
Rash on the sternum in females. Reasons photos, as pimples, itches like than cure get rid

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Rash on the sternum is a fairly common problem among patients of different sex and age. In women, such a sign is shown more often, and the reasons may be associated with different predisposing factors. To identify these factors require examination, allowing accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Types of lesions in the sternum in women
  • 2 Causes rash
    • 2.1 Infectious diseases
    • 2.2 skin diseases
    • 2.3 emotional stress
    • 2.4 Pathology of internal organs
    • 2.5 Ignoring the rules of personal hygiene
    • 2.6 periods
    • 2.7 atypical rashes
  • 3 Possible disease symptoms
    • 3.1 Prickly heat
    • 3.2 Hives
    • 3.3 Rubella
    • 3.4 syphilitic rash
    • 3.5 Scarlet fever
    • 3.6 Scabies
    • 3.7 Chickenpox
    • 3.8 acne
    • 3.9 Atopic dermatitis
    • 3.10 Contact dermatitis
    • 3.11 folliculitis
    • 3.12 Psoriasis
    • 3.13 Seborrheic dermatitis
    • 3.14 Shingles
  • 4 Possible consequences and complications
  • 5 When you need to see a doctor
  • 6 Establishing diagnosis
  • 7 Treatment
    • 7.1 retinoids
    • 7.2 antibiotics
    • 7.3 probiotic
    • 7.4 immunomodulators
    • 7.5 antihistamines
  • 8 Folk remedies
  • 9 Videos about acne on the sternum
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Types of lesions in the sternum in women

Depending on the state, which has provoked the appearance of lesions, there are several varieties of the rash.

The most frequent are:

  • The rash usually appears white in the sternum in the excessive use of cosmetics, clogging pores. It has a small size and may disappear even without the use of drugs.
  • Scarlet acne almost always show the development of the inflammatory process in the skin pores and sebaceous ducts. They can provoke pain, and is almost always accompanied by itching.
  • Purulent acne are the result of adherence of pathogens to the inflammatory process. They are painful, large and often damaged, leaving in its place weeping surface.
  • Eruptions with a black dot in the middle of each chamber - the result of long-term clogging of the pores and poor personal hygiene. In most cases they are not painful, but if untreated, may transform into inflamed lesions.
  • Acne, which is located in the center of hair, usually occur as a result of inflammation of the hair follicle. This type of rash is painful and can cause complications.
  • Very small pimples raznog shade almost always indicate the development of allergic reactions to foods, cosmetics or pharmaceuticals.Rash on the sternum in females. Reasons photos than cure
  • Small bubbles filled with a transparent or turbid liquid. In most cases, this type of rash talking about viral diseases.
  • Rash caused by fungal or other dermatological diseases, often takes the form of spots of reddish color, surrounded by flaky skin.
  • Small solitary lesions, provoking itching, inflammation may be a sign of the defeat of scabies. Usually the first symptoms appear it is a rash in the area of ​​the sternum.

Sometimes the rash may have an atypical appearance. This requires a comprehensive diagnosis to identify the root cause.

Causes rash

Rash on the sternum in women, the causes of which may be different, it may be the result of pathological or normal physiological factors.

Infectious diseases

Scarlet fever, measles, and chickenpox can cause lesions in the sternum. Usually the rash appears not only in the chest, but on the face, abdomen and back. In the formation of acne on the sternum should immediately visit a specialist.

In some cases, this symptom suggests the development of severe disease. The rash may be large or small, are often damaged and crust over.

skin diseases

Contact skin with various substances often leads to the appearance of the rash. However, in some cases, the patient has a rash in the form of flat spots with jagged edges.

Rash on the sternum in females. Reasons photos than cure
The cause of the rash on the chest of women can be dermatitis of different origin. Photos with examples and descriptions

Such a sign indicates the development of eczema, psoriasis, or severe dermatitis. It is worth noting that in such pathologies rash covers a vast area of ​​the skin.

emotional stress

Stressful situations, constant anxiety and emotional stress is considered to be a common cause of rash. Typically lesions are small in size, are located close to each other, hit the small areas of the skin.

