Skin, Hair, Nails

Folliculitis: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

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Called folliculitis infectious inflammation in the hair follicle, which has the nature of microbial, less fungal, viral or otherwise.

Folliculitis refers to a group pyoderma skin is more common in regions with hot climates, or when there is insufficient hygiene.


The main causes of folliculitis are:

  • bacteria constantly living on the skin as part of conditionally pathogenic flora, mainly staphylococcus. Less frequently gonorrheal, syphilitic or Pseudomonas folliculitis.
  • Candida fungi, dermatophytes, or Pityrosporum.
  • viruses molluscum contagiosum, Herpes or shingles,
  • ticks (itch, Demodectic).

Promote occurrence of folliculitis minor skin damage - scratching, cuts, scratches, oozing. Especially often arise when folliculitis allergies, dermatitis, Itching of the skin.

It contributes to the spread of infection the presence of immunodeficiency, diabetesApplying hormonal ointments, skin exposure of household chemicals and irritants.


isolated by origin:

  • staphylococcal folliculitis in the growth of stubble on the face and chin. Mainly occurs in men, shaving his mustache and beard.
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  • Pseudomonas folliculitis develop when bathing in hot water is not treated properly. It develops mainly in people with weakened zdorvem in areas of the face and upper body.
  • gonorrheal forms occur in the genital area when untreated gonorrhea.
  • sifilisnoy arise in the second stage syphilis in the beard and mustache area, on the scalp. Accompanied by patches of baldness.
  • candida occur mainly at the weakened or bedridden people in the contact zone with a bed or bandages
  • herpetic folliculitis occur in the area of ​​hair growth in the area of ​​cold sores on the face.

The symptoms of folliculitis

Photo: Staphylococcal folliculitis
Photo: site of the Department of dermatology Tomsk Military Medical Institute

Folliculitis usually starts with redness and swelling of the area of ​​the hair follicle, located in the center of his hair. Gradually around the hair forms a cone with purulent contents of white or yellow-green.

When the opening and after the pus is still sore with a crust. When eruptions occur soreness and itching of the skin in the affected area.

On average, the process takes about a week. If the lesion depth, after no longer the crust, can remain scars or pigmentation area.

Minor damage have consequences.

Folliculitis can be single or multiple, its typical localization is

  • face,
  • scalp,
  • groin and underarms hair growth in the area,
  • hip and thigh in the depilation zone
  • front thighs in men.

folliculitis the danger is that it can move in boils or carbuncles, forming hydradenitis or abscesses.


Diagnosis is made by a dermatologist after determining the cause folliculitis. To conduct the study

  • examination of lesions,
  • dermatoscopy to determine the depth of lesion,
  • seeding content abscess.

In cases of recurrent character shows blood sugar and consultation immunologist.

folliculitis treatment

The method of treatment will depend on the cause, if it is bacterial infection - ointments and creams antibiotics, active herpes lesions are treated with acyclovir ointment, fungal shown fungicidal creams.

In any case it is impossible to squeeze out the pus nails - this will only exacerbate the disease.

The initial stages of folliculitis amenable to treatment with aniline dyes - Zelenko, or iodine fukortsinom.

In order to prevent the spread of infection, the healthy skin around the infected focus is processed salicylic alcohol or other antiseptics. In recurrent character folliculitis apply UV irradiation.

In severe folliculitis requires therapy with oral antibiotics or antifungal agents in parallel with the local treatment of the skin.

The prognosis for life and health is favorable, although running folliculitis scars may remain on the skin.

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