Male Reproductive System

Semen quality: indicators, norms, methods of improving the quality of

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Sperm quality is defined by its special study - sperm analysis (semen), Which is obtained in a study just ejaculate to determine quantitative and qualitative morphological characteristics of sperm.

Typically, semen is assigned in conjunction with other tests to determine the cause of infertility in marriage, as well as male infertility and the presence of inflammatory or hormonal diseases of the male reproductive system.

In addition, semen necessarily take place before IVF and artificial insemination.

Preparation for delivery of ejaculate

To sperm parameters were significant, it is necessary to prepare for its delivery:

  • refraining from 2 to 7 days (optimally 3-5 days);
  • rejection of alcohol, strong tea, coffee and drugs throughout the period of abstinence;
  • rejection of visits baths, saunas, hot tubs and receiving shower prohibition solarium and sun on the time interval specified above.

Sperm dealt directly in the laboratory (special room) by masturbation. Possible to bring the ejaculate out of the house, resulting in an interrupted sexual intercourse Medical condom, but delivery time should be no more than three hours, and delivered sperm temperature should be about 36 ° C (Armpit). It should be borne in mind that the ejaculate obtained outside the laboratory, can down the road for her to spill that affect sperm parameters.

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norms of semen


Normal ejaculate is 3-5 ml. Reduced (less than 2 ml) indicates either a delivery tackle sperm in a laboratory or the insufficiency of functions of sexual glands (prostate, seminal vesicles, and others). The increase in sperm count indicates the presence of inflammation in the genitals.


The normal color of semen is whitish, greyish or tinged with yellow. Red or brown color of semen indicates either injury genitals or on the rocks in the prostate or chronic vesiculitis (Red color is due to admixture of red blood cells).


Normal sperm is 7.2-7.8 pH (alkaline). Deviations in either direction indicate inflammation of the sex glands.

liquefaction time

semen liquefaction time should not exceed 60 minutes. In the case of overtime liquefaction spermatozoa lose their energy in the acidic environment of the vagina and lose activity, which greatly reduces their ability to fertilize an egg. Most often, a long time thinning observed in chronic prostatitis and / or vesicles.

The viscosity of semen

To determine the viscosity of ejaculate was measured yarn length drained from the end of the pipette. Normally it is not more than 0.5 cm.

Elongated thread (high viscosity) or evidence of chronic prostatitis, or vesicles. Thick and sticky sperm significantly reduces the chances of conception, so it is difficult to move the sperm into the vagina, which further reinforces the negative impact on their acidic environment.

The number of spermatozoa in 1 ml of ejaculate

Normally, in 1 ml of semen should contain more than 20 million. spermatozoa.

Reduced sperm density called oligozoospermia, which indicates the inefficiency of the testes (reduced androgens inflammation of the testicles, toxic damage of seminiferous epithelium of the testes in history, weakened immune system, metabolic disturbance materials, etc.).

Reduced concentration reduces the chances of fertilization. Increased density or polizoospermiya sperm (over 120 Mill. in 1 ml) is preceded by oligozoospermia.

Total Sperm

The total number of spermatozoa in the ejaculate to be investigated more 60mln. Reduced density due to the same factors that decrease the concentration of spermatozoa in 1 ml of semen.

sperm Motility

On sperm motility depend on the chances of fertilization. Are 4 groups of sperm:

  • Group A - actively motile spermatozoa with rectilinear motion;
  • Group B - slow-moving sperm with rectilinear motion;
  • Group C - slow-moving sperm, which oscillatory movement or rotary;
  • Group D - sperm immobile.

Normally should be more than 25% spermatozoa from group A or 50% of the sperm from the group A and B.

Reduced sperm motility is called astenozoosperiya and evidence of inflammation processes of genitals, toxic and thermal effects on the male reproductive glands (Testicles).


Using this index is determined by the number of normal spermatozoa.

Normally unmodified spermatozoa to be more than 20%. About teratozoospermic say, when the number of normal sperm than 20%.

Affect sperm morphology and toxic radiation damage, inflammatory and infectious processes, as well as ecology.

live sperm

This indicator measures the percentage of live sperm in the ejaculate. The smaller, the lower the probability of conception. Normally live sperm has to be more than 50%.

On nekrospermii say at decrease indicator described, which may be temporary during intoxication, infectious disease, stress. Permanent nerkospermiya observed in lesions of testicular radiation, toxic substances or thermal action.

The cells of spermatogenesis

The amount of exfoliated cells spermatogenic epithelium of the seminiferous tubules should be no more than 2%.

Agglutination and aggregation

Normally, sperm agglutination (agglutination) and the accumulation of sperm in the clots is absent.

Leukocytes and erythrocytes

Normally, red blood cells are absent in the ejaculate, and the number of white blood cells is not more than 3-4 in sight. If leukocytes more, it indicates inflammation in the male genital organs.