In the sternum rash appears first, and then may spread to the abdomen, hands and face.

Pathology of internal organs

The defeat of the intestines, stomach and liver can cause lesions in the sternum. The female body reacts to such disorders, so patients rash appears much more likely than male patients.

In addition, disease of the reproductive system, e.g., ovarian lesion becomes a predisposing factor in the formation of scars. Typically, it is localized in a specific area, namely in the sternum area.

Ignoring the rules of personal hygiene

Failure to comply with the basic rules of personal hygiene will certainly lead to the appearance of symptoms of the skin. However, the rash covers not only the area of ​​the sternum, but also other parts of the body.

In most cases, the rash can also affect the upper back, limbs, sometimes the face. In this case, manifestations may occur with a lack of hygiene or excessive use of soaps, gels and other means.


Rash on the sternum in women, the causes of which may be associated with abnormalities of the reproductive system often appears during menstruation. At the same hormonal changes that lead to increased work of sweat and sebaceous glands.Rash on the sternum in females. Reasons photos than cure

That is why the rashes appear during menstruation and disappear after a few days after their termination, even without the use of special tools.

atypical rashes

Atypical acne can result from disorders that are not related to diseases of internal organs. Allergies to foods or medications may be a predisposing factor.

Rash at the same location on the sternum, as well as the area under the neck, on the face. After the evacuation of the allergen from the body pimples disappear, but often requires the use of drugs.

Possible disease symptoms

When the rash experts do not always associate it with any natural factors. Quite often, pimples are the result of diseases, serve as the first indication.

Prickly heat

Sudamen is a common pathological state in which the skin of the patient appear small white pimples situated very close to each other. At the same time quite often rash drained, the surface becomes uneven.

The condition usually manifests itself in the summer, when the sweat glands are working in emergency mode. On the sternum produced a rash, but also affected the area under the mammary gland, as well as foot. In most cases, there are no other symptoms, sometimes itch. Combing they increase somewhat pimples, are filled with a transparent liquid.


Urticaria - a common disease characterized by the appearance of red, painful rash of small size in different parts of the skin. In women, the rash often spreads to the sternum.Rash on the sternum in females. Reasons photos than cure

At the same time there are other symptoms as watery eyes, severe itching, flaking of the skin. The cause of the disease is becoming an allergic reaction to household chemicals, medicines, cosmetics. In addition, the response is often associated with the consumption of specific foods or seasonings.


An infectious disease that affects patients of all ages and is characterized by the formation of red rash on the sternum, abdomen and back. In this case, the rash merge into a large red spot appears severe itching and irritation.

In addition, the patient body temperature rises, there is a weakness and lack of appetite. State is considered dangerous and requires prompt treatment.

syphilitic rash

The rash often appears on the sternum of women running on the stage of syphilis. The cause of the disease becomes Treponema pallidum, which enters the body and affects the internal organs, weaken the immune system.

In this case, the patient on the sternum appear reddish or white pimples are small. In addition, there is a weakness, appetite loss, headache. Symptoms increase gradually, n disease can progress quite rapidly.

Scarlet fever

Pyogenic streptococcus causes of scarlet fever. The disease is considered to be children because mainly affects children, but can occur in adults. In this case, the rash is not only in the sternum, but also in the area of ​​elbow and knee bends.Rash on the sternum in females. Reasons photos than cure

An additional symptom of the disease becomes a weakness, fever, nausea. The patient's body is weakened, there is a severe intoxication. The rash fades after recovery.


Common dermatological diseases, the cause of which becomes itch mite. It penetrates into the skin, provoking itching. After scratching on the sternum appears small, flesh-colored rash.

Usually there are no additional symptoms, but long-term course of the disease may join infections resulting from damage to the skin and penetration into the wound pathogenic microorganisms.


Chickenpox is not often affects adult women, but it can cause the onset of rash in the sternum. Thus spots have a small size, their outer film damaged by scratching on the film remains sore spot.

After some time, the sore is covered with a crust. When you remove this crust in place of acne scar remains. In addition, the deterioration of general condition, nausea and headache. Always after infection with chicken pox increased body temperature.


