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Unfavorable days for weather-sensitive people in 2019. Symptoms meteozavisimosti, weather index Geomagnetic conditions, how to fight, treatment

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Meteozavisimost - a person's susceptibility of the organism to changes in weather conditions (atmospheric pressure and temperature, wind, sun). For weather-sensitive people every year created a special calendar with unfavorable days, by which you can determine when the symptoms will emerge stronger state.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Calendar days adverse 2019-2020
  • 2 Stage and grade
  • 3 symptoms
  • 4 Causes
  • 5 When to see a doctor
  • 6 therapies
    • 6.1 Medications
    • 6.2 Traditional methods
    • 6.3 Other methods
  • 7 possible complications
  • 8 Videos about meteosensitivity

Calendar days adverse 2019-2020

Unfavorable days for weather-sensitive people are in each month. But the dates are subject to change annually. The table shows the calendar for weather-sensitive people in 2019.

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Month The number of the month Description of magnetic storms
September 6 Strong magnetic storms. On this day, you need to take particular care of their health. This is especially true of older people, pregnant women and children. As symptoms can manifest headache, increased blood pressure and dizziness.
26 Magnetic storms strong character. In order to alleviate the condition, need more time to walk in the fresh air. This is especially true of people with chronic diseases.
October 1 Weak magnetic storm. If a person has chronic pain in the head, in this day may increase discomfort. In addition, the body temperature rises dramatically. On this day, you need to carefully monitor their condition of people with hypertension as blood pressure can vary.
29, 30 Weak manifestation of magnetic storms. During this time, it is possible worsening state of health in people with insomnia. Additional blood pressure changes.
November 11 Strong magnetic storm. As a result, there is a weakness and dizziness. In addition, there is insomnia. On this day, sleep disturbance can occur even in people who do not respond to changes in weather conditions.
15 Magnetic storm manifests medium. If previously prepared for this day (to make a supply of drugs), the deviation can not be overlooked.
18 Storm weak character. On this day, the effect applies only to those people who have not yet recovered from the storms of 11 and 15 November 2019.
25 The probability of a storm - 50/50. But if all the same it happens, symptoms greatly.
December 3 Average magnetic disturbance
26 Strong magnetic storm
28 Weak effect on human health
29 A strong manifestation of magnetic storms
Unfavorable days for weather-sensitive people in 2019. Symptoms weather index Geomagnetic conditions, treatment

Unfavorable days for weather-sensitive people there in 2020. Calendar presented in the table below.

