Ear, Nose, Throat

Tonsillitis: Types, Symptoms, Treatment

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Tonsillitis - an inflammation of the tonsils.

The occurrence of the disease is dominated by Haemophilus influenzae, streptococcus, Moraxella.

Transfer of bacteria occurs through airborne droplets, the source is a sick man.

manifestations of tonsillitis

The acute form

There have been rapid onset with a rise in body temperature, weakness, headache, sore throat, worse when swallowing, increased morbidity and submandibular lymph nodes.

In the clinical analysis of blood are determined by changes typical of an inflammatory process.

To read more detailed article about acute tonsillitis.

Chronic forms

The most typical complaint of patients with chronic tonsillitis are repeated sore throat. Also, patients complain of persistent or recurrent pain on swallowing, pain in the submandibular lymph nodes, sore throat, bad breath, purulent expectoration traffic jams. In some cases, concerned about pain in the heart and joints. Often, low-grade fever is present.

During the chronic resulting long existing inflammation cicatrices seam appear in tonsils, consequently, forms a closed septic foci. Accumulate so-called cork, is an accumulation of food particles, living and dead bacteria, white blood cells. Furthermore plugs can be liquid and pus. In purulent stoppers tonsils are very favorable conditions for the preservation and reproduction of microbes bolznetvornyh. His vital functions they support the inflammatory process in the tonsils.

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Diagnosis of the disease is carried out at ENT examination.

To read a more detailed article on chronic tonsillitis.


Treatment of an acute form

Antibiotic therapy (amoxiclav, augmentin, bioparoks). Along with antibiotics used and local antiseptics, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect (geksasprey, Geksoral, stopangin, Tantum Verde et al.).

Inappropriate treatment of acute tonsillitis, such as the rejection of antibiotics or unduly shortened course, is one of the reasons for the transition of acute tonsillitis chronic.

chronic forms of treatment

The standard set of preventive medical treatment of chronic tonsillitis include a set of procedures aimed at combating pathogenic microflora residing in the gaps of the tonsils, tonsillar drainage improvement, the correction of immunological protection body. This set includes the tonsils gaps lavage, tonsils lubrication antiseptic solutions, physiotherapy (for ultrasound or laser therapy submaxillary area), the use of immunomodulators. The course of treatment is carried out twice a year.

Conservative treatment is indicated in patients with uncomplicated chronic tonsillitis in cases when the operation of the general state of the patient may be delayed; if the patient has not previously received any treatment or mainly concerned local manifestations - purulent tonsillolith, halitosis, etc.

Among the most effective methods for the following:

  • washing and removing gaps tonsils purulent plugs (repeat courses using the machine "Tonzilor"),
  • administering to the amygdala via phonophoresis various medicaments
  • physiotherapy - KUF "Yakhont-F".

Improve the efficiency of the treatment can be achieved appointment of immunostimulatory herbal extracts.

Indications for surgical treatment of tonsillitis

  • Frequent (2-4 times per year) angina, accompanied by high body temperature; there is one or another complication associated with peaking process (polyarthritis, pyelonephritis and so forth.).
  • As a result, one of the rare cases of angina (1 every 5-7 years) developed any complication from the heart, joints, and others.
  • Cases of angina was not, however, against the background of any heart disease, joints, etc. identifies local signs of chronic tonsillitis, mainly congestion in the gaps of the tonsils pus.
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