 2 tbsp. l. a half-liter thermos.

Herbal treatment is recommended to continue for several years. Fees should be alternated and do every two months short break. Usually, herbs do not have side effects, however, it is necessary from time to time to make the control urine.

To recommend sitz baths following fees herbs:

Collection number 1

  • a sheet of white birch - 5 parts
  • Herb Oregano - 3 parts
  • Leaf black currant - 5 parts
  • Herb Viola tricolor - 2 parts
  • The herb thyme - 4 parts
  • eucalyptus leaf - 1 part.

Collect № 2

  • Grass Boudreau hederacea - 5 parts
  • Calendula flowers - 3 parts
  • Grass knotweed - 5 parts
  • Horsetail herb - 5 parts
  • Celandine grass - 2 parts.

Collection № 3

  • melilot herb drug - 2 parts
  • Chamomile flowers - 5 parts
  • Grass uliginose - 5 parts
  • Stem hop - part 3
  • Grass Salvia officinalis - 5 parts.

To prepare the broth bath 1 liter of water take 3 tbsp. l. collecting, heated to boiling, filtered and cooled. The duration of the sit-baths - 10-15 minutes. It is taken 1-2 times a day for 8-12 days. When cystitis can be put on the area of ​​the bladder linen pads filled with hot steamed grass: chamomile, sage, cudweed, horsetail.

Consequences and outlook

Acute cystitis respond well to therapy. But ignoring signs of the disease, or non-compliance with treatment, the following complications:

  • kidney inflammation (pyelonephritis);
  • urine reflux into the ureter and kidney (throw urine from the bladder).

Prevention of cystitis

In the prevention of cystitis are important personal hygiene, prompt treatment of inflammatory diseases, the prevention of hypothermia.

Prevention of chronic cystitis is rational treatment of acute cystitis, as well as early detection and treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system.

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