Month Number of the day in the month Description meteosensitivity
January 3, 5 Magnetic storms strong character. Human well-being can significantly deteriorate. This is especially true of pregnant women, children, the elderly. In his old age noticeable symptoms, blood pressure changes, observed pain in the head. If a person is completely healthy, these days may appear depressed state.
10 – 12 Weak strength of magnetic storms.
February 5 Magnetic storm manifests itself strongly. Experts recommend that to refuse to perform important issues. On this day, it is desirable to be at home
7 Deterioration observed in people with cardiovascular disease.
10 As a result of the outbreak, the psychological state of the people affected.
15 The last day in the month when you may receive a magnetic storm.
March 13 On this day, the average magnetic storm. Symptoms may be particularly pronounced in people with hypertension and cardiovascular pathologies.
16 The average magnetic storm. This may result in disturbed sleep, and sometimes aggression in some cases.
19, 21 A profound effect on human health. As a result, there is a pain in the head, the mood changed. So if you can, then that day is best to stay at home and devote time to rest. It is necessary to avoid places with a high concentration of population, as aggression and disruptive behavior can be markedly from other people.
22 The average magnetic storm. Especially the need to monitor their state of people with diseases of the nervous system.
28 This day is required to comply with complete peace of mind. Do not forget that the magnetic storms may accumulate. That is, during this month the body is weakened to such an extent that the person is unable to perform natural functions.
April 1 Average storm activity, most of all it is noticeable in the morning
7 Weak magnetic storm may appear during the day
18 Strong magnetic storm, more pronounced in the early morning (from 4 to 8 hours)
20 Average storm activity, it is noticeable in the morning.
May 5 Dangerous day with a serious magnetic storm. Symptoms can be different - from headaches to cramps in his heart.
11 – 17 A long period of exposure of magnetic storms on the human body.
20 – 25 Magnetic storms affect the psycho-emotional state of a person. As a result, it may appear anxiety, sleep problems. We need to try to avoid stressful situations and to devote time to rest more.
28 Health meteodependent people is deteriorating. This is especially noticeable in children, pregnant women and the elderly.
June 8 The first geomagnetic surge of medium strength.
9 Date is a continuation of June 8, 2020. But the activity is much stronger. As a result, symptoms are manifested acutely. This is especially noticeable in people with cardiovascular disease.
July 1 – 3 elevated loads should be avoided on the dates indicated. It is best to stay at home.
30, 31
August 2, 3 Minor fluctuations that do not affect a healthy person. But may cause symptoms in people with hypertension, diseases of the cardiovascular system, mood swings.
10 Magnetic storms medium. If a person has dystonia (VVD), you do not need much to overload the body that day.
13 – 14 Meteodependent little impact on health. May cause mild symptoms - headache, dizziness.
16 – 20 As a result of the hot weather, you may experience health problems. Among the symptoms, it may be noted meteodependent people a lot of pain in the head, change in blood pressure, pain in the joints.
29 The average magnetic storm. Meteodependent people to better rule out physical activity, otherwise symptoms will appear brighter.
September 1 – 10 Weak magnetic storms. The peak activity of this period - September 6, 2020. Symptomatology is not expressed clearly.
26 – 30 During this period, it will be a powerful flow of energy.
October 1 Magnetic storms weak character. On that day, a person can worsen inflammation. And also there is a pain in the head, pressure changes, increased body temperature.
29, 30 Weak magnetic storms. They may be accompanied by sleep disturbance, changes in blood pressure. People with meteodependent become irritable and aggressive, they are constantly changing mood.
November 1 – 10 The strong power of the storm. We need to avoid stressful situations and strong physical exertion. This is especially true of people with diseases of the cardiovascular system and blood pressure changes.
15 – 25 Magnetic storms average power.
December 3 Average storm activity. Most often in this day symptoms imperceptible to humans.
8 Strong magnetic fluctuations. Meteodependent people should have more rest and refrain from overvoltage
26 Powerful and long storm. Symptoms are visible in most people.
29 Strong magnetic fluctuations.

Stage and grade

Meteozavisimost has its own classification.

State is divided into 3 degrees. Namely:

  1. Light (meteosensitivity). In another way it is called first. Symptomatology does not appear bright. An easy degree is not diagnosed on a complete examination of the body.Unfavorable days for weather-sensitive people in 2019. Symptoms weather index Geomagnetic conditions, treatment
  2. Average (meteozavisimost, meteopatiya) - Increased body's response to a slight change in weather conditions. In humans, there is a real disorder, which can be seen with the full examination of the body - blood pressure or heart rate variation, disturbances in the ECG. Compared with mild expressed at meteozavisimosti symptoms.
  3. Weight (meteonevroz) - a neurotic disorder. The result is expressed disturbances, which are seen not only in the examination. For example, fainting. Man feels not just bad but terrible.


Unfavorable days for weather-sensitive people are characterized by symptoms.

The total list includes the following features:

  1. Pain in the head. The symptom may appear before the rain, snow, wind. Almost every day for a poor man with meteosensitivity accompanied by pain in the head. The intensity of the symptom may be different. In addition, there is a ringing in the ears.
  2. The dramatic change in blood pressure. The symptom is characteristic of the elderly and people with diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  3. The sharp changes in emotional state. Nervousness, irritability, weakness triggered by changes in the weather.
  4. Allergy. Many people know that the reaction can be triggered at any time of the year. In the spring and fall - because of the pollen. In the summer there is an allergic reaction on the greens. For example, poison ivy. In autumn and winter there is a precipitating factor mold. But sometimes an allergic reaction may occur due to changes in weather conditions. For example, cold urticaria - a response of the skin on contact with chilly air. Another example - non-allergic rhinitis. It occurs due to moisture exposure.

Other common symptoms meteozavisimosti:

  • pain in the joints, muscles, ligaments;
  • heartache;
  • dizziness;Unfavorable days for weather-sensitive people in 2019. Symptoms weather index Geomagnetic conditions, treatment
  • Blackouts;
  • labored breathing;
  • squeezing sensation in the chest;
  • nasal ear;
  • swelling;
  • excessive sweating;
  • dyspnea;
  • pain in the heart;
  • feeling short of breath;
  • intestinal problems;
  • heartburn;
  • lack of appetite.

