Digestive Tract

Dysbacteriosis adults: symptoms, tests, treatment

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Bacteria overgrowth - is a qualitative and quantitative change in the normal intestinal microflora upwards the number of symbiotic microorganisms, which are not present in healthy people or found in small quantities.

Bacteria overgrowth - is quite common and occurs in 90% of adults. Keep in mind that intestinal dysbiosis is not an independent disease, it is only the clinical and laboratory syndrome that develops in the presence of underlying disease.

a huge amount of bacteria present in the human gut:

  • bifidobacteria;
  • lactobacilli;
  • enterobacteria;
  • opportunistic flora (bacteroides, staphylococci, Streptococci, peptokokki and others).

Opportunistic microorganisms are in a small amount and peacefully coexist with the "main contingent 'intestines. But if there are any factors that they start to actively proliferate, which leads to the development of dysbiosis.

Normal gut flora performs a number of important functions. The main role of - protective (inhibit growth and reproduction of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms). Lactic, succinic acid and others that produce Bifidobacterium and Escherichia coli inhibit the growth of putrefactive and pyogenic bacteria. In addition, the normal intestinal microflora helps digestion and produce vitamins. In addition, the normal microflora contributes to the production of antibodies, ie, has a property of immunizing.

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Several distinct clinical forms of intestinal dysbiosis:


  • typical (enteritnaya, enterocolitica, kolitnaya);
  • atypical.


  • easy;
  • medium-heavy;
  • heavy.

With the flow:

  • acute (within 30 days);
  • prolonged (up to 4 months) with clinical manifestations (continuous or relapsing) and without clinical manifestations;
  • chronic (over 4 months) with clinical manifestations (continuous or relapsing) and without clinical manifestations.


By the development of dysbiosis cause various adverse factors:

  • intensive antibiotic therapy, chemotherapy, hormone therapy;
  • acute and chronic intestinal infections;
  • surgical operations on the abdominal organs;
  • digestive tract diseases;
  • decrease in the body's defenses under the influence of adverse factors (radiation sickness, burn disease);
  • poor nutrition, fasting, overeating;
  • avitaminosis;
  • abrupt change their traditional way of life;
  • effect of different allergens on the body;
  • helminth infections (ascariasis, Enterobiasis, etc.).

The symptoms of dysbiosis

The clinical manifestations of intestinal dysbiosis can be quite diverse. They depend both on the nature of the pathological changes caused by overgrowth, as well as on the individual sensitivity, the degree of specific and non-specific sensitization. Also play a role the patient's age, the nature and long-term use of drugs, which led to this state, the kind of bacteria, and more.

The clinical picture of intestinal dysbiosis is characterized by general and local signs.

Common manifestations include:

  • loss of appetite,
  • fast fatiguability,
  • weight loss,
  • gipolivitaminozov signs,
  • anemia.

If there is an increase of activity of conditionally pathogenic flora, then join infectious intoxication symptoms:

  • fever,
  • dyspnea,
  • heart palpitations,
  • leukocytosis and accelerated erythrocyte sedimentation rate in blood.

The local symptoms of intestinal dysbiosis include:

  • copious watery stools without pathological impurities (enteritis),
  • loose stool with an impurity (enterocolitis),
  • the appearance of pus in the stool, mucus and blood veins say colitis.

Spasm of the colon due to its inflammation leads to constipation and flatulence (flatulence).

Abdominal pain is common to all types of intestinal dysbiosis. The intensity of pain varies and depends on the location and depth of the pathological process.

Furthermore, for typical allergic intestinal dysbiosis syndrome, which manifests itchy skin and mucous membranes and allergic rash.

mild form

For mild enteritnogo, enterocolitica and kolitnogo dysbiosis include those cases where the chair is no more than 5 times a day, fever and inflammatory changes in the blood are not available. It is also noted a decrease in appetite.

Moderate forms of dysbiosis

In the case of frequent stools up to 6-10 times a day, lack of appetite, weight loss continued, the development of intoxication syndrome and allergy suggest moderate form.

Also picking up symptoms of anemia and vitamin deficiencies. In case of fever, inflammatory changes in the blood say about the rise in the activity of conditionally pathogenic flora.

severe form

At a frequency of stool to 10 times per day or more, occurrence of fever, intestinal paresis (refuses peristaltirovat), anemia, significant reduction in weight, hemodynamic changes until infectious toxic shock should be diagnosed severe dysbiosis.


Differential diagnosis should be made with dysbiosis intestinal infections.

From laboratory diagnostics provides real help microbiological examination of stool, which allows you to identify not only the quality and quantitative breach of intestinal microflora, but also plated to determine the sensitivity of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms to antibiotics and bacteriophages.

To conduct the study 1 gram of feces diluted in nat. solution were plated on nutrient medium. Violation of intestinal biocenosis evidenced by the lack of growth of bifidobacteria and a sharp decline in E. coli. In addition, an indicator is dysbacteriosis detection of bacteria such as Proteus, Staphylococcus, yeast and other fungi.

In addition to the examination the doctor may prescribe gastroscopy, sigmoidoscopy, irrigoscopy, colonoscopy and Abdominal ultrasound.

Treatment of intestinal dysbiosis

Treatment of intestinal dysbiosis engaged gastroenterologist, or, in its absence, a therapist.

Treatment should begin with the elimination of the causes of this condition (if possible) and diet purposes.

Diet at a dysbacteriosis

In the first place at a dysbacteriosis imposed a ban on alcohol, fatty, fried, spicy and salty meals, sweets and pastries, as well as products that enhance flatulence and putrefaction processes.

Crude fiber is also recommended not to use. The food should be milk products and fruits, berries and vegetables, which are well absorbed in intestine and inhibit putrefaction and fermentation (apricots, tomatoes without skin, blueberries, squash, eggplant and others).


Antibiotic therapy is indicated for moderately-severe to severe forms of dysbiosis.

Antibiotics are selected taking into account the sensitivity to them seeded pathogens.

For example, when staphylococcal dysbacteriosis preferred macrolide antibiotics (Azithromycin, erythromycin), aminoglycosides (gentamicin), fluoroquinolones (tsiprolet) and cephalosporins (Cefazolin).

When dysbacteriosis caused by Klebsiella and tsitrobakter shown gentamicin.

Treatment of vulvovaginal dysbacteriosis requires antifungal agents (fljukostat).

Possible replacement derivatives nitrofuran antibiotics (furazolidone, furadonin) or bacteriophage (at mild disease): Staphylococcal bacteriophage proteus bacteriophage and piobakteriofag others.

The course of treatment with antibiotics and nitrofurans lasts 7-10 days. Bacteriophages prescribed courses of 5-7 days, at intervals of 3 days. Number of treatments depends on the effectiveness of treatment.

The second step in the treatment of dysbiosis is to restore normal intestinal microflora.

To bacterial preparations (probiotics) are: bifikol, laktobakterin, colibacterin bifidumbacterin, baktsibutil and others. Duration of treatment of biological products from 3 weeks to 1.5-2 months depending on the severity of the disease.

Treatment dysbacteriosis complex and must include, besides the above, the enzyme preparations (Festalum, pancreatin, abomin), vitamin complexes and immunostimulants.

Consequences and outlook

Dysbacteriosis resulting in secondary immunodeficiency, resulting in the following diseases can develop (in the presence of precipitating factors and predisposition):

  • eczema;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • diabetes;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • malignant tumors of the intestine and so on.

The prognosis of dysbacteriosis depends upon the adequacy of therapy and the degree of severity of the process.

In most cases, the prognosis is favorable.

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