
Anemia consequences: the consequences if not treated, what will happen in women during pregnancy

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When an adult or child develops anemia, its consequences can be severe and even fatal. The body begins to experience a lack of oxygen, which is particularly dangerous for the vital organs - the heart muscle and brain. Therefore, deviation measures should be taken immediately at the slightest sign. There are several types of anemia - megaloblastic, iron, hemorrhagic, hemolytic.

rooting anemia

Consequences of megaloblastic anemia

Megaloblastic (hyperchromic) anemia arises from a lack of vitamin B12 in the body. This occurs due to starvation, destruction worms, malnutrition or malabsorption agents for diseases of the digestive system. Most often suffer from elderly people who have chronic diseases of the intestine and stomach are amplified age atrophy. In the form of the following symptoms occur such anemia and its consequences:

  • there is a weakness that progresses rapidly;
  • marked incoordination;
  • disturbed sensitivity of peripheral receptors;
  • increasing liver and spleen;
  • yellow skin;
  • no appetite or taste preferences observed distorted;
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  • develop signs of toxic myocarditis;
  • renal and biliary ducts are formed concretions;
  • there are hemorrhages in the skin, nosebleeds occur;
  • Complications arise as a disturbance of consciousness and disturbance of psycho-emotional sphere.

Advanced forms of the disease is characterized by irregular work of many internal organs due to lack of adequate neurohumoral regulation. This kind of anemia is considered to be malignant. It is difficult to treat and can lead to death from complications. Against this background progressing cardiovascular disease (coronary artery disease, arrhythmia), edema.


Any kind of anemia is accompanied by a lack of oxygen supply to organs and tissues. This condition can lead to the following consequences:

  • brittle nails, hair;
  • heart murmurs, tachycardia, cardiomyopathy;
  • fatigue, inability to concentrate;
  • reducing the pressure, headache;
  • inadequate response to external stimuli;
  • deterioration digestive processes, difficulty swallowing;
  • violation of the sensitivity of the limbs;
  • yellowness of the skin;
  • decreased immunity;
  • splenomegaly;
  • heart, kidney and liver failure.
brittle nails

Particularly sensitive to lack of oxygen, occurs when reduced hemoglobin, experiencing brain and heart. Even a brief lack of oxygen irreversibly destroys cells, it leads to the development of stroke or heart attack.

Risk of disease for pregnant women

Especially dangerous is the development of anemia during pregnancy. It can adversely affect fetal growth and development. Increased blood volume and the need for oxygen supply of two organisms leads to the fact that there is a lack of blood physiological iron. But eating disorders and unhealthy lifestyle aggravates the condition. If left untreated anemia in this period, as a result the child may have the following complications:

  • intrauterine growth retardation;
  • malformation of the nervous system;
  • amyotrophy;
  • born with a low Apgar score;
  • prematurity;
  • defects of the internal organs.

During childbirth in women with anemia is marked weakness of muscles of the uterus and cervix poor disclosure. As a result, one has to resort to caesarean section or inject oxytocin to stimulate labor. In severe anemia can occur death of the fetus in the womb.

Complications in children

The consequences of anemia in children expressed especially hard. This is due to the need of growth and development of the organism, which require large amounts of nutrients and oxygen. The most dangerous thing that deviations in this case do not develop immediately, but may occur after some time.

In infants decrease in the number of red blood cells is the result of a similar problem in the mother at the time of hatching. Children under one year anemia leads to the following consequences:

  • Developmental disorders of all the organs and systems;
  • decrease in immune strength and frequent colds;
  • lag in mental and physical development of their peers;
  • accession secondary infection;
  • malabsorption of necessary substances as a result of atrophy of the mucous membranes of the digestive system.

In older children celebrated confusion, drowsiness. They are characterized by a disproportionate appearance, do not want to communicate with their peers, especially when it comes to the kinds of mobile games. Muscle weakness is accompanied by a reluctance to participate in sports, and poor performance reduces the interest in learning. This behavior is often viewed by parents as a manifestation of laziness rather than pathology. This leads to the progression of the disease.

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