Symptoms in changing weather conditions may indicate a disease in the human body. Detailed information can be found in the table.

meteozavisimost Description of symptoms
heart People with diseases of the cardiovascular system, the following symptoms may occur when changing weather conditions:
  • pain in the heart;
  • frequent or slow heartbeat;
  • lack of air;
  • cardiac arrhythmias;
  • rapid breathing
brain If the body work of the brain is disrupted, as well as present dystonia (VVD), changing weather conditions, there are stars in front of his eyes
cerebral People with neurological problems are the following symptoms:
  • fatigue with minimal exertion;
  • general weakness;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • nosebleed;
  • irritability;
  • nervousness;
  • tearfulness;
  • depression;
  • decreased performance;
  • change in blood pressure
mixed Type is a combination of symptoms lesions of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Characterized by the following features:
  • Frequent palpitations;
  • nervousness;
  • irritability;
  • lack of air;
  • decreased performance;
  • tearfulness
Rheumatoid If a person present pathology of the musculoskeletal system, the following symptoms will manifest themselves when changing weather conditions:
  • muscle pain;
  • pain in the lower back aching;
  • aches and pain in the joints
dyspepsial If a person present gastrointestinal pathology following symptoms will occur at change of weather:
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • lack of appetite;
  • belching;
  • heartburn;
  • a bowel movement problems


meteosensitivity source - these are external factors, ie the change in the weather:

  • variations in atmospheric pressure - feature may cause changes in blood pressure and interfere with the operation of the whole organism;
  • high humidity - a sign of a negative impact on people with asthma, cardiovascular disease;
  • strong wind gusts - as a result of colic appear in the intestine, stomach pain;
  • frost - upon exposure to the skin tag can appear allergy, asthma difficulty breathing;
  • magnetic storms - changes blood pressure, headaches.
    Unfavorable days for weather-sensitive people in 2019. Symptoms weather index Geomagnetic conditions, treatment
    Unfavorable days for weather-sensitive people in the magnetic storms

Internal factors (pathology) increase the probability of meteozavisimosti. In the presence of chronic diseases, symptoms appear brighter state.

Pathologies that can lead to meteozavisimosti:

  1. Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  2. VVD. When the disease nerve endings that respond to changes in atmospheric pressure, human health is deteriorating.
  3. Diseases of the respiratory system. If a person is concerned about asthma, with increasing humidity it appears a lack of oxygen.
  4. diseases of the spine, joints and ligaments. As a result of pathologies increased reaction of nerve endings on the changing weather conditions.
  5. Passive lifestyle.
  6. Abuse addictions.
  7. Improper diet.
  8. Lack of nutrients.
  9. Traumatization.
  10. Lack of iron and hemoglobin.
  11. Endocrine pathology.
  12. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  13. Infections acute or chronic.
  14. Adolescence, pregnancy. During these periods, hormonal changes.
  15. Elderly age. Processes that are responsible for the adaptation of the organism is attenuated.

When to see a doctor

Completely healthy people often do not respond to changes in weather conditions. This is due to the good work of all body systems. For example, if the pressure changes, the correction takes place in the vascular lumen.

Or in hot weather increases sweating. An exception is the case when the magnetic storm is too strong. Then the impact may extend to a healthy person, but the symptoms will not appear bright.

Weather-sensitive people need a full examination. If a person notices in his strong manifestation of symptoms of unfavorable calendar days, then it is better to consult a doctor. It is possible that there are additional pathology.

If you suspect a meteozavisimost best to consult a therapist. He will conduct a full examination of the body, according to the results of diagnostics prescribe referral required specialization.

May need advice:

  • cardiologist;
  • rheumatologist;
  • neurologist;
  • pulmonologist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • ENT;
  • gastroenterologist and others.

A complete survey of the body includes the following procedures:

  1. Delivery of the analysis of blood, urine, feces. As a result, you can identify important indicators for the body.Unfavorable days for weather-sensitive people in 2019. Symptoms weather index Geomagnetic conditions, treatment
  2. Ultrasonography (US) of the internal organs. The procedure provides a clinical picture of a specific area - state, structure disorders.
  3. Computer (CT) or magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. As a result, you can get accurate information about the body's location and its development. CT and MRI can consider petty details - neural connections, cells, capillaries.


Unfavorable days for weather-sensitive people there are in each month. Therefore, to reduce the appearance of symptoms and cure the cause of the condition, prescribed therapy. it is often complex, that is, combines several methods simultaneously.

