Female Diseases

Gynecologist-endocrinologist: that cures when the handle

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Author: Volkov AA, a practicing endocrinologist.
May 2019.

Endocrinology - a complex area of ​​medicine, which is closely linked with many other areas. In many ways it intersects with gynecology. After the female genital organs are also a source of hormones and may not work correctly, malfunctioning of various kinds. As a result, there are certain symptoms that reduce quality of life, and forces women to see a doctor.

Unlike endocrinologist endocrinologist and gynecologist

One of the young professions in modern medicine - a gynecologist-endocrinologist. Doctors this area are not so many, but in private clinics can meet them more often.

Gynecologist-endocrinologist - a doctor who is familiar not only with the peculiarities of the female genital organs, but with the peculiarities of the endocrine system. Given that female sexual dysfunction is strongly linked to the activity of the endocrine glands, the combination is very efficient and allows the gynecologist to reach a greater percentage of the recovery.

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Gynecologist-endocrinologist, as opposed to simply the gynecologist knowledgeable not only about the bodies that perform both sexes, endocrine function, but simply on the endocrine system, failures in which the work may affect women's fertility and other reproductive functions. After all, the malfunction of the adrenal glands, and the unsustainable production of thyroid hormones can lead to the fact that women have problems in the sexual sphere.

By the gynecologist-endocrinologist at the reception is usually treated those women who could not help ordinary gynecologist. That is, these women have no tumor in the reproductive organs, or adhesions, or any inflammation or erosion, but the complaint reason is. And the task of the gynecologist-endocrinologist is to exclude endocrine disease that can affect the reproductive organs of a convert to the patient him.

In some cases, women need help endocrinologist

Many women are delaying an address to the endocrinologist or gynecologist-endocrinologist. This is due to the fact that the suspect deviations from the norm is quite difficult, especially if the patient has no habit of carefully monitor their health. In this case, there is a possibility to ignore the first warning signs. Very often neglect is due to the fact that in the initial stages the symptoms are non-specific endocrine disorders, are unable to cause anxiety, if not evaluate them carefully.

Symptoms that should alert

Doctors call a number of symptoms, when they appear, she will need to consult your doctor for advice. Following consultation with changes occurring organism can be recognized by one norm, and can be detected by a disease requiring medical correction.

The symptoms with which patients often find themselves on the doctor's reception, the following:

  • weight change without objective reasons and fundamental changes in the diet (may occur as a sharp increase in the weight index and, on the contrary, it decreases);
  • failures in the menstrual cycle (menses too frequent or too infrequent, too copious or, on the contrary, is very poor);
  • signs of strengthening premenstrual syndromeIf a woman is suffering from it, or their appearance if they previously were not observed;
  • definition cysts in the breast;
  • occurrence of problems with the skin (excessive dryness or its opposite, richness, a large amount of eruptions resembling acne);
  • appearance body hair male pattern;
  • decrease in sexual desire to a minimum;
  • severe loss of hair until the full baldness;
  • increase muscle mass without significant training;
  • miscarriage or even the inability to conceive a child.

Any of these symptoms, which appeared recently or existing for a long time - a serious reason to visit an endocrinologist endocrinologist or gynecologist. Indeed, the stronger running pathology, the harder it is to treat.

hormone levels change

Endocrinological diseases occur in women, mainly associated with the fluctuations in the level of female sex hormones. This group includes:

estrogens (Estradiol, estrone, estriol, etc.).

Ensure the proper functioning of not only sex, but also the cardiovascular, nervous, and other bronchopulmonary systems. Protect a woman's body from a large number of different diseases, and age-related decline of their level leads to the development of menopause.

Lowering estrogen levels facing female fertility loss, osteoporosis, hypothyroidism, depression and others. Excess estrogen also affects the body positively. The woman may mark mood swings, the appearance of cysts in the mammary glands, elongation and amplification of heavy menstrual cycle and others.

progestins (progesterone)

Are a group of hormones of pregnancy, providing conception and childbearing. Normally perpetuate egg in the uterine cavity, provide lactating mammary gland, muscle is prepared for upcoming genera.

Lack of progestogens leads to the fact that the woman is suffering from painful menstruation, uterine bleeding outside the menstrual cycle. Also, upon the occurrence of pregnancy increases the risk of miscarriage or fetal perenashivanie, underdevelopment of the fetus. Excess progestogens also dangerous at high risk of bleeding outside the cycle, the development of the corpus luteum cyst, renal impairment in functioning.

Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (luteinizing and follicle-stimulating)

Produced by the pituitary gland, responsible for the regulation of sexual glands. In case of fluctuations of the level of possible problems with the onset of pregnancy, the menstrual cycle. Excess and deficiency of these hormones may also contribute to the development of tumoral diseases.


A hormone produced in the pituitary gland and affecting the mammary glands. Activates them milk production after birth. Scientists know that prolactin receptors exist in other organs, but their function there still has not been established. Excess prolactin leads to the appearance of milk outside the period of lactation.

Female endocrine disorders

Endocrine diseases that are typical for the ladies associated with impaired production of sex hormones.

Impaired puberty

It is relatively rare, are often characterized by the presence of failures even at the level of the genetic code. The woman may occur too fast or, conversely, too slow sexual development. Perhaps the appearance of the girls at puberty secondary sexual characteristics. Diagnosis is based on an assessment of the level of sex hormones. Treatment is mainly medication using hormone replacement therapy.

Amenorrhea primary and secondary

More a symptom than a full-fledged disease. It meets today quite often characterized by the absence of menstruation in the fair sex. Is primary, when menstruation generally never was from the time of puberty, secondary and, when menstruation was, but then stopped for any reason. Amenorrhea can be the result of secondary hermaphroditism, congenital adrenogenital syndrome, anorexia and other diseases. Treatment is based on correcting the underlying pathology.

Menstrual irregularities

Very diverse. Menstruation may be shorter than three days, and then talk about oligomenoree (physiological or pathological), Can be more than seven days, and then the pathology called polimenoreya and others. To determine the cause of failures shall hormones, correction is also carried out via a number of hormonal medicines.


Prolactin excess, resulting in a lack of menses, to be released from mammary glands liquid resembling milk. Uncommon. Treatment is based on the prolactin-antagonist drugs.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (SKPYA)

Characterized production in the ovaries of a large number of male sex hormones. It is diagnosed by evaluating the hormonal profile, as well as with the help of ultrasound. Quite often. Treatment is mainly conservative.

Female sex hormones in the body are responsible for a large number of functions. There is nothing surprising in the fact that the violation of their production leads to failure once in many organs and systems.

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