Acne - a fairly common problem among women of all ages. In this case, pimples are large, white head often suppurate. Combing foci may damage the outer layer, which provokes bleeding and pain, it is often the cause of the inflammation.Rash on the sternum in females. Reasons photos than cure

Additional symptoms in most cases no in the initial stages. If the reason was upset hormonal balance, disrupted menstrual cycle, pain in the lower abdomen.

Atopic dermatitis

Dermatological disease with hereditary character and accompanied by the appearance on the different parts of the body of small bubbles. The disease usually manifests itself in early childhood, it becomes chronic and the patient regularly observed periods of exacerbation.

In women, the rash appears not only in the area of ​​the sternum, but also on the arms, trunk, extremities. Rash accompanied by intolerable itching, which causes a woman to comb the affected area. In their place are moist spots associated infection.

Contact dermatitis

Symptomatology of the disease resembles atopic form, but the condition is not hereditary, but manifested in contact with any other material or chemical means. In this case, the patient indicates the formation of scars in the sternum, itching, mild, and complications are rare.


Folliculitis is an infectious disease caused by streptococcus, characterized by the appearance of small foci of inflammation in the hair growth on the body. The sternum region is also present hair, so the pathology is often manifested in the form of a rash on this site.Rash on the sternum in females. Reasons photos than cure

Hair follicles are affected quite often, there is pain and itching. The woman notes deterioration of health, sometimes her body temperature rises.


Rash on the sternum in women, the causes of which are often associated with chronic diseases can result from psoriasis. At the same time in the chest appear reddish flat spots of various sizes. Skin becomes dry, there is itching and irritation. The disease runs hard, relapses occur from 2 to 5 times a year.

Seborrheic dermatitis

The disease is of fungal origin, accompanied by the appearance of lesions, in the sternum and other body parts. When this fungus provokes dryness, itching and flaking.

Typically pathology affects the scalp, resulting in partial or complete baldness, but can also affect the region of the sternum, and other body parts.


The disease is viral, triggered activation of the herpes virus in the body and characterized by the appearance on the trunk, field edges and the middle part of the back of large pimples filled clear liquid. The disease rarely leads to the formation of an eruption on the sternum.

Concomitant symptom is unbearable pain at rest and during movement, headache, and weakness.

Possible consequences and complications

If untreated, the rash can lead to complications.

The most common are the following:

  • brain injury as a result of infection.
  • Blood poisoning.
  • Daylight disease in the chronic stage.
  • Neurosis associated with the constant itching and discomfort in the affected area.
  • Scarring at the site of acne.Rash on the sternum in females. Reasons photos than cure
  • Incurable hormonal disorder.
  • The spread of the rash to other parts of the body.

Furthermore, atypical rash may be a sign of severe infectious diseases that result in the progression to death.

When you need to see a doctor

When the eruption of any species of the patient should seek medical attention if they do not disappear after a few days, or joined by other symptoms. Procrastination leads to worsening of the condition and the development of complications. Even in the absence of other signs of consultation of the dermatologist is required.

Establishing diagnosis

For diagnosis specialist examines the patient and hears complaints thoroughly examines the affected area. It is important to determine the type of rash and possible cause. After that the woman donates blood for clinical and biochemical studies.

It is also important to determine the level of hormones to hand over a smear from the vagina and analysis on the polymerase chain reaction. The latter type of diagnosis is considered to be particularly important, it identifies viruses in the body in a latent form. The results of all tests allow the doctor to establish the correct diagnosis.


For the treatment used drugs from different groups, allowing to render complex effects and prevent complications.