Treatment includes the use of:

  • drugs;
  • folk therapy;
  • other methods (proper nutrition, physical activity).


Medications at meteozavisimosti help reduce symptoms. After applying the condition of the person improves. Commonly prescribed drugs are listed in the table.Unfavorable days for weather-sensitive people in 2019. Symptoms weather index Geomagnetic conditions, treatment

Group Medicine have an effect The list of drugs
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) Drugs to help cope with the pain, inflammation and puffiness Nurofen, Ibuprofen, Deksalgin
painkillers Means reduce pain Analgin, Baralgin, I Took
antispasmodics Medications able to cope with spasm Spazgan, Spazmalgon
sedatives Tools help reduce stress, normalize the emotional state Valerian, Novo-Pass
tranquilizers Medication is prescribed in the case of serious violations of the emotional state. That is, a person has hallucinations, severe depression Adaptol, Gidazepam
nootropnye Tools help enhance brain blood circulation, improve performance and memory Cavinton, Glycine, biloba
diuretics Formulations outputted excess fluid from the body. Prescribed for edema Veroshpiron, Hydrochlorothiazide, Diuver
Beta-blockers Drugs reduce blood pressure, reduced cardiac rhythm Bisoprolol, metoprolol, Concor
vitamin complexes Means restoring a lack of nutrients in the body Multitabs, Vitrum, Complivit
immunostimulants Preparations strengthen the immune system Immunal

Traditional methods

Folk remedies to help ease the condition of the person. Compared with drugs, herbal recipes have a low probability of side effects. To enhance the efficiency of use, it is recommended to use traditional methods in the complex therapy (proper diet, medicines, etc.).

Popular herbal recipes that may be allowed meteozavisimosti:

  1. Tincture of herbs. For the preparation of the recipe you need to take motherwort, hawthorn, wild rose (crushed berries) in an amount of 2 tsp each component. Next, add 1 tsp mint and chamomile. Take 1 tbsp mixture and pour 2 cups of hot water (a given amount indicated by 1 application). Take tea 3 times a day.Unfavorable days for weather-sensitive people in 2019. Symptoms weather index Geomagnetic conditions, treatment
  2. Alcoholate Calendula and celandine. To prepare the tool, you must take 2 tbsp crushed marigold flowers and 1 tbsp celandine leaves. Add to a mixture of 500 ml of vodka. Place the container in a dark place and leave for 30 days. After the specified period of time has passed, tincture filtered through several layers of cheesecloth. Before taking dissolved in 10 drops of pure water 1 cup. Recipe used when the signs meteosensitivity.
  3. Broth clover. Means are advised to take at a high pressure. For the preparation should take 2 tablespoons clover, place the raw material in an enamel bowl and pour 1 cup of cold water. The mixture is left for 4 hours. Next, pour the solution into the pot and put it on a slow fire, remove after 5 minutes. Filter the solution through several layers of cheesecloth. Receiving means in the form of heat of 0.5 cup 2 times per day.

Other methods

In addition to drugs and folk remedies, there are other methods to facilitate state at meteosensitivity.


  1. Proper nutrition. It is recommended to eat 5 - 6 times a day (portions of 200 - 300 g) intermittently 3 - 4 hr. Should be excluded fried, salted, smoked. And also reduce flour, sweet. It is better to cook steamed, roasted or boiled. Foods high in fat should be replaced with low-calorie. The recommended amount of drinking water per day - of at least 1.5 liters. It is better to eliminate soda, strong tea and coffee.Unfavorable days for weather-sensitive people in 2019. Symptoms weather index Geomagnetic conditions, treatment
  2. Physical activity. You do not need too much to overload the body. Suffice it to morning exercises, swimming and outdoor activities.
  3. Rejection of bad habits. Smoking, drinking and drugs negatively affect the whole organism.

possible complications

If you do not deal with meteozavisimosti treatment, symptoms become worse.

As a result, complications may occur:

  • heart attack;
  • hypertensive crisis;
  • stroke.

Meteodependent called a person's susceptibility to changes in weather conditions. Increase the probability of occurrence of the state of various chronic diseases (heart, blood vessels, respiratory system). For weather-sensitive people have unfavorable calendar days. During this period, there is a possibility of magnetic storms, the state of a person with meteodependent may deteriorate.

As the state of treatment using drugs and other traditional methods (nutrition, exercise). Timely meteozavisimosti therapy can help reduce the likelihood of complications.

Registration of the article: Vladimir the Great

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