Normally, mucus in the sperm or she is not a small amount. The discovery of a significant amount of mucus indicates the inflammatory process of the prostate and seminal vesicles.


  • oligozoospermia - low concentration of spermatozoa;
  • asthenozoospermia - low sperm motility;
  • theratozoospermia - reduced the number of morphologically normal forms;
  • azoospermia - no sperm in the ejaculate;
  • spermatoschesis - no ejaculate;
  • oligospermia - sperm count of less than 2 mL;
  • leykospermiya - increased number of leukocytes;
  • akinospermiya - all sperm are immobile;
  • kriptospermiya - a very low sperm count, which are determined only after centrifugation of semen.

Methods for improving sperm quality

In addition to eliminating the inflammatory and endocrine diseases, treatment of which is prescribed by the physician (antibiotics and hormones) to improve the quality of sperm is necessary to observe some simple rules:

temperature conditions

The testicles are the only body that is outside the abdominal cavity. Consequently, heating promotes testicular sperm quality deterioration: reduced activity of sperms and appear abnormal morphological forms.

Accordingly, it is necessary to abandon the frequent reception of the hot bath / shower, fewer trips to the bath and sauna, to give pleasure to luxuriate in the Jacuzzi.

In addition, clothing (underwear and trousers) should be free, do not squeeze the testicles, and do not overheat them. It is recommended to give up the tight pants tight jeans.

avoid stress

Stressful situations "beat" not only for the nerves, but also by sperm. If possible, avoid conflicts, fatigue, nervous tension.

sexual life

No less important role in sperm quality plays a rhythm of sexual life. Too rare sexual acts lead to a decrease in sperm motility, and, on the other hand, frequent intimate contact make sperm "liquid", that is, its content of sperm is significantly reduced.

Optimal rhythm of sexual life is 4-6 times a week.

Weight & Fitness

Overweight - an accumulation of excess subcutaneous fat, which produces estrogen, which has a negative effect on sperm activity.

normalization of weight will help a balanced diet and regular (2-3 times per week of moderate exercise). Especially useful exercise to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor and abdominals.

Balanced diet

It is necessary to abandon the intermediates and products that contain flavor enhancers and preservatives.

The food products have to be present which contain large amounts of vitamin E, B, C, and minerals selenium and zinc.

These biologically active substances beneficial effect on sperm quality.

In the list of products to include seafood, herbs (dill, parsley, cilantro, celery), carrots, pumpkin, garlic, asparagus, tomatoes, pomegranates, apples, bananas and avocados.

Also, the diet must include milk and dairy products, beef and veal, fish, and nuts in large quantities, mushrooms, buckwheat, oatmeal, liver and legumes.

Bad habits

Very negative impact on the number and activity of sperm affect bad habits. It is necessary to give up smoking and drinking (or at least reduce), especially beer, which in large quantities contain phytoestrogens.

And, of course, a complete rejection of the drug. The same goes for the excessive use of strong tea and organic coffee. These drinks should be replaced by fresh juices and mineral water.

environmental factors

Normalize the environment around is not by a single person, but you can minimize the impact of harmful factors. You should not keep the laptop on your lap (overheating of the testicles), to try to reduce the exposure to toxic substances (paints, varnishes, household chemicals and other "hazard"), often to breathe fresh air.

Deviations from normal semen and IVF

Almost 50% of men have some kind of deviation from normal semen parameters. Part of them is sufficient to establish daily routine and rest, to rationalize food, give up bad habits - it improves the quality of sperm and enhances fertility (ability to fertilize).

But in some cases, to conceive a child will only IVF procedure which includes a sample of active and without abnormalities of sperm morphology.

Under pathological spermogrammy results (presence of azoospermia, teratospermia, nekrospermii, and other asthenozoospermia) IVF expanded, one of the stages which becomes ICSI.

ICSI is the assistive technology and consists of several stages:

  • receiving from the testis by using microsurgical operation viable spermatozoa;
  • cultivation of spermatozoa;
  • selection of the best and most active sperm;
  • introduction of sperm using intracytoplasmic sperm injection into the egg;
  • Freezing sperm remain viable for the future.

In addition to abnormalities of sperm analysis, ICSI is carried out in the presence of sperm antibodies as a woman and a man.


Prognosis after IVF in conjunction with ICSI is dependent on two factors. Firstly, increased chances of fertilization in the preparation of active sperm from the testes or semen. And secondly, the higher quality of eggs obtained from a woman, the greater the percentage of their fertilization.

When conducting ICSI fertilization oocytes occurs in 60-70% of cases, significantly higher (30%) after standard IVF procedure.

In addition, 90-95% of fertilized eggs developing embryo.

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