Preparations based on vitamin A or retinol are the best means to combat a rash of different origin.Rash on the sternum in females. Reasons photos than cure

Name Features
retinol A Means on the basis of tretinoin or retinoic acid. Used to fight with different rashes, stimulates regeneration processes, reduces inflammation and eliminates itching. Appointed during pregnancy and lactation, as well as non-pregnant women to eliminate acne, prickly heat, acne occurring during menstruation. It is necessary in the day treating the affected surface 2 times. Duration of the course - 7-14 days. The tool is not used if you are hypersensitive its components
retinoic ointment The composition contains isotretinoin. Dermatitis assigned when different forms of acne and blackheads. You must apply a dot on the lesions 2 to 3 times a day, course duration - 10 days. The tool is not used during pregnancy and lactation, malignant tumors and intolerance of its components
Roaccutane A preparation in the form of capsules containing isotretinoin, as active substance. Used in different types of acne, acne, rash, triggered by hormonal disorders and other factors. You must take 2 capsules 2 times a day for 3 weeks. Means not assigned lactating and pregnant women, patients with severe liver and renal pathologies

Any of the means used only after consulting a doctor.


Among the antibacterial agents can highlight some of the most effective. They help to cope with serious infectious diseases, accompanied by a rash:

  • Azitral - macrolide antibiotic, of which consists of azithromycin. The drug is considered effective if assigned rashes that have resulted from infections, inflammation. The day the patient is prescribed at 2 tablets must take at least 5 consecutive days. The tool is not given to pregnant and lactating women, patients with allergy to its components.
  • ciprofloxacin - antibiotics of the fluoroquinolone group of the same active ingredient in the composition. Is indicated for the rash, the cause of which was inflammation or infection. On the day the patient is prescribed from 2 to 4 tablets, duration of treatment - 10 days. The drug is contraindicated in case of allergy to its components, kidney and liver failure.Rash on the sternum in females. Reasons photos than cure

Antibiotic treatment is appointed by a doctor after the test.


Probiotics contain in their composition beneficial microorganisms, which normalize the intestinal microflora and improve digestion. This helps to eliminate rashes caused by such disorders.

The most popular is considered a probiotic Linex and Bifiform. Preparations should be not less than 7 consecutive days at 2 capsules per day. Women during pregnancy and lactation is not contraindicated drugs, but require a doctor's consultation. Allergy to the components of the composition of medicines should not be appointed.


Among the immunomodulators can allocate funds and Izoprenozin Viferon. Drugs prescribed for a rash, provoked the weakening of immunity, the penetration of the herpes virus or other pathogens.

Isoprinosine comprises a composition titled component, has a strong impact. Must take 2 pills 3 times per day for at least 10 consecutive days. Contraindication to treatment will urolithiasis, intolerance means components.

Viferon contains a part of human interferon, and has a strong antiviral effects. Patients are usually given a rectal suppository. Enter the requested 1 piece daily at bedtime. Course duration - 10 days. Means permitted to pregnant and lactating women. Contraindication to treatment will be allergic to its components.


Antiallergics are always used, especially when urticaria, psoriasis, dermatitis. Assign them and rash, caused by stress, diseases of internal organs and other causes.

Zodak - means on the basis of cetirizine, it helps to quickly fix a rash of different origin. Take necessary not less than 7 consecutive days 1 tablet per day. The drug is contraindicated in pregnancy, lactation, allergy to its components.Rash on the sternum in females. Reasons photos than cure

Zirtek - preparation with cetirizine as the main component. It helps to cope with an allergic rash. Appointed a course of 7-10 days, per day the patient should take 1 tablet. Contraindication for receiving become lactation, pregnancy, severe renal insufficiency.

Folk remedies

Rash on the sternum in women, the causes of which may differ, can be eliminated with the help of folk remedies.

Mask of parsley will ease the itching and pain. You just need to chop 100 grams of greenery, grouped into the problem area and leave for 30 minutes. Repeated daily for a week.

The aqueous extract of marigold - good anti-inflammatory remedy for a rash of different origin. It is necessary to pour 300 ml hot water 20 g of dry feed, leave for 20 min. Ready means to filter and used to wipe the affected area 2 times a day for 10 days.

White clay has dried, soothing and anti-inflammatory properties. It is necessary to take 20 g of dry raw material, add water until a thick mass, put on the sternum, leave for 30 min. Repeat manipulation daily for 2 weeks.

Rash on the sternum - a fairly common problem that occurs in women of all ages. The reasons may be related to different factors. Use traditional and folk remedies permitted only after examination by a doctor.

Registration of the article: Vladimir the Great

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